Shadws Upon Assadar: Z ZZ Z Z

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There are several type of cards in the game. These will be
described in order and you can find a diagram of a suggested
starting game layout on page 4.

Shad ws
Begin by placing the Character Stats card in front of you.

L sadar
This card tracks your Mana (energy
a s the grayking is risen
a solo quest game by todd sanders
i Mana
8 15
2 9 16 2 9 16
i 8 15
needed to perform spells), Spirit (the
amount you have been corrupted by
the magic you use) and any Warding
3 10 17 3 10 17
Keys you’ve found in your quest. Place

4 11 18 4 11 18
he land is corrupted. The silent Grayking, markers on the highlighted [14] spaces
brooding upon his throne in the Tower of Ash, is 5 12 19 5 12 19 on both the Mana and Spirit tracks.
a far-reaching shadow upon Lassadar. We feel his 6 13 20 6 13 20 These will be your starting stats. You
presence in each of our days. His servants grow 7 14 21 7 14 21 lose the game if your Spirit ever
Warding Keys
bold, stealing into our cities, inhabiting the alleys and dark falls below [1]. Your mana may fall

places of our streets. They jeer at us from our mirrors, shaming Wi W 2 W3 below [1] but you may not be able to
our reflections. +2 to spirit
cast spells.
-i to grayking +2 to mana

character stats card

The books of the Council of Wardens, handed down to us
across the years, say that the era of broken barriers is upon us.
Omens tell us, by winter, the Grayking will break through the Next place the three Spell Path cards in front of you.
few defenses we have remaining, cross to Lassadar, and our
lands will fall to despair. oaken spells flint spells ice spells

We few who are left, who remember the Grayking’s original

imprisonment across the Barrier Planes, struggle to keep his
up to
-2 on
loss table
-i spirit
zz swap
-2 spirit
one die
-i mana
z quiet
-i next
attack z
power from growing further, but we have little time and far
too few disciples. You are young but have proven to hold the
strength of our teaching inside you. We have trained you in the
up to -3
loss table
-i mana
zz enwrap
[-3 mana]
+4 atk
-2 mana
[-2 mana]

+4 mana
-i spirit
zz shiver
[-2 mana]


zz zz
shard sword memory recharge
barrier knives flip up to +3 spirit all
arcane arts of ice, oak and flint magic and have taught you those lock
-2 mana W +4 atk
-2 mana
-3 mana
-i next
spells of
any one
-4 mana
powers are capricious and can corrupt your spirit if relied upon
too much. We wish we had more time to train you further. We
z zz zz
forever seal spark forge reverse wind
remove event card blades shock re-roll speech
must relearn spell re-roll extra two dice extra
each time used three attack attack
do not. [-3 mana ] dice
-3 mana
[-4 mana]
-3 mana die

Go now into the wider world, with our blessings, and seek a spell path cards
means to defeat the Grayking. Find the three Warding Keys
stolen by his servants and re-lock the gates to force him back During the game you learn your choice of spells of three
behind the Barrier Planes forever. Our agents, spread thinly different types:
across places still untouched in Lassadar, will aid you in your
quest as best they can. Oaken spells which change the outcome of events on the Battle
Go now, and save us all…… Loss tables or remove events entirely.

Shadows Upon Lassadar is a solitaire fantasy quest game. Flint spells which are attack spells used in battle.
You play a young magic adept who has been charged
with finding three lost keys to lock the gates between the Ice spells which recharge your Mana and Spirit.
Barrier Plains and prevent the Grayking from reaching
the world of Lassadar. You will journey to different cities Each of the spell types can also offer additional attack dice when
using various quest cards; other cards list spells you learn engaged in a battle with the Grayking’s servants.
during the game. Magic in Lassadar is, however, a two
edged sword and if you use powerful spells you may end Each spell has a cost in Mana or Spirit when casting it. Spells that
up corrupting your own spirit in the process and lose the have a bracketed cost ( example: [-3 Mana]) only need to have
game. Three specific cards lead to expanded battle maps that cost paid once, when they are first learned. For the other
where you fight the Grayking’s servants for possession of spells you will subtract that cost in Mana or Spirit each time you
the keys. use the spell. Each spell may be used only once during a battle
unless recharged.
Needed to play:
the 48 game cards Additionally not all spells may be available to be learned. Each
9 six sided dice spell type has paths, designated by a set of arrows. At most you
25 black eurocubes will only be able to learn 4 to 5 spells of each type. Each step
and 3 eurocubes: one each in red, blue and yellow. along the path determines the next spells to choose from.

