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2, FEBRUARY 2007 245

A Design Methodology for MOS Current-Mode

Logic Frequency Dividers
Roberto Nonis, Student Member, IEEE, Enzo Palumbo, Pierpaolo Palestri, Member, IEEE, and
Luca Selmi, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this work, a methodology for the design of MOS

current-mode logic frequency dividers is presented. A mix of hand
calculations and circuit simulations is used to relate the power con-
sumption and the frequency of operation. Each latch in the dividers
is sized separately in order to minimize the overall power consump-
tion. Furthermore, the effect on the power consumption of circuit
parameters such as output swing and voltage gain of the input dif-
ferential pair is analyzed in detail. The methodology has been ap-
plied to dividers by two and dividers by three with 50% output
duty cycle.
Index Terms—CMOS integrated circuit, frequency dividers, low
power consumption, MOS current-mode logic, odd division ratio
with 50% duty cycle.
Fig. 1. Circuit schematic of the level sensitive latch in MOS current-mode

features of our approach are: 1) each latch inside a divider is de-
REQUENCY dividers are extensively used for frequency signed based on its actual load, in order to minimize total power
F synthesis in wireless transceivers, within or in cascade
to phase-locked loop (PLL) circuits, or as I/Q generators.
consumption; 2) instead of being considered a project specifi-
cation, output swing and voltage gain are exploited as parame-
When frequency of operation is high and area is a concern, ters that can be adjusted in order to get further improvement in
dividers are commonly implemented in MOS current-mode power consumption. As shown in [12] [see (4) therein] this ad-
logic (MCML) [also refereed as source coupled logic (SCL)] justment sometimes result in a degradation of the noise margin
[1]–[9] and suffer from high power dissipation, which is a of the differential pair, but this is not a major issue in frequency
critical point for portable applications. As an example, the first division circuits for RF frequency generation, where the latch
stage of the divider in the feedback path of a PLL can drain toggles continuously and the possible loss of one edge is not as
as much as half of the average current requested by the whole critical as the loss of one bit when processing data.
frequency synthesizer. The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the
Strategies for the optimization of MCML gates and latches design methodology for the MCML level-sensitive latch to be
have been proposed in [10]–[12]. These approaches relate the used as building block of the dividers. Section III applies this
gate delay to the power consumption, with the constraint of a method to the design of dividers by two, while Section IV de-
given output swing and voltage gain of the differential pairs, in scribes the design methodology for dividers by 3 with 50%
order to satisfy the requirement on the noise margin. To this pur- output duty cycle. Both dividers are implemented in a standard
pose, analytical expressions are used for the current–voltage and CMOS technology [14] whose key figures are nm,
capacitance–voltage characteristics of the transistors. In partic- nm, V, V. Conclusions are
ular, the square-law relation between the transconductance and drawn in Section V.
the current of the transistors is used to express the transistor
width as a function of the drain current. In [13] it is pointed II. DESIGN METHODOLOGY FOR THE MCML LATCH
out that the accurate modeling of this relation may be crucial
for the optimum design of MCML gates, and an alternative ap- A. Basic Equations
proach based on circuit simulation has been proposed. The circuit schematic of the MCML latch is shown in Fig. 1.
In this paper, we present a new methodology that extends that We are considering a resistive load instead of the pMOS treated
of [13] to the design of complete frequency dividers. The main in [11]. Assuming that both the input and clock signals driving
the latch are square waves, the operation of the latch is as fol-
Manuscript received July 22, 2005; revised March 14, 2006. This work was lows. At the beginning of the half of the input period when the
supported in part by Infineon Technologies, Munich (D). This paper was rec- clock signal is high, the bias current is instantaneously
ommended by Associate Editor G. Cauwenberghs. steered through the input differential pair and the single-ended
The authors are with the DIEGM, University of Udine, Via delle Scienze 208,
33100 Udine, Italy (e-mail: outputs of the latch change status following a transient with time
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2006.885999 constant , where is the total capacitance connected
1057-7122/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

pair in case of generic input waves is thus more realistically

approximated with the piecewise function in Fig. 2(b).
Define as the voltage gain of the input differential pair in
balanced conditions ( ).
It is known that

