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Assignment Neurobiology

Q: Explain why INa reaches a peak after which it starts to decline but at about the peak of the action potential
it starts to increase again for a certain time (in contrast with Gna) and then declines to zero.

Answer: Nothing can be do without inside and outside of the charge differences this is known as resting
membrane potential (-70mV). When neurotransmitter (glutamate) chemical signals) bind to the membrane
receptor so sodium ion (Na+) enter within the cell make it more positive(depolarization).
When enough sodium ions (Na+) reach inside the neuron when it hits up to -55mV the first sodium ion(Na+)
ion channel flip its lid and open first the sodium ion (Na+) voltage guided channel activated so more sodium
(Na+) ions enters within the neuron lift at -55mV it’s like domino like fashion open Na+ voltage guided
channels( these are the electrical signals) so the Na+ ions spike up and hit +30mV these (Na+)ion channels are
closed. So the potassium voltage guided channels open their lid and potassium ion (K+) rush outside the
neuron (repolarization)take out their positive charge and make it again negative because of so many
potassium ion (K+) leaves it goes below the resting potential and goes to -90mV this is called hyper
polarization. After 2miliseconds it goes to refractory period in resting membrane potential at -70mV.


1) When sodium ion (Na+) enter the cell and drift at the -55mV it is depolarization when it hits +30 so the
Sodium ion (Na+) channels shut and potassium ion (K+) channels open K+ ion leaves the cell and it
negative again inside the cell.
2) When potassium ion (K+) goes out so it is repolarization when so many potassium ion (K+) leaves it
means that hyper polarization

These channels (Na+ & K+) are embedded on membrane they pump 3×Na+ out and 2×K+ In rest in the
membrane it is action potential.

Ina = Gna (v – Ena)

INa = sodium ion current
Gna = conductance
V = voltage
ENa = driving force


gNa M (v, t) H (v, t) Maximum conductance

gNa = Number of channels
M (v, t) H (v, t) = Gating variables

(I’m so sorry Professor I couldn’t understand how can I put this data into in a equation to solve the problem
through Hodgkin and Huxley formulation I need more time to focus this problem).

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