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NITRIC OXIDE: Biology and Chemistry

Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 191–198 (1999)

Article ID niox.1999.0232, available online at on

Gas-Phase Oxidation of Nitric Oxide: Chemical Kinetics
and Rate Constant

Hirokazu Tsukahara,* ,1 Takanobu Ishida,† and Mitsufumi Mayumi*

*Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Fukui Medical University, Fukui 910-1193, Japan; and †Department of
Chemistry, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3400

Received January 25, 1999, and in revised form April 21, 1999

Nitric oxide (NO) is an endothelium-derived relax-

Inhaled nitric oxide (NO) is gaining popularity as ing factor (1, 2), which when inhaled may act as a
a selective pulmonary vasodilator. Because of the selective pulmonary vasodilator (3, 4). Inhalation of
potential toxicity of NO and its oxidizing product
low doses of NO (less than 1 to 80 ppm) is increas-
nitrogen dioxide (NO 2), any system for the delivery
ingly used in the treatment of pulmonary hyperten-
of inhaled NO must aim at predictable and repro-
ducible levels of NO and at as low concentrations of sion and hypoxemia in children and adults. How-
NO 2 as possible. This review describes the chemical ever, NO is a potentially toxic molecule, the
kinetics and rate constant values k for the reaction biochemistry of which is not fully understood (2).
2NO 1 O 2 5 2NO 2. This reaction has been well es- Toxicity caused by inhalation of NO may be pro-
tablished as a third-order homogeneous reaction. duced by either NO itself or its reactive metabolite,
Published data support two equally plausible two- notably, nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) (2– 4). NO 2 has sev-
step mechanisms for the reaction between NO and eral times greater pulmonary toxicity than NO and
O 2 over a wide range of temperature and pressure.
is corrosive because of the formation of nitrous and
The Arrhenius equation k (L 2 z mol 22 z s 21) 5 1.2 3 10 3
nitric acids from NO 2 and water. These acids can
e 530/T (51.2 3 10 3 3 10 230/T) gives the best fit to the
experimental values of the rate constant thus far
alter alveolar permeability and cause lung injury
reported in a temperature range of 273 to 600 K. with pulmonary edema and death. Nitric acid irre-
Using the reaction mechanism and the rate con- versibly oxidizes all organic substances, including
stant k, one can make reliable predictions about proteins. Therefore, accurate and extensive informa-
NO 2 formation in any set of NO inhalation therapy tion on the formation of NO 2 from NO is crucial for
conditions. It is also pointed out that NO 3, the inter- the development of guidelines for effective and safe
mediate of one of the two mechanisms, deserves administration of inhaled NO. However, recent clin-
serious attention in NO inhalation therapy. © 1999 ical and biological reports have not detailed the
Academic Press
chemical kinetics of the gas-phase oxidation of NO to
Key Words: chemical kinetics; nitric oxide; nitro-
gen dioxide; nitrogen trioxide; oxidation; peroxyni-
NO 2.
trite radical; rate constant. In this paper, we will review basic chemical
aspects of the oxidation of NO by O 2 in the gas
phase and will focus on the evaluation of the re-
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: 81-776- action mechanism and the rate constant for this
61-8129. E-mail: reaction. However, the review will exclude the

