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Chapter 1



In the field of education and entire nation, quality and excellence of

graduates, who will develope the social and economic components, of nation building

order that can have achieve full development and progress. Department of education as it

is common referred to in the country. The philippines Implement a new curriculum which

started last may 15 2013. The said innovation in the Philippines Education has been made

legally by the republic or the enhanced basic. Education curriculum. There are many

innovation introduced to the curriculum such as the extension of years spent in school

from the old disciplines to the presentation of out put the Senior Highschool is two years

of specialized upper secondary education students may choose a specialization base on

attitude, interest and the capacity of the school. The choice of career track (will define the

content of the subject, a student will take) in “rades and 383 subjects Fall under either the

more curriculum. Provide them relevant exposure and actual experience in their choosen

track by the act of the philippine congress through Republic Act (RA) 10533 in a school

was to be stablished in the Municipality of Bamban Province of Tarlac.

Statement of the Problem

1. What are the demographic profiles of the participants in terms of?

1.1. Age

1.2. Gender

1.3. Yr/Sec

2. What are the experience s of the Technical Vocational Livelihood?

3. What are the insights the factors on Education?

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the technical vocational livelihood students and this would

provide clear outline or the needs and problems of Dapdap High school-Senior High

school in terms of human and material resources used in Technical Vocational Education

subjects for must better implementation of senior high school. To the Future Researchers,

this study might serve as spring board for further researchers into the other subjects

included in the Secondary Education Development Program, as well as into other areas

of educational research.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This Study is delimited to the readiness in terms of the protected needs of the

implementation of senior high school in Dapdap High School.

The study is delimited for the Grade 12 Technical Vocational Education students in

Dapdap High School. The study only focuses on Senior High School student that will

continue higher education.

The main purpose of our study is to point out the affects of Technical Vocational

Livelihood students in pursuing Higher Education.

Definition of Terms


Practical contact with and observation of facts or events. The observing, encountering, or

undergoing of things generally as they occur in the course of time: to learn from

experience: the range of human experience.knowledge or practical wisdom gained from

what one has observed, encountered, or undergone: a man of experience.


Follow ( someone or something ) in order tp catch or attack them. ( of a person or way )

continue or proceed along (a path or route).

Higher Education

Higher education is tertiary education leading to award of an academic degree. Higher

education, also callled post - secondary education, third-level or tertiary education , is an

optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after completion of secondary eduction.
Chapter 2


Several readings were made by the researcher to find out what has been done

about this field.

Related Literature

The review of the literature for the study focuses on education and its role in shaping the

future of students in K-12 Curriculum is response to global competitiveness particularly

in ASEAN Econimic Community by 2015. The Literature will also discuss issues about

job market, job mismatch, competitiveness and marketability or employability.

At this pace of this changing society and economy a lot of actions should take

place. They have to face a lot of challenges especially educator who are being asked to do

more with less due to rapidly evolving technologiest and ongoing shifts in global

economy and demography . A successful education system wil need to be of paramount

importance if a multicultural society to succeed and prosper in the future. Education is a

gateway to a better job and greater earning potential. One key to understanding this issue

is an appreciation of the overall landscape education and training.

Related Studies

The K-12 program is a 13 years basic education system that implemented in all schools in

the philippines during the school year 2011 to 2012 (Senior Highschool Deped). Private

universities part of the Catholic Education Association of the philippines (predicted

financial losses of about P150 billion over the next 7 years due to implementation of the

K-12 Program (Vestil, 2016). The implementation of the program includes an addition of

the Senior Highschool (SHS) program which extends the secondary education of the

students thus causing a decrease in enrolles for college freshman from 2016-2018

(“Senior Highschool”). The Ateneo de Manila Mniversity (ADMU) experienced tight

budgetary restraints as well due to the lack of freshman enrolles (Millares, 2017).

Moreover, there is a danger to decrease in college enrolles in the preceding years due to

lack of interest to pursue higher education in majority of students.




