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MO LE CUL AR P L ANT P ATHO LO GY (20 18) 1 9(3 ), 744–76 3 DOI: 10. 11 11/mp p .12 553

The HCPro from the Potyviridae family: an enviable multitasking
Helper Component that every virus would like to have
 A . V A L L I 1 , * , A R A I Z G A L L O 1 , B E R N A R D O R O D A M I L A N S 1 , J U A N J O S E L OP

A N D J U A N A N T O N I O G A R C IA * 1,

Centro Nacional de Biotecnologıa (CNB-CSIC), Madrid 28049, Spain
Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG-CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB), Campus UAB, Bellaterra, Barcelona 08193, Spain

structure, RNA sequence and transmission vectors (Revers and

SUMMARY Garcıa, 2015). Most potyvirids (i.e. viruses belonging to the
RNA viruses have very compact genomes and so provide a Potyviridae family) have monopartite, single-stranded and
unique opportunity to study how evolution works to optimize the positive-sense genomes of around 10 000 nucleotides that are
use of very limited genomic information. A widespread viral encapsidated by multiple units of a single coat protein (CP) in flex-
strategy to solve this issue concerning the coding space relies on uous and filamentous virus particles of 680–900 nm in length and
the expression of proteins with multiple functions. Members of 11–14 nm in diameter (Kendall et al., 2008). Exceptionally, bymo-
the family Potyviridae, the most abundant group of RNA viruses viruses are peculiar in this regard, as they have a bipartite genome
in plants, offer several attractive examples of viral factors which that is encapsidated separately. Inside the infected cells, the viral
play roles in diverse infection-related pathways. The Helper Com- RNA of potyvirids is uncoated and translated into polyproteins
ponent Proteinase (HCPro) is an essential and well-characterized which are proteolytically processed by viral-encoded proteinases
multitasking protein for which at least three independent func- producing, in most cases, the following mature viral gene prod-
tions have been described: (i) viral plant-to-plant transmission; ucts: P1, the helper component proteinase (HCPro), P3, 6K1, CI,
(ii) polyprotein maturation; and (iii) RNA silencing suppression. 6K2, NIa (VPg 1 Pro), NIb and CP. As mentioned above, bymovi-
Moreover, multitudes of host factors have been found to interact ruses have two genomic RNA segments that are independently
with HCPro. Intriguingly, most of these partners have not been translated. In addition to the large polyproteins, transframe prod-
ascribed to any of the HCPro roles during the infectious cycle, ucts, named P3N-PIPO and P3N-ALT, which share the N-terminal
supporting the idea that this protein might play even more roles region of P3, are produced from RNA variants generated via tran-
than those already established. In this comprehensive review, we scriptional slippage during viral replication (Hagiwara-Komoda
attempt to summarize our current knowledge about HCPro and et al., 2016; Olspert et al., 2015; Rodamilans et al., 2015).
its already attributed and putative novel roles, and to discuss the Furthermore, the same mechanism is also used during the replica-
similarities and differences regarding this factor in members of tion of some sweet potato potyviruses to produce an additional
this important viral family. transframe product, termed P1N-PISPO, which overlaps with the
P1 cistron (Mingot et al., 2016; Untiveros et al., 2016).
Keywords: multifunctional proteins, proteinase, RNA silencing RNA viruses in general are known to have small and con-
suppressor, transmission. densed genomes which, at least in part, might be a result of: (i)
intrinsic structural restrictions (e.g. topology and stability) of the
RNA molecule (Gorbalenya et al., 2006); (ii) the need to minimize
the negative impact of the error-prone viral replication (Holmes,
INTRODUCTION 2003); or (iii) the need to protect themselves from the action of
antiviral host defence mechanisms (Eusebio-Cope and Suzuki,
Members of the family Potyviridae are the most abundant and 2015). As a consequence, RNA viruses are under intense selective
socio-economically relevant RNA viruses infecting plants
pressure to optimize the use of their genomic information. To
(Scholthof et al., 2011; Valli et al., 2015); therefore, they have
cope with this restriction, they exploit diverse strategies in order
been the subject of intense studies worldwide. This family is
to produce/recruit all the required components to ensure infection
formed by eight genera (Brambyvirus, Bymovirus, Ipomovirus,
success (Ahlquist et al., 2003; Atkins et al., 2016; Firth and Brier-
Macluravirus, Poacevirus, Potyvirus, Rymovirus and Tritimovirus)
ley, 2012; Sztuba-Solinska et al., 2011). One of these strategies
which are differentiated by their genome composition and
relies on the expression of viral proteins with several functions. In
*Correspondence: Email:; particular, the well-characterized RNA viruses of the family


The HCPro from the Potyviridae family 745

Potyviridae provide fascinating examples of multitasking proteins artificial feeding systems, based on stretched parafilm membranes,
(e.g. Sorel et al., 2014; Weber and Bujarski, 2015). Here, we pres- was instrumental in the verification that insects often failed to trans-
ent a comprehensive review concerning the potyvirid HCPro, with mit the disease when purified virions were used for the transmission
particular emphasis on members of the genus Potyvirus, in which assay (Pirone and Megahed, 1966). Hence, this result indicated that
at least three clearly independent functions have been described. the viral particle alone is not sufficient for efficient transmission. Tak-
ing advantage of UV radiation treatments to inactivate viral RNAs, it
TRANSMISSION—A HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF was shown that a UV-resistant component (probably a protein) must
HCPro DISCOVERY be acquired by aphids simultaneously (or prior) to virions in order to
Potyviruses are transmitted by aphids by a mode of transmission transmit the virus (Govier and Kassanis, 1974a,b; Kassanis and Gov-
that is described as non-persistent, as it occurs rapidly, with the ier, 1971a,b). Later, equipped with very simple experimental tools,
duration of acquisition and inoculation phases in the range of sec- the purification of the active factor was achieved and allowed the
onds to minutes without retention periods (Bradley, 1952; Day and generation of specific antisera (Govier et al., 1977; Thornbury et al.,
Irzykiewicz, 1954; Kassanis, 1941). This fast and usually efficient 1985), which was certainly crucial to establish its origin as part of
mode of transmission was recognized as a serious caveat in the the viral polyprotein (Carrington et al., 1989a; Dougherty and
adoption of control measures against pathogenic virus dissemina- Hiebert, 1980; Hiebert et al., 1984). Indeed, antibodies against
tion, because it leaves virtually no time available for effective insecti- HCPro have been very useful to establish the presence of this viral
cide treatment aimed to target their vectors. Therefore, intense factor in amorphous inclusions of cells infected with some potyvi-
research efforts took place to better understand potyviral transmis- ruses (De Mejia et al., 1985), as well as to unravel other aspects of
sion. In this context, the role of HCPro in this process was found HCPro that will be described in diverse sections of this article.
even before it was known that it was a viral protein. The name Based on results from the experiments described above, a
‘Helper Component’ was coined to describe the existence of a ‘com- molecular mechanism by which HCPro participates in the trans-
ponent’ of unknown source, but present in infected plants, which mission process was suggested long ago by Govier and Kassanis
‘helped’ the transmission of potyviruses mediated by aphid vectors. (1974b). The so-called ‘bridge hypothesis’ proposes that the
How this function was identified is an extraordinary story that helper component acts as a reversible link between the viral parti-
reveals the resources, skills and imagination of those researchers cle and the vector mouthparts (Fig. 1). Over the years, accumula-
involved in its discovery (Pirone and Thornbury, 1984). Chronologi- tive evidence has provided ample support for this hypothesis,
cally, the finding of certain natural virus isolates with altered trans- whereas alternative models, such as the proposition of a direct
mission properties was the first indication that this function was interaction between CP and aphid receptors with HCPro acting to
genetically regulated (Kamm, 1969; Simons, 1976). The use of aphid expose CP binding sites (Salomon and Bernardi, 1995), failed to

Fig. 1 ‘Bridge hypothesis’ for aphid transmission of potyviruses. Left: an aphid is feeding from an infected plant. Centre: longitudinal section of the mandibular
stylet (the external flanking maxillae have been omitted to simplify the figure), including the two parallel channels (the food canal that connects to the digestive
system and the salivary canal that allows secretions during feeding) joining at the common duct. Right: a helper component proteinase (HCPro) complex (depicted in
a dimeric form) is bound at one end of the viral particle and allows a reversible interaction with potential receptors located over the cuticle lining (internal side of the
stylet tip). It should be noted that this figure is a predictive representation of the viral transmission process based on very limited available experimental data on
interactions and the consequent role of HCPro during this process (see text for details). Hence, it cannot be ruled out, for instance, that the HCPro–CP interaction
might occur all along the viral particle and non-dimeric forms of HCPro may play a role in viral transmission.