Fig. 2. Approximation of the static differential trans-characteristic of the input
differential pair of the MCML latch: (a) with infinitive voltage gain A (equiv-
alent to the assumption that the waves driving the latch are ideal square waves), where and are the intrinsic transconductance and the
and (b) with finite voltage gain A , needed for more accurate representation
in the case of the input waves with finite slew rate. I is the difference of the
output conductance of the MOS transistor, respectively.
current in the two branches of the differential pair. Proper operation of the regenerative memory cell demands
that , where is the voltage gain of the cross
coupled pair when the cell is in balanced conditions (
at the single-ended output node. When the clock signal becomes ). Due to positive feedback, any larger than
low, the current is instantaneously steered to the cross coupled unity is sufficient. Since will also be larger than unity, it
pair, which latches the output status. seems reasonable and convenient to choose . Note
Note that in this conditions (squared waves) the latch be- that the input differential pair and the memory cell operate al-
havior does not depend on the small-signal voltage gain of the ternatively with the same tail current ( ). Hence, the con-
differential pairs involved (input pair and clock-input pair). In dition implies . This choice is
other words, the voltage gain can be equivalently considered in- consistent with [13]. Moreover, extensive simulations show that
finity, as sketched in Fig. 2(a). any ratio between 1 to 5 is tolerable, i.e., it does
In order to minimize parasitic capacitances, the length of all not change the output swing even at high input frequency. The
the transistors is set to . Hence, the design of the latch choice guarantees robust design and low input
consists in the sizing of the load resistors ( ), the tail current capacitance. As a consequence, all transistors can be sized once
( ), the width of the transistors in the input differential pair, has been calculated.
in the memory cell and in the clock-driven differential pair ( ,
and respectively). The design specifications are: the B. Transistor Sizing
single-ended load capacitance ( ), the single-ended Equations (1) –(3) allow us to design the latch for given and
output voltage swing ( ) and the frequency of the clock signal , provided , , and are related to and (that
( ). Note that the value of the supply voltage is not di- are not known at this stage of the design). It must be pointed out
rectly involved in the design calculations. Nevertheless, it poses here that, for a given input frequency and output load, a divider
an upper limit to . does not work for an arbitrary choice of and . An investiga-
The choice of , , , and is guided by tion on the choice of these parameters for optimum design must
the following considerations. By inspection of Fig. 1, the output be performed separately for the divider by 2 and the divider by
voltage swing is 3 and will be presented in Sections III and IV, respectively.
With regard to the description of the and char-
acteristics, we use the numerical technique proposed in
(1) [13]. In a template transistor biased under saturation con-
ditions (e.g., ) whose width is larger than
For proper operation, the output time constant must be equal to the minimum, the channel current is swept to obtain
a fraction ( , with ) of the input period ( ) plots of and . For sufficiently
large width, both and are surely proportional to
. Thus, it is convenient to introduce the current den-
(2) sity and to define the normalized
and curves as ,
where is a function of the transistors’ widths, as it will be . Equation (3) can thus
discussed at the end of this section. be rewritten as
In real dividers working in the gigahertz range, signals
driving the latch are more similar to sinusoidal waves than (4)
square waves. Hence, the assumption that the output transient
depends only on the time constant does not hold. On the Equation (4) can be finally solved graphically to find the
contrary, a dependence of the output slope at rising and falling channel current density of the transistor in the differential
edge on the voltage gain of the differential pair is observed. pair needed to have the specified voltage gain and output
In other words, the voltage gain of the differential pair must swing . Fig. 3 exemplifies this solution for the technology
be taken into account and control of its value is needed for an that we use as a benchmark in this paper. Key figures of
effective design. The transcharacteristic of the input differential this technology [14] are nm, nm,

Fig. 4. Divider-by-2 topology. The circuit schematics of the master and slave
latch are as in Fig. 1.

