Thavara Repellent Activity of Essential Oils Cockroaches 2007

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Usavadee Thavara 1, Apiwat Tawatsin 1, Payu Bhakdeenuan 1, Prapai Wongsinkongman 2,
Thidarat Boonruad 2, Jaree Bansiddhi 2, Pranee Chavalittumrong 2, Narumon Komalamisra 3,
Padet Siriyasatien 4 and Mir S Mulla 5

National Institute of Health, 2Medicinal Plant Research Institute, Department of Medical
Sciences, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi; 3Department of Medical Entomology,
Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok; 4Department of Parasitology,
Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; 5Department of
Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California, USA

Abstract. Seven commercial essential oils extracted from the plant species Boesenbergia ro-
tunda (L.) Mansf., Citrus hystrix DC., Curcuma longa L., Litsea cubeba (Lour.) Pers., Piper
nigrum L., Psidium guajava L. and Zingiber officinale Roscoe, and naphthalene as a control,
were evaluated for repellent activity against the three cockroach species Periplaneta americana
(L.), Blattella germanica (L.) and Neostylopyga rhombifolia (Stoll) under laboratory conditions.
The essential oil derived from Citrus hystrix showed the best repellency over other candidate
essential oils and naphthalene. The essential oil of Citrus hystrix exhibited complete repellency
(100%) against P. americana and B. germanica, and also showed the highest repellency (among
the essential oils tested) of about 87.5% against N. rhombifolia under laboratory conditions. In
the field, Citrus hystrix essential oil formulated as a 20% active ingredient in ethanol and some
additives provided satisfactory repellency of up to 86% reduction in cockroaches, mostly P.
americana and N. rhombifolia with a residual effect lasting a week after treatment. Citrus hystrix
essential oil has good potential for being used as a cockroach repellent. Further improvements
in efficacy and residual activity may be realized with appropriate formulations.

INTRODUCTION tals (Agbodaze and Owusu, 1989; Fotedar et

al, 1991). There is ample evidence that sub-
Cockroaches have the potential to me- stances produced by cockroaches are in-
chanically carry and transmit many pathogens, volved in producing allergic symptoms
such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and (Kongpanichkul et al, 1997; Pumhirun et al,
helminthes (Cochran, 1982). They also serve 1997). At least 12 species of cockroaches
as potential carriers of the causes of bacterial have been reported in Thailand to date and
diarrhea and nosocomial infections in hospi- the American cockroach is the most common
cockroach found in dwellings in various prov-
inces of Thailand (Tawatsin et al, 2001).
Correspondence: Usavadee Thavara, National In-
stitute of Health, Department of Medical Sciences,
Sriwichai et al (2002) confirmed the abun-
Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi 11000, Thai- dance of the American cockroach in all types
land. of buildings in Bangkok, especially private resi-
Tel: 66 (0) 2951 0000 ext 99245; Fax: 66 (0) 2591 dences, and found that German cockroaches
5449 were significantly predominant in grocery es-
E-mail: tablishments.

Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007 663


Several chemicals were studied for repel- control since it is commonly used as cock-
lent effects against cockroaches, such as N, roach repellent.
N-diethylphenylacetamide (Prakash et al, The essential oil of kaffir lime leaf was
1990), methyl neodacanamide, propyl selected for further evaluation against cock-
neodecanamide, methyl neotridecanamide, roaches in the field because of its high effi-
alkyl and aryl neoalkanamides (Steltenkamp cacy under laboratory conditions. This oil was
et al, 1992), citral and eugenol (Vartak et al, prepared at various concentrations in ethanol
1994). Research regarding cockroach repel- [5, 10, 20, 50 and 100% (undiluted)] and
lents, especially those derived from plant ex- tested against two cockroach species (the
tracts, is quite limited at this time. Recently, American cockroach and the German cock-
the essential oil of catnip (Nepeta cataria L.) roach) under laboratory conditions. For field
was reported as having repellency against testing, the essential oil was then formulated
adult male German cockroaches (Peterson et as 20% (w/w) liquid repellent in ethanol with
al, 2002). Up to the present time, no studies some additives.
have reported evaluation of repellents against
cockroaches in Thailand. The present study Test cockroaches
was initiated to study the repellent activity of Three cockroach species used in labora-
seven essential oils, extracted from local plants tory repellent tests were laboratory-reared
of Thailand, against three cockroach species Periplaneta americana (L.) (the American cock-
under laboratory conditions. The most prom- roach), Blattella germanica (L.) (the German
ising essential oil was then further evaluated cockroach) and Neostylopyga rhombifolia
for repellency against cockroaches in the field. (Stoll) (Harlequin cockroach). These cock-
roaches have been reared according to the
MATERIALS AND METHODS standard protocols of the Biology and Ecol-
ogy Section, National Institute of Health, Thai-
Essential oils for laboratory and field evaluation land, and maintained in the insectary of the
Seven commercial essential oils (100%) institute. The colonies were maintained in the
were evaluated for repellent activity against insectary under ambient temperature (24-
three cockroach species (the American cock- 30ºC) and humidity (70-90% RH). Adult P.
roach, the German cockroach and harlequin americana (aged 3-5 months), B. germanica
cockroach) under laboratory conditions. These (aged 6-8 weeks) and N. rhombifolia (aged 3-
essential oils were derived from lesser galanga 5 months) were employed for repellent test-
(Boesenbergia rotunda (L.) Mansf.) rhizomes, ing under laboratory conditions. Both males
kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC.) leaves, turmeric and females of each cockroach species were
(Curcuma longa L.) rhizomes, Litsea (Litsea used in the laboratory tests.
cubeba (Lour.) Pers.) fruits, black pepper
(Piper nigrum L.) fruits, guava (Psidium guajava Laboratory tests
L.) leaves and ginger (Zingiber officinale A stainless steel square-box (50x50x15
Roscoe) rhizomes. These oils were selected cm, with the top open) was employed in the
for this study because the plants are com- repellent tests. All four walls of the box were
monly available in Thailand and the oils are smeared with Vaseline to prevent escape of
available commercially. These oils were pur- cockroaches. A piece of filter paper (Whatman
chased from Thai-China Flavours and Fra- No.1, 50x50 cm) was marked by a pen to di-
grances Industry Co, Ltd, Nonthaburi Pro- vide it into 2 equal parts (treated and control
vince, Thailand. Naphthalene was used as a areas) and then placed at the bottom of the

664 Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007


box. The test repellent (1.25 ml) was applied District (36 houses) were designated as the
(equal to dosage of 10 ml/m2) by placing drops treatment sites, whereas Bang Saphan Village
from a pipette on the treated area to cover of Wang Thong District (50 houses) was des-
the treated portion of the paper, whereas the ignated as the control site. All sites were sur-
control area was untreated. Naphthalene, the veyed for cockroach species and densities
control standard, is solid. Two pieces of naph- using sticky traps (HOY HOY, produced by
thalene (1 g each) were placed together as a Earth Chemicals, Japan) before and after treat-
treatment on the treated side. Each set of con- ment. This sticky trap has been shown to be
tainers of food and drink for the cockroaches an effective tool for cockroach surveys in the
was placed at both sides of the box (treated field (Tawatsin et al, 2001). The sticky trap is
and control areas). Twenty adult cockroaches a simple device that can be folded into a trap-
(10 males and 10 females) were anesthetized ezoid paper-house (10x15x3 cm), having four
with CO2 and released into the box at the cen- entrances for cockroaches. The sticky area for
tral point. The box was then placed in a Peet catching cockroaches inside the trap is about
Grady chamber (180x180x180 cm) sur- 9.5x15 cm. Cockroaches are lured into the
rounded by cloth curtains to keep a dark en- trap by built-in attractants located in the
vironment and to prevent disturbances from middle of the sticky area. At least 36 houses
surroundings. The cockroaches located in the in each experimental site were randomly
treated and control areas were carefully ob- sampled for cockroaches by placing two sticky
served and counted at 48 hours after treat- traps in the kitchen of each house and left
ment. Repellency against the cockroaches there for one night. The cockroaches caught
was calculated with the following equation: in each trap were identified by species follow-
ing the handbook of domiciliary cockroach
species in Thailand (Asahina, 1983) and other
Repellency (%) = 100 - [T x 100] relevant references (Cornwell, 1968; Bell,
N 1981; Cochran, 1982, 1999) and then
counted. Three days after the preliminary sur-
where T stands for the number of cock-
vey, the test repellent was applied at a dos-
roaches located in the treated area and N
age of 10 ml/m2 by a hand-trigger window-
stands for the total number of cockroaches
sprayer on the floor in the kitchen area in each
used. The average repellency was calculated
house of the two treated sites, whereas the
from the values obtained in six replicates.
houses in the control site were untreated. The
Field evaluations – village-scale trials treatment was carried out only once in each
The essential oil of kaffir lime (Citrus house of the two treated sites. To assess the
hystrix) leaves was selected for further evalu- degree of cockroach infestation, the sticky
ation in the field because it showed the high- traps were again placed in the kitchens of each
est repellent activity against the three cock- house at the three experimental sites and left
roach species tested under laboratory condi- there for one night. Then, all the traps were
tions. Field evaluation of the repellent formu- collected and the cockroaches caught in each
lated from the essential oil of kaffir lime leaves trap were identified by species and counted.
was carried out in Pitsanulok Province, Thai- Assessment of the cockroach densities and
land. Three villages in rural areas were selected species in each house at the three experimen-
where the experiment was carried out. Kok tal sites was carried out on three additional
Makham Yai Village of Wang Thong District (51 occasions at 6-, 9- and 12-days post-treat-
houses) and Wang Itok Village of Bang Rakam ment.

Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007 665


Another field evaluation of the repellent RESULTS

formulated from the essential oil of kaffir lime
Laboratory repellency
leaves was conducted in Bang Khaen District,
Bangkok, Thailand. Two urban communities The essential oil of Citrus hystrix provided
(one treated and one control site) were se- complete repellency (100%) against P.
lected for this evaluation. Bang Khaen-1 (the americana cockroaches, and a high degree
treated site) included 44 houses, whereas of repellency was also obtained from the es-
Bang Khaen-2 (the control site) consisted of sential oils of Psidium guajava (95%) and
37 houses. The evaluation carried out in the Boesenbergia rotunda (90%) (Table 1). Mod-
field in Bangkok was similar to that in erate levels of repellency were derived from
Pitsanulok as described above. However, the the essential oil of Litsea cubeba (88.3%) and
assessments were carried out once a week Zingiber officinale (85%). The essential oil of
for four weeks post-treatment during the Curcuma longa and Piper nigrum exhibited
course of this study. After each weekly assess- repellency equal to that of naphthalene (80%).
ment, the repellent was reapplied at the same The essential oils of Citrus hystrix and
dosage in the previously treated areas in each Psidium guajava showed excellent repellency
house of the treated sites. (100%) against B. germanica cockroaches in
the laboratory (Table 1). However, high degrees
The average number of collected cock-
of repellencies against cockroaches were also
roaches per house (mean no.) and standard
obtained from the essential oils of Boesen-
error of the mean (SE) were calculated for each
bergia rotunda (95%), Curcuma longa (95%),
study site in each assessment in the field. The
Piper nigrum (95%), Zingiber officinale (95%)
percentage reduction in cockroach number
and Litsea cubeba (90%). It is interesting to
following treatment at each treated site was
note that all the essential oils in this experi-
calculated by Mulla’s formula (Mulla et al,
ment provided better repellencies than did the
standard repellent naphthalene (85%).
Reduction (%) = 100 - [(C1/T1) x (T2/C2)]100
Regarding the repellent tests against N.
where: C 1 = average number of cock- rhombifolia cockroaches, the essential oil of
roaches per house at the control site (pre- Citrus hystrix exhibited the highest repellency
treatment), (87.5%) of the tested repellents, whereas the
T1 = average number of cockroaches per essential oil of Curcuma longa provided the
house at the treated site (pre-treatment), lowest repellency of about 50.8% (Table 1).
C2 = average number of cockroaches per Moderate repellencies against N. rhombifolia
house at the control site (post-treatment), were obtained from the essential oils of
Zingiber officinale (70%), followed by those of
T2 = average number of cockroaches per
Litsea cubeba (67.5%), naphthalene (65%),
house at the treated site (post-treatment).
Boesenbergia rotunda (60.8%), Piper nigrum
These values, mean SE and percentage (58.3%) and Psidium guajava (56.7%). There
reduction (%), are presented in the figures. were no significant differences among
Data analysis repellencies obtained from this group.
Comparison of repellency among test re- The repellency of essential oil of Citrus
pellents was carried out employing the one- hystrix at various concentrations against P.
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with americana and B. germanica is shown in Fig
Duncan’s multiple range test. All differences 1. The 50% concentration and undiluted es-
were considered significant at p ≤ 0.05. sential oil provided excellent repellency from

