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Glaucoma and Short-Wavelength Light

Sensitivity (Blue Light)

Sandra Preto1(&) and Cristina Caramelo Gomes2

Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
Lisbon, Portugal
Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes,
Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Abstract. Glaucoma is caused by a group of different eye diseases and is in the

group of neurodegenerative diseases and is a major cause of blindness. Glau-
coma occurs mainly by an increased pressure within the eye, due to excessive
fluid (aqueous humor), which over time induce damage in the optic nerve.
Recent studies suggest that ipRGC (intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion
cells), one of the types of retinal ganglion cells (RGC), are damaged in glau-
coma. Besides, ipRGCs contain melanopsin and have a peak sensitivity within
the short-wavelength light (blue light), at 480 nm (nanometers) in humans and
are involved in non-visual responses to light. The aim of the present paper is to
contribute to a better knowledge about the impact of short-wavelength light on
visual and non-visual systems in glaucoma. In order to accomplish such goals,
the research will be conducted throughout literature review.

Keywords: Daylight  Artificial light  Visual and Non-visual system

Blue light  Glaucoma  Workplace  ipRGCs

1 Introduction

The present paper seeks a better understanding between the relation of short-
wavelength light sensitivity and glaucoma. We will start with the definition of glau-
coma, and, since there is some connection between glaucoma and retinal ganglion cells
damage, we will describe what we know so far. It seems that short-wavelength light has
an important role and for that same reason, we will explore the impacts of it in our
visual and non-visual systems. Then, we will remark the artificial light sources that we
are exposed all the time in our residences, workplace and so forth. Lastly, we will
evidence the major signs that are linked to glaucoma and have a relation with blue light,
such as, the impact in pupil size and sleep quality, since they are non-visual facts that
can jeopardizes the quality of life of those who suffer from glaucoma.

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019

N. J. Lightner (Ed.): AHFE 2018, AISC 779, pp. 56–67, 2019.
Glaucoma and Short-Wavelength Light Sensitivity (Blue Light) 57

2 Literature Review
2.1 Glaucoma
First of all, we must clarify what Glaucoma is and how it appears. It all start with
alterations on the aqueous humor, the fluid that nourishes the tissues of the eye, in a
continuous circulation through the anterior chamber, and maintain the eyeball from
collapsing. Aqueous humor is produced by the ciliary body, which is located behind the
iris. It flows between the iris and the lens and nourishes the cornea and lens and then flows
out through the trabecular meshwork situated where the iris and cornea meet. (Fig. 1) [1]
Glaucoma is, in fact, a result of increased intraocular pressure (IOP), that can damage the
optic nerve cupping and then the damage spreads from one nerve cells to another creating
“blind spots” that start to appear in the visual field. Primarily it affects the peripheral field
of vision and afterwards the central visual, leading to a worse quality of life (Fig. 2). [2–4]
Fortunately, not all people that have high IOP level develop glaucoma. Recent studies
suggest that ipRGCs are damaged in glaucoma [4, 5].

Fig. 1. Glaucoma [6].

Fig. 2. Normal Vision, Early, Advanced and Extreme Glaucoma [7].

58 S. Preto and C. C. Gomes

2.2 Types of Glaucoma

There are several types of Glaucoma: Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG), Angle-
closure (closed angle) glaucoma, Low-tension glaucoma (normal-tension glaucoma),
Congenital glaucoma, Secondary glaucoma, Pigmentary Glaucoma, Exfoliation Syn-
drome and Trauma-Related Glaucoma. POAG occurs when the optic nerve fibers die
one by one, and normally the person does not realize because the vision is lost over the
time, gradually and it could happen unnoticed and it is the most common (Fig. 3). The
Angle-closure occur when a sudden protrusion of the iris blocks all drainage channels
and it is most common in Asia than in the West (Fig. 4). These sudden attacks happen,
frequently, in darkened places, like at cinema, and happens because the pupil dilate
(when the contact between the iris and lens is minimal) which narrows the angle that
could trigger an attack. It happens mostly to Asian people descent and who are far-
sighted (near-sighted, e.g. myopia). When the optic nerve is damaged despite the
tension, low or high, pressure in the eye it gives rise to the low-tension glaucoma.
Congenial glaucoma is when the subject is born with a narrow drainage angle. Sec-
ondary glaucoma, like the denomination induces, is a consequence of other disease like
diabetes. Pigmentary glaucoma is a type of inherited open-angle that appears mostly in
men in the early twenties and thirties. Exfoliation Syndrome in more common in people
of Europe, over fifty years old. Trauma-related glaucoma which is caused due to a
mechanical disruption or physical change in the eye, such as a blow to the eye, which,
can cause a chemical burn that may lead to glaucoma [1, 3, 4].