As a consequence, (5) becomes a first-order equation which can

be solved for , that multiplied by gives

Fig. 3. Graphical solution of (4) for A = 1:4, V = 400 mV.


V, V. Once the current density, , is
known, the device sizing is carried out by solving (2) for

(5) is the maximum input frequency for which (5) has a valid
where we used from (1). The computation
of and is then obvious. III. DIVIDER BY 2

C. Capacitance Model A. Design Methodology

In solving (5), a model for is needed. is given by The topology of the MCML divider by 2 is reported in Fig. 4
and consists in two latches connected in a master–slave config-
uration. The design of the divider requires the determination of
(6) , and for both the master and the slave stages. It is
reasonable to design the two latches to have the same output
where is the parasitic capacitance due to the metal wires swing. Since the latches are mutually coupled, this implies that
and is the total capacitance due to the MOS transistors, they have the same input signals. Furthermore, the latches are
that depend on their width and on the instantaneous voltages. driven by the same differential clock signal. Thus, the voltage
Considering for example the output node in Fig. 1, we can gain requirement of the input differential pair is the same for
express master and slave. This means that the current density is the
same and, given and , it is computed once, as described
in Section II.
(7) An important observation has to be done at this stage: master
The factors 2 are due to the fact that is the single-ended and slave latches do not necessarily drive the same capacitive
capacitance connected to either one of the output nodes, while load, except when the divider is used as an I/Q generator. Hence,
and are connected between nodes and . We it is convenient to design the master and the slave with different
found adequate to use voltage independent average values for size of the transistors. The quantitative advantage of this choice
the drain–bulk, gate–drain and gate–source capacitance for unit in terms of current saving will be addressed at the end of this
width ( , and , respectively) calculated based on the paragraph.
BSIM4V4 [15] capacitance model ( ) of the The total capacitances connected to the master and the slave
considered technologies. are written consistently with (6), where the load of the master
An analysis of the parasites extracted from layout for various latch depends on the width of the transistors in the slave latch,
latches designed in the considered technology shows that and vice-versa. We obtain linear functions of and that
can be conveniently expressed as can be written as
, since the length of the wiring is somewhat proportional to
the transistor size. The total capacitance can thus be expressed
in the form

where we implicitly define and

(8) as the total capacitance per unit width connected to

the latch output due to the transistors and metal wires of the latch
itself and those of the other latch, respectively.
The design of the divider is thus accomplished by solving the
following linear equations for: and


The total divider current is finally given by

Fig. 5. Simulated output swing normalized to the nominal swing as a func-
tion of the operation frequency of two dividers designed for a nominal input
where the maximum input frequency is frequency of 7.2 GHz, a nominal output swing of 500 mV, a representative
C = 20 fF and with two different arbitrary choice of the parameters a and
A . Note that, following the methodology described in this paper, once A , the
nominal frequency and the nominal swing are given, the size of the components
(14) is univocally determined. The same considerations apply to the next figures.

