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Vol 14 (2) 2019, 127-142




*Petrolis Nusa Perdana

Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Keywords: This Community Service activities are carried out using
SIMAK BMN, Intangible Assets, Database the substantive developing database approach to
System, Assertion of Audit Management assertions - accounting management assertions of
intangible assets recorded in the State - Owned Financial
Management Information System (SIMAK BMN) of the
Public Service Agency of Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The
substantive developing database carried out includes
assertions - occurrence assertions, completeness,
valuation, right and obligation and disclosure. The
results of the substantive developing will be used as
follow-up material from the recommendations of the
findings of the Republic of Indonesia Supreme Audit
Agency to the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of
Technology and Higher Education where the Public
Service Agency of Universitas Negeri Jakarta is one of
the entities that sampling BPK RI.
The Community Service activity is also an alternative
discussion to be a guideline for the existence of a
research gap in the implementation of the PSAK
(Statement of Financial Accounting Standards) Number
19 concerning intangible assets that adopt the basis of
IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)
where financial reports on assets become reliable, must
be assessed based on fair value. PSAK 19 regulates the
appraisal time to be carried out at the latest 3 years and
at the latest every 5 years. This is where a phenomenon
occurs, where if the appraisal is carried out in the 5th
year while the amortization period of the intangible asset
has been completed before 5 years, then the audit cannot
be carried out based on the audit management assertions
and make the asset the subject of audit findings
potentially affecting audit opinion if material.

How to Cite:
Perdana, Petrolis Nusa. Improvement of The Accounting
Listing Database System in Management Information System
for Accounting and Finance of State Property (SIMAK BMN)
BLU UNJ about Constelation Amortization of Integrated
Asset. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Akuntansi, 14(2), 127-142.

Corresponding Author: ISSN

* 2302-1810 (online)
Petrolis Nusa Perdana/ Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Akuntansi, 14 (2) 2019, 127-142

INTRODUCTION Notes to Financial Reports and complete

The Pattern of Financial Management in Financial Reports (including balance sheets and
Public Service Agencies is a financial financial statement summaries) every semester
management pattern that provides flexibility in and yearly. These reports are submitted no later
the form of flexibility to implement sound than one month after the reporting period ends.
business practices to improve services to the The financial statements of business units held are
community in order to promote the welfare and consolidated by the Public Service Agency and
intellectual life of the nation, as an exception to become an attachment to the Public Service
the general state financial management Agency Financial Report. Financial Statements of
provisions. Healthy business practices are the Public Service Agencies are consolidated with the
process of organizing organizational functions financial statements of ministries/institutions in
based on good management principles in order to accordance with government accounting standards
provide quality and sustainable services. and audited by external examiners in accordance
Government agencies that carry out an embassy with the provisions of legislation.
on the Pattern of Financial Management of Based on the Presidential Decree of the
Public Service Agencies are the Directorate of Republic of Indonesia Number 93 of 1999
Financial Management Development of the concerning Changes in the Teacher Training and
Public Service Agency of the Directorate General Education Institute (IKIP) to Universities on
of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the August 4, 1999, the IKIP Jakarta entity has since
Republic of Indonesia. changed to Jakarta State University (UNJ) and
Public Service Agencies conduct remains a Unit Work. On his way, Jakarta State
accounting in accordance with financial University based on the Minister of Finance
accounting standards issued by Indonesian Decree Number. 440 / KMK.05 / 2009
accountant professional associations, if there is Concerning Determination of Jakarta State
no accounting standard the Public Service University At the Ministry of National Education
Agency concerned can apply specific industrial As a Government Agency Implementing
accounting standards after obtaining approval Financial Management of Public Service
from the Minister of Finance. Public Service Agencies on 18 November 2009 changed the
Agencies develop and implement accounting status of an ordinary Work Unit to a full status
systems with reference to accounting standards Public Service Agency.
that apply according to the type of service and In the Minister of Finance Decree Number.
are determined by the minister/leadership of the 440 / KMK.05 / 2009 Concerning Determination
institution. Public Service Agencies submit of Jakarta State University at the Ministry of
financial reports quarterly to the minister / head National Education as Government Agencies that
of the institution in the form of Budget Implement Financial Management of Public
Realization Reports, Cash Flow Reports, and Service Agencies on 18 November 2009 changed