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reach generalization. Among the most remarkable outcomes of and Pirone, 1999). These results suggest that intrinsic biochemical
these efforts were the identification and validation of conserved properties of the protein require the interaction with metallic ions,
domains in CP and HCPro that are involved in vector transmission. an observation that agrees with previous studies mentioning the
In CP, a highly conserved ‘DAG’ motif had been earlier predicted relevance of divalent cations in the buffer (in particular Mg21) dur-
to play a role in transmission (Harrison and Robinson, 1988; Laın ing transmission assays (Thornbury and Pirone, 1983; Thornbury
et al., 1988), which was further confirmed by mutagenesis analy- et al., 1985).
ses (Atreya et al., 1990, 1991, 1995). With regard to the identifi- The expression of functional HCPro in heterologous systems
cation of relevant domains in HCPro, the characterization of has provided a useful methodology to speed up research on poty-
transmission-defective isolates in different viruses (Huet et al., virus transmission. Hence, the correct activity of HCPro was main-
1994; Peng et al., 1998; Thornbury et al., 1990) led to the identifi- tained when the protein was expressed in transgenic plants
cation of at least two separate motifs required for the bridge (Berger et al., 1989), in insect cells using a baculovirus-based sys-
hypothesis to occur: a PTK amino acid triad that interacts with CP tem (Thornbury et al., 1993) or in yeast (Ruiz-Ferrer et al., 2004).
(Huet et al., 1994; Peng et al., 1998) and a KITC motif that partici- In addition, transient expression systems in plants, using either
pates in retention to an unknown structure in the aphid mouth- viral vectors (Sasaya et al., 2000) or agro-infiltration (Goytia et al.,
parts (Blanc et al., 1998; Huet et al., 1994) (Fig. 1). The presence 2006), also succeeded in producing transmission-active HCPro.
of these amino acids might not be sufficient for function and, Remarkably, it was also shown that HCPro plays a key role in
indeed, other regions in HCPro were later proposed to affect the semi-persistent dispersion of Wheat streak mosaic virus
transmissibility (Canto et al., 1995; Llave et al., 2002; Seo et al., (WSMV), a member of the Tritimovirus genus transmitted by erio-
2010). Importantly, predictions based on the bridge hypothesis phyid mites (Stenger et al., 2005b). Moreover, despite the low
have been confirmed, and they include: (i) the identification of overall sequence similarity between the tritimovirus and potyvirus
HCPro retention sites in aphid stylets (Moreno et al., 2012; Wang HCPros, mutations in conserved cysteine residues affected the
et al., 1998); (ii) the direct interaction between CP and HCPro transmission process in viruses belonging to these two genera
(Blanc et al., 1997; Roudet-Tavert et al., 2002; Seo et al., 2010); (Atreya and Pirone, 1993; Llave et al., 1999; Young et al., 2007).
and (iii) the location of HCPro in a protruding tip at one end of the As a detailed characterization of the role of HCPro in transmission
viral particle (Torrance et al., 2006). mediated by vectors other than aphids awaits to be addressed, it
An intriguing observation linked to the discovery of HCPro is the is not currently clear whether this function has been acquired
unusual aphid-mediated transmission of the potexvirus Potato independently in different Potyviridae genera (convergent evolu-
aucuba mosaic virus (PaMV), which only takes place when PaMV- tion), or has been derived from a common ancestral virus that
infected plants are co-infected with a potyvirus (Kassanis, 1961). The was transmitted by an ancestral arthropod (adaptation).
further finding of an equivalent DAG motif at the N-terminus of the Finally, other aspects that remain to be determined in order to
PaMV CP provided a putative explanation for the observed trans- better understand the role of HCPro in transmission include the
complementation. In the same study, an elegant demonstration of stoichiometry and geometry of the reversible virion–HCPro–vector
the relevance of the DAG amino acid triad was obtained by engi- interactions, which seem to involve multimers of HCPro (Plisson
neering this motif in the CP of Potato virus X, a non-DAG, non- et al., 2003; Ruiz-Ferrer et al., 2005), and the location of this fac-
aphid-borne, potexvirus, as this modification rendered the aphid tor at one end of the viral particles (Torrance et al., 2006). Curi-
transmission of this virus dependent on HCPro (Baulcombe et al., ously, the visualization of virions within insect stylets has only
1993). It is worth mentioning that the compatibility of different been attempted and achieved with potyviruses in a very reduced
HCPros to support the transmission of other potyviruses has also number of studies (Wang et al., 1996), and only a few attempts
been confirmed (Flasinski and Cassidy, 1998; Lecoq and Pitrat, 1985; to discover the vector receptors have been pursued and communi-
Lopez-Moya et al., 1995; Sako and Ogata, 1981). Indeed, this trans- cated (Dombrovsky et al., 2007; Fernandez-Calvino et al., 2010).
complementation property of HCPro is believed to play an important Thus, at this point, it is still uncertain whether the potyvirus-
ecological role by driving the evolution of the helper strategy as a specific aphid receptor co-localizes or shares properties with the
way to avoid the negative impact of genetic bottlenecks associated putative receptors of viruses from other families (Blanc et al.,
with non-persistent virus transmission (Pirone and Blanc, 1996). 2014; Uzest et al., 2007).
The purification of an HCPro still active during transmission was
useful for the study of diverse features of this protein. Although the
insertion of a 6 3 His tag facilitated HCPro purification in the con-
text of a viral infection using an Ni21-charged resin (Blanc et al., RNA silencing is a highly conserved, sequence-specific, regulatory
1999), the same purification protocol was successfully applied in mechanism that shuts down the expression of target genes at the
other viruses without attaching the 6 3 His tag to HCPro (Wang transcriptional and post-transcriptional level. The entire silencing

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The HCPro from the Potyviridae family 747

machinery is formed by partially overlapping modules, which are mRNAs. These dsRNAs are first recognized and processed by
accordingly activated in the presence of diverse double-stranded RNase III-like enzymes belonging to the Dicer family, which cut
(ds) RNA molecules and have different roles during development them into viral-derived short interfering RNA (vsiRNA) duplexes of
(some good reviews on RNA silencing have been published 21–24 nucleotides in length. Analogously, another batch of these
recently: Bologna and Voinnet, 2014; Castel and Martienssen, vsiRNAs derives from newly synthesized dsRNAs generated by the
2013; Chang et al., 2012). As part of its many tasks, RNA silenc- action of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RDRs). After stabili-
ing plays a key antiviral role in organisms from different kingdoms zation via HUA enhancer 1 (HEN1)-mediated methylation of their
(Bronkhorst and van Rij, 2014; Chang et al., 2012; Ding, 2010; 30 ends, vsiRNA duplexes are recruited by Argonaute (AGO)-con-
Huang et al., 2014; Li et al., 2002; Szittya and Burgyan, 2013; taining complexes, where only the so-called ‘guide strand’ is
Zhang et al., 2015). In the case of plants, for instance, it is well retained to further direct the complex towards complementary
established that viruses generate viral-derived dsRNAs as a conse- RNA/DNA sequences in order to promote silencing (Zhang et al.,
quence of: (i) viral replication; (ii) the tendency of RNA to fold in 2015). A basic description of the antiviral silencing pathway
hairpin-like structures; and/or (iii) the transcription of bidirectional against plant RNA viruses is illustrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Potential targets of helper component

proteinase (HCPro) in the antiviral RNA
silencing pathway. Simplified schematic
representation of the RNA silencing-mediated
defences in plants that are deployed against
RNA viruses. Steps of the cascade at which
HCPro from different potyvirids may be acting
in order to block this defensive response are
indicated. AGO, Argonaute protein; DCL,
Dicer-like protein; DRB, double-stranded RNA-
binding protein; HEN1, HUA enhancer 1; RDR,
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; RISC, RNA-
induced silencing complex; SGS3, supressor of
gene silencing 3.

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Table 1 Helper component proteinase (HCPro)-targeted steps of the antiviral RNA silencing pathway.

Targeted step Molecular mechanism Potyvirus References

vsiRNA uploading Sequestration of vsiRNAs TEV, PPV, PRSV, ZYMV, TuMV Garcia-Ruiz et al. (2015); Lakatos et al.
(2006); Sahana et al. (2014); Shiboleth
et al. (2007); Valli et al. (2015)
vsiRNA methylation Inhibition of – CH3 production PVY, PVA Ca~nizares et al. (2013); Ivanov et al.
(2016); Soitamo et al. (2011)
Binding and inactivation of HEN1 ZYMV Jamous et al. (2011)
Effector Down-regulation of AGO1 TEV Varallyay and Havelda (2013)
Interaction with AGO1 PVA Ivanov et al. (2016)
Amplification Down-regulation of RDR6 SCMV Zhang et al. (2008)
Movement of silencing signal Sequestration of siRNAs? PVY, TEV Delgadillo et al. (2004); Hamilton et al.
(2002); Pfeffer et al. (2002)
Induction of endogenous Interaction with rgs-CaM and RAV2 TEV, TuMV Anandalakshmi et al. (2000); Endres et al.
silencing suppressors? (2010)

AGO1, Argonaute protein 1; HEN1, HUA enhancer 1; PPV, Plum pox virus; PRSV, Papaya ringspot virus; PVA, Potato virus A; PVY, Potato virus Y; RDR6, RNA-
dependent RNA polymerase 6; rgs-CaM, calmodulin-related protein; SCMV, Sugarcane mosaic virus; TEV, Tobacco etch virus; TuMV, Turnip mosaic virus; vsiRNA,
viral-derived short interfering RNA; ZYMV, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus.