Note that if the master and slave latches have the same sizing,
the limiting condition in the current reduction of both latches a longer time is required to switch the output. This also means
would be given by (2) written for the slave. Hence, the master that for higher values of the factor (i.e., small values)
would require a total current as if it were driving the same total low values of the voltage gain will be sufficient. It is thus
capacitance as the slave latch. This condition translates in an evident that proper divider operation depends on the choice of
additive term within the parenthesis at the numerator of the both parameters and , that are anyway not completely
(13). Assuming fF and fF (reason- independent.
able values for our technology), the design with different size of In the following we define as proper operation of the divider
the master and slave requires 37% lower current compared to the the actual division by two of the input frequency performed
case where master and slave have the same size, with no penalty with an output voltage swing that is 90% of the nominal value.
in phase noise performance, as the critical path from clock input Consider, for instance, Fig. 5 that reports the simulated output
to divider output is trough the slave latch only [16]. voltage swing (normalized to the nominal output swing) as a
function of the frequency of the clock signal (a pure sine-wave)
B. Choice of the Design Parameters for two dividers designed in the benchmark technology. They
The procedure presented in Sections II and III guides the de- are both sized for a nominal input frequency of 7.2 GHz, but
sign of dividers once the nominal output swing , the voltage with different choice of and . The differential output waves
gain of the input differential pair and the factor are given. at 7.2-GHz input frequency for both dividers are reported in
These specs, if not chosen properly, do not guarantee divider Fig. 6. As can be seen, the design with smaller and fails
operation; in particular, the divider could either not work (when to reach the target output swing at the design frequency, pro-
the output swing of one latch is not large enough to unbalance ducing a swing of no more than 270 mV. On the contrary, in
the input differential pair of the other latch) or the actual voltage the case with larger and , the divider satisfies the swing
swing could be much lower than the nominal value used in the requirement for input frequency up to 9 GHz (Fig. 5), with con-
design. This possible behavior can be due to either an insuffi- sequent waste of power when it is required to divide a 7.2-GHz
cient factor or a too low voltage gain . Nevertheless, the input. Note that the curve with is consistent with
choice of and for proper operation is not obvious. With [17], where it is shown that full switching of the differential
help of Fig. 2, we see that in the case of ideal square waves at pair requires a minimum small-signal voltage gain of . The
the input of the divider, the current steering in the clock pair is curve shows, indeed, that even for really low input frequencies
instantaneous. It is easy to demonstrate that, in such a case, the the output voltage swing does not reach the nominal value, due
time evolution of the voltage at the divider output follows an to the fact that the bias current is not completely steered among
transient. If we assume that the memory cell is able to restore the branches of the differential pair.
the output voltage level in (meaning that its voltage gain Optimum design of the divider is thus based on the optimum
is large enough), it is sufficient to require , choice of and .
that corresponds to in (2). However, the assumption In the following, we discuss the choice for the parameters
of instantaneous current steering does not hold when the input and with reference to the technology described before. We
waves are sinusoids. Since the voltage gain is not infinite, during verified that the numerical results change when a different tech-
a significant part of the transient, the effective bias current of the nology is considered, but the trends are the same. Fig. 7 reports
input differential pair is lower than (see Fig. 2(b)), hence the typical dependence of the simulated output swing and power

Fig. 6. Simulated differential output waveforms of the two dividers considered

in Fig. 5 with a 7.2-GHz input frequency, which is also displayed.

Fig. 8. Voltage gain A needed to reach the wanted output swing (90% of
the nominal value) as a function of the parameter a, considering two different
design frequencies and two different values of the nominal swing. The current
consumption is also displayed and features a minimum for a = 3. The figure
has been obtained as follows. Given the values for a, f , and V , we have
designed dividers with different values of A (notice that, based on the design
procedure reported in the paper, once these four parameters are known, the size
of the circuit is unambiguous). The transients of these dividers are simulated as
in Figs. 6 and 7 and the values of A that give an output swing equal to 90%
of the nominal swing, have been reported on the top graph. The same procedure
has been repeated for all values of a, A and V . V = 1:5 V.