Korea first adopted the skills development system in 1967 by an enactment of the

Vocational Training Act to provide a skilled work force for industrialization. Since then,

Korea has successfully aligned the skills development policy with the different stages of

economic development and met skills demand by continuously improving the skills

development system complemented the economic cycles of the Korean economy- from

supplyng skilled workers for export- oriented light industries in the 1960s and early

1970s, heavy and chemical industries in the 1970s and 1980s and technically more

advanced and knowledge based industries in the 1990s and 2000s.

Korea- leading example of how governments can promote an extensive school based


Singapore- comprehensive vocational training infrastructure where linkages were sought

between education institutions and training institution.

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka- fairly developed vocational and

technical education system both in public and private schools.

Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Myanmar- patchy system of vocational and technical


Japan- most developed and well established infrastructure provding school based as well

as enterprise based TVET.

India and China- lopsided education development structures including for TVET.

B. Local
Different learning situations

By the year 2013, the Department of Education in the Philippines implemented its

biggest reform in education through the Republic Act No. 10533, otherwise known as the

“Enchanced Basic Education Act of 2013” From the previous ten-years basic education,

it added up another two more years in the learning experience of the students. And so, on

2013, the first senior high school of the Republic of the Philippines was pioneered. One

of its salient features was to provide specialized upper secondary education. The program

aimed to prepare students for college, job or business and in so doing; allows students to

get a glance on the area they want to pursue in the latter years of their life.

Conceptual Framework

This study is based on the concept to find out the readiness of Technical vocational

Education teachers for Senior High School In Dapdap High School, school year 2019-

2020. This study is determined to allow administrators to develop a define plan of action

or a program on the implementation of Senior High School at Dapdap High School-

Senior High School students.

The researchers used the internet, interviews and surveys to gather information.

The researchers analyzed the gathered information to choose proper research

instrument.The researchers then proceeded to the research paper

Chapter 3

This chapter presents the method of research, the subjects of the study, the

method of gathering data, the research instruments or tools and the statistical treatment of

the gathered data.

The researchers described and compared four different methods for estimating sample

size and power, when the primary outcome of the study is a cookery who pursue higher

education these methods.

1. To follow the structure and basis.

2. They choose cookery strand because they want to follow their dreams or want.

3. Many influences by students, friends, chef.

4. Because of the family’s choice.

5. Because they experience cookery 9,10 in their junior high years.

6. Many want to take a cookery strand because of earning National Certificate II.

Research Design

A qualitative case study is good for gaining in -depth understanding of a specific context,

but it does not allow you to a wider population. A laboratory experiment allows you to

investigate causes and effects with high internal validity ,but it might not accurately

represent how things work in the real world 9 external validity.

Research Instrument
The researchers used a questionnaire checklist to gather the needed data for the student’s

profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn out based from readings, previous

studies, professional literature published and unpublished research relevant to the study.

Respondents of the Study and Research Locale

The school researchers have chosen where the researcher are assigned in their Field

Study(FS) subject. Which is Dapdap High School ,Senior High School in Dapdap,

Bamban, Tarlac .

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher is make a question and going to survey the needed in interview. After

collecting all data the researchers,with the help of the statistician tabulated and tailed the

survey. The result would hopefully be the basis for enhanced cookery students.



Name (Optional) ________________

Age: ______________

Gender: ___________

Yr/sec: ___________

1. What are the experiences of the Technical Vocational Livelihood students of Dapdap

High School-Senior High School that affects them in pursuing Higher Education.

2. What are the in sights regarding the factors on Education Technical Vocational


















A Research Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School
Dapdap High School
Dapdap, Bamban
Tarlac Province

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirement for Practical Research 1

Leader: Samatra, Princess Lindsay A.

Bermio, Antonette Joy S.
Conde, Kyna Gene A.
David, Princess
Ferrer, Gieanne
Gonzales, Ahlyanah Mae O.
Lamela, Maricris C.
Liwag, Aina Marina Elaiza Y.
Miranda, Racquel
Octubre, Janine Claire
Orlanes, Jerlyn Q.


MARCH 2020

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