During their evolution, viruses have had to develop ways to host RNA silencing pathway (Mallory and Vaucheret, 2010) and
fight back against RNA silencing in order to survive. The most enhances the expression of miR168 with the consequent down-
effective strategy appears to be that based on the expression of regulation of its endogenous targets, which include the mRNA of
viral proteins, called RNA silencing suppressors (RSSs), with the the antiviral AGO1 (Varallyay and Havelda, 2013). In the second
capacity to block or interfere with antiviral silencing. The HCPro case, PVA HCPro interacts directly with AGO1 in ribosomal com-
protein from members of the genus Potyvirus was indeed the first plexes, supporting the idea that this RSS is somehow able to alle-
RSS to be described (Anandalakshmi et al., 1998; Kasschau and viate the putative translational repression of the potyviral genome
Carrington, 1998). Many studies since then have revealed that mediated by RNA silencing (Ivanov et al., 2016). Furthermore,
HCPro can counteract the silencing-based defensive barrier by tar- HCPro can interfere with the RDR-mediated amplification step, as
geting multiple steps of the cascade (Fig. 2 and Table 1). Interest- in the case of the Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) HCPro, which
ingly, some of these studies have also shown that only HCPro down-regulates RDR6 by interfering with the transcription of
from members of the genera Potyvirus and Rymovirus appears to RDR6 mRNA (Zhang et al., 2008). Finally, it has also been
have RNA silencing suppression activity, whereas this function observed that HCPro blocks a long-distance silencing signal that
relies on another protein in members of the remaining genera moves ahead of the viral infection (Delgadillo et al., 2004; Hamil-
(Giner et al., 2010; Mingot et al., 2016; Tatineni et al., 2012; Unti- ton et al., 2002; Pfeffer et al., 2002). Based on previous results
veros et al., 2016; Young et al., 2012). (Lewsey et al., 2016; Melnyk et al., 2011; Molnar et al., 2010), it
The molecular mechanism by which HCPro interferes with anti- is reasonable to hypothesize that vsiRNAs move through the
viral silencing remained elusive until Lakatos et al. (2006) found whole plant via the vascular system, and that HCPro-mediated
that, similar to the well-characterized tombusviral RSS P19, the blockage of the long-distance silencing signal relies on direct
Tobacco etch virus (TEV) HCPro prevents the loading of vsiRNAs vsiRNA interaction and sequestration at the infected tissues.
into the silencing effector complexes by direct binding to these Host factors are also relevant for HCPro-mediated silencing
molecules in a size-specific manner. Although vsiRNA sequestra- suppression. Such is the case for the tobacco rgs-CaM, a
tion seems to be a quite common anti-silencing mechanism for calmodulin-related protein which interacts directly with TEV HCPro
the HCPros of diverse potyviruses, other non-mutually exclusive and works as an endogenous RSS (eRSS) (Anandalakshmi et al.,
alternatives have been proposed (Table 1). For instance, HCPro 2000). Moreover, Endres et al. (2010) found that the Related to
has been found to interfere with the methylation of the vsiRNA 30 ABI3/VP1 2 (RAV2) ethylene-induced transcription factor from
end either by the inhibition of the production of the methyl group Arabidopsis thaliana is required for the anti-silencing activity of
through disturbance of the methionine cycle (Ivanov et al., 2016; the Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) HCPro. They observed that HCPro
Soitamo et al., 2011), or by direct interaction with and inhibition interacts with RAV2 and induces the transcription of certain puta-
of HEN1 (Jamous et al., 2011). Interference with AGO-containing tive eRSSs, including the calmodulin-related protein CML38, which
effector complexes was also described for the HCPro expressed by seems to be the A. thaliana homologue of the above-mentioned
TEV and Potato virus A (PVA). In the first case, TEV HCPro takes tobacco rgs-CaM. Altogether, these results raise the possibility
advantage of the homeostatic self-regulation properties of the that HCPro recruits eRSSs in a direct (protein–protein interaction)

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and/or indirect (by RAV2-mediated transcriptional activation) fash- and independently of a plant factor, with the cleavage site
ion in order to interfere with host defence mechanisms mediated between a glycine dipeptide at its C-terminus (Carrington et al.,
by RNA silencing. Intriguingly, results from other experiments, 1989a,b). Genetic analyses by site-directed mutagenesis further
which are discussed below, indicate that HCPro–rgs-CaM interac- characterized two residues, one cysteine and one histidine, as the
tion certainly targets this viral protein for degradation (Nakahara catalytic diad for proteolytic activity, categorizing HCPro in the
et al., 2012). cysteine-type proteinase family (Oh and Carrington, 1989). Further
As the different RNA silencing modules in plants partially over- analyses defined the consensus cleavage sequence surrounding
lap, viral RSSs usually interfere not only with the antiviral part, but the glycine dipeptide at the HCPro C-terminus to be YXVGG (posi-
also with those modules controlling plant developmental pro- tions P4 to P10 ) (Carrington and Herndon, 1992). HCPro is currently
grammes. Indeed, the presence of pleiotropic developmental classified in the C6 peptidase superfamily (Rawlings et al., 2016).
defects, associated with disturbances in miRNA function, in trans- Together with the characterization of the protease domain,
genic plants constitutively expressing HCPro, supports this amino acids and motifs relevant for aphid transmission, movement,
assumption (Chapman et al., 2004; Kasschau et al., 2003; Mallory RNA binding and RNA silencing suppression were also examined.
et al., 2002) and renders feasible the idea that the silencing sup- Schematically, HCPro can be divided into three domains (the indi-
pression activity of HCPro causes some of the observed potyviral- cated positions correspond to TEV HCPro): an N-terminal part
induced disease symptoms in infected plants. Mlotshwa et al. (amino acids 1–100) required for aphid transmission; a central
(2005) observed that overexpression of Dicer-like protein 1, the region (amino acids 101–299) in charge of RNA silencing suppres-
enzyme responsible for miRNA synthesis, rescued the develop- sion and other functions; and a C-terminal domain (amino acids
mental anomalies caused by HCPro, but did not correct defects in 300–459) harbouring the proteolytic activity of HCPro (Hasiow-Jar-
miRNA pathways. This suggests that disturbance in one or a few oszewska et al., 2014) (Fig. 3A). As mentioned above, a zinc finger-
miRNA-controlled factors, rather than general impairments in like domain located at the N-terminus of HCPro, which includes the
miRNA function, underlies the HCPro-associated developmental KITC motif, is associated with potyviral aphid-mediated transmission
disorders. In agreement with this suggestion, misregulation of (Atreya and Pirone, 1993; Atreya et al., 1992) (Fig. 3A). The specific
AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 8 by miR167 was concluded to be the involvement in helping the transmission of the N-terminal part was
main cause of developmental abnormalities induced by HCPro and also supported by the emergence of spontaneous TEV, Lettuce
other viral silencing suppressors (Jay et al., 2011). However, more mosaic virus (LMV) and Onion yellow dwarf virus deletion mutants
recent results challenge this conclusion (Mlotshwa et al., 2016). which, even lacking the first 89, 108 or 92 amino acids of HCPro,
Whether HCPro interference with diverse RNA silencing mod- respectively, were able to complete the whole viral infection cycle,
ules is a collateral effect of silencing suppression or a deliberate except for propagation by aphids (Dolja et al., 1993; German-
viral strategy to favour the infection process is still a matter of Retana et al., 2000; Takaki et al., 2006).
debate. In this regard, synthetic evolution experiments offer an Cronin et al. (1995) described two motifs in the central region
attractive opportunity to analyse these two options. Torres- of HCPro relevant for viral movement. Two years later, using a
Barcelo et al. (2008), for instance, introduced several mutations series of alanine-scanning mutants built in a TEV-GUS chimeric
on TEV HCPro and tested not only the effects of these changes on virus background, Kasschau et al. (1997) described several amino
RNA silencing suppression activity, but also, later, on the infection acids relevant for genome amplification and long-distance move-
of tobacco plants (Torres-Barcelo et al., 2010), the natural TEV ment that were located mainly in the central region of HCPro. In
host. Hence, they found that HCPro hypersuppressor variants rap- 2001, and after HCPro was characterized as an RSS, the same
idly evolved towards variants with moderate, wild-type-like, anti- group found a strong correlation between silencing suppression
silencing capacity, suggesting that this HCPro activity is indeed and the genome amplification and movement defects they had
fine tuned during TEV infection to minimize the unwanted side- observed in the alanine-scanning mutants (Kasschau and Carring-
effects of silencing blockage on normal plant developmental pat- ton, 2001). They also showed that proteinase and anti-silencing
terns (Torres-Barcelo et al., 2010). activities worked independently in most studied cases. This indi-
cates that the proteinase function per se is not needed for RNA
STRUCTURE VERSUS FUNCTION—HCPro IS A silencing suppression. However, there was a mutation located at
the C-terminal part of the protein which disturbed both proteolytic
After the discovery of its contribution to aphid-mediated plant-to- activity and RNA silencing suppression, which demonstrates that
plant transmission, another function was ascribed to HCPro: the the protease domain is also required for silencing suppression
maturation of viral factors by releasing itself from the rest of the activity, for instance, to provide the protein with appropriate fold-
polyprotein. Bacterial and in vitro studies provided evidence that ing. Furthermore, experiments of scanning mutagenesis via penta-
HCPro is a cis-acting proteinase that functions co-translationally peptide insertions in the Plum pox virus (PPV) HCPro (Varrelmann