in Fig. 8, also reporting the corresponding current consump-

tion. We see that the optimum value of as well as the corre-
sponding current consumption depend on , and . How-
ever a minimum consumption exists for , meaning that the
time constant at the single-ended output of the latches
Fig. 7. Dependence of the simulated output swing (normalized to the nominal must be one third of the input period. This is not an isolated
output swing) and current consumption on the parameter a in the case of dividers result. A number of analyses performed on dividers designed
designed for 7.2-GHz input frequency, V = 500 mV, C = 20 fF and with for different input frequency and load conditions gives the same
three different values of the voltage gain A . The horizontal line indicates the
90% of the nominal V . The intercept of this line with the curves at constant outcome, hence this value will be taken as a reference for low
A gives the optimum value of a corresponding to that specific A . V = power design.
1:5 V. On the other hand, it is clearly not possible to determine an
optimum value of the voltage gain valid for all design, since
the choice of is not only related to , as we said earlier in
consumption on the parameter for three different values of the this paragraph, but also to the input frequency and the nominal
voltage gain . As expected, for increasing values of the output voltage swing. This is demonstrated in the left plot of
factor, the actual output voltage swing increases and tends to Fig. 9, which displays the required voltage gain as a func-
saturate to the nominal value, due to the smaller constant tion of the design frequency for different values of the nominal
that speeds up the rising and falling edge at the output. This also voltage swing, considering and output swing 90% of the
implies an increase in the current consumption, as from (13). nominal values.
Fig. 7 allows us to find the minimum value of the factor needed The trend in the figure, that is based on the circuit simulation
for proper operation (output swing equal 90% of the nominal of the dividers run with input sine waves, can be explained as
value) with a given voltage gain and thus corresponding to follows. Depending on the frequency of the sinusoidal input, the
the minimum . Note that, again, the curve with input slope changes: higher frequency means higher slope. With
is consistent with the fact that minimum voltage gain for full increasing slopes of the input, we progressively approach the
switching of the bias current is . The curve shows, indeed, limit of instantaneous transitions. Since it can be easily shown
that even for really high a factors, the output voltage swing does from Fig. 2(b) that the fraction of the transient where the dif-
not reach the nominal value. ferential current is lower than is inversely proportional to
In a similar way it is possible to select the factor and pro- the product between and input slope, we have that at higher
gressively increase until the actual output swing becomes frequencies, the higher slope allows for the use of lower .
90% of the nominal swing. The value of found with this Given a value for the factor (for example ), the voltage
methodology corresponds to minimum power consumption con- gain needed for proper operation is progressively lower with in-
sistently with the choice of . Results of this analysis are shown creasing input frequencies, since the input transitions are faster

Fig. 10. Topology of the divider-by-3 with 50% output duty cycle. It is com-
posed by three phase-switchable level-sensitive latches.

In conclusion, in some particular cases, power consumption

can show a minimum as a function of the voltage swing that can
thus be used as a design parameter to minimize power.
To verify the consistency of our predictions we performed a
reverse engineering of the high performance divider working at
27 GHz reported in [4], which was built using the same tech-
nology considered in this paper. The published data indicates a
nominal output swing of mV (while the actual output
Fig. 9. On the left: voltage gain A needed to reach the wanted output voltage
swing (90% of the nominal one) as a function of the design frequency for dif- swing is 300 mV) and a total current consumption of 20 mA,
ferent output voltage swing, with a = 3. On the right: corresponding current which however includes the biasing circuits of the input signals.
consumption. V = 1:5 V. Since it is easy to estimate that those circuits drain 7.5 mA, the
actual consumption of the divider is mA, equally
split on master and slave latches.
and approaches the limit of square waves, where the voltage gain Using our methodology, we have designed a divider with
can be as low as 1. Note that a sinusoidal input is a realistic case, the same performances, i.e., the same nominal and actual ,
e.g., when the divider is driven by differential output of an LC and GHz. With , the voltage gain
voltage-controlled oscillator. needed to have GHz is lower than unity. However,
The plot in the right of Fig. 9 reports the current consump- choosing it was possible to achieve mA with
tion corresponding to the values of reported in the left plot. . Circuit simulation demonstrated agreement with
It can be seen that power consumption increases with frequency, results presented in [4]; in particular the actual output swing
while its dependence on the nominal voltage swing is not mono- was 300 mV. The reduction of with respect to the nominal
tonic, according to (13) and (14). In particular, in the figure the value is due to the low value of the factor compared to ,
power consumption is minimum for 500 mV. Based on this re- which would result in dividers designed with an actual swing in
sult, we can consider the voltage swing a project parameter that the order of 90% of the nominal value.
can be adjusted in order to minimize power consumption. This
nonintuitive trend of the current consumption with the voltage
swing deserves some more words. In our approach, an increase
in can be obtained by means of an increase of or via an
A. Design Methodology
increase of . However, increments of are allowed only
if (and thus the capacitive load) is reduced. If the increment In this section, the implementation in MCML of a divider
in can be made larger, in percentage, than the requested in- by three with 50% output duty cycle [18] is addressed. The
crement in , then can even be reduced. To under- topology of the divider is reported in Fig. 10; it consists of three
stand in which cases this may happen, consider again Fig. 3. phase-switchable level-sensitive (PSLS) latches. The instanta-
An increase in implies an increment of the current den- neous value of the phi input sets if the latch is transparent during
sity on the input differential pair, which, in either the high or the low level of the clock (ck). Since the in-
turn, implies a decrease of the width of the transistor under version of the sensitive level is equivalent to the inversion of
the hypothesis that does not increase. Lower also im- the clock signal, the PSLS latch can be implemented driving the
plies lower MOSFET parasitic capacitance, hence a lower clock inputs of a standard latch with the ex-or between the phi
and a higher value of , as the frequency is kept constant [see and ck inputs, as shown in Fig. 11. The output waveforms of
(2)]. In the cases where is dominated by the MOS capac- the three cells have 50% duty cycle and are shifted in phase by
itances, i.e., for low , an increase of implies a more 60 degrees, as shown in Fig. 12. The design of the divider re-
than proportional increase of , resulting in a large decrease quires the determination of , , , and the width
of and thus of . As a result, can increase, in percentage, , of the transistors for each of the three cells. Within a
more than . Note that for large values of , where the single cell, the latch is designed as described in Section II, hence
curve saturates, the increment of implies an increment of with and . The ex-or gate consist
of the same amount, which is obtained though an increase of two identical differential pairs connected in anti-parallel. The
of without a decrease of . design of these differential pairs does not differ from the design