666 Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007


Table 1
Repellency of essential oils and naphthalene against P. americana, B. germanica and
N. rhombifolia cockroaches in the laboratory.
Mean repellency* (%) ± SE
Plant essential oils/chemical
P. americana B. germanica N. rhombifolia

Boesenbergia rotunda 90 ± 2.6 c 95 ± 1.8 b 60.8 ± 7.7 bc

Citrus hystrix 100 ± 0.0 a 100 ± 0.0 a 87.5 ± 5.3 a
Curcuma longa 80 ± 1.8 e 95 ± 1.3 b 50.8 ± 8.0 c
Litsea cubeba 88.3 ± 3.3 cd 90 ± 2.9 c 67.5 ± 8.6 b
Piper nigrum 80 ± 1.3 e 95 ± 1.8 b 58.3 ± 7.0 bc
Psidium guajava 95 ± 1.8 b 100 ± 0.0 a 56.7 ± 9.4 bc
Zingiber officinale 85 ± 2.2 d 95 ± 1.3 b 70.0 ± 8.1 b
Naphthalene 80 ± 1.8 e 85 ± 2.9 c 65.0 ± 9.2 bc
*Repellency against the same species (in the same column) followed by the same letter is not significantly
different from each other (p ≥ 0.05, by one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s multiple range test).

95 to 100% against P. americana cock- Makham Yai Village prior to treatment was 3.8
roaches. The essential oil at 20% concentra- cockroaches/house (Fig 2). Three days after
tion exhibited a moderate level of repellency treatment with the test repellent (20% Citrus
at an average of about 83.5%. The essential hystrix), 138 cockroaches were caught from
oil diluted to 10% and 5% showed lower re- 21 houses (41.2% positive). The average num-
pellency against P. americana, about 60% and ber of captured cockroaches dropped to 2.7
58.5%, respectively. Regarding repellency cockroaches/house with a reduction of about
against B. germanica, the 50% concentration 21.3% using the formula of Mulla et al (1971),
and the undiluted essential oil of Citrus hystrix taking both the treated and control popula-
also provided excellent repellency (93-100%), tions (Fig 2). Subsequently, 19 houses (37.3%)
whereas the essential oil at 20% concentra- were positive for 119 cockroaches during the
tion showed an average repellency of about inspection at 6 days after treatment. An aver-
85%. The results against B. germanica were age of 2.3 cockroaches/house was obtained
similar to those against P. americana, the es- in this assessment with 17.3 % reduction (Fig
sential oil diluted to 10% and 5% exhibited 2).
repellency of 61.5% and 50% against the B. The number of houses infested with cock-
germanica cockroaches, respectively. roaches declined to 17 houses (33.3% posi-
tive) at 9 days post-treatment with only 59
Field repellent test against cockroaches in
cockroaches found in this survey. As shown
Pitsanulok Province
in Fig 2, the mean number of captured cock-
Kok Makham Yai Village (the 1st treated site). A roaches dropped to 1.2 cockroaches/house
total of 51 houses in the first treated site (Kok with the reduction reaching a peak of 66.8%.
Makham Yai Village) were surveyed and a to- Finally, 20 houses (39.2%) were positive for a
tal of 194 cockroaches were found in 31 total of 76 cockroaches in the last period of
houses (60.8% positive) during the preliminary survey (12 days post-treatment). The reduc-
inspection before treatment. The average tion remained at 52.4 % with an average of
number of cockroaches collected at Kok 1.5 cockroaches/house (Fig 2).

Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007 667


100 neaus) (1.7-18.9%), Supella longipalpa (F.)