1089-8603/99 $30.00 191

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reactions involving water as well as photochemi- (i) Termolecular reaction: According to this view,
cal reactions. two molecules of NO and one O 2 molecule simulta-
neously collide and form a transient complex, which
then takes a single step to form two molecules of
CHEMICAL KINETICS OF THE REACTION OF NO NO 2. Kassel (29) calculated the frequencies of three-
body collisions for this reaction and concluded that,
In the oxygenated gaseous environments the re- although the frequency is not high, it is sufficiently
action of NO with O 2 high to explain the observed rates of the reaction
and that the rate via the termolecular collisions
could decrease with increasing temperature.
2NO 1 O2 5 2NO2 [1]
Through a parameter-fitting process using Eyring’s
proceeds as a third-order reaction 2 (5): transition state theory and reasonable molecular
properties, Gershinowitz and Eyring (30) justified a
transition state in which each O atom of an O 2
2d@NO#/dt 5 1d@NO2 #/dt 5 2k z @NO# 2 z @O2 #. @2#
molecule is partially bonded to the N atom of each of
Since the first chemical kinetic study of this reac- the two NO molecules. If, instead, two of the three
tion by Bodenstein and Wackenheim (6) 80 years molecules first form a complex which then reacts
ago, an overwhelming majority of published experi- with the third molecule, Reaction [1] would not be
mental results (7–27) support the differential rate termed truly termolecular.
law [2] and the view that Reaction [1] is a homoge- Although this reaction has long served as a clas-
neous gas-phase reaction and does not require the sical example of termolecular reaction in chemistry
participation of solid surfaces. These results include textbooks, a majority of researchers in recent years
the older data obtained with the NO pressures rang- prefer the two-step mechanisms, as described below.
ing from few torrs to a few hundred torrs and the Persuasiveness of a two-step mechanism hinges
more recent data involving low NO concentrations on the demonstration of the existence of an inter-
down to the ppm level. The revived interest in NO mediate.
that predates the discovery of the physiological NO (ii) Preequilibrium mechanism with dimer of NO
has been in the fields of atmospheric pollution and as an intermediate:
ozone layer depletion (15–18, 20, 24, 28). One dis-
tinct characteristic of the rate of this reaction is its NO 1 NO 7 ~NO! 2 @fast# [3a]
slightly negative temperature coefficient in a wide ~NO! 2 1 O2 3 2NO2 @slow and rate determining#
temperature range from the cryogenic as low as
;140 K to as high as ;650 K (5). [3b]
Studies of effects of various substances and solid 2d@NO#/dt 5 k 1 z k 2 z @NO# 2 z @O2 #/$k 21 1 k 2 z @O2 #%
surfaces on the rate of this reaction that have led to
the conclusions stated above will be discussed in the [3c]
following section. In this section, we will review the
reaction mechanisms that have been proposed to Equation [3c] results from the assumption that the
explain the rate law [2] and the negative tempera- rate constants k 1 and k 21 for the forward and re-
ture coefficients and then will point out important verse reactions of [3a] are significantly greater than
implications of these mechanisms. that (k 2 ) of the second step, [3b]. Since [O 2] is only
Three mechanisms have been proposed. 0.041 mol z L 21 even in pure O 2 gas at 1 atm and 298
K, the relation k 21 @ k 2 z [O 2] is assumed valid, thus
making Eq. [3c] take the form of Eq. [2]. Several
It should be noted that there are two quantitatively different
authors proposed this mechanism (8, 19). In the
definitions of k in use in the literature; quite a few authors (12,
14 –20, 22–24) defined their k’s without the factor 2 of the last
solid and liquid, NO exists as (NO) 2. At cryogenic
expression of Eq. [2]. We have divided these k values by 2 to make temperatures the dimer is also present in low con-
them consistent with Eq. [2]. centrations in the gas phase (31, 32). For the gas-

