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Republic of the Philippines


Camp General Alejo S. Santos, Capitol St., City of Malolos, Bulacan

PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, Admin Case No. ________________


versus- -for

Pat. Maurino Manese, and Simple Dishonesty

Pat. Jhon Marvic De Leon (Create False Information)



This is regarding the administrative case filed against Pat Maurino Manese and Pat
Jhon Marvic De Leon for an administrative offense of Simple Dishonesty for creating
false information as provided for in MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR 2016- 002.


The facts of the case according to records show that on September 22 2019, a radio
message from PPHRDB, NEPPO, was sent to those who passed the Basic Computer
Essential Certification Examination (BCECE) with the general score of 85% and above.
Citing that those who passed the BCECE were directed to report at Camp Olivas, City
of San Fernando, Pampanga, at exactly 8:00 A.M. on September 23, 2019, said
communication reached the attention of PMAJ GEMMA C. LOMBOY, C. PPHRDB,
NEPPO. Upon verification, it was learned that said communication was not instituted by
her Office or any other Offices in the NEPPO. Immediately, OPPHRDB validated and
identified that such malicious message came from the LAKANTIKAS group chat. It is
also identified that Pat. Maurino Manese and Pat. Jhon Marvic De Leon was
responsible for the aforesaid conduct using the official radio message format of the

In their written affidavits, Pat. Manese stated that he edited said radio message
and accidentally sent said correspondence to AKANTIKAS group chat. His information
was only to prank his classmate Pat Jovito Valdez and not to create any misinformation.
Pat. Manese also stated that upon realizing that his action will cause any confusion and
will create negative information, he alleged that he asked his co respondent Pat. De
Leon to immediately delete the message sent to their group chat.

In the affidavit of Pat. De Leon, he stated that he believed that the radio message
sent to him by Pat. Manese was authentic and he had no idea that said radio message
was edited and only the former purposely to prank their classmate Pat. Jovito Valdez/
he only realized that said radio message was a prank when he received a call and a text
message from Pat. Manese asking him to delete the radio message that he already sent
to the group chat.

The issue to be resolved in this matter is whether or not Pat. Maurino Manese and Pat.
Jhon Marvic De Leon are guilty of the offense charged of simple mishonesty for
creating false information.


In order to formulate a proper decision it must be settled when does a

mishonesty qualify as a simple one. Under Rule 21, Sec. 2A, para 4, sub para (b) of
NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2016- 002,

2.A “includes (b) dishonest acts did not result in any gain or benefit to the
offender and where the information falsified is not related to employment in case
of falsification of official documents”.

It is evidently shown in the case at hand that the respondents had not gained or
benefited from spreading said untrue information. Neither did such false information
relate to employment, thus, the act of Pat. Manese of editing and sending the radio
message qualifies as simple dishonesty. Further, it was also established that his true
intention was to prank his classmate, nothing more harmful or deceitful. However, no
matter how petty the intention is, his neglectful conduct must still be rectified.

As to Pat. De Leon, he is not tainted with malice when he disseminated the

false radio message to their group chat. Moreover, he was not aware of the untrue
nature of the message. Thus, he did not commit said offense together with Pat.

A public officer must always be mindful of his actions, not only towards his
colleagues but also towards the public because they are role models. They are
expected to act with diligence greater than that of a civilian. Although the intention was
only to have fun, consequences must be faced, for lessons must be learned.

After careful perusal of the records of the case, this Summary Hearing Officer is
convinced that one of the respondents have committed simple dishonesty for creating
false information as provided for by NMC 2016-002.

WHEREFORE premises considered, it is recommended that Pat. Maurino

Manese be meted the penalty of reprimand as penalty prescribed in NMC 2016-002,
Rule 22 Sec. 2 for the offense charged against him, this is because it is the first offense.
While the case against Pat. Jhon Marvic De Leon is hereby dismissed for lack of
probable cause.


Done this 29th day of June 2020 at WCPD Office, Camp Alejo Santos, Malolos,


Summary Hearing Officer

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