P. americana
90 (0.8-10.3%), B. germanica (0.7-7.9%) and P.
B. germanica
80 australasiae (Fab.) (0.5-2.6%).
Wang Itok Village (the second treated site). The
Repellency (%)

preliminary survey conducted at Wang Itok
Village (the second treated site) revealed that
26 (72.2%) of 36 houses were infested with a
recovery of 221 cockroaches. The average
number of cockroaches captured at Wang Itok
Village before treatment was 6.1 cockroaches/
5 10 20 50 100 house (Fig 2). A total of 20 houses (55.6%)
Concentration (%)
were positive for cockroaches 3 days after
Fig 1–Comparison of repellency of essential oil of treatment with the test repellent (20% Citrus
kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) leaves at various hystrix) and 179 cockroaches were captured.
concentrations in ethanol against P. An average of 5 cockroaches/house was ob-
americana and B. germanica cockroaches tained in this survey with a reduction rate of
under laboratory conditions. 9.2% according to Mulla’s formula compared
to pretreatment at the control site (Fig 2). The
Kok Makham Yai (treated-1) numbers of houses infested with cockroaches
Wang Itok (treated-2)
9 Bang Saphan (control site) 80
decreased to 18 houses (50% positive) dur-
Reduction - at Kok Makham Yai ing the survey carried out 6 days post-treat-
Mean no. (±SE) of cockroaches per house

8 70
Reduction - at Wang Itok
ment with a total of 166 cockroaches. The av-
7 60
erage number of cockroaches captured in this
6 50
Reduction (%)

assessment was 4.6 cockroaches/house, a re-

5 40
duction of 3.1% (Fig 2).
4 30

3 20
In the survey conducted 9 days after
2 10
treatment, 16 houses (44.4%) were positive
1 0
for cockroaches and only 72 cockroaches
0 -10
were collected. An average of 2 cockroaches/
Pre-treatment 3-d 6-d 9-d 12-d
house were found in this survey. The reduc-
Experimental period (days)
tion reached a peak of about 65.5% (Fig 2).
Fig 2–Field evaluation of formulated repellent con- Twelve days after treatment, the number of
taining 20% essential oil of kaffir lime (Citrus houses infested with cockroaches decreased
hystrix) against cockroaches conducted in to 11 houses (30.6% positive) with 73 cock-
three villages of Pitsanulok Province, Thai-
roaches captured. As seen in Fig 2, the aver-
age number of collected cockroaches was
about the same as the previous survey (~2
There were seven species of cockroaches cockroaches/house), however, the reduction
found at Kok Makham Yai Village during the declined to 60.5%.
five surveys taken during the course of this Eight species were identified from cock-
study. The predominant species was P. roaches caught from Wang Itok Village from
americana (42.8-84.9%), followed by N. rhom- five surveys in this study. P. americana (47.5-
bifolia (13.5-34.2%), P. brunnea Burmeister 87%) was the predominant species found in
(0.7-30%), Pycnoscellus surinamensis (Lin- all surveys, followed by N. rhombifolia (7.3-

668 Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007


31.7%), S. longipalpa (2.2-18.1%), B. lituri- 9 100

collis (Walker), B. germanica, P. brunnea, Nau- 8 Bang Khaen-1 (treated site) 90

Mean no. (±SE) of cockroaches/house

phoeta cinerea (Olivier) and Py. surinamensis Bang Khaen-2 (control site) 80
Reduction - at Bang Khaen-1
were found less than 2%. 6