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phase equilibrium, 2NO 5 (NO) 2; DS°298 5 228.0 atm 21 at 298 K from the thermodynamic tables (37).
cal z K 21, DH°298 5 22.62 kcal, and ln K (atm 21) 5 This gives the steady state concentration of NO 3 as
11320/T (K) 2 14.05 (33). Accordingly, the tem- 0.00068% of that of NO at 298 K.
perature coefficient of the equilibrium constant K, Bodenstein considered both Mechanisms (ii) and
i.e., d(ln K)/dT 5 DH°/RT 2 , is negative, thus low- (iii) as possible explanations of his experimental re-
ering the equilibrium concentration of (NO) 2 with sults (6, 7). More recently, Heicklen and Cohen (40)
increasing temperature. This accounts for the ob- compared the two mechanisms and concluded that
served negative activation energies of Reaction [1]. both have equal merits. Hisatsune and Zafonte (22),
At 298 K, K (3a) 5 6.6 3 10 25 atm 21, and 0.0065% of Baulch et al. (5), and Olbregts (25) also reached the
gaseous NO is in the dimerized form. same conclusion on the relative merits of the two
(iii) Preequilibrium mechanism with NO 3 as an mechanisms.
intermediate: Let us now briefly discuss implications of Mecha-
nisms (ii) and (iii). In both, the existence of their
NO 1 O2 7 NO3 @fast# [4a] respective intermediates has been demonstrated.
Both mechanisms are compatible with the experi-
NO3 1 NO 3 2NO2 @slow and rate determining#
mental fact that the rate of Reaction [1] decreases
[4b] with increasing temperature (5). Both pathways are
more probable than the termolecular reaction,
2d@NO#/dt 5 k 3 z k 4 z @NO# 2 z @O2 #/$k 23 1 k 4 z @NO#% which requires three-body collisions. In (ii), NO is an
[4c] odd-electron molecule, i.e., a free radical, but (NO) 2
is not. In Mechanism (iii), the formal oxidation state
In Eq. [4c], k 3 and k 23 are, respectively, the rate of the N atom in the intermediate is 16. At 298 K
constants of the forward and reverse directions of the standard reduction potential E° for ONOO • 1
[4a] and k 4 the constant for Reaction [4b]. The molar e 2 3 ONOO 2 is 0.4 V (37, 41, 42); that is, peroxynitrite
concentration of NO is especially low in NO inhala- radical is more oxidative than peroxynitrite anion
tion therapy (3, 4), and the expression [4c] converges (ONOO 2), which itself is a strong oxidant: E°9 for
to the form of Eq. [2]. Many authors proposed this ONOO 2 1 2H 1 1 e 2 3 NO 2 1 H 2O is 1.4 V at pH
mechanism (9, 12–15, 18, 20). 7 (41, 42). However, reactivity and toxicity studies of
NO 3 is a well-known intermediate in the decom- peroxynitrite radical have largely escaped experi-
position of dinitrogen pentoxide to NO 2 and O 2 (34, mentalists’ attention. For nitrogen trioxide, various
35). Two structures for NO 3 are in the literature: (a) estimates for E° of NO 3 1 e 2 3 NO 32 fall within a
nitrogen trioxide, a nitrate-like planar trigonal limit of 2.5 6 0.2 V (43, 44), again indicating a highly
structure, in which the N atom is surrounded by oxidative nature of the intermediate of Mechanism
three equivalent O atoms (36, 37); and (b) a bent- (iii). A careful molecular orbital study (45) has noted
chain structure with an atomic sequence that peroxynitrite radical is less stable than nitro-
OOOONOO (32, 38, 39), which has been called by gen trioxide in the gas phase. Thus, the intermedi-
various names, including peroxynitrite radical and ate of the pathway (iii) could be biologically at least
nitrosyldioxyl. We will use peroxynitrite radical for as damaging as ONOO 2 and more damaging than
the chain structure and NO 3 to refer to both nitrogen NO 2.
trioxide and peroxynitrite radical. Although per- Furthermore, at such low NO concentrations as
oxynitrite radical is more persuasive than nitrogen those used in the NO inhalation therapy (3, 4), the
trioxide as an intermediate of Mechanism (iii), there collision frequency for the formation of NO 3 from NO
is insufficient evidence to definitely favor one over and O 2 by Reaction [4a] is expected to be higher than
the other. The steady-state concentration of the in- the collision frequency between two molecules of NO
termediate of Mechanism (iii) is small; e.g., in case in Reaction [3a] under comparable experimental
the intermediate is nitrogen trioxide, we have for conditions. Then, if Mechanism (iii) does in fact play
Reaction [4a] DH°298 5 24.58 kcal, DS°298 5 238.95 a significant role in the NO inhalation environment,
cal z K 21, DG°298 5 1 7.03 kcal, and K (4a) 5 6.8 3 10 26 NO 3 would be a target of two competitive reaction