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the status of the usual Work Unit to the full status Management Systems and Adequacy of Human
Public Service Agency (BLU) Decisions are Resources, Accounting Policy Draft, Manual
made as follows: Recording, Remuneration and Rates.
1. Establish Jakarta State University to Based on this, the researcher wants to conduct
become the full status of the Public Service research on how the influence of PSAK number
Agency at the Ministry of National 13 and PSAK number 19 policies regarding fixed
Education. assets and intangible assets in terms of the fair
2. Financial management flexibility is given value basis is done at the earliest every 3 years
to Jakarta State University in accordance and the longest every 5 years where the assets to
with Government Regulation Number 23 of be valued only have a useful life below the time
2005 concerning Financial Management of of the valuation. This study will be entitled
Public Service Agencies and "Constellation Amortization of Management of
Implementation Regulations. Intangible Assets in Accounting Records in
3. The Public Service Agency of the State SIMAK BMN Public Service Agency of the State
University of Jakarta is obliged to prepare University of Jakarta as a Follow-Up to BPK-RI
an accounting system no later than 2 (two) Findings".
years after the Jakarta State University is Intangible Assets
determined to be a Public Service Agency. According to paragraph 8 of PSAK
The form of the Public Service Agency's (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards)
Financial Management status (PK-BLU) which Number 19 in (Revised 2010) regarding
has been dressed by Jakarta State University intangible assets that adopt the basis of IFRS
since 2009 has consequences in the field of (International Financial Reporting Standards),
financial management, namely the obligation to intangible assets are defined as non-monetary
have an Accounting System. The Objectives of assets identified without physical form. There are
this researched is to train the financial reporting three fundamental characteristics to be able to
operators of BLU UNJ for making better ho to determine whether the expenditure of resources
access and to archives the documents of and the creation of liabilities carried out by the
Management Information System for Accounting entity in the acquisition, development,
of Finance State Property (SIMAK BMN) UNJ. maintenance or improvement of intangible
PK-BLU Accounting System includes; Financial resources can be categorized as intangible assets.
Accounting System, Fixed Asset Accounting The three fundamental characteristics are:
System and Cost Accounting System, and must 1. Identification;
be equipped with Accounting Systems and 2. Control;
procedures, Account code standards and 3. Economic future benefits.
Ratification of Account Codes by the Ministry of Examples of intangible resources are
Finance, Monitoring and Evaluation of science and technology, the design and

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implementation of new systems or processes, In the letter of the Republic of Indonesia