Fig. 3. Open-Angle Glaucoma [8]. Fig. 4. Angle-Closure Glaucoma [8].

2.3 Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs)

Retinal Ganglion Cells have several subtypes and among them we can find Parvocellular
(P), Magnocellular (M) and recent anatomic evidence suggest that there is, also,
Koniocellular (K) (Fig. 5). Whereas parvocellular pathways are activated by low tem-
poral and high spatial frequencies, and have smaller receptive fields, represents 80–90%,
magnocellular are triggered by high temporal and low spatial frequencies, and have large
receptive fields, constitute 10%, and koniocellular pathway seems to be involved in
Glaucoma and Short-Wavelength Light Sensitivity (Blue Light) 59

processing information from the short-wavelength cones (S-cones) and represent 8-10%
of RGCs. Early glaucoma affects M-pathway but recent studies suggest that it may not be
so. Many of glaucoma patients have a decrease in short-wavelength sensitivity, which
suggests that there are degeneration of type-I and type-II P cells and K cells. Therefore, we
have to comprehend why the short-wavelength is so important in humans [2].

Fig. 5. Primary Visual Pathway [9].

2.4 Blue Light and Melanopsin

The visible spectrum goes from 360 to 720 nm, situated between the ultraviolet
(UV) and infrared (IR) radiation. Visible spectrum comprises the short- (blue), med-
ium- (green) and long- wavelength (red) radiation. Blue light comprehends the radia-
tion between 380 and 500 nm, and it is present in natural light and artificial lighting
sources [10]. Blue light have a greater impact in our visual and non-visual systems.
Circadian rhythms in humans are most sensitive to short-wavelength light, and these
responses are driven by ipRGCs which contains the photopigment melanopsin. The
greatest damage of blue light occurs between 415 and 455 nm (Fig. 6). Blue light, also,
stimulates connections between areas of the brain that process emotion and language
which may help people to better react to emotional challenges and regulate mood [11].
During the exposure to blue light there is a significant reduction in both breath rate and
the diastolic blood pressure, thus blue light reduces physiological arousal, supporting
the claim that blue light can be used to induce physiological rest [12]. Emotional tasks
were shown to be stronger with blue light exposure (473 nm or 480 nm), to which
melanopsin ipRGCs and the non-image-forming system is maximally sensitive [11].
60 S. Preto and C. C. Gomes

Fig. 6. Phototoxic action (apoptosis) spectrum on A2E-loaded RPE cells and morphological
changes of the REP cells. ***p < 0.001 as compared to control cells maintained in the dark [10].