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paths, one leading to NO 2 by Reaction [4b] and the and the temperature from 225 to 843 K. Further-
other the oxidations of biological surroundings. The more, in many recent studies, N 2 gas was used as a
fact that the steady-state concentration of NO 3 in diluent (11, 13–18, 20 –24, 26, 27).
Mechanism (iii) is low is immaterial, because NO 3 is Although there have been almost as many differ-
rapidly and steadily supplied by the forward reac- ent experimental conditions and equipment for de-
tion of [4a]. As far as we are aware, however, no termination of the rate constant as there have been
study on the biological effects of NO 3 has been made, publications on this subject, it can be seen that a
and no safety regulations specific to NO 3 currently fairly good agreement exists between various deter-
exist. Further studies of the reaction intermediates, minations. Most of the kinetic studies agree that the
especially with regard to NO 3, and their biological rate constant k is independent of variations in the
effects appear to be in order. total pressure (from less than 20 torr to atmospheric
It is worth noting that, in a sense, Mechanisms (i) pressure) and the absolute NO concentration or the
and (ii) are similar. The best accepted structure of NO:O 2 ratio (up to a thousandfold variation) (6, 7,
(NO) 2 is a planar chain of the sequence, 9 –11, 14, 15, 18, 20 –25, 27) and that the logarithm
OON . . . NOO, with the two O atoms in a cis con- of the rate constant is inversely proportional to the
formation and with the OONON angle ranging absolute temperature (6 – 8, 13, 14, 20, 22, 23, 25,
from 90° to 110° (31, 46). In Step [3b] of Mechanism 27). Except for a few (12, 19), most authors also
(ii), O 2 is thought to descend upon the N . . . N bond agree on the orders of the reaction, namely, 2 for NO
of (NO) 2 with the OOO axis parallel to the N . . . N and 1 for O 2 (6 –11, 13–18, 20 –27).
bond. The transition state obtained by Gershinowitz Temperature dependence of the rate constant is
and Eyring for Mechanism (i) (30) has a chain struc- one of the peculiar features of this reaction. Al-
ture with the atomic sequence OON . . . OOO . . . though the best accepted negative temperature de-
NOO, with the OOO bond parallel to the N 3 N pendence of k in T 5 273 to 600 K is represented by
direction and the NOOOO bond angle of about 90°. an Arrhenius-type equation (47),
Then, the only essential difference between Mecha-
nisms (i) and (ii) seems to be the timing of approach
k ~L 2 z mol 22 z s 21 ! 5 1.2 3 10 3 e 530/T
of the O 2 molecule to the ONNO moiety.
5 1.2 3 10 3 3 10 230/T , [5]
the activation energy contains a large uncertainty.
Table I summarizes prime examples of the exist- The number, 530, in Eq. [5] is equal to the negative
ing data on the rate constant k for the oxidation of of the activation energy, 2E act, divided by the ideal
NO in static and nominally water-free systems. The gas constant R, and the best estimate of the uncer-
k value has been reported in various units, including tainty on 2E act/R is 6400 K (47). E act/R 5 2530 K
L 2 z mol 22 z s 21, mL 2 z mol 22 z s 21, mL 2 z molecule 22 z is small as an activation energy. The large uncer-
s 21, torr 22 z s 21, and ppm 22 z min 21. These k values tainty on the small activation energy has always
shown in Table I have been recalculated in units of caused a controversy among investigators over
L 2 z mol 22 z s 21. Equation [2] defines the rate constant whether the activation energy is positive or nega-
k for Reaction [1], which will be used in this review. tive. The following has now been accepted. As we
The progress of Reaction [1] was followed by a have noted in the preceding section, the activation
variety of analytical methods: manometric measure- energy is slightly negative; i.e., the rate decreases
ments of the rate of fall of the total pressure (6 – 8, with increasing temperature at ambient and sub-
11, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 25), photometry and colorim- zero temperatures, slowly becomes less negative as
etry of the rate of production of NO 2 (10, 12, 14 –17, the temperature increases, goes through E act 5 0,
20 –22, 25), chemiluminescence for NO (24, 27), and and becomes positive above T ;650 K.
other techniques (9, 18, 26). In these investigations, In summary, k 5 7.0 3 10 3 L 2 z mol 22 z s 21 near
the concentration of NO ranged over five orders of the ambient temperature (;300 K) and decreases by
magnitude from 8.2 3 10 28 to 1.8 3 10 22 mol z L 21 only 0.04 3 10 3 L 2 z mol 22 z s 21 per degree of rise in

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Rate Constants for the Reaction 2NO 1 O 2 5 2NO 2

Reference Rate constant k (L 2 z mol 22 z s 21) [NO] 0 (mol z L 21) [O 2] 0 (mol z L 21) (K)