licenses, intellectual property rights, market Supreme Audit Agency Number 27 / S / V /
knowledge and trademarks (including product 01/2017 dated January 20, 2017 Regarding the
brands and publicity titles). This example is also Results of Examination of Management of
described in paragraphs 9 and 10 of PSAK 19 Assets / State Property in 2015 and 2016 at the
(Revised 2010). Intangible assets have many Jakarta State University, the Republic of
types and many PSAKs govern them. The types Indonesia BPK found 4 weaknesses in the internal
of intangible assets that BLU UNJ manage are as control system and non-compliance in the
follows in table 1: management of assets / State-Owned Property in
Table 1 Jakarta State University in 2015 and 2016, where
Types of Intangible Assets That BLU the findings of intangible assets are found in
UNJ Manage finding number 4 which reads: "Management of
Types of Intangible Assets intangible assets is not in accordance with the
1. Intangible assets owned for sale by entities in Normal provisions of Rp. 9.29 billion."
business activities
2. Deferred Tax Assets On the one hand, this has become a
3. Rent productive input for the UNJ BLU because of this
4. Assets arising from Employee Benefits
5. Financial Assets finding, which in the audit paper of the Republic
6. Goodwill arising from business combinations of Indonesia Supreme Audit Agency is an
7. Deferred acquisition costs and intangible assets arising
from the guarantor's contractual rights under an attachment to the letter, taking source documents
insurance contract
from the SIMAK BMN Intracomptable Report
8. Non-current non-tangible assets classified for sale (or
included in the group of removable assets classified as (Accounting and Financial Information System)
held for sale) UNJ. The SIMAK BMN UNJ Intracomptable
9. Intangible assets in the form of physical, such as compact
disks (which contain computer software), legal Report records a list or inventory of assets owned
documentation (which contains licenses or patents), or and controlled by the BLU UNJ. However, on the
films in the event that the intangible elements are more
significant list or inventory of the assets of the intangible
10.Expenditures on advertising, training, business goods, after searching and stock checking, no
pioneering, research and development
such value is found. Values amounting to Rp 9.29
11.Rights arising from licensing agreements for matters
such as films, videotapes, stage works, manuscripts, billion are material values and sufficiently
patents, and copyrights
12. Intangible assets other than point 1 d. 11 above.
influence the opinion of the financial statements.
However, on the other hand, in PSAK 19
The phenomenon in this study is the
concerning IFRS-based intangible assets which
findings and recommendations of the Republic of
are extensions of PSAK number 13 concerning
Indonesia Supreme Audit Agency in the
fixed assets, it is said that the assessment of value
Examination Report with Specific Objectives on
is by using fair value based on the assessment of
State Property at the Jakarta State University
the authority and / or the appraiser certified
Public Service Agency concerning Intangible

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The assessment is done at the earliest every 3 intracomptable report and financial statements as
years and at the latest every 5 years. if the goods still exist and are still used by BLU
This is where information dispute occurs UNJ.
for auditors and readers of the BLU financial RESEARCH ROADMAP FLOW
statements, especially the UNJ leaders. Nature or The following is the research roadmap
the context of intangible assets that are the flow for this study:
findings of the CPC are the average assets - Inventory of BPK Findings Regarding BMN UNJ
assets such as: —> Reconciliation with the BMN UNJ
1. Intangible assets in the form of physical, Intracomptable Report —> Comparison with
such as compact disks (which contain SAK UNJ Accounting Report —> Results of
computer software), legal documentation Reconciliation and Comparison Serve —> Test
(which contains licenses or patents), or with Assertion - Audit Management Assertion,
films in the event that the intangible namely:
elements are more significant 1. Occurrence
2. Rights arising from licensing agreements 2. Completeness
for matters such as films, videotapes, stage 3. Valuation
works, manuscripts, patents, and 4. Right & Obligation
copyrights. 5. Disclosure —> Recommend to BLU UNJ
The average of these assets has a useful LITERATURE REVIEW
life of under 5 years. While the independent A. Conceptual Description
assessment by appraisal - in this case the UNJ is The Public Service Agency's own
carried out by the Office of the State Wealth accounting system according to the Minister of
Assessment and Auction - carried out every 5 Finance Regulation Number 76 / PMK.05 / 2008
years, where this is selected to reduce the costs to is a series of procedures both manual and
be paid for the valuation services. The point is computerized starting from the process of
rather than paying every 3 years, it is cheaper to collecting data, recording, summarizing to
pay every 5 years. reporting financial positions and financial
The operator SIMAK BMN BLU UNJ operations. Public Service Agency at least
also implements an internal assessment not to develops three accounting systems which are sub
conduct amortization (depreciation operation of systems of the BLU accounting system, namely:
the utility value of an intangible item or asset that
has a limited useful life so that the value will be 1) Financial Accounting System, which is
exhausted after the useful life is completed) in an accounting system that produces basic
intangible assets every year. Thus, when the financial statements for general purpose. The
intangible assets have expired and are no longer purpose of the financial statements is:
used, they are still recorded in the SIMAK BMN