2.5 Visual and Non-visual Systems

The human eye has natural defenses against the UV radiation, whereas short-
wavelength light is right next to UV-A (also known as near blue light), all together are
blue light, and IR. As for the visual mechanisms of defense o the retina, there are the
cornea block to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) below 300 nm, which is absorbed by the
iris, while the crystalline lens block UVR between 300 and 400 nm [12, 13]. Despite
the eye’s age, (Figs. 7 and 8) the light absorption and transmission changes, first the
crystalline lens becomes gradually more yellow, which in turns make the elderly eyes
more sensitive to blue light since the mechanisms of repair become less effective.
Secondly, the pupil decreases in size, and the result is the elderly become more sen-
sitive to disorders of circadian entrainment. Retinal pigmental epithelial (RPE) absorbs
blue light and supply to the rods and cones (photoreceptors) nutrients [10]. On the other
hand, we have lipofuscin, which accumulates in the eye and contributes to permanent
cellular damage [12–14]. Besides, reactive oxygen species (ROS) just like lipofuscin,
also builds up all over the years, and it can induce photochemical damage, which leads
to death by apoptosis of the RPE and then of the cones and rods [10]. Furthermore,
light is also essential for non-visual systems, comprehending the synchronization of
circadian cycles, which reflects on thermoregulation, endocrine and cardiovascular
functions, sleep/awake cycle and quality (through melatonin production), immune
system, cognitive performance, memory, fight-and-flight response (cortisol, epinephr-
ine and norepinephrine production), pupil constriction, and in mood (serotonin pro-
duction) [15–17].
The visual system is mainly driven by the cones (peak sensitivity at 505 nm) and rods
(peak sensitivity at 555 nm) whereas the non-visual systems is mediated by the intrin-
sically photopigment retinal ganglion cell (ipRGCs), which contain melanopsin (peak
sensitivity at 420–480 nm). ipRGCs are more sluggish than cones and rods [18], and as
the exposure to light increases in time the contribution (with cones) decreases. The longer
the exposure of ipRGCs to short-wavelength light more effective is the alertness and
Glaucoma and Short-Wavelength Light Sensitivity (Blue Light) 61

performance levels. The ipRGCs are more responsive to short-wavelength light and this
reflects in the production of cortisol (stress hormone), by the adrenal gland (as response to
bright light) increases, and no production of melatonin (its antagonistic hormone, the dark
hormone, often associated with sleep) occurs. Along with cortisol production, serotonin
(mood hormone) is activated by light and have a positive effect on human, although over
the time its production decreases somewhat like 10% less per decade. IpRGCs have a
spectral sensitivity very similar to rods but need much brighter light for its activation

Fig. 7. Excessive blue light exposure can Fig. 8. Excessive blue light exposure can
permanently damage your eyes and retina: 10- permanently damage your eyes and retina:
year-old Human Eye [11]. 60–70-year-old Human Eye [11].

2.6 Ageing, Pupil Constriction and Sleep Quality

Biological ageing is associated with the structural changes of the lens which becomes
yellowing by 0.6–0.7 percentage point per year of life [22] On the other hand, when
blue light transmission to the retina is reduced due the yellowing of the lens, which
provoke that people could have an increased risk of sleep disturbances. Furthermore,
under blue light, or bright light, the pupil decreases in size, which protects our eye since
it allows less light penetration. However, Pupil size decreases over the time [20] and in
reaction to short-wavelength light the reduction in pupillary response do not means that
we are prone to glaucoma, but rather that there is a reduction in ipRGC activation [4].
Glaucoma is associated with a worse sleep quality, a daytime sleepiness and a circadian
dysfunction [5]. All these aspects could result disruption in the photoentrainment of
circadian rhythm. So, it worth to comprehend how much blue light is essential to
promote the photoentrainment of circadian rhythm [22]. When we have to consider
artificial lighting systems we have to have in mind other kind of facts, which are stated
62 S. Preto and C. C. Gomes

2.7 Artificial Light

Nowadays, we are more exposed to artificial than to natural light, since we spend most
of our lifetime indoors. While the Kyoto Protocol induce the abandoning of incan-
descent light sources and gradually, also, the fluorescent light sources, the LEDs (Light
Emitting Diodes) will be the light of the next future. But, for now, the lighting systems
existing in our residences and workplaces is mainly based on fluorescent system´s type,
which have a spectrum in the green (550 nm). Our circadian rhythms respond better to
the blue light spectrum. At this point, the LEDs seems to be the best answer, especially,
for our productivity and performance, which are activated by the blue range (460 nm),
since they promote our alertness, cognitive performance, improves our mood and
contribute to our non-visual responses. Besides, LEDs are less expensive than
fluorescent lighting systems. So, LEDs try to stimulate our non-visual needs, while the
fluorescent light are more concerned with our visual ones. The downside is that LEDs
[21], at the present moment, have many characteristics that should be revised, like, for
example, the flickering that our nervous system acknowledge even though our visual
systems seems to ignore it. LEDs also contribute to the development of ROS and
damage RPE, and since, it is mostly blue light, it contributes to the damage of outer
nuclear layer (ONL) which destroys 4/5 layers of photoreceptors (cones and rods) from
the 12/13 layers over the time (39 weeks) (Fig. 9) [14]. This destruction of the rods and
cones leads to a loss of vision and night blindness. In order to overcome this loss, the
IOLs (intraocular lens), sunglasses or some kind of filters for the glasses could be a
response but not at all times.