Bodenstein and Wachenheim (6) 4.5 3 10 3–8.9 3 10 3 (6.5 3 10 3) 4.5 3 10 24–8.0 3 10 24 1.4 3 10 24–7.3 3 10 24 273–363
Bodenstein and Lindner (7) 2.5 3 10 3–4.0 3 10 3 (3.1 3 10 3) 3.2 3 10 24–7.2 3 10 24 5.4 3 10 25–4.7 3 10 24 413–667
Hasche and Patrick (8) 8.0 3 10 3–1.1 3 10 4 (9.6 3 10 3) 8.3 3 10 24–1.5 3 10 23 1.1 3 10 23–1.4 3 10 23 273–303
Brown and Crist (9) 6.8 3 10 3–7.8 3 10 3 (7.5 3 10 3) 1.1 3 10 26–6.8 3 10 26 4.2 3 10 24–1.2 3 10 23 298
Smith (10) 4.9 3 10 3–7.4 3 10 3 (6.0 3 10 3) 5.9 3 10 25–2.7 3 10 23 1.7 3 10 24–1.4 3 10 23 298
Johnston and Slentz (11) 7.0 3 10 3–7.4 3 10 3 (7.1 3 10 3) 4.4 3 10 24–1.8 3 10 22 5.7 3 10 25–2.3 3 10 22 298
Treacy and Daniels (12) (3.8 3 10 3) 5.4 3 10 24 2.7 3 10 24–1.1 3 10 23 298
Tipper and Williams (13) 1.6 3 10 3–7.8 3 10 3 (4.3 3 10 3) 5.5 3 10 24–5.5 3 10 23 1.0 3 10 24–4.9 3 10 23 293–843
Ashmore et al. (14) 2.9 3 10 3–5.0 3 10 3 (3.3 3 10 3) 6.8 3 10 25–2.5 3 10 23 3.4 3 10 24–2.0 3 10 22 377–779
Glasson and Tuesday (15) 6.0 3 10 3–8.5 3 10 3 (7.7 3 10 3) 8.2 3 10 28–2.1 3 10 26 8.2 3 10 24–2.5 3 10 22 296
Bufalini and Stephens (16) (9.0 3 10 3) 1.3 3 10 27–8.1 3 10 27 8.6 3 10 23 299
Greig and Hall (17) 9.6 3 10 3–1.1 3 10 4 (1.0 3 10 4) 6.9 3 10 27–3.1 3 10 26 7.4 3 10 23 293
Morrison et al. (18) 4.5 3 10 3–1.1 3 10 4 (6.5 3 10 3) 9.0 3 10 28–3.1 3 10 26 1.3 3 10 23–1.0 3 10 22 290–311
Solc (19) 4.0 3 10 3–7.4 3 10 3 (5.7 3 10 3) 5.4 3 10 25–2.7 3 10 23 5.4 3 10 25–2.7 3 10 23 298
Greig and Hall (20) 6.8 3 10 3–1.1 3 10 4 (9.2 3 10 3) 1.1 3 10 26–2.2 3 10 26 2.7 3 10 25–1.3 3 10 22 293–372
Morecroft and Thomas (21) 3.0 3 10 3–3.2 3 10 3 (3.1 3 10 3) 6.7 3 10 24–8.4 3 10 24 3.4 3 10 24–9.2 3 10 24 478
Hisatsune and Zafonte (22) [3.8 3 10 3 3 10 81/T ] 3.1 3 10 24–1.4 3 10 22 1.2 3 10 24–2.8 3 10 22 277–329
Mahenc et al. (23) 5.4 3 10 3–8.9 3 10 3 (7.1 3 10 3) 4.0 3 10 24–1.0 3 10 23 8.9 3 10 25–4.7 3 10 24 274–333
[5.0 3 10 2 3 10 339/T]
Stedman and Niki (24) (7.2 3 10 3) 2.0 3 10 27–4.1 3 10 25 2.7 3 10 23–3.5 3 10 22 298
Olbregts (25) 3.0 3 10 3–2.1 3 10 4 (6.2 3 10 3) 9.0 3 10 25–1.2 3 10 23 1.2 3 10 25–1.4 3 10 23 225–760
[10 (25.1812.70log(T)1700/T) ]
Cueto and Pryor (26) (6.7 3 10 3) 3.9 3 10 25 8.6 3 10 23 296
Aida et al. (27) 7.3 3 10 3–8.4 3 10 3 (7.9 3 10 )
4.1 3 10 27–6.5 3 10 26 8.3 3 10 23–4.0 3 10 22 298–310