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A. Accountability; accountable for the man- stakeholders, namely those who are related and
agement of resources and the implementa- have interests with BLU. Whereas the financial
tion of policies entrusted to the BLU in statements in accordance with SAP are used for
achieving periodically set goals. the purpose of consolidating BLU financial
B. Management; help users to evaluate the im- statements with the financial statements of state
plementation of a BLU activity in the re- ministries / institutions.
porting period so as to facilitate the func- 2) Fixed Asset Accounting System, which is
tions of planning, management and control the Accounting System that produces reports on
over all revenues, expenses, assets, liabili- fixed assets for the purpose of asset manage-
ties, and equity of the BLU for the benefit ment. This system presents information about
of stakeholders. the type, quantity, value, transfer, and condition
C. Transparency; provide open and honest of fixed assets owned by BLU or not BLU but is
financial information to the public based on in the management of BLU. The development
the consideration that the community has of the Fixed Asset Accounting System is fully
the right to know openly and handed over to the relevant BLU. However,
comprehensively the accountability of the BLU can use a system established by the Minis-
BLU in managing the resources entrusted ter of Finance such as the State Property Ac-
to it and its compliance with the laws and counting System (SABMN).
regulations. 3) Cost Accounting System, which is an Ac-
The Financial Accounting System counting System that produces information
produces basic financial statements in the form of about cost of goods manufactured, unit costs per
Budget Realization Reports / Operational unit of service, and evaluation of variants. Cost
Reports, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow Reports, and Accounting Systems are useful in planning and
Notes to Financial Statements in accordance with controlling, making decisions, and calculating
Financial Accounting Standards (SAK) service rates.
established by the Indonesian accounting The BLU Financial Accounting System
profession association / specific industry component consists of integrated sub-systems to
accounting standards and Government produce financial reports and other reports that
Accounting Standards (SAP). The financial are useful for those in need. The Accounting
statements in accordance with SAK are used for System components include:
the purpose of reporting to general users of the 1) Accounting Policy; which includes the
BLU financial statements in this case choice of principles, fundamentals, con-
ventions, regulations and procedures used
by BLU in the preparation and presenta-
tion of financial statements.

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Consideration and / or selection of account- nomic reality, and not just the aspects of its
ing policies need to be adjusted to the con- formality. If the substance of a transaction
ditions of the BLU. The most appropriate or other event is inconsistent / different
policy choice targets will describe the from the aspect of its formality, then this
BLU's financial condition appropriately. must be clearly stated in the CaLK.
Considerations for the selection of the ap- c. Materiality; Although ideally all infor-
plication of accounting policies and prepa- mation is included, BLU financial reports
ration of financial statements by manage- are only required to contain information that
ment include: meets the materiality criteria. Information is
a. Fair Presentation Financial Statements pre- seen as material if negligence to include or
sent fairly Activity Report / LRA, Balance error in recording such information can af-
Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, and Notes to fect the user's economic decisions taken on
Financial Statements. Healthy considera- the basis of financial statements.
tion factors for financial report compilers 2) Accounting Sub—System;
are needed when facing uncertainty about The accounting sub-system is part of the ac-
certain events and circumstances. Such un- counting system. For example, the sub ac-
certainty is recognized by revealing the na- counting system for cash receipts and cash
ture and level by using sound considera- disbursement sub-systems is part of the fi-
tions in the preparation of financial state- nancial accounting system.
ments. Healthy considerations contain an 3) Accounting procedures; Procedures used
element of caution when making estimates to analyze, record, classify, and summarize
in conditions of uncertainty, so that assets information to be presented in financial
or income are not stated too high and liabil- statements; also refers to the accounting cy-
ities or costs are not stated too low. The use cle (accounting cycle).
of sound judgment does not allow the for- 4) Standard Account Chart (BAS); BAS is a
mation of hidden reserves or excessive al- list of estimates of ledgers that are set and
lowances, and deliberately sets lower assets systematically compiled by the BLU leader-
or income or records 5 obligations or high- ship to facilitate planning, budgeting, budg-
er costs so that the financial statements be- et execution, and accounting and financial
come neutral and unreliable. reporting. For the purpose of BLU financial
b. Substance Over Form statement consolidation with financial state-
Information is intended to present fairly the ments of state ministries / institutions used
transactions and other events that should be BAS which has been determined by the
presented, then the transaction or other Minister of Finance.
events need to be recorded and presented in
accordance with the substance and eco-