Fig. 9. Representative images of hematoxylin staining for retina section in control and [24]

LED-exposure mice. Light micrographs were taken from the mouse retinas. Sec-
tions of control and light-exposed retinas stained with hematoxylin. In control retinas
(A and B), the ONL shows the photoreceptor nuclei normally (B). The arrangement of
photoreceptor cells in the outer nuclear layer was slightly distorted and the thickness of
the outer nuclear layer was decreased after 2 weeks (C and D) and 4 weeks (E and F)
exposure. At 39 weeks after light exposure (G and H), with a significant reduction in
the thickness of the outer nuclear layer (G), and the photoreceptor cell loss is evident
(H). After light exposure, noted that the outer nuclear layer becomes thinner over time.
ONL, outer nuclear layer. Scale bars = 50 um [24].
Glaucoma and Short-Wavelength Light Sensitivity (Blue Light) 63

However, if we avoid blue light we will not have the advantages of it, such as
cognitive performance or a better mood and even a greater visual acuity (Fig. 10). So,
we cannot ignore these facts but we should balance the exposure to blue light, from
natural and artificial light, the best option that we have is manage the lighting systems
and try to, just like the daylight, vary during the day [23]. Another effect of blue light is
the increase of cortisol and serotonin production, which is a good thing, but only in the
right amounts. If we are under blue light too much time, the cortisol production, which
make us more energetic, will turn out in more nervous and stressful, and when this
levels are higher they promote the norepinephrine and epinephrine levels, which lead
us to the negative part of the stimulation curve.

Fig. 10. Colour photographs of four of the donor lenses [aged 18, 35, 63 and 76 years (from left
to right)] and the five intraocular implant lens (IOLs) IOLS [SA60AT, SN6/WF, Hoya-PS AF-a
(UY), EYECRYL. HFY 600, CT Asphina 404V (from left to right)] [23].

2.8 Workplace
Contemporaneous working places differs from the traditional ones because of the new
methods of work enhanced by technology. Interacting with technology improve human
productivity and encouraged new activities and functions; however, these new tools
demand different spatial layout configurations from which the development of a task in
a vertical and auto-illuminated plan emerge as one of the major changes and chal-
lenges. Despite the awareness of this reality, working places are still following tradi-
tional design principles. There is a significant progress with the ergonomic questions,
related to desks and chairs, the opposition of the computer, monitor and mouse;
questions related to the inclusion of individuals with limitations are being answered.
Yet, when considering the lighting design, it seems that the aesthetical demands come
together with the accomplishment of parameters of a data sheet, neglecting its effect on
human being particularly on the non-visual effects, which have a strong impact on
comfort and health of the user.
64 S. Preto and C. C. Gomes