Note. [NO] 0, initial NO concentration; [O 2] 0, initial O 2 concentration. These values were obtained in static water-free systems where NO
and O 2 were mixed in the presence or absence of N 2 (6 –27). The atmospheric pressure was assumed to be 760 torr, except for the work
by Greig and Hall (17, 20) where the pressure of 630 torr was mentioned. A range of observed k values is presented, whenever available.
The values in the parentheses are the mean values. In some, experimental data are expressed as equations. When the concentrations of
NO and NO 2 are expressed in ppm, i.e., 1 ppm 5 (n/V) 3 10 26 5 (P/RT) 3 10 26 mol z L 21, cf. Ref. 15, the rate constant k of Eq. [2] is
no longer independent of pressure and even small changes in temperature. When ppm is used for NO or NO 2 in Eq. [2] while [O 2] can be
considered constant, the corresponding value of k z [O 2 ] in ppm 21 z s 21 is equal to the k values listed in the table multiplied by (P/RT) 3
10 26, where R is the ideal gas constant, 0.0821 L z atm z mol 21 z K 21 and P the total pressure or pressure of O 2 in atm. If ppm is used for
all gases, the corresponding k is (P/RT) 2 3 10 212 times the values in the table.

the temperature, which is well within the limits of have a small retarding effect. Other workers (15, 22,
uncertainty of the absolute value of k. 23), however, were unable to detect such effects. The
There remain other features of the reaction that addition of N 2, CO 2, methane, and olefins has no
are still a subject of disagreement, particularly the apparent effect on the order and rate constant for
effects of the surface of the reaction vessel and the the reaction of NO and O 2 (12, 14, 15, 20 –23). The
presence of other gasses and humidity. Some au- influence of humidity has also been examined. Most
thors found the reaction rate to depend on the workers found that the rate constant is not influ-
surface/volume ratio (8), but many other workers (6, enced by moisture (up to 90% relative humidity) (6,
12, 17, 18) have failed to observe such effects. The 17, 24, 27), with the exception of Treacy and Daniels
surface effects were observed in the experiments (12), who reported an increase in the rate constant
that used insufficient evacuation and degassing of with water vapor. Since water reacts with NO 2 but
the reaction vessel. Morrison et al. (18) reported that not with NO in the absence of dissolved O 2, we
the rate was increased by the addition of NO 2, thus expect that the presence of water in the NO/O 2 re-
claiming the reaction to be autocatalytic. On the action systems will shift the final equilibrium to-
other hand, Treacy and Daniels (12) found NO 2 to ward the products, i.e., the products that include

