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An Ideal Roommate

An ideal roommate is a precious partner when we far away from our loving family
members and friends. Living with someone unknown can be a challenging at a times.
Especially, when we have opposite taste, different family background and different lifestyle.
It's take some time to learn about our roommate's characters to live with them and to awake
the same chemistry. According to Cambridge International Dictionary (1995), roommate is a
person with whom you share a room for a period of time or a person with whom you share an
apartment or house. An ideal roommate usually has a good qualities and a perfect roommate
has a same chemistry that we can't denied it. However, finding a roommate will be easier if
we able to identify earlier on the qualities of an ideal roommate for particular character and

Anyone can be an ideal roommate, it is depends on our nature. We can't go together if

we do not have the similarity in our basic characteristics. Moreover, we can enjoy every
moment when we share our basic characteristics with our roommate. For example, two
friends believe that they should enjoy every moment in their lives, then for sure they can join
together for movie, dinner, library, shopping and so on. The understandable nature of a
person is a another important criteria for an ideal roommate. If our roommate does not
understand our problem then it will create a problem. In an situation that, we need a peaceful
environment while studying or doing revision for exam but our roommate does not
understand our nature and read aloud while studying. Then, for sure we can't live together in
a room.

An ideal roommate is responsible with money. This is important because there will be
a variety of situations where money will have to paid for obvious things like rent. Sometimes,
bills like water bill, electric bill n telephone bill will need to be put in someone's name and
split in equal parts. Establish that the potential roommate has good credit, a solid income
source and always spilt the responsibility of signing up for utilities equally.

In the other hand, living with someone means forming a honesty that not only is the
environment a safe place to live but a trustful to keep belongings. Living with a
untrustworthy and dishonesty roommate during a year would be a big disaster, ruining the
meaning of our student life or working life. In addition, everything worsen when we lost the
trust at our roommate. Our mind couldn't rest at all. At the same time, we cannot focus on
studies, while our roommate often stole our assets or refuse to accept their faults. We must
establish the appropriate level of comfort about borrowing each other's things and which
items are allowed to be borrowed will eliminate this problem from the start. An ideal
roommate will be respectful of others food, items and apparel. Many people have a more
communal thought process than others but two roommate should not share each other's things
unless it has been mutually discussed or agreed upon.

Besides, living with a roommate can be a great deal of fun at the times. There are also
opportunities for accidental awkward situations to occur. Especially, when our roommate
might have a different idea of boundaries with us. We have to find a roommate, who has
similar ideas of what is appropriate. Roommates should discuss the level of comfort when
bring in their guests or friends. Respecting each other personal space is one of the
characteristics of an ideal roommate.

Two roommate who live together but do not share the same views on cleanliness can
create a problem. Let say, a roommate who never lifts a finger to do chores, although it seem
like very simple things cleaning a bathroom or tidying up his or her room. We must find
someone who has similar cleaning habits will ensure that two of us doesn't fell as if he or she
is doing all the work or feels like we living in a disgusting house. An ideal roommate is
someone who will clean up after herself. In the same time, it is also important that two
roommates divide housework evenly. If she or he is not willing to do the housework, then she
or he not an ideal roommate.

In conclusion, an ideal roommate should be a congenial, trustworthy and considerate

person. Living with a unknown person or stranger would be difficult and troublesome at the
first time. While living with an ideal roommate, we will together overcome every obstacle in
our life. It easiest for anyone to make a good friendship and happiness of living together
when we can get an ideal roommate with above general characteristics. In this case, all the
roommates should try to adjust themselves in all aspects to get along well with your

Procter, P. (1995). Cambridge Internstional Dictionary Of English. London : Cambridge

University Press.

Louisa, N. (2012) Important Qualities of Good Roommate. [ONLINE]. Available:

[2012, Mac 20]

Sibel. (2011) My Ideal Roommate. [ONLINE]. Available: [2012, Mac 20]

An Ideal Roommate. [ONLINE]. Available:

Room-Mate/935261 [2012, Mac 20]

Qualities of a Good Roommate. [ONLINE]. Available:

housemate.php [2012, Mac 20]

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