When you begin the game, choose two spells from among those
at the top of the three types and place a marker on each. You may
learn one spell on each of two types, or may choose two spells of
one type along one spell path. 1
This diagram shows Next, you will place the 3 Expanded Battle Maps to one
an example of four side. Each Battle Map is made of 3 cards, placed adjacent to
flint spells learned Flint spells. each other and each Battle Map has a corresponding color,
Shield and Shard Warding Key number and Eldritch Table. See the section
one die
-i mana
z Knives cost Mana
each time they are
used. Hammer Plate
and Forge Shock add
“Expanded Battles” for more on these maps. For now, place
the red, blue and yellow markers next to these maps.

Choose 2 cards from


brittle plate extra dice to your
the servant deck for this

+4 atk extra
attack 2 3
battle (each must be a
different type) and roll
2d6 to place the servants’ 1
[zhumbi] die attack roll and have markers on the city map.
-2 mana [-2 mana] a one time Mana 4 place a marker on the
numbered warden icon
for your starting space.

the blue warden icon is a

cost when they are 6 spell recharge space. you

may move on to this space
to recharge each spell
shear 5

first learned but

type once.
shard sword Wi after magic use by player,
knives flip up to roll 2d6 for additional
+4 atk
[ghast] three
no additional cost 9 7 eldrich damage.

-2 mana faces thereafter. Arrows 8 12

-3 mana W Eldrich damage table

indicate the path of 6,7,8: no additional damage

11 5,9: active servant wounded addt’l -i

12: active servant wounded addt’l -2
learning for these 4,10: spirit loss addt’l -1

spark forge 2,3,11: spirit/mana loss addt’l -1 each
blades shock spells; because
re-roll extra
three attack Hammer Plate was
dice die
-3 mana [-4 mana] Choose 2 cards from

learned, the player the servant deck for this

may not go back and 2

battle (each must be a
different type) and roll
2d6 to place the servants’
markers on the city map.

learn Brittle Knives. 9 4 place a marker on the

numbered warden icon

CARD ANATOMY: learned spell path

for your starting space.

W 3 8 W2 5
the blue warden icon is a

Each step along the spell recharge space. you
may move on to this space
to recharge each spell
path determines the 7 6 type once.
after magic use by player,

next spells to choose 10

roll 2d6 for additional
eldrich damage.

from. Eldrich damage table

11 12 7,9: no additional damage
6,8: active servant wounded addt’l -i
2,12: all servants wounded addt’l -1
5: active servant slain

Next, lay out the two cards that make up the Grayking’s 4,10: spirit loss addt’l -i
3,11: spirit/mana loss addt’l -1 each

Progress Track. This track shows how close the Grayking

is to reaching Lassadar during the game. You lose the game Choose 3 cards from

the servant deck for this

if the marker ever reaches the last space (Lassadar) on the 7 8 10

battle (each must be a


different type) and roll
W 2d6 to place the servants’

track. You may choose a level of difficulty for the game, 11

markers on the city map.
place a marker on the
numbered warden icon

placing a marker on one of the three numbered spaces on for your starting space.

the blue warden icon is a
W spell recharge space. you

the track: (3) beginner game, (2) normal game, (1) advanced may move on to this space
to recharge each spell
type once.
game. The diagram below shows a marker on the beginner after magic use by player,
roll 2d6 for additional

game space. 2 6
eldrich damage.

5 12 Eldrich damage table

7: active servant wounded addt’l -i

W W 3 4 5,6,9: all servants wounded addt’l -i

12: active servant wounded addt’l -2
warding 4,10: spirit loss addt’l -2

W W W2 gate 3

warding 2,3,8,11: spirit/mana loss addt’l -2 each


W3 warding
gate 2
gate 1

W W W W1 W lassadar

W W expanded battle maps and markers

the tower
of ash W W W
the barrier
planes W W
Locate the 9 Servant cards, shuffle and place them face
grayking progress track down to form a draw pile next to the Expanded Battle Maps.
Next, the Battle Win and Loss Table cards are laid out. Each card shows a Grayking servant
These two cards are referenced after you win or lose a battle ghast you will fight on a Battle Map. Color
in a city during your quest. Each Quest card has an icon that icons list the number of hit points
will refer to the six numbered options on these cards. Hit Points each servant has. Each servant you
2 1 draw will match one of the colored
markers used on the Expanded


