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Ufirftrsity of Baghdad Final Examination Date |22l6laott

College of Engineering Time : Three iriirs
r2$;Year Electrlcal Eng. .. ;' Numerical Methods lsAttemit.

Solve the system

8x1 + iz- Xs '8

X1 -7 X2 +2xt =-4
2x1+ xr+ 9 xt = 12
by Gauss-seidel iteration method, Beginningwith initiar vector (o, o,o ), /
do three iterations .

12 marks t
1!-J-\ Theequation x3+4x2-1g=0 hasa uniquerootin I L.,Zf ,usingsimple
iteration method , taking the initial value x6 1.5 . do five iterations
= .

12 marks
ffi Find the Lagrange interporation porynomiar for the given
data , then use it to
estimate the value of
p ( 2.5 .

X; 0 7 3 4
f(x') 3 2 t 0

12 marks
E( ,'"0 by Runge - Kutta method an approximate value of y for x = 1.5 given
that y=0 at x=1.

9\11 '0 #=r*I*e)" 12 marks

IL:J\ Deternline -the linear',lea6t.,squdres fit for the table ,below
calculate the root - mean square error to the, data { ( x, , yr ) } .

X; 7.47 1.83 3.02 3.56 5.86 8.7s 9.45

Yi 2.O9 t.:92 2.L9 2.64 r3:19 3.13 3.61

12 marks
IL9JI use a Newton-Gregory,[3sk'vspi porynomiar of degree 4 ro estimate
thevalueof.,Sin ( t:87 ),7S x S2, h=0.1, choose Xo= 1.9

rf:F, t 12 marks
UJI Find the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector of the matrix

f^ -1

I 3

-2 3
Using direct power method , xo = [1 0 0lt , do six iterations .

12 marks 1{!
ffi Find D26 f (x) and error for f (x)=cos{x) , t=nf6 , h=0.3

12 marks

.Good luck
University of Baghdad Final Examination Date:3l6l20t2
College of Engineering Time : Three Hours
2nd Year Electrical Eng. Numerical Methods 1$ Aftempt

1. Answer five questions
2.Use five decimal places accuracy in your calculations

Find the Lagrange interpolation polynomial for the given data , then use it to
estimate the value of P( 1.12 ) .

X; 1 L.! 1.2 1.3

f(xr) 0.s403 0.4536 o.3624 o.2675

t'"0 the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the matrix
ftt z o 1-l
r= | o 2 o
ltlro2l i

L __l

Usingdirectpowermethod, x0=[O O 1]t , doseveniterations

The data below are for Sin ( x ) , lnterpolate to estimate Sin ( 0.8 ) ,using a
quadratic Newton - Gregory fonarard polynomial through the first three points,
also estimate the error using E ( X, ) equation

X o.2 0.6 1 L.4 1.8

f(x) 0.19866 0.56464 0.84L47 0.98544 o.97384

t'", the quadratic factors of

xa-x3+x2- x+1=o

Use Bairstow's method , (do three iterations) ,use X2+ 0.6 X + 1 as starting value
Find by Runge - Kutta method a_n approximate value of y f_or t = 05. given that
Y= -5 at t=0.

From the cir:cuit shown , Find unknown currents , Use Gaussian elimination
rnethod .
25rz r {"o J)

35 rr
L?, U

55i) t\,

Good Luck

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