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Purpose of Financial Statements The pur- a) Budget Realization Report / Operational Re-
pose of financial statements is to provide infor- port;
mation about financial positions, financial opera- b) Balance Sheet.
tions, BLU cash flows that are useful for users of The BLU accounting system processes all
financial statements in making and BLU revenues and expenditures, both from busi-
evaluating economic decisions. ness revenues from services, grants, state budget
Financial statements are prepared for gen- revenues, and other business revenues. So that the
eral purposes, namely meeting the needs of most financial statements produced by the accounting
users. However, financial statements do not pro- system cover all financial transactions at BLU.
vide all the information that financial report users BLU financial transactions originating from busi-
may need in making economic decisions. In or- ness revenues from services, grants, state budget
der to achieve these objectives, the BLU finan- revenues, and other business revenues must be re-
cial report presents information about: ported in the Budget Realization Reports of state /
1) Assets; institutional ministries and the Government.
2) Obligations; Therefore the transaction must be authorized by
3) Equity; the KPPN with the SPM mechanism and Ratifica-
4) Income and Costs; and tion SP2D every quarter.
5) Cash Flow. Thus the implementation of SAI in BLU
In the case of the Consolidation of the can be carried out cumulatively every quarter.
BLU Financial Statements in the State Ministry / Balance sheet items consist of assets, liabilities
Institution Financial Reports, the BLU prepares and equity also consolidated into the balance
financial reports based on Financial Accounting sheets of state ministries / institution. For this pur-
Standards (SAK). BLU is a state ministry / insti- pose, it is necessary to reclassify the balance sheet
tution, therefore BLU financial reports are con- items in accordance with SAP by using BAS as
solidated with the financial statements of state determined by the Minister of Finance. In order to
ministries / institutions. Consolidation of finan- prepare financial statements for consolidation pur-
cial statements can be done if the same account- poses, the BLU accounting system must also pro-
ing principles are used. BLU uses SAK while fi- duce electronic data (in the form of General Ledg-
nancial statements of state ministries / institu- er / Computer Data Archives) by using the Eche-
tions use SAP, therefore BLU develops an ac- lon I or Ministry of Education Accounting System
counting sub-system that is able to produce fi- application.
nancial reports to meet those needs. The compo- For Recognition and measurement, SAK us-
nents of the BLU Financial Report that are con- es an accrual basis in the recognition of assets, lia-
solidated into the financial statements of state bilities, equity, income, and costs, revenue is rec-
ministries / institutions include: ognized when received or the right to collect aris-
es in connection with the existence

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of goods / services delivered to the community. The consolidated financial statements consist of a
Whereas costs are recognized if a decrease in fu- balance sheet, a budget realization report. The Ja-
ture economic benefits relating to a decrease in karta State University Financial Accounting Sys-
assets or an increase in liabilities has occurred tem is made so that a series of procedures for the
and can be measured reliably. This means that use and management of state money can be pro-
the recognition of costs occurs simultaneously cessed into accounting information prepared in
with the recognition of an increase in liabilities the form of Accountability full Financial State-
or a decrease in assets, for example, accruals of ments; Management (implementation of the func-
employee rights or depreciation of fixed assets. tions of planning, management and control over
SAP uses an accrual basis in recognizing assets, all revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and eq-
liabilities, and equity as well as the cash base in uity of the BLU for the benefit of stakeholders);
recognizing revenue and expenditure. Revenues and Transparency;
are recognized when cash is received in the ac- B. Relevant BLU Accounting Policy Guide-
count of the State General Cash. Expenditures lines
are recognized at the time of expenditure from The absence of the BLU Accounting Policy
the State General Cash account and are account- Guidelines in the specific education sector has
ed for. Revenue (excluding income transferred made various accounting entities in the education
from the state budget) and BLU expenditure are sector propose their respective draft proposals as
recognized if the income and expenditure are re- the mandatory of their institutions from the re-
ported with the SPM mechanism and SP2D. Ap- spective BLU KMK institutions.
proval of said income and expenditure. However, from so many drafts on this
The formula for income adjustment and matter, the draft from Sriwijaya University was
accrual-based spending to be cash-based is as fol- felt to be quite adequate and the draft was made
lows: into its institutional Chancellor Regulation, so it
A. Cash Based Income = BLU income + in- was quite reliable to be used as a patron and ref-
come received in advance - income that erence.
remains to be received C. Theoretical Framework
B. Cash Based Expenditures = BLU Costs - According to Mahsun (2010) good govern-
Fees paid in cash include Depreciation + ance must have good performance accountability.
debt fees paid + prepaid expenses Accountability in the public sector consists of:
While in terms of disclosure or disclosure 1) Performance Accountability
of financial statement disclosures in accordance In a narrow sense, accountability can be
with SAP must follow the requirements in ac- understood as a form of accountability that refers
cordance with PP No. 24 of 2005. BLU LK con- to who the organization (or individual worker) is
solidation into state ministry / institution LK is responsible for and for which organization
conducted regularly every semester and yearly. (individual worker) is responsible?