2 Ghast strikes up to two

hexes in distance away
Battle Maps. Place a marker on
i raise mana count by one 1 lower mana count by two
the leftmost hit point number and
z z z z z z


2 raise spirit count by one 2 lower spirit count by one

1s Ghast does one point of
damage to your spirit
move the marker to the right as you
on a successful hit score damage to the servants. The
3 raise mana count by two 3 lower mana/spirit count
each by one Grayking’s servants have a range to
4 gain one path spell of your 4 move the grayking marker
their attacks and deal different types
two spaces toward lassadar
choice for a cost of one mana
servant card of damage. Refer to each card for
5 move the grayking marker
one space away from lassadar 5 move the grayking marker
three spaces toward lassadar those values.
6 move the grayking marker 6 move the grayking marker
two spaces away from lassadar four spaces toward lassadar

battle win and loss tables

Next, shuffle the remaining 22 Quest Cards, and place Three Warding City Quest
them face down forming a Quest draw pile. These cards cards, each with a colored
will provide the narrative structure to the game. You will, W kalilth
sgraykingraykingrayking W
v ey kr ilnags bottom band and a numbered
a dy koiwnsg or a
ghr a
g sgraykingraykingrayking
rh a
through them, journey from city to city, trying to defeat the a d o iwns gorv a
y k e ry lk ai ns g Warding Key icon across the
Grayking’s servants, learning new spells, recharging your will signal when you use the

Mana or Spirit, and gaining valuable allies in your fight. Expanded Battle Maps.
The four types of city cards are:
2 As you win the battles in these
City Quest cards showing cities, and gain the Warding
the name of the city you’ve Keys, you will remove these

W iarith
v ey kr ilnags W journeyed to, win and loss cards from the game. If you
a dy koiwnsg or a
ghr a
g s rh a
a d o iwnsgorv a
y k
graykingraykingrayking e ry lk ai ns g table reference icons and lose a battle in this city you

event instructions for the Wi will place this card on the
battle in that city. These cards Quest discard pile, to be
always have a black border. shuffled back into the game.
warding city card
As you win battles in these
cities you will remove these
cards from the game. If you
lose a battle in this city you
City Name
the grayking’s servants creep
through the alleys of iarith. will place this card on the
their cries chill the populace.
if you prevail, raise your Quest discard pile to be

mana count by next card value.
shuffled back into the game. W iarith
v ey kr ilnags W
a dy koiwnsg or a
ghr a
sg rh a
a dy ko iwnsgorv a
e ry lk ai ns g
city quest card
graykingraykingrayking Battle Win icon with
table number
Council of Wardens Quest

cards always have a white Battle Loss icon with
z jasdell z border. Their event 5 table number
instructions will help you gain

spells and refresh your Mana 1


1 Mana/Spirit count
and Spirit. icon with number

1 These cards will always be

placed on the Quest discard
pile to be shuffled back into
the game.
the grayking’s servants creep Event instructions
through the alleys of iarith.
your birthplace. no matter what you have
done or will do, this place will be home.
their cries chill the populace.
raise spirit count by 2x next card value and if you prevail, raise your
shuffle card back into draw deck. mana count by next card value.

council of wardens quest card CARD ANATOMY: quest cards

Elders cards always have

a brown border. These allies Lastly, you will begin the game with two dice for your attack
z elder nif z assist you in your quest for a strength. The Grayking and his servants will always roll one
more die than you, so they begin with three dice.
limited time so you must use

them with care.


Place all nine 6-sided dice and remaining markers within
Each card will be rotated as reach. The diagram on the next page shows a suggested

z it is used, up to three times starting game layout.

(the large numbers to the
i left of the card are used as a
memory aid), and then will be
removed from the game.
elder nif is the head of the council of
wardens. call on his aid 3 times when visiting
borolia or wardenkeep and move the grayking
marker one space towards the ash tower each Elder Nif uses his spirit to
time. rotate this card to track, then discard. send the Grayking back
elders card towards the Tower of Ash.
Elder San gives you an extra
attack die for your battles
with the Grayking. This die
does not count toward those
the Grayking uses.
Elder Bren recharges your
mana for spell casting. 3
quest quest
draw pile discard pile

expanded battle maps for the three warding keys

Shad ws Choose 2 cards from
the servant deck for this
the grayking is risen
L a sosvaedra r battle (each must be a
different type) and roll
2 3 2d6 to place the servants’ 1
markers on the city map.
place a marker on the
4 numbered warden icon
for your starting space.
the blue warden icon is a
spell recharge space. you
10 6 may move on to this space
to recharge each spell
type once.
Wi 5 after magic use by player,

roll 2d6 for additional
eldrich damage.
9 7
grayking progress track Eldrich damage table
8 W 12
11 z 6,7,8: no additional damage
5,9: active servant wounded addt’l -i
12: active servant wounded addt’l -2
4,10: spirit loss addt’l -1
gate 3 2,3,11: spirit/mana loss addt’l -1 each
battle warding
gate 1 battle
win table
W3 W W2 gate 2 loss table