Recurrently, the support for this reality is a push game between professionals from
different background, but the result is a deficient lighting solution for spaces oriented to
Moreover, is important to highlight that a lighting design which neglects its impact
on user health and comfort, answering to numeric requirements that spot a quantity of
lux and lumens to an activity, and disregard the colour spectrum of the light contribute
to the increase of glaucoma incidents.
Furthermore, the ageing population is a reality that draft new challenges to build
environment and working places are not an exception, mostly when the retirement age
is changing for higher values. There is a natural relation between the emergence of
glaucoma and age that requires an answer from lighting designers.
It is a document fact that we spend 70% to 90% of our lifetime indoors [22, 25, 26]
in indoor spaces, like homes, and workplaces, where daylight only penetrates the
building for less than 4 h, especially in winter which have a negative impact on
individual mood (SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder) and on neurocognitive processes.
Unfortunately, the lighting recommendations for indoors are based on visual cri-
teria [23, 27, 28]. SAD, for instance, improves under bright-light exposure. Exposure to
blue light/bright light in the morning and evening also improve alertness and pro-
ductivity; the lack of daylight exposure to whom spend many hours indoors, especially
in winter, may compromise health and wellbeing [28]. We must not forget that we are
outdoor animals, so it is in outdoors places that we feel balanced biological and
psychologically. There is a great difference between outdoor (2.000 and 100.000 lx)
and indoor illuminance, where norms suggests 200 and 500 lx. Moreover, in the last
two decades, we move from paper source (horizontal plane) to computer tasks (vertical
plane) [29]. Nevertheless, as already stated, older eyes need more time to adapt to
brightness differences due to the reduced elasticity of the iris. At workplaces, for
instance, dynamic artificial lighting, like the natural light, could help to prevent dis-
eases, disorders and promote employees’ productivity and performance, and mood,
which also protects our eyes from the blue light, since the extent of our exposure to it is
lesser [30].

3 Conclusions

It seems that short-wavelength light sensitivity has in fact relation with glaucoma,
however there are not certainties about how it occurs and what is the relation.
Although, K cells are involved with short-wavelength, rods have similar peak with
ipRGCs. There are more questions that emerge than answers. If ipRGCs are fewer it
makes sense that the melatonin levels are higher and this results in more melatonin
production, which makes us drowsier and sleepy. But, if pupil size decreases the light
that passes through the lens and reach the retina is also less, so it may not be the
ipRGCs that are less effective but the pupil size that allows less blue light to reach the
retina. Besides, the yellowing of the crystalline, also, avoids that blue light damage the
retina. Even though, the glaucoma initially affects the peripheral visual field (M cells),
but recent evidence suggest that may be not be so.
Glaucoma and Short-Wavelength Light Sensitivity (Blue Light) 65

It appears that the only certainty is that we must keep the aqueous humor circu-
lating within the eye, since it maintains the trabecular meshwork healthy. Another fact
is that RPE can help to control the lipofuscin and ROS formation, and in that way, we
can keep the eye well. There is, also, the need to continue to study the RGCs (Retinal
Ganglion Cells) role in the short-wavelength sensitivity since there is some evidences
that suggests that there is a cause-effect relation. Block the short-wavelength light must
not be the answer since we need it in order to maintain our circadian rhythms syn-
chronizes and all that concerns.
Considering the knowledge about the impact of short-wavelengths on human
beings a new consciousness must support indoors lighting design particularly work-
spaces. Working tasks require different types of light which usually are selected
regarding their intensity and energy consumption neglecting their impact on human
performance and well-being. Beside the segregation of the user requirements for the
selection of lighting sources it is also mistreated the shift from traditional forms of work
to the intensive use of digital equipment where monitors emerge as a new working
surface. Moreover, it is important to accept that population is ageing and retirement age
is increasing bringing along new challenges towards the lighting design.

4 Discussion

This paper aims to high spot the need to control one of the major causes of human
blind: glaucoma. The available information allows to relate this disorder with its cause:
and light contributes significantly to its emergence and development. However,
although the available information lighting design performs aesthetically remarkable
solutions, answering to established parameters that determine the amount of light
quantity required by different tasks, however, lighting design solutions overlook user
requirements, namely the ones related with user non- visual system, which, by the way
affect considerably human health and the sensation of comfort.
Thus, emerge the need to bring this subject to light towards a broader discussion
and to challenge professionals from different background towards innovative solutions.
Research is needed to confirm (or not) the available information once, as many other
aspects in science, there are different approaches, some antagonistic.
Experiences to orient an innovative path to the right lighting design, answering to
function as user requirements are needed. From these will be easier to achieve infor-
mation to support new data sheets to be accomplish in every lighting design project.
Professionals from architecture and design areas ought to be moved to new
approaches beyond the aesthetical or performative (traditional) ones.

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