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Fig. 3 Helper component proteinase (HCPro) structural and functional features. (A) Schematic representation of a representative potyviral HCPro (from Tobacco etch
virus, TEV) divided into three main regions. The best-characterized motifs are shown in squares. Amino acids relevant for a given function, which are conserved at
least among the Potyvirus genus, are marked with triangles at their corresponding positions. Amino acids relevant for viral movement (marked in light blue) were
described before the characterization of HCPro RNA silencing suppression activity; therefore, their real role might be misassigned. Pentapeptide insertions that render
Plum pox virus (PPV) HCPro poorly functional or non-functional as an RNA silencing suppressor (RSS) are depicted as grey circles at the equivalent TEV HCPro
positions. A two-dimensional representation of the Turnip mosaic virus HCPro structure solved by Guo et al. (2011) encompasses the equivalent C-terminal region of
TEV HCPro. Superscript numbers indicate the following references: 1Carrington et al. (1989a); 2Oh and Carrington (1989); 3Carrington and Herndon (1992); 4Atreya
et al. (1992); 5Atreya and Pirone (1993); 6Huet et al. (1994); 7Dolja et al. (1993); 8Blanc et al. (1998); 9Kasschau and Carrington (2001); 10Gonzalez-Jara et al.
(2005); 11Shiboleth et al. (2007); 12Torres-Barcelo et al. (2008); 13Cronin et al. (1995); 14Valli et al. (2014); 15Varrelmann et al. (2007). (B) Crystal structure of the
cysteine protease domain of Turnip mosaic virus HCPro (Guo et al., 2011; PDB code 3RNV). The corresponding L and R domains of papain-like proteases would be
represented by the a-helices shown in green and the b-sheets shown in orange, respectively. Those amino acids highlighted in (A) are also indicated in (B).

et al., 2007) or point amino acid substitutions in TEV HCPro Some early studies attributed to HCPro the ability to bind
(Torres-Barcelo et al., 2008) also support a key role of the protein nucleic acids in a sequence-non-specific manner (Maia and
central domain for RNA silencing suppression, and corroborate Bernardi, 1996; Merits et al., 1998). The involvement of the cen-
the idea of inter-domain interactions. On the other hand, a study tral region of HCPro in RNA binding was further described using
on Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) showed that the amino terminal different deletion mutants (Urcuqui-Inchima et al., 2000). This
part of HCPro is involved in the systemic infection of zucchini (Yap study divided the central region of the Potato virus Y (PVY) HCPro
et al., 2009) (Fig. 3A), which is in agreement with the results into domains A and B, which bind RNA in vitro independently
obtained previously by Atreya and Pirone. (1993) in Tobacco vein (Fig. 3A). Remarkably, Lakatos et al. (2006) showed that the RNA
mottling virus. All of these findings suggest that HCPro from dis- silencing suppression activity of TEV HCPro involved siRNA bind-
tinct viruses may have different inter-domain interactions, and ing (see above) and, later, the conserved FRNK motif, which over-
such interplay between domains may be relevant from structural laps with the RNA-binding domain A, was shown to be relevant
and functional points of view. for HCPro–siRNA interaction (Shiboleth et al., 2007; Wu et al.,

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2010). Moreover, a study based on HCPro from PPV described attempts by Guo et al. (2011) to remove this amino acid in order
that this protein also works as an enhancer of viral particle yield to make the proteinase active in trans, as was later performed for
(see below). Mutational analyses located the relevant amino acids the CP serine proteinase of alphaviruses (Aggarwal et al., 2014),
for this novel activity also in the central region of HCPro (Valli were unsuccessful. Second, the overall structure of this domain
et al., 2014) (Fig. 3A). allowed for accurate comparisons with existing structures of other
Even in the early reports on HCPro, it was proposed that this cysteine-like proteinases, such as papain, indicating that the
viral protein normally adopts a complex quaternary structure HCPro atomic arrangement differs significantly from the distinctive
(Thornbury et al., 1985). This idea was later supported by diverse papain-like folding. It presents a highly reduced four-helical
studies on the self-interaction of HCPro from PVA, PVY and LMV, domain that harbours the catalytic cysteine and in which helices
in which crucial motifs for oligomerization were found by yeast a1–a3 roughly cover the L domain of papain (Fig. 3B, in green); it
two-hybrid assay at both the N-terminal and C-terminal parts of also contains a small b-barrel that carries the catalytic histidine in
the protein (Guo et al., 1999; Urcuqui-Inchima et al., 1999a,b). which strands b1–b2 would match the R domain of papain (Fig.
Similar results were obtained years later for TuMV HCPro using 3B, in orange). Intriguingly, comparison with other cysteine pro-
bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays (Zheng et al., teinases revealed clear similarities between HCPro and the alpha-
2011). Plisson et al. (2003) studied this matter more precisely via virus nsP2 protein, as both have a compact fold with similar
protein purification from infected plants and the characterization secondary structural topology. All in all, the atomic model of this
of both wild-type and an N-terminal deletion mutant of LMV domain represents the perfect opportunity to become more fully
HCPro, which lacks its first 100 amino acids. As the full-length acquainted with its proteinase activity. Previous studies using
protein and the shorter version were observed in size exclusion high doses of human cystatin C (Garcıa et al., 1993) and phytocys-
analysis to behave as a dimer or trimer in solution, the authors tatins and human stefin A (Wen et al., 2004) have shown inhibi-
concluded that the N-terminus of LMV HCPro is not involved in tion of the HCPro proteolytic activity in vitro, and genetically
self-interaction. Furthermore, chemical crosslinking confirmed the modified plants expressing oryzacystatin I have been proven to be
presence of dimers, tetramers and higher order oligomers in solu- resistant to TEV and PVY infection (Gutierrez-Campos et al.,
tion, whereas the observation of two-dimensional crystals by elec- 1999). Now, with a molecular structure of the protease domain
tron microscopy showed the appearance of dimers that bound to available, it should be possible to design novel chemicals aiming
form tetramers. In agreement with earlier observations regarding to disturb HCPro self-cleavage as an effective antiviral strategy.
the role of cations in HCPro stabilization, crystal formation Bacterially expressed HCPro is also useful to raise antisera,
occurred only in the presence of Mg21. Additional structural stud- allowing the study of protein subcellular localization. For instance,
ies, which were conducted with TEV HCPro purified from infected antiserum to PPV HCPro recognized not only this protein, but also
plants and observed by electron microscopy, confirmed the oligo- the HCPro from 10 other potyviral species, and was able to: (i)
merization states mentioned above. Although dimers, tetramers label amorphous inclusions in the cytoplasm of plant cells infected
and hexamers of HCPro were indeed observed in solution, an with PPV, PRSV, Pepper mottle virus and Tobacco vein mottling
adjusted model proposed that, at least in the particular case of virus; (ii) label pinwheels in cells infected with Bean yellow mosaic
TEV, the self-interaction between monomers occurs on a V- virus and Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV); (iii) give scattered sig-
shaped conformation with HCPro located in an antiparallel orien- nals in the cytoplasm of cells infected with Bidens mottle virus;
tation (Ruiz-Ferrer et al., 2005). and (iv) highlight nuclear inclusions in cells infected with TEV and
The most recent data regarding the structural features of Beet mosaic virus (Riedel et al., 1998). Similarly, HCPro from Cow-
HCPro come from a three-dimensional crystal structure solved by pea aphid-borne mosaic virus was used to prepare antiserum for
Guo et al. (2011) corresponding to 158 amino acids, including the immunofluorescence assays, which showed diffuse distribution of
protease domain, from TuMV HCPro (Fig. 3B). This peptide was the protein in the cytoplasm of naturally infected cells (Mlotshwa
produced in bacteria, and the formation of oligomers was actively et al., 2002). Bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays
avoided in order to facilitate crystal formation, so that structural located transiently expressed TuMV HCPro oligomers diffused in
questions regarding dimerization are still unanswered. In any the cytoplasm of plant cells and/or associated in granules along
case, the atomic structure of amino acids 336–458 showed sev- the endoplasmic reticulum (Zheng et al., 2011; Zilian and Maiss,
eral features of high interest. First, it confirmed the identity of the 2011). The most recent and thorough examination of subcellular
previously proposed protease catalytic diad and established the localization comes from a study performed by del Toro et al.
presence of the C-terminal glycine tightly bound to the enzymatic (2014) with the PVY HCPro fused to diverse fluorophores. In addi-
cleft. This observation might indeed explain the exclusive cis-act- tion to a diffuse presence of this viral protein in the cytoplasm,
ing mode of HCPro, as the terminal glycine would occupy the they also observed distinct protein distributions (e.g. amorphous
space needed for the catalytic site to remain active. Unfortunately, cytoplasmic inclusions containing a-tubulin, dot-like inclusions

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Table 2 Diverse activities of the helper component proteinase (HCPro) whose roles in viral infection have not been fully characterized.