three cells with different sizes of the transistors. The total ca-
pacitances connected to the single-ended outputs of the ex-or
gates and of the latches are written similarly to (6). The load on
the cell output depends on the transistor width of the latch and of
the ex-or gate in the other two cells, while the load of the ex-or
gate only depends on the transistor width of the latch within the
same cell. We obtain linear functions of the width of the
transistor in the latches, and of the width of the transistor in the
ex-or gates ,( )


where we implicitly define: as the capacitance per unit

width connected to the output of the latch due to the transistors
of the latch itself; and as the capacitance per
Fig. 11. Phase-switchable level-sensitive (PSLS) latch implemented as a level- unit width connected to the output of the latch due to the transis-
sensitive latch (top) driven by an exor-or gate (bottom). tors of the latch and ex-or gate respectively driven by its output;
and as the total capacitance per unit width con-
nected to the output of the ex-or gate due to the transistors of
the ex-or gate itself and the transistors of the latch driven by
its output (which is within the same cell) respectively. The ex-
pressions relating these capacitances to the capacitances of the
transistors are reported in Appendix.
The design of the latch is then accomplished by solving (5)
for and ( ), considering the three latches
and the three ex-or gates

Fig. 12. Input and output waveforms of the divider by 3 depicted in Fig. 10.
f = 8 GHz, a = 3, V = 800 mV, A = 1:2 The three available output
phases are shown.

of the input pair of the latch. The constraint on the output

time constant (2) must be applied to both the latch and the ex-or
gate. The inspection of the output waveform of the ex-or gate
and the latch during operation of the divider reveals that, in the
worst case, both outputs must be able to switch their state in half
a period of the clock signal. Hence, the factors for the latch and
the ex-or gate can be set to the same value. It is reasonable to de-
sign the three PSLS latches to have the same output swing. This
implies that the in and phi inputs are driven by similar waves,
thus the voltage gain requirement for the input differential pair
in the latches and the differential pair in the ex-or gates can be
set identical. Furthermore, for the sake of simplicity, the output
swing of the ex-or gate is set equal to the output swing of the
latch. Of course, it would be possible to extend the method and
choose a different output swing for the ex-or gates.
As in the divider by two, in principle the cells do not drive
the same external load. Hence, it is convenient to design the (16)

Fig. 13. Voltage gain A needed to reach the wanted output swing (90% of
the nominal value) as a function of the parameter a, considering two different Fig. 14. Left plot: minimum voltage gain, A , needed to reach the wanted
design frequencies and two different values of the nominal swing. The current output voltage swing (90% of the nominal one) as a function of the design fre-
consumption is also displayed and, as the case of the divider by 2 (Fig. 8) it quency for different nominal voltage swing. Right plot: corresponding current
features a minimum for a = 3. V = 1:5 V. consumption. V = 1:5 V.