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oxyacids of nitrogen and their anions, but it will not t 5 $1/~2k z @O2 # z @NO# o!% z @NO2 #/~@NO# o 2 @NO2 #!
change the rate with which NO is oxidized.
Despite the conflicting results on some aspects of
oxidation of NO, most evidence suggests that the t 5 $1/~2k z @O2 # z @NO# o!% z f /~1 2 f !, [8]
reaction is essentially homogeneous in nature over a
wide range of temperature and pressures of NO where f is the fraction of NO that has become NO 2 in
and O 2. time t (i.e., [NO 2]/[NO] o). It is evident from Eq. [8]
The values of the rate constant described above that the time required for the conversion of a certain
were determined under static dry conditions and fraction of NO to NO 2 is inversely proportional to the
might differ in such dynamic systems as mechanical initial NO concentration and the rate constant k.
ventilation. Nishimura et al. (48) reported the rate The time t required to achieve a given f value is
constant for the oxidation of NO to NO 2, k 5 7.3 3 independent of the presence of N 2 gas that is most
10 3 L 2 z mol 22 z s 21 in the mechanical ventilation commonly used as the carrier of NO for the inhala-
setting. The rate constant in their study is similar to tion therapy. Equation [8] can be used to calculate
the aforementioned values. In contrast, Lindberg the time to reach a certain concentration of NO 2 for
and Rydgren (49) found an initial buildup of NO 2, any concentration of initial NO in O 2 (48).
which seemed to appear immediately after mixing During NO inhalation therapy, the inhaled NO 2
NO and O 2, in their NO delivery system. It has been as well as NO levels should be maintained as low as
well known among the nitrogen chemists that under possible (3, 4). Threshold limit values for workers
elevated pressure, disproportionation of NO occurs have been set by the United States Occupational
to form nitrous oxide (N 2O) and NO 2 by the reaction Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (4). The
3NO 3 N 2O 1 NO 2. Thus, freshly purified NO, OSHA has set the permissible limits for NO at a
stored in a cylinder at room temperature under pres- value not to exceed 25 ppm for an 8-h time-weighted
sures of 50 –100 atm shows an increase of N 2O and average period and NO 2 not to exceed 5 ppm during
NO 2 content at the rate of 2–3% per month (50). It any part of the working day. On the other hand, the
seems plausible that a buildup of NO 2 had occurred United States National Institute for Occupational
in the commercial cylinders that they used. Regard- Safety and Health has set the recommended expo-
less of the system used to deliver NO, it is manda- sure limit for NO 2 at a value not to exceed 1 ppm for
tory to monitor the delivered dose of NO 2 as well as a 15-min exposure and a maximum inhaled NO 2
NO and to purify NO against the other nitrogen level of 5 ppm. The UK standard set by the Health
oxides, if necessary. and Safety Executive is 3 ppm NO 2, and in France
the standard is 2 ppm for nitrogen oxides. However,
these recommendations are intended for healthy
PREDICTION OF NO 2 FORMATION USING THE workers and not for patients (especially neonates)
RATE CONSTANT k with pulmonary diseases, although some guidelines
regarding the use of NO in neonates have been
Since O 2 concentration is markedly higher than based on these recommendations (51, 52). In addi-
that of NO in the typical NO inhalation therapy (3, tion, inhaled NO therapy must frequently be contin-
4), it can be assumed that [O 2] remains unchanged. ued for prolonged periods ranging from several
Thus, a pseudo-second-order kinetics can be applied hours to several weeks (3, 4). The national ambient
to Reaction [1]. Integration of Eq. [2] yields air quality standard for the annual NO 2 level in the
United States is 0.05 ppm (28), and it is 0.04 to 0.06
1/@NO# t 2 1/@NO# o 5 2k z @O2 # z t, [6] ppm in Japan. The adverse effects of low-dose NO 2,
even at 1 ppm or less, have been demonstrated (28,
where [NO] t represents NO concentration after a 53, 54).
residence time t and [NO] o is the initial NO concen- The initial rate of production of NO 2 is propor-
tration. Since the difference between [NO] o and tional to the square of the initial concentration of
[NO] t is [NO 2], NO, so that a small error in the initial timing of NO

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inhalation therapy could lead to a larger error in the 7. Bodenstein, M. (1922). Bildung und Zersetzung der höheren
exposure to the undesirable NO 2. Thus, under a Stickoxyde. Z. Physik. Chem. 100, 68 –123. [German]

condition of inspired O 2 fraction 5 1.0, T 5 300 K, 8. Hasche, R. L., and Patrick, W. A. (1925). Studies on the rate
of oxidation of nitric oxide. II. The velocity of the reaction
and k 5 7.0 3 1.0 3 L 2 z mol 22 z s 21, the concentration
between nitric oxide and oxygen at 0° and 30°. J. Am. Chem.
of NO 2 reaches 52, 8.8, 2.3, 0.57, and 0.023 ppm in Soc. 47, 1207–1215.
the first 10 s of inhalation of 500, 200, 100, 50, and
9. Brown, F. B., and Crist, R. H. (1941). Further studies on the
10 ppm NO, respectively. At high NO concentra- oxidation of nitric oxide: The rate of the reaction between
tions, even a 1-s error in the timing could cause carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. J. Chem. Phys. 9,
serious consequences. 840 – 846.
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