World of Mortal Arts - November December 2019 PDF

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THE FINEST GLOBAL MAGAZINE FOR THE FIGHTING ARTS WORLD_OF MARTIAL ARTS 2 MAGAZINE TAT PESO usu ue 20180 q , : eI aoa Py ) A nN Pac Y a an Pr TUNG TLTILY ey EE. cS a BiiUes) 9 | ee MuhammadALl 2 = glad var BUR rar amie yt had a eae «= oe ACTIONMOVIESTAR) MIDDITSUIRDYALTYAVITB) 4 Coz TT a ‘A ates eae Fil atk wil , LOTTE TT A cals ‘A journey of discovery into the forgotten origins of karate’ > —A The KARATE-KA By Joel Reeves Sth Dan Okinawan Karate h an Old Man who recalled a Karate-do, Gichia Funakoshi, the author ultimately abandons the mainstream dojo to 600k out the last of the Te masters ero PE til) S| Et rt TA) Se Tey Ce ca) coer) ere rr errs ore ime tb Move On... We'll see what happens next Issue!!! “Know yourself, your erjemy, your surroundings and your ability” ‘WHAT'S YOUR NEXT QUESTION... ‘Welcome to the November/December issue of World of Martial Arts Magazine, we hope you are having a great Autumn/Fall. ‘This issue is stued with even more matial ars gems from the best martial arts going. We feature ideas, spectrum. Get onboard and discover a great world of martial ats. Always worth saying. we worwa wine we would be, The finest champagne of the martial arts world Weate, you can have some too. Thank you. and opinions from across the martial arts Cant see your art, et us knaw and we'l see if we have anyone to write about it Lotus know whet you think of our articles and design. Dont forget to check out our huge world of content from. a videos to articles on the World of Martial Arts Television main site, www.voma.t. Ieisall martial artsall the time ‘Yes, this isthe NovembefDecemborisue so please do havea very merry run upto the holiday season, a Happy Christmas or Happy Holidays or ust be Happy however you experience this partof the year Enjoy your martial arts whereever you find them... rom your Home to the Hombu tothe cinen wel Henshaw Editor READ this Digitally Oryou can always get the print version i's a diferent, beautifully tactile experience and could be used asa paper fan too. READ thisin Print, Oryou con alway’ get the digital version perfect fora variety of diferent scenarios from the commute, the dojo or the beach. 00°90 04 onanagazine MAGAZINE ail bin See pao Peau pen Bae ‘submissions een Tz. JKD SECTIO! BR cr) Sometimes the toughest opponents eee eee) ae ean Poe nee eee Rn Keat explains more oer roy Rome eee een tn Bruce Le and Jeet Kune Do, BE Cree eee te eee ents pee Deer epee ee cen es pee res ere) Po eed een eet es cS BOr Lg (Chris Kent had the pleasure of conducting eee ea aeons Cee ‘Samurai Legend O6 Matt Okuharap family bought their way into the Japan nobility adhe helped shape modern op you know the story of Sakamoto Kyoma’ Martial Art Evolution O8 That woul never work in the sret themanta ofthe modern martial ‘why? Surely all martial arta sre fective for ‘combat, feral sn that what mari means? Matt Stat loo funet at closing the gap between iy’ and tradition Kywan Gracie 12 Mick Tally ineric royalty with added Wi Indian Fighting Art 16 ‘Vajramchl with the infamous yest Wrestling Clan of Gujarat iJon B Will Here lable knowledge nd this ultra -olent and almost ha Filling the Void 18 Kurt Cornwell gives you the cools to designing ‘unter Punching, sare i Eee) Fighting Films 20 rae Pers rat cere erred eee Cnn renee ree See ero) te i LU. Soren Pe pee rn eT ener faced each other, who would win? Pere letsyou decide what would have et eet ee papa verreeny eee Como Peet os eons Rules of Combat 40 In every ight, every tack every confrontation -srmed orn armed -that there has ever been, o that ver wl be, there are rules! Most people never consider the ules, and thle fat eet fal into cht tap! Vinee Mo to disse the ides do isexplains Sport Aikido 46 Rab Jones reviews the second Worldwide kido Federation World onships an and free membership. Pati nt that had open acee Timing is Everything 5O Repetition dent make perfec, makes permanent, I've dot get right, wea practicing and erating amasle memory of Incorrct movement, something thats dificult t0 change--ke a bad habit Ne Adams explains. Original Truth 52 Surrender, No Retreat! The foundations ofastudentteacher lationship ae built on surender and when there is no surrender, then one of them will eventually retreat Alisappear) Lak Wing Chun’s Secret Form 56 has beena wellknown clam chatall Marcial Ants have of th respected systems. These secrets are withheld by the seniors ofthe sryleand only ever taught to the chosen few afer o ets hidden in the dep erable commitment, dedication, Master Here Stephen Dyde reveal loyalty to theirart and tothe eof these secrets the secre! . OS F Be Rees ‘Oo ] eee re Con ar s 4 Coen Aegean bea nd Sore ae ues Set ca see ere aes the Sakamoto family was granted the honourablé postion of Pp ane ote Me ceed Pe ee ee et Goes Serene eee eet en ete eee eee eevee Pe ee eee see net Seen en Seen samurai) Ryoma was the subject of ridiculeand bullying whist growing up but even s, he excelled in sword work and military tactics. This lw born See eer eee et = ee ere heen ae % Pr ete a ers ced -- — CRT Berra Way into ror Japanese nobility and he helped shape modern Japan. Do you know the story of Sakamoto Ryoma? sg A ae > Article: Matthew Okuhara Photographs: ©Matthew Okuhara Info: PNW lehidsl elias f=! ae Ba fe), c (0) (cP NEI ieskee/Ah< a) )V-9,0) bees] an CASNIVHIFOLION IN, SHLGITIVS. dNOWD # Did you know that in Japan, people often refer to each ‘other by surnames? John Smith would be known as Smith John and Freya Helens would be called Helenius Freya With the arival of American ships in 153, Japan was starting to do business with the westem nations The Emperor of apan was keen to modernise and develop his country whilst the Shogun wanted to hold conto the ‘old was! based on clans, loyalty and bushido, This caused great divisions in the country. The might ofthe Foreign ships and weapons caused futher divisions amongst the population, who werestarting, to se that the samurai were not the pinnacle of nnilitary prowessany longer. VCINIO[ VWOAYOLOWY VS Inialy,Ryoma sided with those samura loyal rath Shogun. Ie joined a groupof around 000 called the Kinotto that used the slogan revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians’ However he did nat age with their methods, which focussed on assassination, violence and reform only onthe southern island of Kyushu. As such he A the group and became ronin (a rmastees armurai) The shame of his decision caused hissister to commit side # Did you know chat being born int he samurai ent would have had many challenges aside from those of duty, deease ‘and daimyo Gopanese Lords) The rapidly hanging police! climate and the sudden inglax of foreign diplomats and goods created social upheaval that would make Brext look like nothing more than a po ‘Whilst ronin, Ryoma came to understand the benefits of westensation’ for Japan, and began working with Katsu Kaishu to develop a moder navy. The maritime contacts and sailors that he recruited also functioned as his own tading company, making possible for him to import firearms and other hardware that would be necessary to createa modern Japanese military, He was abe to re-equip many soldiers with more up tod of samurai lords loyal tothe Emperor. The legacy of his ognized today 28 the Ocean Support Fleet ofthe Japanese Maritime eaponsand ableto broker an alliance influenceand naval efforts isstill Self Defence Force Ofcourse, having been a roninand pro western, he ‘eared the it of those samual loyal to the shogun He often went under the alas Saitani Umetaro but his influence grew, so did the numberof his enemies. With agreat number of employees and contacts it was difficult for Ryoma to remain safe Assuch, whilst enjoying some female company atan in (ryokan) in Kyoto, 2 patrolmen artempted to apprehend or kill him in response tos offences against the Shogun, Alerted othe fat that something was wrong by his naked courtesan who had been enjoying bath fing from the Shogun'smen, he used his Smith & ‘Wesson revolver and considerable sword skill to avoid thee