We verified that optimized sizing of each cell can reduce COMPARISON BETWEEN THE CURRENT CONSUMPTION OF A DIVIDER BY 2
power consumption as much as 20% in typical divider designs AND A DIVIDER BY 3 DESIGNED FOR MINIMUM POWER CONSUMPTION (BY
VARYING A ) WITH V = 400 mV, a = 3 AND C = 20 fF. DIVIDERS
with respect to the case where the cells are identical. ARE DRIVEN BY A FULL-SWING SINE WAVE AND ARE DESIGNED IN THE
B. Choice of the Design Parameters
Similarly to the previous case, the procedure presented in
Sections II and IV allows to design dividers by 3 sized to have
the nominal output swing and voltage gain . Neverthe-
less, the choice of the voltage gain and the factor for
proper operation is not obvious. The procedure for the choice
of the parameters has to be performed similarly to the case of
the divider by two. Results for the same benchmark technology From a system-level point of view, it is interesting to compare
considered in the previous sections are reported in the following. the current consumption required for a division by 2 and a divi-
Fig. 13 plots the minimum voltage gain (of the differen- sion by 3, that can be useful when planning a frequency synthe-
tial pairs in the latches and in the ex-or gates) needed for proper sizer. To this purpose, Table I summarizes the minimum current
operation (as defined before) as a function of the factor. The consumption (obtained by varying with ) of the di-
corresponding current consumption is also reported. As can be vider by 2 and the divider by 3 for identical requirements (same
seen, consistently with what we found for the divider by two, and ) at various design frequencies. The comparison
the minimum consumption is achieved for . A number shows that the divider by 3, although made up of 6 MCML ele-
of analyses performed on dividers designed for different input ments, requires, on average, only 25% more current then the di-
frequency and load conditions gives the same result; thus, this vider by 2. As mentioned before, the sensing phase of the latches
value will be taken as a reference for low power design. The in the divider by 3 last half of the input period (exactly as the
agreement of this result with what we found for the divider by sensing phase of the latches in the divider by 2), since the output
two is reasonable since the worst-case switching of the differ- duty cycle of the ex-or gate is not 50%. On the other hand, the
ential pair of the ex-or gates must be performed within half of latching phase of the same latches lasts one input period. This
the period of the input clock, exactly as in the divider by two. facilitates the achievement of the nominal output swing in the
The plot in the left of Fig. 14 displays the minimum voltage divider by 3 with respect to the divider by 2 when the slopes at
gain required for proper operation with as a function the zero crossing of the output waves are identical, i.e., when
of the design frequency, for different values of the voltage the voltage gain of the differential pairs are identical. Since the
swing. Again, simulations were run with input sine waves; comparison in Table I is done for the same output swing (90%
hence, lower frequency means lower slope at the zero crossing of the nominal one), lower voltage gain can be used in the di-
of the input, requiring a larger voltage gain in the differential vider by 3, which in turns means lower current consumption for
pairs in order to amplify the input signal. The plot in the right each MCML element. Note that, if identical voltage gains are
of Fig. 14 reports the current consumption corresponding to the needed, the divider by 3 requires approximately three times the
values in the left plot, that increases with and . amount of current required by the divider by 2.