Activity Function Hypothetical aims Virus References

Interaction with PAA, PBB, PBE Inhibition of the 20S proteasome Counter-action of a LMV Ballut et al. (2005); Dielen
or PAE proteasome subunits proteasome-based plant PVY et al. (2011); Jin et al.
defence mechanism PRSV (2007b); Sahana et al.
Interaction with NtMinD, Reduction of the photosynthesis rate General weakening of the host PVY Cheng et al. (2008); Guna-
NtDXS, CF1b-subunit of SCMV singhe and Berger (1991);
chloroplast ATP synthase, Jin et al. (2007a); Li et al.
Ferrodoxin-5 (2015); Tu et al. (2015a,b)
Interaction with PaCRT Disturbance of Ca21 binding Blocking of the Ca21-mediated PRSV Shen et al. (2010)
to PaCRT activation of host defences
Interaction with HIP2 Blocking of HIP2 activity Disturbance of certain signalling PVA Haikonen et al. (2013a,b)
networks of defence PVY
responses TEV
Formation of cytoplasmic Recruitment of both host Overcoming of RNA silencing- PVA Hafren et al. (2015)
granules and viral factors based defences TuMV
Attainment of optimal viral
Interaction with eIF4E/eIF(iso)4E Recruitment of translation Attainment of optimal viral PVA, PVY, TEV Ala-Poikela et al. (2011)
initiation factors translation
Interaction with VPg and CI Protein allocation at the Transmission or movement ClYVV Choi et al. (2000); Guo et al.
tip of virions Attainment of optimal viral WSMV (2001); Ivanov et al. (2016);
translation PSbMV Roudet-Tavert et al. (2007);
LMV Yambao et al. (2003); Zilian
PVA and Maiss (2011)
Interaction with CP? Proper formation of viral particles Coordination of different stages PPV Valli et al. (2014)
of the viral infection cycle

ClYVV, Clover yellow vein virus; CP, coat protein; eIF4E, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E; eIF(iso)4E, eukaryotic translation initiation factor isoform 4E;
HIP2, HCPro interacting protein 2; LMV, Lettuce mosaic virus; NtDXS, tobacco chloroplast protein 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase; PaCRT, papaya calre-
ticulin; PPV, Plum pox virus; PRSV, Papaya ringspot virus; PSbMV, Pea seed-borne mosaic virus; PVA, Potato virus A; PVY, Potato virus Y; SCMV, Sugarcane
mosaic virus; TEV, Tobacco etch virus; TuMV, Turnip mosaic virus; WSMV, Wheat streak mosaic virus; ZYMV, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus.

distributed regularly throughout the cytoplasm and associated potyvirid infections (Table 2 summarizes these interactions and
with the endoplasmic reticulum and the microtubule cytoskeleton, the hypothetical role that they play during the infection cycle). For
and all over the microtubules) that were influenced by the envi- instance, it has been shown that HCPro from several potyviruses
ronmental conditions. Altogether, these results suggest that interacts and modulates the activity of the host proteasome. Ballut
HCPro might not be attached to one single region inside infected et al. (2005), who proposed this role for the first time, found that
cells; instead, its location may change during the infection cycle in LMV HCPro binds to and inhibits the activity of the 20S protea-
order to cope with its multiple functions and/or as a response to some. Surprisingly, the presence of HCPro only inhibits the RNase
external changes. The spatial/temporal distribution of HCPro as activity of this multicatalytic complex, which targets in vitro the
well as the putative link between this potentially dynamic subcel- viral RNA genome for degradation, whereas the proteolytic activ-
lular localization and diverse HCPro functions deserve further ity of the 20S proteasome is either unchanged or even slightly
study. stimulated. Later, it was described that PVY HCPro interacts with
the PAA, PBB and PBE subunits of the A. thaliana 20S protea-
some, but not with the PAE subunit, which certainly carries ribo-
nuclease activity (Jin et al., 2007a). However, Dielen et al. (2011)
were later able to detect the interaction between LMV HCPro and
HCPro interacts with several host and viral proteins and, because PAE in diverse systems, even in the context of an LMV infection in
most of these interactions appear to be unrelated to the three lettuce. Similar studies with PRSV demonstrated that the protea-
well-known roles of this viral factor, namely aphid transmission, some inhibitor MG132 has a positive effect on PRSV accumulation
viral polyprotein processing and suppression of host antiviral RNA in papaya, and that PRSV HCPro, similar to PVY HCPro, interacts
silencing, it has been proposed that such interactions are part of with PAA, but not with the PAE subunit of the papaya 20S protea-
additional, much less characterized, functions of HCPro during some (Sahana et al., 2012). Moreover, additional experiments by

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Sahana et al. (2012) indicated that the PAA and PAE subunits function. However, although evidence for the implication of HCPro
interact with each other. Thus, these authors mitigated discrepan- in chloroplast distortion, photosynthesis reduction and alteration
cies with the HCPro–PAE interaction and its consequences by pro- of isoprenoid metabolism in infected plants is very strong, the
posing that: (i) binding between HCPro and PAA may be sufficient meanings of these HCPro-mediated effects for virus infection
to disturb the RNase activity of PAE or may prevent the interaction remain unclear.
of the PAA and PAE subunits; and (ii) HCPro from different potyvi- PRSV HCPro binds to the papaya calreticulin (PaCRT) protein,
ruses might interact with different components of the 20S protea- in particular with its calcium-binding domain located at the pro-
some, depending on the specific plant–virus combination (Sahana tein C-terminus, whereas PRSV infection enhances PaCRT tran-
et al., 2012). All in all, results from the above-mentioned studies scription in the early days post-infection (Shen et al., 2010). Given
suggest that the 20S proteasome works as another defence layer that Ca21 is considered to be an essential second messenger that
against members of the Potyviridae family, and that HCPro inter- participates in many plant signal pathways, including defence sig-
feres with the proteasome activity as a viral counteractive nalling (Zhang et al., 2014), HCPro might disturb the calcium-
measure. binding capacity of PaCRT and thereby mitigate the activation of
Potyvirid infections frequently alter chloroplast number and downstream pathways (Shen et al., 2010).
morphology, leading to a decreased level of photosynthesis in PVA HCPro has been found to interact with the HCPro interact-
infected tissue (Pompe-Novak et al., 2001). Indeed, HCPro has ing protein 2 (HIP2) from Solanum tuberosum and Nicotiana taba-
been found previously to accumulate in chloroplasts of PVY- cum, two natural hosts of PVA (Haikonen et al., 2013b).
infected tobacco cells (Gunasinghe and Berger, 1991), and further Moreover, as a positive interaction was also observed for HCPro
analyses have reported an interaction between a chloroplast pro- from PVY and TEV, which have a similar host range to PVA, but
tein, NtMinD, and PVY HCPro (Jin et al., 2007b). Given that homo- not for HCPro from Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), which
dimers of NtMinD participate in chloroplast division, PVY HCPro infects just a few species in the Solanaceae family, a role of this
might prevent NtMinD self-interaction, with a consequent altera- interaction in virus–host specificity was proposed (Haikonen et al.,
tion in chloroplast number (Jin et al., 2007b). Moreover, a recent 2013a). HIP2 is a microtubule-associated protein similar to A.
study not only confirmed the presence of PVY HCPro in the chloro- thaliana SPR2 and, as evidence of the importance of the HCPro–
plast, but also showed that the ATPase activity of NtMinD is HIP2 interaction for viral infection, depletion of this host factor or
reduced in the presence of this viral protein (Tu et al., 2015b). mutations in HCPro abolishing HIP2 binding reduced the PVA titre
Such observations allowed these authors to provide an explana- in different hosts. Although the precise functional role of this
tion for the commonly observed abnormal morphology of chloro- interaction is currently unknown, SPR2 interacts with: (i) many
plasts in the presence of PVY. In a parallel study, Tu et al. (2015a) receptor-like kinases associated with plant innate immunity and
also found that PVY HCPro interacts in tobacco with the CF1b- (ii) two transcription factors related to immune responses (Mukh-
subunit of the chloroplast ATP synthase. Such an interaction leads tar et al., 2011). This led Haikonen et al. (2013a,b) to hypothesize
to a decreased number of active enzymatic complexes, with a con- that HIP2 controls certain signalling networks of defence
sequent overall reduction in ATP synthesis in the chloroplast of responses, and that HCPro might subvert this controller, via pro-
both HCPro transgenic and PVY-infected tobacco plants, which, in tein–protein interaction, to the benefit of the virus.
the end, reduces the net photosynthetic rate. The interaction PVA induces the formation of small aggregates containing
between HCPro and the tobacco chloroplast protein 1-deoxy-D- the acidic ribosomal protein P0 in the cytoplasm of infected
xylulose-5-phosphate synthase (NtDXS) has been described cells, referred to as PVA-induced granules (PGs) (Hafren et al.,
recently (Li et al., 2015). As NtDXS is a limiting enzyme for plasti- 2015). The formation of PGs is specifically triggered by HCPro
dic isoprenoid biosynthesis in plants (Estevez et al., 2001), an and, in addition to P0, they contain HCPro, the RNA silencing
effect of this interaction in the production of diverse isoprenoids, effector AGO1, the oligouridylate-binding protein 1, varicose,
such as chlorophylls, tocopherols, carotenoids or abscisic acid an isoform of translation initiation factor 4E [eIF(iso)4E] and
(ABA), is expected. Certainly, PVY HCPro enhances the activity of even the viral RNA genome (Hafren et al., 2015). Notably, only
NtDXS, thereby boosting the isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway, anti-silencing-proficient HCPro variants have been shown to
with a consequent increase in the level of certain pigments, ABA promote the formation of PGs, as observed by direct mutagen-
and ABA-responsive genes (Li et al., 2015). Moreover, Cheng esis. Based on these results, and the known link between host
et al. (2008) showed that SCMV HCPro interacts with the maize proteins located in PGs and the viral VPg, the authors proposed
chloroplast precursor, but not with the mature form, of that the formation of these granules is required to overcome
ferrodoxin-5. Therefore, this interaction might disturb the post- RNA silencing-based defences via the relocation of AGO1
translational import of ferrodoxin-5 into maize chloroplasts, which towards PGs, and to achieve optimal viral expression mediated
would then lead to the perturbation of chloroplast structure and by VPg (Hafren et al., 2015).