clutches, and make ito safety Thesite ofthis incident still bears the bulletholes and sword cuts of Ryoma’s escape to this dy, 1 Did you know thet the Mei Restoration was « pivoal moment in Japanese history? Much like the American Civil Wer and Magno Corea, i shaped the country for ‘generations to come Having escaped a previous assassination attempt yoma and his associate, Nakaoka Shintaro met thrends on the isth of November 1867. Absorbed indiseussion onthe future of Japanese polities whilst ina rented room in Kyoto, the two samurai were attacked by an armed group calling themselves the Totsugawa Warriors His bodyguard, a large sumo wrestler was stabbed inthe back after answering the door ta the property, allowing the assassins free run to the guestrooms. Sakamoto Ryoma was killed almost instantly but not before lamenting the fat that he was aken by suprise, He was 33, The Meiji Restoration and the ern of the samurai was completed the following yer by the Emperor of Japan. The power of the Shogun had come toan end worwnoma:y OF eaten would venture that as fong as there have been humans, there has ee ence a eae lingrained into our very DNA, and T am sure way back when our ancestors Tore ante aT ane iemnn eames ee er ee Ce eee Ties Lae aaa eee eae od Crees ae resources from other tribes Piece ene Sateen ea eres Fighting and the corre ents er ete a eee tres Reece Teena’ Tike the bese hunters, they almost certainly would have been revered. This naturally Corres eer eS Pears a aU A bee em ater ae =] ant 73] FUNCTIONALITY AND TRADITION UTA CNCaveamlyeya ce 10 a PUNO CPOE ROM RUC CMB UT TCC ET EA att 3 Butwhy? Surely all martial arts are effective for combat, & after all isn’t that what martial means? M 08 vomaragazine 3, ~ Tad en he origins of martial artsseem unclearand there does not appear to bea definitive answer, however oneot the nost plausible attempts to discuss the origins of martial arts is that its very beginnings come from India| think itwould be fair to say thataslong as bomo-sapiens have existed there would have been training towards aspects of the marta, afterall eaming how to {howaspearorfrea bow would have been a necessity back then. ‘The story ells ofan Indian monk that trmelled tothe Shaolin temple of China There he introduced its inhabitants toa series cof exercises for health and wellbeing. These exercises through time and necessity due to bandit rads became more oriented towards Sighting unl eventually they became whats row termed Kung Ft ‘When most people say martial ats they picture ars from Asian countries, ‘although all countries havetheirown ‘versions. Asan example, the term, ‘martial comes fiom Latin and means ‘tof Mars, the Roman god of war. The ‘words were use to describe combat sjstemsin Buropeaseariyas the 1550. Wrestling which is originally fiom Greece isthe oldest recorded ‘ombatsport and Homer's Iliad describes single combat in detail ‘So how do we find ourselves {today ina world where martial ‘arts can sometimes have the criticism laid at its door that iis ‘more art that martial? ‘Toanswerthatwe would need to explore what the martial art are and what they actualy mean ‘The martal artofa country orareais ‘usually the product of isenvironment, che miake-up of its indigenous people and the socal structures they inhabit. Most havea aay Article: Matt Stait cultural heritage attached to them that gives them a deeply rooted anchor into the people ofthat lcation, Lf wetake the weapons used by traditional Karate, most ae farming tool. When thejsland of Okinawa was invaded by the Japanese in 1609 its inhabitants were stripped oftheir weapons. To counter this, they became adept at using firm implements. Horn of necessity they developed ways to utliseth things around them to defend themselves, CCapocirais disguised in dance, Slaves in the 6th century wha were taken from West Aftica to Brazil by the Portuguese colons hid their martial arts praersein dance. Forbidden from practising they would use the music tide ts true meaning fom prying eyes, Inter kK similarstory Infact, the name Arnis comes fom a dance. In 596 the conquering Spanish had banned the practise, so the Filipinos incorporated the movements of Kali into their religious dances. The Spaniards were s0 impressed they named the movements arnes. (Overtime that evolved to Arnis, ey the Filipino martial arts of Ese d Arnis havea Savate or boxe Francaise isthe kickboxing syle of F Marseille. They utilised h would have their hands fee to grasp the rigging forbalanceas the cea would rock the boat deck beneath them, Another version of nce used by the sailors of nicks s0 they Savate was being used at the same tm the slums of Paris. The kicks inthis version were kept low and the heavy boots they would wear meant the kicks were delivered to cause maximum damage All ofthese arts were created due to very specific st developed to answer the particular needs that timeand place require. Ifwe go ack through history and follow the timeline of of circumstances and all theart, you can ee sly see why itisthe way it isand the reasons behind why itis practised in that manner. ifwe look at more modern system, such as BY) (Brazilian ju jitsu) and look cits bisth we can tells parent artsare Judo and Japanese ju jitsu nig Carlos Gracie wor nara tv OD becamea student of Mitsuyo Maeda who asin tuma student of the founder of Judo, Kano Jigoro. Carlos then began to teach Helio who sulfered from health problems As such he medlfied the teaching to suit himself and this isthe bieth of BJJ as we know it All artshavea history and by researching them we can understand the elements that made them intothe styles and arts we recognise today. Inthe late roth century the martial ats took ona more sporting approach with the implementation of the Queensbury rules for boxing and theart of Japanese JuJitsu created Judo where Kano opened the famous Kodakan in 18. Then 25 we ‘move on traditional arts that are actually not that traditional in their modern guises eKwon Do sain massive popularity while both being come to the fore, Karate and Ta less than a hundred years old. Then in 1993 MMA erupted with the now world- famous UFC Fighting Championship and a new sport was born, This has led toa facture amongst precitioners which each claiming. validity ‘The combatives and reality styles chim theyare the best bit are their knowledge tothe testin competition ‘The sporting arts say theirlive testing gives them the edge, yet they rarely step out of deadly to pt theie rule system. Tradition ists ay theirs isthe tru interpretation ad refs to sully themselves with any sporting context 10 womanagazine ‘Theyall hold value, and each interpretation Isesqallyas valid as long as we are honest in what we want to ake from our practise [Now we know how the different arts ‘evolved we can start to loka the modern applications of those arts. Ave they still evolving, or Tost ina ‘quagmire ofhistory and tradition that doesnt translate to the moder world and the current threats we face? fwe are teaching an art must we adhere ‘strictly €o the rules of engagement and etiquette set by its founders all those ‘years ago? ‘What's interesting about these questions is thatthe saying necessity is the mother of invention i very true when it comes to martial ants, How did we find ourselves in this martial ‘cul-de-sac where tradition overrides functionality? We know a pocl of water that doesnt move will stagnate este, and die. It will n longer hold life and slowly suffocate any life that di exist. Wealso know that a moving team will e-oxygenace self ‘reat, and providea habitat where new lifecan flourish and prosper. In which environment would you want your eas and training to be? = valle, He then discarded what he thought was not useful or superfluous and added in anything he felt had relevance. Thear of Jeet [often see very traditional arts completely had been promised tied rally hard tostay adrift fom the modern world, The beauty within the lines and apply good technique, and graceof ts pratitionersisastounding but Iwas drowning, and I desperately needed as they perform myriad of techniques with aif raft, So, did what was needed