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In a broad sense, accountability can be under- but also accountable to the general public, non-
stood as the obligation of the holder of the trust governmental organizations, mass media, and
(agent) to give responsibility, present, report, and many other stakeholders.
disclose all activities and activities which are his Thus, the application of accountability, in
responsibility to the principal (trustee) who has addition to dealing with the use of sound and le-
the right and authority to hold that responsibility. gal administrative policies, must also be able to
The meaning of accountability is a core philo- increase public confidence in the form of formal
sophical concept in public sector management. accountability that has been established. Public
In the context of government organizations, accountability consists of two kinds, namely (1)
there is often the term public accountability vertical accountability and (2) horizontal ac-
which means the provision of information and countability. Vertical accountability is accounta-
disclosure of the activities and financial perfor- bility for the management of funds to higher au-
mance of the government to those parties who thorities, for example the accountability of work
are interested in the report. The government, both units to local governments, regional accountabil-
central and regional, must be able to be the sub- ity to the central government, and the central
ject of information giving in order to fulfill pub- government to the MPR. Horizontal accountabil-
lic rights. Accountability relates primarily to the ity is accountability to the wider community.
mechanisms of supervision, reporting, and ac- 2) Accountability with Responsibility
countability to higher authorities in a formal The term accountability and responsibility
chain of command. In the era of decentralization is often defined in the same way as accountabil-
and regional autonomy, public managers are ex- ity. In order to understand the concept of ac-
pected to be able to transform from a role of pas- countability, a clear and deep analysis is needed
sive obedience to being an active participant in so that it does not overlap with the notion of re-
the preparation of accountability standards in ac- sponsibility. This concept of accountability is ex-
cordance with the wishes and expectations of the plained very simply by various references. In
public. Therefore, the meaning of accountability Australian literature according to Donaldson et
is broader than just a formal process and channel all (1991), the concept of accountability is often
for reporting to higher authorities. Accountability understood in two senses, (1) relating to virtually
must refer to a broad spectrum with performance interchangeable, and (2) related to closely related
standards that rely on public expectations so that (there are interrelationships that closed). Mean-
it can be used to assess performance, responsive- while, responsibility has a number of connota-
ness, and also morality of public trust bearers. tions including freedom to act, obligation to
This conception of accountability in a broad praise and blame, and good behavior that is part
sense makes us aware that government officials of one's responsibility.
are not only responsible to higher authorities in So accountability and responsibility are in-
the institutional command chain, terconnected as part of a comprehensive system.

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In several studies it was stated that accountability e) Outcome Accountability; Accountability