W W Choose 2 cards from

W1 W
the tower the servant deck for this
of ash
W W W battle (each must be a
different type) and roll

W 2 2d6 to place the servants’
markers on the city map.

raise mana count by one the barrier

W W W place a marker on the
i numbered warden icon
planes 1 lower mana count by two 9 4
z for your starting space.
the blue warden icon is a
spell recharge space. you
2 raise spirit count by one W 3 8 W2 5 may move on to this space
lower spirit count by one

2 to recharge each spell

type once.
3 raise mana count by two
7 6 after magic use by player,
3 lower mana/spirit count roll 2d6 for additional
z each by one eldrich damage.

gain one path spell of your

4 choice for a cost of one mana move the grayking marker Eldrich damage table
flint spells 4 two spaces toward lassadar 7,9: no additional damage
z oaken spells ice spells 11 12 6,8: active servant wounded addt’l -i
move the grayking marker fuse
5 one space away from lassadar bind swap shield quiet 2,12: all servants wounded addt’l -1
up to mana re-roll +3 5 move the grayking marker
-2 on and one die mana three spaces toward lassadar 5: active servant slain
z loss table spirit -i mana -i next
-i spirit values attack 4,10: spirit loss addt’l -i
-2 spirit
6 move the grayking marker 3,11: spirit/mana loss addt’l -1 each
two spaces away from lassadar move the grayking marker
z knot
zz enwrap brittle
z hammer
z shiver
6 four spaces toward lassadar
up to -3 extra knives plate stillness extra
on attack +4 atk extra +4 mana attack
loss table die [zhumbi] attack -i spirit die
-i mana [-3 mana] -2 mana die [-2 mana]
[-2 mana] Choose 3 cards from
the servant deck for this
battle (each must be a
zz shard
zz shear
zz calm
recharge different type) and roll
barrier knives flip up to memory all 2d6 to place the servants’
lock +4 atk three +3 spirit spells of
7 8 10 W
-i next

-2 mana [ghast] dice any one markers on the city map.


W -2 mana faces type place a marker on the

-3 mana -4 mana numbered warden icon
zz zz 11 for your starting space.
the blue warden icon is a
forever seal spark forge reverse wind spell recharge space. you
remove event card blades shock re-roll speech 3
must relearn spell re-roll extra two extra 9 may move on to this space
three attack attack

each time used dice die dice die to recharge each spell
[-3 mana ] -3 mana [-4 mana] -3 mana [-4
mana] type once.
after magic use by player,
z zz zz roll 2d6 for additional
eldrich damage.
spell path cards 2 6
5 12 Eldrich damage table
7: active servant wounded addt’l -i
5,6,9: all servants wounded addt’l -i
3 4 12: active servant wounded addt’l -2
Mana Spirit 4,10: spirit loss addt’l -2
i 8 15 i 8 15 2,3,8,11: spirit/mana loss addt’l -2 each

2 9 16 2 9 16 523
3 10
10 17 3 10 17 servant markers
for battle maps
4 11 18 4 11 18 642
5 12 19 5 12 19
6 13 20 6 13 20
7 14 21 7 14 21
Warding Keys

dice and extra markers Shad ws

Wi W W3 the grayking is risen
L a sosvaedra r
+2 to spirit -i to grayking +2 to mana

character stats card

servant draw pile

Play: z
jasdell z


Turn over the top card in the Quest draw pile and place it If it is a Council of Wardens Quest card 1

near the discard pile. Follow the event instructions on do the following: your birthplace. no matter what you have

the card.
done or will do, this place will be home.
raise spirit count by 2x next card value and
shuffle card back into draw deck.