in those ally compliant partner who will move circumstances Iefined my practise into the agreed pre stranged atack on eve The clothing is based on the historic dress would no longer train t pall punches: 1 and the rituals mast be fullydhered toat would insist my traning partners sed eal therisk ofserious offence. Therecan be no aggression, leven made people sweatin denying that ittakes many years of serious the hallowed ground ofthe dojoas had to study toachievea mastery thatsome of —_de-sensitize myselfto the threats that faced, these practitioners show, et how applicable No-one bowed outside or stayed withina would these skils be against someone who set ofrules. Mess up and the consequences had never seen that art and was just young, were very eal. Ie tumed out for me at eat, strong, ft, and angry. Orsomeone highon _itwasnt the techniques dirt work or the drugs that nami the pain receptors and take knowlege was worthless, What I discovered away any sense of consequences. Orsomeone was my application that | had been usin SOUTER trsined ina more physical disciple. This _wasantiquated and obsolete. needed to USAR oesnthavesobe martial, a17stonerugby modernize my silset. When I did tht, 1 EMC RU MTS OTUCESA EE player orpowerliter,orevenasolid manual found almost ke magie the movement would RRO | orker will create serious problems fora lot work and the principles had spent so long movies caused through feturinga non-white learning did have value lead and action hero, The succes of Enter the ee had toadapt my own taining. started Toevoleistoliveand weas marta artiss aes Wworkingassecurityin nghtclubsand bars should look othe future, Westand on and very quickly realised the notion that eal the shoulders of giants and owea debt of Cory Violence ispre-arranged orstructured was gratitude tour forefathers for giving us the eas at bert misinformation, at worstaliewetell wonderful gif of our martial ats, Yet we also world within our curselvesforcomfor. oweadebt tour forefathers to keep those ats eens Iwallowed in my own alive, Relevancy to today’s society iscrtcal in ey i self-pity and beat’ anyars survival. Evolution will apply here as at Peet es ‘ould not get thearts we practise, we wll ose them. The mete my T—itdoes everywhere and if we do not update remains functional fo rmymartalarts very best way we can celebrate our history ito Ca todowhat! — protectits ture. wor moray LL Vi reea to ag = eee ee 3 oa Seed eee eet a eae on our pyjamasand roll around the floor, ree eee tts nH Pent es ete ne a] eee meee Med earned cot renter Did you find a culture shock when you first pester an] Sap eet eee ne! Interview Renzo, and my wife went down tothe blue oeererren erent he tet ater er ear my wife replied, “well, Riois to hot for me Renzo" eset eee Pee end Pernt cee nen es Re ce Sener ST ee tee id eee Per net canttereed ce eee tenn et believe that Rorion had no idea that this ee a Cone et eee eee ee Pose eee oes a Seriously though, foralong time pe eee oe Pete eet nee ete nee Ce ee ee ce ee eee a ees here, you famously fought and beat the now Notorious Conor McGregor in Nog See ee eer ound him to be not that special actually he Pen es caer nee ee ene eta ee) Se eee cad en eet es Pride Grand Prix were crazy. Back in r Pon eee Read ee eee ae) ceed cer et een na ae} arene rnd ee ne ee schools of thought in regard to ji fits. eee? Pere Porras erred Seen eee ts Cae any erent - ieee eed 4 sarees 3 S| Re eet ‘get interested in mma® What Pert Srey P ye always boen intrested in Tees eel 4 ts Pere on Cet then, before he started dressing rnd eer Seen Pee ad ae 4 nee particular who's been very vocal in regard Lo ere enn n ene Bre eer eT ere eet te ees SSE en eee) Lol, chat’ the dumbest comment I've ever Peete et eae ett Firs ofall, Rekson Ju Jitsu was not Peet eee hee ey Pee eT Peony cc So Rickson was also ahead of his time, I had eee ed eet) him the way he could solve problems nd eee ee a eet ars oe eee eed Pe eet ees See eet ee ee een eed Pen et eed caer Caer ar eet ee when we rll he plays that lapel game, but ee Pano ee eee ee oe Seriously though, I think people forget hhow young Keenan s, I know if! heard some of the sh’t Isaid at his aged want ree ts Soe re enn ees aay Pet eee eet ran en noe eo) Ro ee ey but Rickson stil was the best saw at solving Po ee er ees Se ee Pee eee ec ean no Pere Definitely, ean se Kron and Neiman for eee te as eee Peencen ea ernTT ey Pee ennt rt ores one et 13 es 7 a Den tg Noverber or January ieee rete eee eset Penney Pees real martial artist and Peete carncrrt eer raed Cees Punch fame), a Renzo's house, Seta eed Peete prenpegreniinnerir very J perspective to my striking erent cr ers Tl neverbe as good as a Boxer or Muay cements postr ‘ToMMA yes, because ofthe diferent angles Per ree ery mere vie peers neers er faster and unpredictable for my opponents, teen eer rane creer cy Pen eet ed ferences ers) Pee ae ee eas Porno at tet peers teen eee cy ones ae as ere eee ne CEG ee! comiortablestriking, or they fel comfortable eres Torte ee eee ener nd fee ee ee ete Seriously though all ehe great fighters they eer ee ee Et Ferguson..they mix the arts d discovered ramushti Wrestling when Iwas travellingand traning throughout India back in the late 1980s, Infact, I wasdoing some research atthe National library in New Delhi, when | ‘came across copy ofthe Mallapurana, ‘text on the are chat was orginally published in the late'4os believe. Having gleaned a few hints of where 16 woman agazine One Westerner noted for training in Vajramushti with the infamous Jyestimalla Wrestling Clan of Gujarat, Western India, is John B Will. ( Arenowned Australian martial artist, who has trained with grappling legends Gene LeBell, the Gracie brothers, Machado brothers and many others. His array of students include UFC and BJJ champions. Here he shares with us his valuable knowledge and experiences of this ultra-violent the Jyesti Clan might be living. began my search for them and ended up in Baroda in the stateof Gujurat, Ime the nwo surviving elders ofthe Jyest Clam afer tacking them down in the city of Baroda in Gujrat. stayed for several weeks and spent some time with them: ‘twasa wonderful ‘experience. These weremen who proudly bore ‘considerable cars fiom their early and almost-extinet Indian fighting art. daysasVa)ramush fighters. They took me toasmall raining space which consisted of aclrepit surrounded by variousstatues and carvings ofthe deities important to Indian wrestlers, insideavery old (locked up) building From them I earned some of the fundamental Vajramushtitechniquesand training methods, Iewasa special time. [do nat know much about the origins of Vajramushti I doubs whether nyonedoes, But Ida know that there are several texts, called mallepuranam (translation: Malla ers to boners/wrestlers and Puranam frst ancient texts) that mention the Iyesti practices, dating back tothe carly part ofthe rth century, These texts are writen MG Article: John B will ee eee Pree ee eee een Perrone ntten the syle could be traced much eee tenner eet enemas peaeneenen ve er O ea Peet ee ees See Perera Se eens Sune Pees ets Seen mein eee oa Tr] Cee oe Pare reeset Rn ee Trrerersisrrsesnn sain Sorters ee eee ey eee ets ee most states and at one time Gujurati King ae ee ee ee ey practise and compete Tn dally practice though instead of using operons Paeiemvaionneriniriviieer) eee eee eet ers Pe eet eae eter ee ete eee rs oe nS ee eee eee oe eee eer ees ‘ex Photographs: john B Will Once the arena, the Vajramushii ‘weapon is secured (ted with ed thread) to theirright hand, Then the Fight begins Asfaras historical records tellus, women were neverallowed to practice this art. In the Last few centuries the [yestimallas were farmers, factory workers and the ike, They are ‘Vegetarian end worhsippersof Kets “Toenhance the power of the blow that is delivered by the bare hand orclenched ft, bint stones or ticks, sharpened stones and a variety of daggers are developed, Inthe blunt ‘orsharpened category tool grasped by a clenched fists named Must? Tmsorry, | dant know the answer to that ‘question, Ido know that the contest were held on the days of Holi and Dasera. I