is better and different from responsibility. Ac- related to how the effectiveness of the re-
countability is based on written records / reports sults can be useful in meeting the expecta-
while responsibility is based on wisdom. Ac- tions and needs of the community.
countability is a general characteristic of the rela-
tionship of asymmetric authorization, for exam- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ple, which is supervised by its supervisor, an Problem Solving Framework
agent with the principal, who represents the one Framework or stage of activity Improve-
represented, and so on. In addition, the two con- ment of The Accounting Listing Database Sys-
cepts actually also have differences in focus and tem in SIMAK BMN BLU UNJ about Constella-
scope. Responsibility is more internal as the re- tion Amortization of Integrated Assets Manage-
sponsibility of subordinates to superiors who ment is as follows:
have given assignments and authority, which is
usually limited to the financial sector, while ac- 1. Needs Analysis
countability is more external as a demand of ac- Based on discussions conducted by the commu-
countability from the public to whatever has been nity service implementation team, this training
done by officials or officials. program was needed because:
According to Mahsun (2010) that the scope a. Lack of understanding in the managers of
of accountability is not only in the financial sec- the Accounting System for Agencies and
tor, but includes: Managers of State Property at Jakarta State
a) Fiscal Accountability; Accountability de- University in the method of recording in fi-
manded by the community relates to the nancial statements.
use of tax and retribution. b. Lack of understanding of how to manage
b) Legal accountability; Accountability is re- assets that are intangible in terms of amor-
lated to how the laws and regulations can tization.
be implemented properly by the trustees. c. The lack of understanding of the testing of
c) Accountability Program; Accountability is intangible assets to be displayed in finan-
related to how the government reaches the cial reports both in terms of accounting and
programs that have been set. the reporting side of the intra-comptable
d) Process Accountability; Accountability is state property.
related to how the government processes d. Lack of ability to explain and present the
and empowers regional potential resources ability to explain and disclose explanations
economically and efficiently. to examiners or auditors especially to the
auditors of the Republic of Indonesia Su-
preme Audit Agency.

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Based on the above problems, then briefly, b. The practice module was obtained from re-
problem solving can be seen in the diagram be- source persons regarding cost management
low: materials used in this training to help for
Agencies and Managers of State Property
at Jakarta State University in the method of
recording in financial statements so that
competitive advantage is achieved.

3. Development Phase
The community service implementation
team seeks to develop this training both in terms
of training materials, modules, and questions and
answers in a form relevant to aspects of the re-
cording of intangible asset models in the devel-
opment of computer-based recording programs.

Realization of Problem Solving

1. Preparation of Activities
Following are the preparations made by the
community service implementation team before
this activity is carried out:
Figure 1. Framework for Problem a) Conducting a literature study on the under-
Solving - Data reconstruction flowing standing of the database of accounting rec-
from researcher by BPK Findings and ords systems at SIMAK BMN BLU UNJ
Recommendation for BLU UNJ 2016 - about the amortization constellation of in-
2017 tangible asset management
2. Instructional Design b) Conduct observation and data collection on
In determining the instructional designed prospective participants in this training ac-
the following aspects need to be considered: tivity.
a. Fill in the training program material that is c) Prepare material, i.e. making powerpoints
relevant to the needs of the participants. or other training media that will be present-
The implementation team has determined ed to participants.
the material needs for small and medium d) Determine the time of implementation and
entrepreneurs in boarding houses. the duration of community service activi-

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Petrolis Nusa Perdana/Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Akuntansi, 14 (2) 2019, 127-142

2. Implementation of Activities of BLU UNJ Financial Statements, totaling 20

This community service activity will be participants.
carried out in a hotel in Sentul Bogor, West Java,
with the participant segment being the managers Method of Application of Science and Tech-
of the BLU UNJ Financial Report. nology
The method of activities used are:
3. Training Materials and Instructors 1) Introduction to the concept of understand-
This training material uses resource per- ing accounting database systems in SIMAK
sons who understand Intangible Assets, namely BMN BLU UNJ about the amortization
managing the database as efficiently as possible constellation of good intangible asset man-
but being able to produce a competitive ad- agement in depth to the managers of BLU
vantage compared to the speed of data retrieval UNJ Financial Statements.
and the accuracy of report presentation. 2) Conducting discussions to be able to pro-
duce feedback on understanding the ac-
4. Evaluation Design counting recording system at SIMAK
Indicators used in achieving goals or BMN BLU UNJ about the amortization
benchmarks used to declare success are: constellation of intangible asset manage-
1) Able to make an intangible asset database ment in depth to the managers of BLU UNJ
management properly. Financial Statements.
2) Able to work on drawing intangible asset
reports in less than 10 minutes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
3) Able to manage resources both within
themselves and outside themselves to pro- Activity Description
duce a value in which measured intrinsic The improvement of the accounting listing data-
value. base system training activity in SIMAK BMN
4) Able to be careful with the management of BLU UNJ about constelation amorization of inte-
intangible assets. The explanation is how to grated assets management was carried out with a
know when it should be recorded and when total of 20 trainees, consisting of management
the intangible asset expires. accounting systems Accounting and state proper-
5) Able to plan strategic patterns of recogni- ty management Public Service Agency Jakarta
tion and measurement of intangible assets State University. The implementation of the
with good projections. training went smoothly, this was due to the par-
ticipation and linkages of all parties. This activity
Strategic Target Audience was held for 3 days 9-11 October 2018 from
Members of the audience who were considered 09.00 to 16.00 WIB and took place at Alana ho-
strategic to be involved were the managers tel, Sentul Bogor, West Java.