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Ala-Poikela et al. (2011) found clear evidence of direct interac- helicase that participates in viral replication and cell-to-cell move-
tion between the HCPro from three different potyviruses (PVA, ment (Sorel et al., 2014) and, as for HCPro, it is attached to the
PVY and TEV) and the translation initiation factors eIF(iso)4E and tip at one end of a fraction of viral particles, at least in the case of
eIF4E from potato and tobacco. Moreover, a putative eIF4E- PVA (Gabrenaite-Verkhovskaya et al., 2008). It is possible to
binding motif was identified at the C-terminal part of PVA HCPro, envisage a scenario in which HCPro somehow collaborates with
which showed a high degree of conservation among other potyvi- CI in virus cell-to-cell movement, or even that HCPro moves
ruses. Certainly, the disruption of this motif by direct mutagenesis between adjacent cells, as part of a ribonucleic complex, to exert
had a negative impact on HCPro–eIF4E binding and was detrimen- any of its multiple functions in a newly infected neighbour cell, as
tal to the virulence of PVA, supporting the idea that such an inter- suggested previously (Rojas et al., 1997).
action plays an important, yet unknown, role during viral infection Given the well-established role of HCPro in viral plant-to-plant
(Ala-Poikela et al., 2011). However, this inference should be taken transmission, at least for members of the genera Potyvirus and Tri-
with some caution, as a further study showed that this mutation timovirus, the interaction between HCPro and CP is the most evi-
strongly reduced the RNA silencing suppression activity of PVA dent among potyvirid proteins. As expected, such binding has
HCPro (Hafren et al., 2015). been detected in diverse viruses by different methods (Blanc
HCPro interacts with itself (discussed above) and with some of et al., 1997; Guo et al., 2001; Kang et al., 2004; Lin et al., 2009;
the other viral proteins. Physical interaction between HCPro and Peng et al., 1998; Roudet-Tavert et al., 2002; Seo et al., 2010).
VPg has been described for different potyviruses (Ivanov et al., Intriguingly, the HCPro–CP interaction has also been detected in
2016; Roudet-Tavert et al., 2007; Yambao et al., 2003), suggest- aphid non-transmissible potyviruses (Manoussopoulos et al.,
ing that the joint action of these two proteins might play a general 2000; Roudet-Tavert et al., 2002), suggesting the existence of a
role during potyviral infections. Intriguingly, as already mentioned, functional role for this protein–protein complex different from
Torrance et al. (2006) showed the presence of a protruding tip at aphid-mediated transmission. In agreement with this hypothesis,
one end in a fraction of potyviral virions, which was suggested to Valli et al. (2014) found that HCPro plays a key role in PPV infec-
be formed by HCPro in association with VPg. The authors dis- tion by enhancing the yield of full-length viral particles. This novel
cussed that this interaction might play a role in aphid-mediated, function of HCPro is not linked to its other main activities, as
plant-to-plant transmission or even in cell-to-cell movement. observed by direct mutagenesis. Furthermore, this activity appears
Moreover, different lines of evidence have shown that interaction to be highly specific, meaning that HCPro would act only on its
of HCPro with VPg involves the same central domain of the latter cognate CP. Although the exact molecular mechanism by which
protein that interacts with eIF4E (Roudet-Tavert et al., 2007; Yam- HCPro enhances the yield of intact virions is currently unknown,
bao et al., 2003) Indeed, HCPro and eIF4E from LMV and lettuce, the authors proposed two non-mutually exclusive possibilities,
respectively, compete for VPg binding (Roudet-Tavert et al., both agreeing with the known localization of HCPro at the end of
2007). The outstanding relevance of the VPg–eIF4E (in its two iso- the viral particles: (i) HCPro is involved in the initial steps of the
forms) interaction for potyvirid infections has been extensively assembly of CP subunits; and/or (ii) HCPro stabilizes viral particles
studied as a model of plant recessive resistance (Robaglia and once they are fully assembled. They also speculated about how
Caranta, 2006; Truniger and Aranda, 2009; Wang and Krishnasw- the spatiotemporal availability of HCPro might function as a
amy, 2012). The most accepted, but not yet demonstrated, model device that coordinates different stages of the viral cycle, namely
proposes that VPg works as a pseudo-cap structure that recruits translation, replication and encapsidation, in the infected cell
translation complexes for viral use. As already mentioned, HCPro (Valli et al., 2014). Indeed, a recent report has located HCPro in
and eIF4E also interact with each other (Ala-Poikela et al., 2011), 6K2-induced replication vesicles in PVA-infected plants (L~ohmus
so that the deduction of the actual role of HCPro in this protein et al., 2016).
trio seems complicated. HCPro might be part of the translational
complex that is recruited by VPg at the 50 end of the viral genome HCPro AS A TRIGGER AND TARGET OF PLANT
to either carry out an unknown function or, in line with the silenc- DEFENCE RESPONSES—DEFENCE, COUNTER-
ing suppression activities of both viral proteins (Rajam€aki and Val-
konen, 2009), to interfere with the hypothetical inhibition of virus Given the outstanding importance of HCPro in multiple steps of
translation mediated by host-deployed RNA silencing defences, as viral infection, it is not surprising that its recognition by the host
proposed recently (Ivanov et al., 2016). might induce mechanisms to counteract its action and trigger
Interaction of HCPro with the CI protein of quite a large num- other defence responses. Moreover, as with the proviral activities
ber of potyvirids has also been detected using different experi- of HCPro, the antiviral reactions elicited by HCPro can also con-
mental systems (Choi et al., 2000; Guo et al., 2001; Ivanov et al., tribute to the development of disease symptoms (Garcıa and
2016; Zilian and Maiss, 2011). CI is a multifunctional RNA Pallas, 2015).