suspect thatt would have been dificult to compete more Frequently due tothe significant injuries sustained by the wrestlers, [think the outward brutality ofthe art precludes most people from practicing it requires avery strong work ethic and considerable courage art ike Kalaripayatt, ete sre mach, mich ster to practice ‘Will, there were some similarities, but at that time [hada trained in BY) 50 probably dit appreciate some of the subtleties that | was exposed to. The ystimallas employed techniques lke the modern-day BJ} Omoplata for example who knows what wonderful techniques and strategies have been lost over the ages do feel very privileged to have been able to spend some time with the las surviving Jyests of our time, wow.noma.v 17 Designing Your Intuitive Template for Before You Start: Counter Punching Fare car aequany ‘ounter- Punching, ‘opponent's movement pattems, and sequire particularly at close ran them reflexively and without delay: fan and highly-funetion pene based largely on two very basic Therefore, would-be counter-punchers might | Relax Your Vision principles: Hit them when they do ourselvesa service to first establish what Steric tr enels robin: trytonityonrandhitthem wherevertheyarert. any. tagetsof opportunity areikely tobe | Soeur, therm Thisisin large part based on the nation thata presented by any given attack. By doing so, eee body in motion will present an ever-changing we developan increased ability tosee ina Ssoceatath pallet of targts-of- opportunity flash - which areas of our opponents body are simply devoid of defense, so that we might fil Tobea good counter-punchet, oneof the major that void instinctively. no tune vision is paramour © ‘counter string inthis wa. sure your abil 0 relax your gaze ‘end loose especially those atthe concepts you must learn isto “hit where they aren't” Thisis to say, fill the gaps in their guard with your fist (or foot, or knee, Thisexercse will help you inform your intuition " etc). Thea isnot withereativeoptionsof | pase athe skull Ask your partner yourchcosing, Beopen, | togently rele your head in ra try things, and leaveno | di stone unturned, Th help disconnect your over this part ofthe dy specific, pre-set target area, but rather to always be mind is norighe or wrong And enjoylt! cof what targets are with this, only the Bath, relax, and bring a spiri presented by an exploration process. Ply the mat. Ti nang yur co seriously The byt remain mental letbe sey, 18 womaragazie iN Article: Kurt Cornwell Photographs @Ryan Doede Model: Kurt Cornwell The Exercise Ready Position With your partnerin a static, immobile ready positon, begin infront of them by filling any gaps between their glovesand their body with punches. Consider literally any body part asa target, and then acquire that target with the tool closest tit. Light taps tothe abdomen, limbs, oreven head willbe likely. Your emphasis i on expand! ing your awareness of targets, not simply acquiring those you prefer. Circle slowly around your partner, finding what targets areavalable Jab With your partner's jab extended and held Inplace, begin to explore what new open ings have become available by their having vacated their on-guard positon. Are many targets the same? Hasa new gate opened? Notice how the need to avoid the limb perpendicular from your opponents body changes how you must circle round therm Cross/Rear Straight AAswith the Jab, observe how the body in front of you has changed. Note the pivot ofthe rear foot and hip, and how that may boing new targets forward, or pull ethers furtheraway. As you move slowly around the bod, leave no curiosity unexplored. Has this new position changed which of your tools will rach their body first? And asalways, remember to note which targets Hook Punch Hooks are a great, and necessary, addition tothis platform. Their horizontal nature creates kind of default defensive position to protect what lay behind the offending limb, With that said, the curved nature of the lineof attack also creates new pockets ‘between the limband torso/head. Remem ber tobe creative, focus noton you WANT to hit, but on simply filling the voids with whatever tools are closest. Can you strike from underneath? Above? Diago- nally? Asalways, note how the pivot ofthe foot changes which targets are lined up with you from any given point. Expand on this exercise with whatever attack tools are common in your at, Bring. ing in low-line attack shapes like knees or kicks are very interesting to work around, asaneclose-range weapons like elbows. You might also research other common forms of attack from arts outside your own, and ask your partner to try copying the shape and ‘mechanical structure of those strikes ina efortto Increase yourawareness of how to defend against them, ‘Though not a substitute forany other training modality, this explorative exercise isa great way to bring new awareness to yourgame, and teach yourself that perhaps any target is better than none, that some target will always be available, and that you, to, could be hit even while on the attack, Awareness s the key ta successilly implementing yourart, oravoiding danger to begin with, Informing your intuition to respond to this awareness on your behalf starts right here. Happy Hunting. & wwn.noraty 19 his eatly Hong Kong fil fom the Gok ‘waste final lm in King Hus Harvest Studios, “nn Trilogy, and the follow-up to hishighly acclaimed A Touch of Zen a0 bisearler classic Dragon Gate Inn, The Fate of Lee Khan once again shows the master lmmaker's impeccable talent in creat drama out ofa single setting. An espionage thriller with a unique wusia twist nd shades of irosawa's Seven Samurai, the film chronicles The film s bosed around Lee Khan (Tien Feng: A Better Tomorrow, Fist of Fury) a high oficial under Mong dynasty (year 366) who procures the battle map of the Chinese rebel Chu Yuan-Chang’s amy. Rebel spies, aed by treachery within Khan’ ranks, strive to core him in an ion There are many stars in this lm memorable from other Golden Harvest classics suchas Rey Chiao (Game Of Death), Angela Mao (Hapkido), 20 wonanagazine THE FATE OF LEE KHAN LiILiL bua, Hs Feng, (as Lee Kahn's sister) and theaction choreography is by Sammo Hung (Enter The Dragon), Ten Fung is chilling as Lee Kah and both the acting direction and photography are superior ‘and woustally for fins of the perio, the female leads areal While the fights and effects are sometimes primitive by todays standards, they ae nonetheless well choreographed. The storys intriguing the intentional humour hits the mark, and, he ating i ctually surprisingly This Masters of Cinema Series released on blu-ray and DVD forthe frst time inthe UK, with anew 2K restoration, Extra fea ses include ‘anew and exclusive commentary by critic and Tony Rey ‘essay by David Cairns, plusa collector's booklet featuring new ad archival writing onthe fil We Die Young Ree ene ene eet enero te ee ee eee eet Poet eat een oer err Perea unt ed Pee tone nt eee a ene ee tn ee Pore eee eee eet ert eee Jang yean pene in Washington DC. Lucas ee ernst Pere ste nr year old brother asa delivery boy. Lucas is eee ee eet Sey ar eee ae ee Itis not yourtypical JCVD movie, instead he oe ee er to eee ree pene -poeeceny orem Sener ent rare eee ee reaper oder with gun eee eters 3. Thieme pees Ser ene eee oe ee ane es Senet rere oar eer y eae Pte: en cet ete foran itensecar chase, as it isa drama that, ee es eects Serena eis es revitalised Van Damine, certainly one Lto own. = | vo 7 @: | 7 et Oldboy @ This oneof Korea most create and Aisne The diet om Park Chan-wook (The Handmaiden) is spectaca hissy of fimingisunigoe Colours are sd and itseems as though hewanted eer shotto bea pie of Further the sundeck i mesmerting Based on the Japanese manga of the san name the move starts witha man abelcted ona rainy night in 988. He san obnoxious drunk, Oh Dae-Su, and much to his surprise, wakes up locked ina windowless and dilapidated hotel pom, foran unknown, reason. Thee, his invisible and pitiless «captors will feed him, clothe him, and sedate im to avert a desperate suicide — andas his only companion and a window to the world isthe TV in