It has finally to be pointed out that the dividers sized with where
this procedure are designed for minimum power consumption.
Depending on phase noise requirements, it could be necessary
to increase the actual value of the factor (and thus the power
consumption), which means that the divider is designed for a
nominal frequency higher than the actual frequency at which it
will be operated, as can be demonstrated using the phase noise
model for MCML dividers proposed in [16].
We thus define the following capacitive figures, valid for each
In this work, a design methodology for the MCML latch is
presented and used as stepping stone to the design of frequency
dividers by two and by three with 50% output duty cycle. In
this approach, each latch inside a divider is designed separately
in order to minimize power consumption. Furthermore, output
swing, voltage gain and the ratio between the input period and
the time constant at the single-ended output node ( factor)
are exploited as free parameters to get further improvement in
power consumption. We found that for a broad range of di-
vider specifications, minimum power consumption is obtained ACKNOWLEDGMENT
for . On the other hand, the choice of the voltage gain The authors would like to thank Z. Boos, U. Klepser,
strongly depends on the input frequency when the clock signal M. Simon and N. Da Dalt for useful discussion and constant
is a pure sine-wave: high frequency of operation allows us to use support. The authors would also like to thank the reviewers for
lower voltage gains, because of the higher value of the slope of useful suggestion to improve the quality of the manuscript.
the clock signal at the zero crossing.
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[15] BSIM4.4.0 MOSFET Model, [Online]. Available: http://www-device. Pierpaolo Palestri (M’05) received the Laurea bsim4.html degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering
[16] S. Levantino, L. Romanò, S. Pellerano, C. Samori, and A. L. Lacaita, from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in
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GPRS RF transceiver with integrated VCOs and fractional-n synthe- Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies (now Agere
sizers,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1710–1720, Systems), Murray Hill, NJ, where he worked on high-speed silicon-germanium
Dec. 2002. bipolar technologies. In October 2001 he became Assistant Professor and in
November 2005 Associate Professor at the University of Udine. His research
interests include the modeling of carrier transport in nanoscale devices, and the
simulation of hot-carrier and tunneling phenomena in scaled MOSFETs and
nonvolatile-memory cells.
Roberto Nonis (S’04) was born in Udine, Italy, in
1977. He received the Laurea degree in management
engineering from the University of Udine, Udine,
Italy, in 2002. Since November 2003, he is working
toward the Ph.D. degree in electronics at the same Luca Selmi (M’96) was born in Rome, Italy, in 1961.
university. He received the Doctorate degree in electronic en-
His thesis concerned phase noise modeling in gineering from the University of Bologna, Bologna,
PLL based frequency synthesizers. In 2003, he was Italy, in 1992.
Visiting Student at Infineon Technologies, Villach From April 1989 to June 1990, he was a Visiting
(Austria), where he worked on phase-locked loop Scientist at Hewlett Packard Microwave Technology
(PLL) design. His research interests are focused on Division, Santa Rosa, CA. Since 2000, he has been
the design of RF frequency dividers. a Full Professor of Electronics at the University of
Udine, Udine, Italy. His research interests are in the
field of electron device modelling and characteriza-
tion, with emphasis on CMOS scaling, nonvolatile
memories, and reliability. He held technical and coordination responsibility in
Enzo Palumbo was born in Udine, Italy, in 1978. several national and European research projects (V and VI FP). His research
He received the Laurea degree in electronic engi- activities have been carried out in cooperation or under contract with the largest
neering from the University of Udine, Udine, Italy, semiconductor research laboratories and companies worldwide, including
in February 2005. Philips Research (Eindhoven and Leuven), Infineon Technologies (Villach and
His thesis concerned the design strategies for the Munich), IMEC, LETI, IBM T.J.Watson Res. Center, AT&T Bell Laboratories,
MCML frequency dividers. Since 2005, he has been Hewlett Packard. He co-authored approximately 130 papers in refereed journals
with the Department of Electrical, Mechanical, and and conference proceedings including more than 25 IEDM papers.
Management Engineering (DIEGM), University of Dr. Selmi has been, or still is, member of the Technical program committees
Udine, working on frequency dividers. of the major electron device conferences (IEDM – twice, ESSDERC, INFOS,

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