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Defence responses triggered by HCPro can be non-specific. For defence-related genes, including ethylene- and jasmonic acid-
instance, Pruss et al. (2004) showed that, whereas TEV HCPro inducible genes, at the onset of necrosis (Haikonen et al., 2013a).
suppresses RNA silencing-related antiviral defences, it confers Taken together, these data suggest a scenario in which alterations
enhanced broad-spectrum resistance against multiple pathogens, in HCPro conformation by mutations that overcome R gene-
including heterologous viruses, via both salicylic acid (SA)-depend- mediated specific resistance affect functional interactions with
ent and SA-independent mechanisms. Evidence for the alteration other host factors and induce alternative defence responses (Tian
of SA-mediated defences as a consequence of TEV HCPro expres- and Valkonen, 2015).
sion in transgenic lines was also provided by Alamillo et al. Another example of a resistance gene elicited by HCPro of a
(2006). The enhancement of host defence responses induced by potyvirus is a gene located at the complex Rsv1 locus of soybean,
potyviral HCPro appears to be temperature dependent (Shams- probably belonging to the nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich
Bakhsh et al., 2007). More recent results have suggested that repeat (NBS-LRR) class, which recognizes the HCPro of Soybean
HCPro might enhance the expression of defence-related genes in mosaic virus (SMV) (Eggenberger et al., 2008; Hajimorad et al.,
the SA pathway by reducing the DNA methylation at their pro- 2008; Wen et al., 2013). The precise mechanism involved in the
moter regions, which is associated with a drastic reduction of siR- induction of resistance by SMV HCPro is still unclear. The HCPro-
NAs derived from these sequences (Yang et al., 2016). responsive resistance gene alone allows limited replication at the
HCPro also induces more specific defence responses. Namely, inoculation site. However, the complete Rsv1 cluster, which
this viral protein can act as an elicitor of R gene-driven effector- includes at least one additional, P3-responsive, SMV resistance
triggered immunity. This is the case for some strains of PVY, gene, confers extreme resistance against avirulent SMV variants
which induce a hypersensitive response (HR) that restricts the (Wen et al., 2013). The first identified SMV isolate able to over-
virus in necrotic local lesions in potato cultivars harbouring the come the resistance conferred by the Rsv1 locus caused a lethal
dominant resistance genes Nctbr and Nytbr (Moury et al., 2011; systemic HR phenotype, probably as a result of a weak interaction
Tian and Valkonen, 2015). These resistance genes appear to rec- of the viral avirulence factors and the host resistance genes (Haji-
ognize similar structural determinants in the central region of morad et al., 2005). HCPro probably contributes to this phenotype,
HCPro of PVY8 (Nytbr) and PVYC (Nctbr) strains (Tian and Valkonen, as some SMV isolates carrying mutations at HCPro also provoked
2013, 2015). PVY isolates overcoming Nytbr often cause veinal systemic HR in soybean plants only containing the HCPro-
necrosis in tobacco, and some determinants of this phenotype responsive gene of the Rsv1 cluster (Wen et al., 2013), and a sin-
have been identified in HCPro (Faurez et al., 2012; Tribodet et al., gle amino acid substitution in this viral protein allowed virulent
2005). However, avirulence determinants of Nytbr are different SMV to cause severe rugosity and local necrotic lesions, instead of
from those responsible for the induction of veinal necrosis (Tian lethal systemic HR, in soybean expressing the complete Rsv1 clus-
and Valkonen, 2015). ter (Seo et al., 2011). Interestingly, the gain of virulence of SMV
Some PVY isolates induce necrotic symptoms in potato tubers on the Rsv1 soybean genotype had a fitness penalty in susceptible
and a mutation in HCPro linked to the ability to induce tuber rsv1 plants, and this trade-off was a consequence of the muta-
necrosis is also involved in the induction of veinal necrosis in tions introduced in HCPro during the adaptation to the resistance
tobacco (Glais et al., 2015; Tribodet et al., 2005). There is no evi- selective pressure (Khatabi et al., 2013). This observation empha-
dence that veinal necrosis in tobacco and potato tuber necrosis sizes the convenience for the host of triggering antiviral defences
are HR-like responses to specific interactions between avirulence against important multifunctional proteins, as this strategy might
factors. The fitness decrease caused by point mutations associated cause a high global fitness cost, even extinction, for the escaping
with the acquisition of necrosis properties in tobacco may suggest viruses.
that the necrotic reaction is associated with a defensive response Some of the HCPro contributions to the induction of host
(Rolland et al., 2009). However, the fact that these mutations also defence responses may be indirect. It has been reported that
have a fitness cost in a host that does not show necrotic symp- ClYVV activates SA signalling and HR-related pathways, causing
toms questions this conclusion. systemic necrosis and plant death, in pea containing Cyn1, a gene
Necrotic symptoms have also been observed in tobacco plants mapped in a genomic region that corresponds to an R-gene-ana-
infected with PVA modified by mutations in a highly variable logue gene cluster in the genome of Medicago truncatula (Ravelo
region of the central part of the HCPro protein (Haikonen et al., et al., 2007). Indeed, point mutations in ClYVV HCPro that attenu-
2013a). These mutations, which affect interactions with a ate RNA silencing suppression activity and symptom expression in
microtubule-associated protein (see above for HCPro–HIP2 inter- broad bean (Yambao et al., 2008) reduce the ability of ClYVV to
action) and have been suggested to cause conformational activate the SA signalling pathway and to induce cell death in
changes in adjacent regions of the protein, were associated with Cyn1-containing plants (Atsumi et al., 2009). Although these
a reduction in viral accumulation and the induction of many results might suggest that ClYVV HCPro itself is the elicitor of the

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Cyn1-controlled response, the authors consider that it is more

likely that the reduced activity of the mutated HCPro limits viral
amplification and, subsequently, the accumulation of the host fac-
tor(s) triggering the defence response (Atsumi et al., 2009). A sim-
ilar scenario, in which reduced HCPro activity maintains viral
amplification below the levels that induce host detrimental
effects, has been proposed to explain why a PPV mutant with
unrestricted P1–HCPro processing causes more severe symptoms
with lower accumulation levels than the wild-type virus (Pasin
et al., 2014).
The destruction of HCPro is another defence response
deployed by the plant to counteract RNA silencing suppression
and other activities of this important virulence factor. As men-
tioned above, the calmodulin-related protein rgs-CaM from
tobacco was identified as a host factor that interacts with TEV
HCPro and contributes by itself to suppress RNA silencing (Anan-
dalakshmi et al., 2000). More recently, it has been observed that
binding of rgs-CaM to the dsRNA-binding domains of different
viral RSSs, including HCPro from ClYVV, directs them to the
autophagy-like pathway for degradation (Nakahara et al., 2012).
Therefore, although HCPro–rgs-CaM interaction is soundly sup-
ported by all the experimental evidence available, the integration
of both positive and negative effects of this interaction on the
suppression of RNA silencing in a comprehensive model is still


The Potyviridae family comprises viruses from eight different gen- Fig. 4 Schematic representation of genomic organization in viruses from
different genera of the family Potyviridae. The long open reading frame is
era. Most of the studies presented here have been carried out
shown as a box divided into mature viral products. PIPO open reading frame is
with HCPro from species of the Potyvirus genus, which is by far indicated as the box below P3. The terminal protein VPg is depicted as a black
the most abundant. In members of this genus, the N-terminal part ellipse. P1a and P1a-like proteins are represented by grey boxes, whereas P1b
of viral polyproteins follows the same pattern: a P1 leader serine and P1b-like proteins are represented by black boxes. Features that are not
proteinase that processes itself to separate from HCPro, which, in shared by all potyvirids are highlighted in different colours. (A) Potyvirus and
turn, cleaves at its C-terminus to be released from the rest of the Rymovirus genera. The PISPO open reading frame in sweet potato-infecting
potyviruses is indicated as a pale green box below P1. The extra protein HAM
polyprotein (Fig. 4A). In potyviruses, as well as in members of the
between NIb and CP in Euphorbia ringspot virus (Knierim et al., 2017) is
genus Rymovirus, HCPro has a molecular weight of around 50 highlighted in pink. (B) Tritimovirus and Poacevirus. (C) Ipomovirus. The
kDa, and those motifs described in this review are predominantly diversity among members of this genus has been reviewed (Dombrovsky et al.,
conserved. As described above, the most outstanding feature of 2014). A HAM extra protein (in pink) was also present in a subset of
HCPro from poty- and rymoviruses is its ability to suppress RNA ipomoviruses. (D) Brambyvirus. The AlkB domain in P1 from Blackberry virus Y
silencing. To date, the only discovered exceptions to this rule are is highlighted in pale orange. (E) Macluravirus. (F) Bymovirus. RNA2, unique in
the Potyviridae family, is highlighted in yellow.
the sweet potato-infecting potyviruses, which express an appa-
rently normal HCPro variant that has no evident anti-silencing Poacevirus and Tritimovirus are two related genera bearing
activity. Even more surprising is the fact that all of these viruses HCPro of similar or slightly reduced size compared with poty- and
express an atypically long P1 with a viral polymerase slippage site rymoviruses (Fig. 4A and B). Although these four genera share the
that generates an extra open reading frame (ORF), termed PISPO. same genome organization, the RNA silencing suppression activity
This new ORF gives rise to a transframe protein, named P1N- is exerted by P1, instead of HCPro, in poace- and tritimoviruses,
PISPO, with RNA silencing suppression activity (Clark et al., 2012; and the HCPro of the tritimovirus WSMV is not needed for virus via-
Li et al., 2012; Mingot et al., 2016; Untiveros et al., 2016). bility (Stenger et al., 2005a, 2007; Tatineni et al., 2012; Young