his tak cll — the only thing that helps Oh Dae-Si keep going 'shis daily journal Unexpectedly, after fifteen long years Jn captivity, the perplexed prisoners deliberately released, encouraged to track down his tormentor to get his retribution, However who would hate (Oh Dae-Su so much he would deny hima (quick and clean death ‘When it comes toacting and music, this film ‘sone of the best films ever made. The music sicks in your head Apart from the extreme violence, theres excellent acting, Choi Min-sik and Yu Jietae are simply amazing as Oh Daesu and Lee Woo jn respectively. Credit should also be given toGang Hye-jung as Mido, The characters ae given emotional depth. They are not simply categorized asither good ot «vil butareallowed to fel raw emotion. Cinematography, music and the plot are outstanding, Oldboy is one hell ofa movie characterized by surrealism, grity violence and raw emotion. The theme is about revenge and how itdestrysone person. (CELA MASTERPIECE! ‘Ova yrs LEZ WARRIOR @| Karate Warrior ‘Karate Warrior (AKA The Boy in the Golden Kimono) isan italian take on The Karate Kid from diector Fabrizio De Angelis (Killer Crocodile). Featuring an cay lead role for future talian mogastar, Kim Rossi Stuart, Karate Warrior features host ‘of eultcinema talent, including the lovely Janet Agren (Hands of Ste?) a fantastic soundtrack from BAFTA-nominee,Simor Boswell (The Crying Game). Moreove, this filmed spawned five sequels The theme af the movie much ike Karate Kid 2, sees Anthony Seot (Kim Rossi Stuart) asan American teen who goes tothe Philippines co vist his father, Paul (Martin), journalist curvently living there, After alot ‘of bonding time with his father, Anthony conflicts with local gangster Quino (Enrico ‘Torralba), who also happensto bea Karate ‘master: Quin and his thugs ae involved in protection racket with the store owned by the father of Anthony's love interest, Maria (annelle Barretto). Eventually, Quine beats "up Anthony and leaves him inthe forest. He isthen found, and nursed back to health, by an old monk Mast Kimura (Kensakia Watanabe). Master Kimura also goes through reat pains teach Anthony martial ats ‘expecially the “Dragon Blow” justin time for the big tournament ta fight Quino again. ‘Karate Warrior isa very earnest and straightforward film thar seems like is simultaneously trying to belike the Karate Kid movie and atthesame time wying not 10 be lke it. Director Fabrizio De Angelis turns ina competent product Itcould have used more action but hey it isan Italian martalarts movie not many ofthose around these day, ‘A remastered and cleaned up master with an alternative Longer Italian Version featuring Remastered Uncompressed Kalan Audi with Newiy Translated Subtitles asa nice extra CTAINEA nice but not necessary ‘addition forthe serious martial arts ‘movie collector. © worw.nomay 21 The Protector Sarting Jackie Chan thisis another fantastic, action spectacle film from director itt James Glickenhaus (The Exterminator) who knows bow ‘to make larger than life action m AND yetis one ofthe unjustly crtcized moves of ll marta arts movie time, The Protector has many good qualities toit, and, inspite of Charis el dislike fortis fim, theacton sequences are Fallon, almostexhausting towateh, plu it hasa great song One Up For the Good Guys'on the soundirackat theend ofthe movie, by Chip Taylor Hard Edge: The film isabout Billy Wong (Jackie Chan), tenacious and dedicated [New York City cop who always gets is ‘man, but does not always pay by the rules, These blamed when his partner ddown during a robbery, and heis busted down to erowd control While with his new partner Danay Garoni (Danny Aiello) at Aisplaying shimmering cocktail wear Cong flmexpert Mike Leeder ng yunned fashion show a woman named Laura Shapiro (El ln kidnapped by marauding thugs ‘who crash the fashion show. Im maker Ame Venema and Linking her kidnapping to the nefarious Hong Kang crime lord Harold Ko (Roy Chiso), Wong and Garon travel all the way from their home base in New York City to Hang Kong to rescue Laura and bring down the criminal enterprise of Mr Ko, While there, they team up with some unlikely allies, will they achieve thei 22 womamagazine mission, and not destroy Hong Kong the process? ‘The Protector isan action movie that det sully cheek and humous. Islas al levedstoo with abit of Bos fun all the way, with no shortage of action. Not only does ook grat, thanks cinematography, but also ittraly is Jackie Chan, as you have never seen him before. This movie was eeased at the eight of lickenhaus' powersasa Alirector, he was smart enough to give action fans all of what they want, and ‘one of what they dnt. itsexcellent The fights are excellent including a Jackie ight with legendary Kick Boner Bill Superfoot’ Wallace. In addition, the stunts near the end are impressively scary Itisalao great tose the gorgeous Moon Lee isin the movie too! Ce Be ae eu Story Sere eee See radon eem are. Hong Kong. One of Jackie Chan's most serous presen eee eee Se ees Tet ee eed Cane Pe cS ees ere ets Sere ‘one i no exception. Whilst it may bestrange tosee Jackie Chan so serious throughout an et eee oe ent eee eee Teepe een 4 Sega A Tee nd CID Inspector Edie Chan (Jackie Chan) pee en ee een pete ny rer ern) who isthen Kidnapped. A major investigation c corer retr cme ra Pare ete emery ees eng ence ee ee td eee Pee eer er eee eee ee ery Bae re ey ae eee peepee pernniee caer re Perret en ere perfection, ifyou have ever doubted jackie ‘asanactoy, then check this movie ou tosce Sear oene esc een ca perenne tre Sn este eer tee etd that give the most excitement MU aa ey LL AN t " Pn asia mmel WoMA: Hov does it feel to be training in the footsteps eee en cred Alan Delabie: I's really an honor. JCVD is an action movies ion, coe eer See eens Reece en When Karate came to Europe, it was the traditional Shotokan, eee eee ee ed font leg kick, not backward as many karateka perform. In addition, he's developed techniques of flexibility that Jean-Claude Van Damme mastered eee ees ee ates ee ers Pee eee ee eet coe ees Cee ee a ere ar ee ens peace eer 5 Leper es Ln Movie Actor Tg A PU anne ea Tar rn aa cies ruta yaad da ty aera a GoetZ Pyare cateer and achievements his innovative technical and philosophical knowledge Se eto ere ney treet eerie iy Penn nen ee rE ee ia] Serer eetareea trees id sett ener ae tote Dee eed eerie ae ees where do nunchaku in font of Bob Wall For the rest eet eee eee aes PO ere eet eee ed nd eee ene eee ed Scene eat et et ey ee ee ce eect Isa cool action and acting scene. I'san homage tothe eee eer ne Roe nd es scheduled to come out around the end ofthe year, eee eon YOD/SVOD/DVD in the USA and Canad ee eee er pore ree eee a ne canine om eae ie aes i Seed ORs ee ard Eyal eye preven tne tne teen 5 eet ay et eee a ee ave to keep your personality yoursimpliciy and your eee tee ee ee Ser eet etd en eee as ree A pert r ered bi ne ree ver aon ener nee eee cee a horror in Toronto, Canada called ‘Bloodslinge’ Hy Have you trained with anybody whilein the US.? aes ee ct een rs ene ney ene preeanen eye aa ee es ceneeerseerinn ~S RO ae We saluteyou Alan Delabie and look forward to the release of Anatomy Of An AntiHeroand moregreat movies. SE) It is common knowledge that Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali, never squared off in a fight, but what if they did? What if two of the greatest fighters of the 20th Century faced each other, who would win? 26 womanagazine his has been one of those questions that always arises in public conversation. What would happen ‘knowing that at 63" and 210 pounds, Aliwas much bigger than Lee, who was just 57" and 145 pounds? Ali was a pro fighter with an astounding record; Lee wasa biliant maria artist, who never fought professionally, yt he had life-threatening roof tp bates in his youth on top of Hong Kong buildings and had more combative techniquesat his disposal than Ali (Over the yeas, many people have endlessly debated Alivs Lee. Some people thought Lee would beable to dominate Ali a ight, while others argued Alf would knock Lee out easily However, many experts think that with no gloves and no rules, Lee