W iarith
v ey kr ilnags
a dy koiwnsg or a
ghr a
sg rh a
a dy ko iwnsgorv a
graykingraykingrayking e ry lk ai ns g
Council of Warden Quest cards will aid you in your quest.
If it is a City Quest card do the following: You may be able to learn new spells, gain Mana or cleanse


your Spirit. Event instructions may tell you to refer to a ‘next

City Quest cards are simple battles, your task is to the grayking’s servants creep
through the alleys of iarith.
their cries chill the populace.
if you prevail, raise your
card value’. This value is found on the gray, square Mana/
clear the city of the Grayking’s servants. You may Spirit count icon. Turn over the next card in the Quest draw
mana count by next card value.

use any of your learned spells in the battle but you may only pile, placing it on the discard pile, and find the Mana/Spirit
use each spell once (unless you recharge them using the Ice number for this value.
Spell: Calm). The exception are spells you’ve learned that
gain you extra attack dice. These dice are always part of When you have finished, place the Council of Wardens
your attack strength in a battle. Quest card on the discard pile.
z elder nif z


The Grayking’s servants will roll one more die than you will If it is an Elders card do the following: z


in an attack. When you first begin the game you start with i
two attack dice, roll these, applying any modifiers to your Lay the Elders card next to your Character Stat elder nif is the head of the council of
wardens. call on his aid 3 times when visiting
borolia or wardenkeep and move the grayking
marker one space towards the ash tower each
time. rotate this card to track, then discard.

attack as listed in the event instructions. Then roll for the card. You may call on the power of each Elder
Grayking’s servants. Your roll must be equal to or greater three times, rotating the card each time. Once they have
than the Grayking to win the battle. given you their aid, remove the card from the game. You
may have more than one Elder aiding you at one time. Each
Note: if you use Elder San in a battle, his extra attack die Elder’s power may only be used once in a battle.
does not count towards the number rolled by the Grayking.
If it is a Warding City Quest card do W kalilth
v ey kr ilnags
a dy koiwnsg or a
ghr a
g rh a
a dy ko iwns gorv a
sgraykingraykingrayking e ry lk ai ns g

Some battles may be against specific types of Grayking the following:


servant: the Ghast or the Zhumbi; you may use specific


Flint spells: Brittle Knives and Shard Knives against these Refer to the “Expanded Battles” Section below.


servants for additional attack bonuses.

Expanded Battles:
If you are successful and win the battle: turn over the next
card in the Quest draw pile, placing it on the discard pile, If you draw a Warding City Quest card:
and find the Battle Win Table number (listed on the white
cross icon). Locate this number on the Battle Win table and 1. Look at the Warding Key number at the bottom of the
follow the instructions. Winning a City Quest battle usually card and find the matching Expanded Battle Map.
means a gain in your Mana or Spirit count, or forces the
Grayking further back beyond the Barrier Plains. 2. Place a marker representing yourself on the white cross
icon on the Expanded Battle Map with the matching
Remove the City Quest card you just fought from the game, Warding Key number.
it will not be used again.
3. Turn over cards in the Servant draw pile matching the
If you have lost the battle: place the Quest card on the number of servants you will fight (this is determined by the
discard pile and then turn over the next card in the Quest Expanded Battle Map event text). Place a marker on the
draw pile, placing it, as well, on the discard pile, and find the largest, leftmost number on each of the servant’s hit point
Battle Loss Table number (listed on the black circular icon). tracks. For Expanded Battles, the Grayking’s servants may
Locate this number on the Battle Loss table and follow the not match in type; so you may need to continue to draw
instructions. Losing a City Quest battle usually means a cards until you encounter the correct number of
loss in your Mana or Spirit count, or allows the Grayking to non-matching servants.
draw nearer to Lassadar.
4. Roll 2d6 and place a color matched marker (red, blue or
You may use the Oaken Spells of Bind and Knot to lessen yellow) for each servant you will fight on the map on the
the outcome of your loss. They will allow you to lower the matching numbered hex. Servants may share the same hex
type of loss damage you receive. spaces.

Some battles will also tell you to refer to a ‘next card value’. 5. The battle rounds begin...
This value is found on the gray, square Mana/Spirit count
icon, below the Win/Loss icons. Each round of the battle has three phases taken in order:

a. Movement
You may move two hexes in any direction each
round. Each servant then moves one hex toward
you. A servant may move no closer than a hex
adjacent to your own position. Servants have
ranged attacks and may begin attacking before they
reach your position. During each battle round, Repeat these three phases for each round until you
you may also move on to the marked Warding defeat the Grayking’s servants (see 6a) or you wish
location with the blue cross. While there you may to retreat (see 6b).
completely recharge all spells of any one type.
After doing this you must move away from this 6a. If you are successful in defeating all of the Grayking’s
hex on your next turn. You may move back on a servants, place a marker on your Character Stats card under
consecutive turn if you wish and recharge the spells the Warding Key section, matching the key you’ve found in
of a different type. the Expanded Battle. Each key gives you a one time bonus in
the game. Then remove the Warding City Quest card from
b. Attack the game.
Any adjacent servant will attack you if you
are within their attack range. This servant is 6b. If at any time you decide to retreat from a battle, you
considered ‘active’. Your own attack range is may do so at a loss of -1 to your Spirit. Place the Warding
always one adjacent hex in distance. Attacks are City Quest card on the Quest discard pile.
simultaneous, you will roll for your attack strength
as well as for the Grayking’s servant. Resolve each 7. In either case shuffle all Servant cards back into the
servant attack in turn, one by one. A servant with a Servant draw deck.
ranged attack further than one adjacent hex will do
damage only if their roll is successful. You may not
do any damage to them until you are one adjacent
hex in distance away.
If at any time the Quest draw pile is exhausted, shuffle the
You may use any of your learned spells in the discard pile to form a new draw pile.
battles but you may only use each spell once each
round, unless recharged. The exception are spells
you’ve learned that gain you extra attack dice.
These dice are always part of your attack strength
in a battle. As you use spells in a battle, place the
marker for that spell temporarily to the right of Winning or losing the game:
the spell icon to show you have used it in a given
round. You may use the Warding location with the Draw cards one by one working your way through the quest.
blue cross icon to recharge all spells of any one type If you gain each of the 3 Warding keys you may cast the
once per battle round if you are on that hex. Oaken Spell: Barrier Lock and lock the gates of the Barrier
Plains. The Grayking is instantly drawn back to the Tower of
The Grayking’s servants will always roll one more Ash and you have saved Lassadar and won the game.
die than you will in an attack. Roll your attack
dice. Then roll for the Grayking’s servant. Your roll If at any time your Spirit falls below [1] on the Character
must be equal to or greater than the Grayking to Stats card, or if the Grayking reaches Lassadar on the
do damage to the Grayking’s servants when they Progress Track, you have lost the game.
are within range. Else, you will only be halting their
Last Stand Expansion: flint counter ice counter

Each successful attack will deal one point of z

W 4
any grayking
roll of i or 2
-1 mana

damage to the ‘active’ servant or servants you are Four additional cards have been included sullen
-2 mana


z W z

roll 2d6

W 7
any of
your dice
-1 spirit 9
W 10

currently fighting. in the game as an after game expansion.

rolls of that
showing matching
i or 2 number


W 8
change all
rolls of
i and 2
any of

After locking all 3 gates of the Barrier

to show 3 dice

A servant may do damage to either your Spirt or Plains you may travel to the Ash Tower
grayking the last stand
The gates are closed and you stand before
the Grayking. It is the time of endings, the
time for the Last Stand.
Hit Points

your Mana. Refer to the particular Servant card for to defeat the Grayking in his Stronghold. 7
For each spell you have learned during
8 6 5 your quest, increase your mana and
spirit by that amount before you begin
the last battle.

4 3 2 1 The Grayking begins with 8 hit points. For

any flint or ice spell you use during this

the damage type and amount.

battle, the Grayking will counter with
one that positionally matches on the spell
counter cards.
The Grayking will roll one more attack die
than you will during each attack round.
roll for both his attack and yours.

Beware! The Grayking has the ability

If you are successful reduce his hit point
count by one. if the grayking is successful
reduce your spirit count by two.
You may recharge all spells of one type
when his damage marker is on a gray

c. Eldritch Damage to counter several of your Flint and Ice

If you used any magic spells during any single spells.
round, when you are within one hex range of a
servant, (extra attack dice do not count), roll 2d6 and
consult the Eldritch damage table on the right of
the Expanded Battle Map card, finding the number
rolled on the table. Using magic may do further
damage to the ‘active’ servant of the Grayking your
are attacking or to you. You may cast any re-roll
Flint or Ice spells if you choose to alter this outcome.
You must abide by the re-roll outcome.
Shadows Upon Lassadar, its rules and original artwork, are copyrighted ©2011 by
If a servant’s hit points are ever reduced to zero you Todd Sanders/Air and Nothingness Press. Anyone may print and play this game but
have slain them and may remove their marker from you may not distribute or sell them for profit. If you do so, your spirit will be corrupted.
the map.

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