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et al., 2012). These observations are in perfect agreement with The closest relative of HCPro outside the Potyviridae family
sequence comparison data, showing that strong similarities among can be found in the picorna-like, fungal-infecting, hypoviruses.
HCPro variants from viruses of these four genera are only displayed The sequence similarity, putative active site and cleavage site
at the protease domain (C-terminal region) (Guo et al., 2011). In composition relate HCPro to p29 and p48 cysteine proteinases of
contrast, the central region of poace- and tritimoviral HCPros, Cryphonectria hypoviruses (Choi et al., 1991a,b; Shapira and
where the anti-silencing activity mainly maps in potyviruses, is very Nuss, 1991). A study performed by Suzuki et al. (1999) mapped
different and does not contain the typical FRNK motif. the p29 symptom determinants outside the protease domain, in a
The most diverse potyvirids with regard to genome organiza- region within the N-terminus of the protein. This domain contains
tion at the 50 end are those belonging to the genus Ipomovirus, four cysteine residues, similar to the conserved residues in the
which can be divided into two groups based on the presence or zinc finger domain of HCPro, which are essential for virus viability.
absence of HCPro (Fig. 4C). The first ipomovirus species to be Moreover, both p29 and HCPro proteins alter host developmental
described was Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV) (Colinet processes when expressed in the absence of virus infection
et al., 1998), a virus that encodes an unusually large P1 protein (Suzuki et al., 2003). Even more important is the fact that p29 has
that works as an RSS (Giner et al., 2010). Interestingly, this virus synergistic effects with other fungal viruses (Sun et al., 2006),
codes for an HCPro that is similar in size to that of potyviruses, probably linked, as in the case of HCPro, to the RNA silencing sup-
but contains no RNA silencing suppression activity. Phylogenetic pression activity that is displayed by p29 in the natural fungal
analyses aligned SPMMV closer to tritimoviruses than to other host and in plants (Segers et al., 2006).
potyvirids (Stenger et al., 1998) and, as expected, SPMMV HCPro Unrelated plant viruses encoding proteins similar to HCPro can
lacks sequence similarity with potyviral HCPros outside the prote- be found in the Closteroviridae family. They belong to the Sindbis
ase domain. Ipomoviruses without HCPro have one P1 copy virus-like supergroup and share in common with potyvirids the
(Mbanzibwa et al., 2009) or two divergent P1 copies in tandem presence of leader proteinases with C-terminal papain-like
(Desbiez et al., 2016; Janssen et al., 2005; Li et al., 2008; Valli domains, which are also multifunctional factors with apparent cru-
et al., 2006) at the N-terminal part of the viral polyprotein. cial domain interplay. Unlike poty- and rymoviral HCPro, these
Remarkably, as in the case of SPMMV, all ipomoviruses lacking leader proteinases seem to lack RNA silencing suppression activ-
HCPro use P1 as an RSS. ity, but are certainly involved in genome amplification and partici-
Susaimuthu et al. (2008) identified and fully sequenced Black- pate in cell-to-cell movement (Peng et al., 2001). Proteins related
berry virus Y, which was classified as the founder member of a to HCPro are also found in animal viruses. Such is the case of
new potyvirid genus, named Brambyvirus (Fig. 4D). Downstream alphaviruses, which, similar to closteroviruses, also belong to the
of an unusual P1, the Blackberry virus Y genome codes for an Sindbis virus-like supergroup, and encode leader proteinases shar-
atypical HCPro, reduced in size (36 kDa) and bearing in common ing remarkable structural homology with HCPro at the level of its
with HCPro from other potyvirids only the cysteine protease cysteine protease domain (Guo et al., 2011).
domain. It is still unknown which protein from this virus, if any,
blocks the RNA silencing-based defences deployed by the host. FUTURE PERSPECTIVES—LOOKING FORWARD
Bymovirus is the only bipartite genus of the Potyviridae family The genome organization of viruses belonging to the Potyviridae
(Fig. 4F). Bymovirus RNA1 codes for a polyprotein that starts at a family is highly conserved in a large core region that starts at the
protein homologous to the potyviral P3 and follows the Potyviri- P3 cistron. Coincidentally, mature proteins encoded at this viral
dae genomic pattern until the 30 untranslated region (UTR) (Kashi- segment are all released from polyprotein precursors by proteo-
wazaki et al., 1990). The bymovirus RNA2 codes for two proteins: lytic processing conducted by the NIapro protease (Valli et al.,
the second is not related to any of the potyvirid proteins, but the 2015). In contrast, the upstream genomic region is highly variable,
first is described as HCPro-like because of its cysteine proteinase even among members of the same genus, and encodes proteins
domain (Kashiwazaki et al., 1991). This protein (P2-1) is very that are liberated from the polyprotein precursors by self-
small (28 kDa) and has no other motifs that relate it to other poty- cleavage. Thus, it is tempting to speculate that an ancient poty-
virid HCPros. virid precursor had a simplified genome that only coded for the
The first member of the genus Macluravirus to be fully NIapro-processed module. Although a sound and confident predic-
sequenced was Chinese yam necrotic mosaic virus (Kondo and tion of the evolutionary history of Potyviridae is beyond the scope
Fujita, 2012). This virus presents the smallest monopartite genome of this review, we dare to speculate that the first step towards
in the family Potyviridae (Fig. 4E). It lacks a P1 leader proteinase contemporary potyvirids would have been the acquisition of a sec-
and codes for an HCPro of just 29 kDa. Whether or not this protein ond genome element in a bymovirus, including what would have
has RSS activity is still unknown. Macluraviral HCPro appears to be been the first HCPro-related protein: the P2-1 cysteine proteinase.
more similar to bymoviral P2-1 than to other potyvirid HCPro. Either as a subsequent step from a bymovirus, or as a parallel

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event from the proposed potyvirid ancestor, an HCPro-like gene stylet and the characterization of the dynamics of virion–HCPro–
would have been incorporated into the viral genome to give rise aphid interactions that govern both the acquisition and release of
to the simplest modern monopartite potyvirid: a macluravirus. viral particles by insects are among the most interesting future
Then, further evolution would have boosted HCPro size, diversity challenges of HCPro research.
and functional complexity. Finally, whereas the crystal structure of the protease domain
However, what was the primordial function of the proto-HCPro? of a potyviral HCPro has been solved at 2.0 Å resolution (Guo
We do not know, but it is unlikely that such a small protein was et al., 2011), no high-resolution structure of the complete HCPro
able to suppress silencing or to help transmission by aphids or other is currently available. Solving the structure of HCPro alone and
vectors. We do not even know whether or not this function is still bound to viral and host co-factors, or even bound to nucleic acids
conserved by the currently large HCPros from different potyvirid (e.g. siRNAs, miRNAs), would be of great value to understand the
genera. Research in the barely studied HCPro from macluraviruses multiple functions of this amazing protein.
and brambyviruses, as well as in P2-1 from bymoviruses, could cer-
tainly shed some light on the evolutionary path, not only of these ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
multifunctional viral proteins, but also of the entire viral family. We are very grateful to the two anonymous reviewers for their invaluable
HCPro is quite a well-conserved protein in members of the advice during manuscript editing. Work in the authors’ laboratories was
genus Potyvirus for which the nucleotide sequences of this factor funded by grants from the Ministerio de Economıa, Industria y Competiti-
vidad (BIO2013-49053-R, BIO2016-80572-R and Plant KBBE PCIN-2013-
have been determined so far; therefore, the large diversity of this 056 to J.A.G., AGL2013-42537-R and AGL2016-75529-R to J.J.L.-M., and
factor within the entire Potyviridae family is surprising. This could BIO2015-73900-JIN to A.A.V.). We acknowledge the support of the
be explained by the assumption that the primordial HCPro was a “Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D” of the Min-
recently acquired accessory factor, having some flexibility to evolve isterio de Economıa, Industria y Competitividad to CNB (SEV-2013-0347)
and CRAG (SEV-2015-0533). Research in CRAG is also supported by
and incorporate new functions. In this scenario, HCPro could adopt CERCA institution (Generalitat de Catalunya).
diverse activities in the different evolutionary lineages from which
the potyvirid genera originated. Moreover, several new activities RE FE RE NC E S
could pyramid in a single protein, as occurred with the HCPro of
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