could have done serous dlamage to Al, Sret fighting and boxing are completely diferent, and boxers limitations ae actually _acisadvantage when they are not inthe ring. Bruce Lee could kick and damage Als knees, shins, {groin oF face before the heavyweight could even not trained to kick or srapple Furthermore, ina street fight with no rules, you can damage your opponent inany way possible? Lee ‘could use is kicking and grappli to devas ing effect, Ihe could keep Ali from reaching him with his hands, Le would stand chan. Infect, speculation turns out to have some bassin reality: Lee seriously contemplated a match beoween himeelfand the heavyweight ‘champion, Lee studied Al's fights careful. nthe book "The Making of Enter the Dragon’, director Robert Clouse says Bruce Lee talked abou ighting Ali back inig75. According to Close, Tes considered both sides ofthe argument and ever practiced fighting Ali by usinga fl-lengeh miro. His conclusion? He probably would not have tood achanee Everybody says I must fight Ali Somedey," Bruce continued, rm studying every move he makes ra getting to know how he chinks and moves” Bruce knew he could never =< een Also while he was making Enter the Dragon, eee ee ny eee ee ta Sonor! eee eee ee Rete ee decide what would have happened if een een ena) Sree coer Fight of the Century? Peet eee eer ere ey preety ee eee Corer en ates Pee een Sy TaltYav ten) [Androw Staton: Why did you decide towritea eer re eee ted rs ee ere eo ete eee ree! ‘The Green Hornet when it frstated on American De ee Td CO re re ‘name t Ali) senseless ifthey were putin ¢ room and eee De ed eect eet eee ry Corea ee ene ee ene aes eens eee te emer ere eee rd Pete eererrs “They may have been done simply togenerateabitof Peery eae et eet ta ‘was both unnecessary and disrespectful i's obvious peste enantio Tee en eee ee tree corny eres eee eee rs ee eet eee eee er SS ee rs Su eT ere eet See ee ee as ee oe : , Poe 2 Mow did you focusand formulate how this: fight would take place? Well, the key to any theoretical fights what rules if any would bein place. The anything goes is the important pat ofthe original quote. ‘Anything goes obviously fvours the martial artist, Bare Iemuchls, Kicks, eye and groin strikes, ina cage last man standing, — all favour the marta Thick gloves a ring timed rounds, rales, and referee wil favour the boxer. Weall sw what happened when Conor MeGregor fought Floyd Mayweather. The MMA man had to fight boxers fight ane MMA rules then McGregor would have woo, 1 he lost. Mit had been unde Aliactally met Japanese wrestler called Inoki ina previous ‘fight ofthe century’. Ali only ‘managed to land five punches inthe entire fight Inoki spent mos of his imeon the floor kicking Alislegs — so much sothat head tohavea quart af blood drained fiom them afterwards, (el be interesting tose how the Tyson Fury v Braun Strowman deb leunfolds) ‘Afew people may say this sustanother book: ‘on Muhammad Aland Bruce Lee, can you tell, ‘our readers what is dtferent about this one? {dont actualy know oF any other Aland Lee booksae such, The closest Ican think of are the books ty Davis Miller, who was both a fan of Bruce Lee in his youth anda fiend of “Muhammad Al in later lif, and who wrote tw0 len books The Tuo of Muthammad Al and The Tao of Bruce Lee 28 womanagazine My book does more than speculateon the a hypothetical ight, Both Ali and Bruce were articulate and intelligent men with great sense of amour [think i'seven fir to ‘say that Als greatest fights were not even inthe ring, Justa Bruce endured a period when he was told he mi cup his martial ar after his back injury. think, in cheend, the interesting speculation isnot how they would have fought, but what they would have ‘Was your research on Bruce Lee for other books helpful {in compiling this volume? ‘Well, knowing the stories of ‘what happeni ‘came in contact with actual when Bruce bosers was useful, A couple ‘of examples fiom my Bruce Lee biography Fighting Spirit answers the question perfectly When he wasat Edison. Tech School, Bruce quickly became knownas the guy ‘who did that Asian martial teachin ats thing Th staff asked Braceif he gvea martial arts demonstration at the annual Asian Day ‘celebration at Capitol Hill, One man who saw ‘notice about the coming ‘event was James DeMile Asa former hes rrweigh boxing champion forthe US Air Force, sho now did most of his fighting o thestreets around the Capitol Hillare, DeMile ‘was intrigued enough to tur up forthe display Ina neat darksuit and thick round glasses Bruce hardly looked like fighter. Bruce became still and his gaze focused on James DeMile "Yu Took ike you can fghtsaid Bruce, How about ‘coming up here” DeMile looked every inch and every pound the fighter he was, He ‘couldatthave been too worried by the young man beside him, who weighed ‘yo pounds and stood sf in Bruce turned to DeMileand invited him wattack. DeMille fired outa straight right intending tosend the upstart’ head sling over the crowed Bruce blocked the punch easily ashe = eee ne eer Sea oe Pane nerreeny eemuanN (ee er dencrne eer (eo Cre ear ea a pete ee aaemneennicinnat poser aeeierni nae posiarey tier nentrseerriey Later James DeMile swallowed his hurt pride and, Se Paes enact eee ee ‘Onanother oeasion, no ongafter The Green Hornet review was printed, Brace wasatadinner where one othe other guests was Senator John See eT eect ene ee eae ees ee ee reece eee eee sean ee eee een eee eee eer pearance eee Ts eee ed ane eee Pape en ron arent Pore er erie a) ee ee ee Sete eet pe eee eee eee ots permease avd eee ri ‘generation of what some cll'the geek kune Coen teen fees Cece oed Cana 2b Facebook and was completely unprepared for the deluge of ignorance that followed. What naitonalty is Brace Lee? asked one comment Before could reply sorneone beat me tit with Japanese. Bruce did karate. Hes my boss hes my her further reply was, ‘No hedldn do Karate, he jet kung doo. The same idiotic speculation that was di rounds forty-five years ago then fllowed about the nature of his death — unt inevitably someone new’ he was sillalive. Ofcourse he is" Tsai, hes working in MeDonald on with Elvis: Whatean you do! {im just waiting fr the frst Marvel-type-CGl ‘movie tha turns Bruce into some kind of superhero. The pont is chat, as'a mere human; Bruce Lee's skills were extaondinay. But f you. casthim assome kind of superhero then hes * special than Spiderman, So | hope hhecontinues o beappreciaed from the true perspective And, strange though it may seem, that’ what my purely fitional account ofa ‘ non-existent fight aims to achieve Muhammact Ali cameacrossasan Incredibly funny manand Bruce Lee was _agreat practical jokerand loved telling jokes: Are you surprised that both ofthese fighters were light hearted? Tim not surprised intheslightest Roth men had that iner freedom that allowed them to say what they meant underall circumstances and so what they felt moved toda. Both broke the rules — Bruce Lee dd so by teaching marta arts to Westerners and by going agains all the ‘traditional formats and Both advanced the science of theirat, ifyou wil. No-one had ever moved so fluidly and freelyas Bruce Lee in martial ars as Ali in boxing. Bruce was ableto tur his karate students into multiple champions by opening up their limitations. Als footwork fents, and combination had never been seen before. 