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Petrolis Nusa Perdana/Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Akuntansi, 14 (2) 2019, 127-142

This training emphasizes the success of partici- constellation of good intangible asset manage-
pants in absorbing material specifically aimed at ment in depth to the Financial Statement Manag-
managers of Accounting Systems. Institutions ers is by giving a paper presentation and present-
and managers of state property of the Public Ser- ing the use of a computer system in the form of
vice Agency of the State University of Jakarta SIPPAS (Information System for Reporting In-
can display and present the quantity and quality ventory and Assets of State Property), as well as
of goods of intangible assets in monetary value discussions to be able to produce feedback on
that are state property. at the Public Service this Computer Application System.
Agency of the State University of Jakarta. The following is the screen shot of the SIP-
The training material is delivered in the PAS BMN Computer Application provided with
form of practical direction that can support their training:
ability to improve expertise in developing data-
bases and be able to have high performance pow-
er in the presentation of accounting reports. The
approach is carried out by conducting training
and direct examples with managers of BLU UNJ
financial reports, as well as lectures and discus-
sions on Understanding of Intangible Asset Re- With this media and training with the appli-
porting which is part of State Property (BMN). cation system above, thoroughly discussed about
the examples of intangible asset management in
Theoretical Analysis the BLU UNJ. The discussion of direct commu-
This training cannot be achieved if there is nication media is presented as the second and
no support from the managers of the BLU UNJ concluding material in this community service
Financial Report. There is a tendency to view session. In this second session, there are more
training materials only as mere rhetoric, for this tips and tricks for speeding up data retrieval and
strategy is needed. The method used is to ap- classification of intangible assets. The presenta-
proach the participants as people who are directly tion of the material was carried out complete
related to the problem. with the latest practice and case examples so as
In trying to understand the training material, the to be able to produce an understanding with en-
team chose the method of giving the material fol- thusiasm and happy feelings that resulted in an
lowed by practice sessions, questions and an- increase in the quality of financial reporting of
swers, sharing, discussion sessions by partici- BLU UNJ.
pants. Evaluation of activities
Knowledge of material introduction to the In the process of implementing community
accounting database system concept in SIMAK service, we received positive appreciation from
BMN BLU UNJ about the amortization the Managers of BLU UNJ Financial Reports.

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Petrolis Nusa Perdana/Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Akuntansi, 14 (2) 2019, 127-142

The enthusiasm of the participants was very high the theme of improving the accounting record da-
in responding to the provision of material as evi- tabase system at SIMAK BMN BLU UNJ on the
denced by the emergence of various questions amortization constellation of intangible asset
that varied around the topic of this intangible as- management needs to be redesigned from up-
set, which caused the holding time to be a little stream to downstream reporting.
longer than scheduled. Tips and tricks that are In the future this activity needs to be de-
practiced indeed become its own strength in the veloped in other themes, not only limited to in-
discussion of the constellation of recording intan- tangible assets, but also with other accounts,
gible assets in order to improve the quality of where the ultimate goal is to improve the quality
BLU UNJ financial statements in general. of the financial statements of UNJ BLU.


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