1 think that all stems from a certain playfulness To be honest, you could see the same qualities oimmprovisation, creative talent and humour inthe young Paul Gascoigne. ‘canyou give ourreaders one good reason. “why theyshould read this book? Iesalor etter than going to see the movie tha started it | was pleased tosee that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood had tobe re exited in oder to secure a China release __ Bruce Thomas's book ‘Fight of the Century’ is available from Amazon at: httpsi// The film's China thestrical opening wae BO‘ Womanagazine intially cancelled for ‘unconfirmed reasons though it was reported that Bruce’s daughter ‘Shannon fled a complaint to China's National Flea Administration because of her issue with the movie's depiction of her father. Do you haveany Bruce Lee orother project immind to write about?? Asyou know, Ive previously published nee Bruce Lee teaching’ books Beyond che Limits, Change Your World, and The Tao of Bruce Lee (same ttle, but noe the same as Davis Miller's!) The rst isan overview of his philosophy using his vn words to shaw how he was rooted in Taoism and alsoaware of many cutting-edge areas of Western knewedge, and to show that his work had serious intent. Thesecond is ifyou wll, the kind of SelFhelp book he might ve writen gain using oly hiswordsas the basis for expanding The third book again relates Bruce's own words directly to the classical Chinese wellas expanding on them, Theshor answer tall ofthat a is that [plan X atsomepointto compile all ofthese three books nto one book called Complete Teachings. may then retrospective compilation of everything Ive leamed ‘over my thirty years of study Article: Chris Kent Photographs ©Chris Kent Info: www. “Do not allow ‘Negative Thoughts’ to enter your mind for they are the weeds that ‘Strangle Confidence’” ~ Bruce Lee Vanquish Your ‘Invisible Enemies’ eating with ‘external opponents sone thing Dealing with “internal opponents is quite another Oftentimes we discover that the toughest opponents we have to dea with in ible enemies" we create in aur mind such as wory, ‘our life are, infact, internal opponents anxiety, seldoubt, and fet Internal opponent's such as our own seli- limiting concepts, unfounded personal doubss, insecurities, and hang-ups can act asa sto chains that restrict our abilities to moveand prevent us from doing the things we want ta, Inaddition, they can pall us out ofthe present ‘moment and prevent us from dealing as effectively as possible with the situation at hand, withthe result that weend up dissipating our energy by facusing ou attention onan never-ending series of “whatifa and “oh, nos” Ifwe listen to these invisible enemies and pay tention to them, we can end up stuccin place, our wheels spinning incapable of making decisions, developing, elective goa planning strategies or taking action (Excerpt fom “Liberate Yourself! How To Think Like Bruce Lee" by Chris Kent) So what can each of us dot help vanquish our ‘invisible enemies"? ‘Make sure you haveall the countering tools and skills ready and at hand, As with external opponents, do not Ne internal opponents what they need to work against you. Refuse to supply them with the nutrients (negativity pessimism, ete.) that make them grow Develop your ability to recognize negative thoughts and negative self tallassoonas they start. Challenge the utility of them by asking yourself ‘Am I thinking properly to maximize ‘my potentials? Isthis thought helping ‘meor hurting me? Is this thought ‘motivating me coaction and moving me closer to where I want to go, oi i blocking me with fear and self-doubt? Is helping meto perform efficiently and prodactvely? Re-pattern the way you espond to attacks, challenges, etc. by developing the ability to “transform the opponent” Learn to“neutralize” internal attacks ‘Quickly and efciently, Workon making yourself Tess vulnerable to atacks. Get your copy of ‘Liberate Yourself! How To Think Like Bruce Lee’ from all good retailers NOW! wowomacy 3D BRINGS YOU NEWS AND REVIEWS OF ae NAc} a 4 és fs} ee a Pt fasta} ee i BRUCELEE AND JEETKUNEDO. hen Brace openee his hid 2 final School in Los Angeles, his top student and instructor Dat with great pride that he established this ionic and non-classical martial arts school ina city fall of marta artsstyles, Iwas here where Lee taught his students Jeet Kune Do or the “way of the intercepting fist", fighting styleand philosophy he developed. ‘When Bruce Lee Moved to Hong Kong, he closed ll hischoals and Guru D: tohis backyard [Now after being closed for nearly 50 years, Bruce Lee's Los Angeles martial ats tudo in Chinatown has reopened its doors led by Erie (Carr a second generation student of Bruce css original student Jerry Poteet. The studi, at 68 College Street, was vacant fiom 1960, aside fom briefly serving asa dental office. Ina reeat interview Care said he, ek compelled to resurrect the studi to preserve the martial arts legends legacy and to.continue Poteet's mission, “Teo landmark The teaching, philosophy, and mind-set of Bruce Lee have influenced people and ma ‘arts around the world for decades” Carr sai Jerry Poteet, who privately rained with Lee at both his house and studio and died dedicated his life to keeping the art OFJKD alive, Carr added, ‘twas Jerys wish 32 womanagazine 628 COLLEGE STREET REOPENS Bruce Lee's Studio in Chinatown Reopens After 50 Years as second-generation. student of Lee's, Eric Carr now teaches in the studio. or everyone he trained to carry the lame.” He continued. “Ths was my small paren aivng back and bringing the art home and accomplishing a dream on my own path Erie Car, who says he consulted Lee's family in the reopening process, explained that he aims to pas the craton to future generations ints pure f seminarsand children's classes, Adding, JKD is hele work of Bruce Lee, and want to offer en authentic experience and wil stick to the essence of Jeet Kune Do, Bruce's methods and his philosophy, and personal raining ‘mind-set and spr For Cars Lees “proof of whats possible in li in ee fceofedversity whieh i why he personally felt important the martial att’ teachings remain live. “He has in many ways paved ways for humanity aswell ax martial arises, His tudy exploration, path, message eS BRUCE LEESIM fee saa dea! and philosophy, approach to unity and self expression. can be applied to any area of if, and he gives us examples and clues on how to eccomplish whatever we put our energy towards Carrsaid. “Though the studio has ben open fr only afew weeks, Carsays ithas been wel received with many potential students who are interested in training inauthentic JKD while in Le’ atual studio, justas others had decades ago. “They wane co be closer the man who has had such an influence in their ives.” Ihe said ‘and became a part ofthat history and live the experience” Carr says he grew up poor and surounded by ad influences In 200, alteady tained in Classical Kung Fuand Wing Chun, he met Poteet and began learning Jeet Kune Do. Now he teachesstudentsof his own, “Is something Jerry weed to sy to me: "You've got to comple the circle” Car said. Pat ofthat legacy involves aceepeing students ofall backgrounds Ino the tuclo, in the spirit of Les own teaching style, "I dont care where you came from what colouryow ar, male and female ‘gy straight [dont care"he explained. “s your essence, right?” The a seven-fottll bronze tribute to Bruce, ool i only few blocks away from permanently installed last year. looks like appreciators ofthe master now have another place to visit and tran, we will keep you update on its progress. LEE’S HOME DEMOLISHED ey es: speculation, petitions, and public outcry, the house that Bruce Lee and his Cee tee ete ‘Cumberland Road in Kowloon Tong, es See erg Pee ee fe es ele Soe ene ee as Game of Death and Enter the Dragon. Many who visited werea ite disappointed eer itTooked when Bruce ved there. Gone wer Pee sce cae on ret Sree) into what might be called a Love hotel eee ee eet eter ine ee ets eee Seer eter a eee Pe oe rt Pee ee ees pormnrnrrcent erento rin Caer meer neirmer eet Sone) SEMINAR TRAINING At the ripe young age of 95 years Bruce Lees top student and friend Take Kimura Isstillout there shining a light on his mentors method of martial ars. Of course his son Andy Kimura is doing «lot ofthe work butts fantastic that this Father and son teamare out there leading the way on Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do They are holding a two day seminaron Saturday and Sunday the 3rd and 24th [November at the Western Canada “Martial Arts Academy on Royal Oak Drive. The proceeds from this seminar all so towards Tals ongoing health care. We look forward to reporting on thisevent fn future editions you can get there then go and train with a lagend, a genuine part of martial arte knowledge and history. aan fy BRUCE LEE FOREVER From Novernber 2019 WOMA Magazine are pleased toannounce the launch of Steve Kerrdge’ own Bruce Lee Forever ‘online store. This will gve an offical direct platform tall books, magazines, and more ‘on Le from ‘On the Fly Productions Ltd. Iewil feature many exciting new prodacts and some oftheir older magazines and books (while stocks last) Stove Kerrdge has ceased working with previous partners fora variety of unfortunate reasons He has launched his oficial dstibution program for any proapective distributes. Forhis Japanese customers all tems will be ssailable through ‘Shap Imai’ and Hong Kong customers may contact the ‘Bruce Lee Club (HK) ‘outcome of this could be very Interesting as it might send a message to flm producing entrepreneurs to be very NOTE: The controversy over Quentin Tarantino's film and Shannon Lee is raging madly across the internet, the Careful how they portray Bruce Loe in future films. Stay tuned. wownomav 33 Article: Peter Jagger enter it Ce Uo ees Cee ea eae ee ee Peet he etn ete ee et etn eS ee a ea tee eee ea fae ( “That’s not the real Bruce Li?!” Caen ee ee eee eee eee ee ee Cy {for more footage of thelr Idol This demand led to countless low-budget Bruce Lee exploitation films being, ‘quickly produced and released with imitators from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines and Thalland, as the: fllm companies attempted toil the vold and recreated Bruce Lee's legendary image (and in doing £0, “eash-in’ on his popularity ~ and the bigger the legend, the bigger the potential profits). This exploitation film subgenre is termed ‘Bruceploitation’. See ets ere ene reese ny eats Pees eas et es trademark sunglasses, cheyarmed themselves Se ee cn ee es Se ee ny eo ny Bruce Lee but they di not have his alent, Pe ee emee eae ean ane Dragon Lee Pe tee nett fortiori ete freer enenrneege serwnneiny prmenrtrrs onr ee Ort Sennen ere sat rss [aoe entnely renee eet YM Led The real Bruce Lee, produced by Serafim Karalexis and Dick Randall, combined Pee te eee ee eee ee ad fee ea ea r e ee De ee ea eed Iwas Serafim Karalexie who gave him the Pets Dragon Lee, who also used the pseudonym Ce eee eee eed ee eee er top Bruce Lee mannerisms, described a8 “a Ree eee ea having a Bruce Lee scowl permanently ee en ee Es “someone on hyperactive pill’. These things may not have made him Bruce Lee, Pt oe es In the 19905, Dragon Lee moved back to vc Por reer aed ene eet Bll H Ee) eee eRe ert earn orton ey Harvest Films noticed his kenessto Brice eee ee peas ecin ers et ata audition fora role in Game of Death cee eee ty Paper ennes | hai the beginning of the Tae Kwon Do pore eee ie . c | f amr = R a co} eI e = = < a = a ~) Es 7) Sj z= eS co} 2 vy Nee et ene Pere ec et eet eee Ce eee eee re ee teins ene eee een od of the Dragon character. In Game of Death 3 Tong Lung 2gain double for Bruce Lee, 2 wells playing the roe of Bruce’ character brother. Game of Death een een) some previously (non-fghting) unused footage outtakes from Enter the Dragon, The footage only Seeeerreterner ener en ere lle off (due to ther only being a small an of real Brice Lee Footage) JESSEN RSEEMEM DSK] COMI LUse IN) Ele) OF ON CVI WeHNER) Oct Fum N= /VEIS) Ae lai TOMES BE Rit ED INLee tic] eb ON UN@ls):= CE ara ee ee cee "two films Miss, Please Be Patient, an action- Soe een en ert Pe ee ed anes rec eee et ee ini i lt iene prereset pee tem % 5 Paani ni pier il iReeecinna , paynennce Pree aeons introduced Jean Claude a eer? After No Retreat, No Surrender, ‘Tong Lang returned to Koea, retired opener enent eet ‘On August 27 20, he was admitted to 5 eee ete) worw.noma.y 35 Ce ee ea he eee cates ieee STUUR Oe) Petey MOR ney et erent ee eee eee eee ee ee ree peer i eee eC eer Peete eerie eed meena) ee ae ee ee ig firmer a country boy who finds himselfin busy Hong, ee eaten ee a een ee) Cee ne ey ee eet ere ee eee) cee eee ener ena re ete eat ees eet nee) eee ery Rothrock in Millionaire's Express, eee ee ee teen ee eed Cn eS ‘obsessed with Bruce Lee in Skinny Tiger, Fatty ee ee Sener any tothe man himself The classic Pea beete cen od Ce ee) to geateffect with Marke Houghton preercaan Oe ese Le Lee's lms, watching his ight scenes ver nd aver, making, Ce ee ea incorporated into his portrayal. The explosive Bruce Lee led i a WITH BRUCE LEEIN SKINNY TIGER, FATTY DRAGON, WHICH Re ETC eae UEP MU SIU E-MKO)s] 0 eed kaatoX 0) C]]) 1.1m SAMMO HUNG PLAYS A COP WHOIS OBSESSED FILMS AND TO THE MAN HIMSELF. inspired fight sequences inall three ofthe eee eer eee fee ete ates Peat series the Legend of bruce Teo (2008) ‘Themolt-talented Sammo Hung’s eT ee Greatest Bruce Lee Impersonator. Bite) ay ee arene nena ere Pee eee ar erence tre cenreneet reeset en oti The Hollywood high-budget production, Pecan eres fine cas ensemble, came with high peereey retention) ve, throughout, inteemsof remarkable, why did Rob Coben (and ee nee Teor rere Whi thetimelineof events filmmakers of other Bruce Lee biopics) Fred Weintraub to appear as himself'in ee eee me Ln es ee ee eer Perret etree ete een ester een toe i . Sete ee et ee Ny A Een eer ony ener faery Cee ee ceerenene han ene Cee ren ene) ener oe eneeerenstnes hres eee eee ee ee ee Scot Lee intheleadrol, Boulevards Walkof Fame the sameyearas ee en De scuddnt, Jerry Poteet, The legend Perrine ae eae ener Paneer mmr ace enn mtg Cee en ee eee ent te Sd ees enone te aoe Pe renee ares Amusingy the catsuit), Therole led to him being chosen te eee ee Ce oe ee eee ee aie the series intended to showease the lifeof eee Bruce Lee but the fight choreography was See cen Se tee ccc enna eee Ed ee ee et td eee ee ry pornos ee ened By een ean SYA Cie cl vel Pena herree aoe e ee ten ee eee eee tee nr nn are eae Pepe ne mer erateeaa’ Loe ee penetra aria pyar ecnear ee enn Pettwerrnee ty eee * Prsivapeerne: reese ommend Eereate srreesreener per eerie depreciating the legacy of Brace Le. See ne en cd films inthe 1970s/80s. Now, my opinion has peer een ere er eet ee Leal ee eee es Pee eet eee ee ens ‘with, rather than concentrating on specifi a eet the finger pointing away to the moon, Ian see all that heavenly glory! Cer eee Peet tes cere eee sey with some prompting/provoking debate and eee eee) ‘certain aspects of Bruce’ lifeand times. Adding tothe entertainment value, many re eee eens et Lod cee ee pretenses “The fact that so many films starsing Brice Pere ene ae ns ee eee selling power of Bruce's name and image, but Sree cet eee et te ee Se that Bruce Lee could be replaced with pet een ene rs Pr eee] Se eee ots ae a eS ed eerie Ss er eee ree J enn Bruceploitation! Gest eon isaliveand kicking! eee Pen eat Poe eee 1ollywood Action director Cheetah Yajnesh Sone nee eet eT bbe based around the legacy of Bruce Lee and Leen oree ee end Bruceploitation: Long may it continue! OWN AND HAD SOMETHING NO ONE ELSE EVER’ NO ag ACY Wags VaR CaS) HAD OR WILLEVER HAVE. THERE'LL NEVER BEANYONE TO REPLACE = China Semina oo Peeron reamen] eed ore perro) ‘seminar in mainland China, On eee re ee Renee Ce the International Jeet Kune Pee eo een Red r2O1 oe ete etry See ec eet Preenr er nee] Ce er ener cn eee ce ee Ree eed eee any Cer eee peney ea eee eet pee at eet eet ee eats because in many ofthe places | et ee eet Se eee ed During the seminar we worked ‘on developing strong foundations Pen ees SS ee es 3 a timing and distance n both attack Sees Oe Pee Ts er) ete JKD, and thearts founder, Bruce Lee, and were so appreciative ‘of anything I shared with them ‘concerning JKD. During the seminat I was honored to receive Sey w >i eS a beautiful piece of Chinese He ‘calligraphy from Taoist priest and =< eee ta ere eee eet per ie Sareerie Ce eed ‘seminar was being a special guest Berens een et etn pemerenen et te Peter ented Pepe esteem eye eee ea eet et oe eee S eens a zs ee eer ee ery ty Seen er) Poems Roce) f- £. iges, through the Ty fen eee Cer highest to the lowest in society - there have a ey id ets ee nd Sida ‘domination or fought against i, and pages of history came into existence the fighting man See ee De ed eee a J rain togombatthiemost, Ng (ONS Of liketose 40 Wwomariegazine Article: Vince Morris Photographs: ©Vince Mor ost people consider theres, and thelr {gt reaction is todismiss the des;

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