Reduction (%)
Bang Saphan Village (control site). Cockroach 5
surveys were also carried out in Bang Saphan 4
Village (control site) during the same period as 3
the trial in Kok Makham Yai Village and Wang
Itok Village. On a preliminary survey, 32 out of
1 10
50 houses (64%) were positive for cock-
roaches. A total of 206 cockroaches were 0 0
Pre-treatment 1-w 2-w 3-w 4-w
caught in this survey with an average of 4.1
cockroaches/house (Fig 2). Three days after the Fig 3–Field evaluation of formulated repellent con-
preliminary survey, the number of houses in- taining 20% essential oil of kaffir lime (Citrus
fested with cockroaches declined to 21 houses hystrix) leaves applied weekly against
cockroches in two urban communities of
(42%) and 187 cockroaches were caught (av-
Bang Khaen District, Bangkok, Thailand.
erage 3.7 cockroaches/house). Later, 25
houses (50%) were positive for cockroaches in
the survey conducted 6 days after the prelimi-
nary survey and 150 cockroaches were cap- A total of 28 (63.6%) out of 44 houses were
tured during this inspection. An average num- positive for cockroaches in the pre-treatment
ber of 3 cockroaches/house was obtained in survey carried out in the treated site (Bang
this inspection. Khaen-1 Community) and 268 cockroaches
were collected in this survey with an average
A total of 197 cockroaches were found in
number of 6.1 cockroaches/house (Fig 3). One
24 houses (48% positive) in the control site in
week after treatment with the test repellent
the fourth survey carried out nine days after
(20% Citrus hystrix), although the number of
the preliminary survey, with an average of 3.9
houses infested with cockroaches still re-
cockroaches/house. Finally, 24 houses (48%)
mained at 28 (63.6%) similar to that of the pre-
were still positive with a total of 168 cock-
treatment survey, the number of collected
roaches at the last inspection (12 days after
cockroaches had declined to 131. As a re-
the preliminary survey). The average number
sult, the average number dropped to 3 cock-
of captured cockroaches remained at 3.4 cock-
roaches/house with a 35.4% reduction. The
roaches/house (Fig 2).
number of infested houses decreased slightly
Seven species of cockroaches were col- to 25 (56.8%) in the survey conducted two
lected from Bang Saphan Village (control) dur- weeks post-treatment and 107 cockroaches
ing five surveys in this study. These included were captured. In this inspection, an average
P. americana (34.5-70%), N. rhombifolia (24- number of 2.4 cockroaches/house was ob-
60.7%), S. longipalpa (2.4-16.3%), B. ger- tained, whereas the reduction rate increased
manica (0.5-4.6%), P. brunnea (1-2%), P. to 52.4% (Fig 3).
australasiae (0.6-1%) and Py. surinamensis
In the survey carried out three weeks af-
ter treatment, the number of houses positive
Field repellent test against cockroaches in for cockroaches declined to 13 (29.5%) and
Bangkok 40 cockroaches were collected. As shown in
Bang Khaen-1 Community (the treated site). Fig 3, the average number of 0.9 cockroaches/

Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007 669


house was achieved with a reduction of about Six species were identified from cock-
73.9%. Finally, the number of houses infested roaches captured in Bang Khaen-2 Commu-
with cockroaches remained at 10 (22.7%) in nity during the course of this study. These were
the final inspection conducted four weeks N. rhombifolia (26.1-77.9%), P. americana
post-treatment and 27 cockroaches were cap- (13.7-69%), S. longipalpa (5.8-13.9%), P.
tured in this survey. An average number of 0.6 brunnea (4.9-8.4%), B. germanica (4.7%) and
cockroaches/house was found in this assess- N. cinerea (0-3.2%).
ment with a high reduction rate of 86.7% (Fig
There were only five species of cock- The test method used in this study was
roaches collected from the five surveys car- developed by the Biology and Ecology Sec-
ried out at Bang Khaen-1 Community. These tion, the National Institute of Health, Thailand,
were P. americana (28-80%), P. brunnea (12.5- since no standard method for evaluation of
47.8%), N. rhombifolia (0.7-23.4%), B. cockroach repellent had been established
germanica (3-15.3%) and S. longipalpa (0- elsewhere. It was selected because of its reli-
4.7%). ability among several attempts that had been
Bang Khaen-2 Community (control site). The made previously. The laboratory repellency
cockroach surveys were also carried out in results indicated differences in susceptibility
Bang Khaen-2 Community (the control site) to volatile chemicals derived from essential oils
during the same period as the study in Bang among the three species of test cockroaches.
Khaen-1 Community for comparison. The re- B. germanica was the most sensitive species
sults of pre-treatment survey showed that 26 in this study, followed by P. americana, N.
(70.3%) out of 37 houses were infested with rhombifolia. All the essential oils in this study
cockroaches and 169 cockroaches were provided equal or better repellencies against
caught. An average of 4.6 cockroaches/house P. americana and B. germanica than naphtha-
was obtained from this assessment (Fig 3). lene (80%). Naphthalene is the most common
One week after the preliminary survey, 20 chemical used as a cockroach repellent. How-
houses (54.1%) were positive with a total of ever, naphthalene is hazardous to humans.
129 cockroaches (average 3.5 cockroaches / Humans exposed for long periods to naph-
house). Subsequently, it was found that 27 thalene by inhalation, ingestion or dermal con-
houses (73%) in the control site were infested tact may develop hemolytic anemia, damage
with 142 cockroaches during the inspection to the liver, or neurological damage in infants
at two weeks after the preliminary survey with (ATSDR, 1995).
an average of 3.8 cockroaches/house. In the The regulation for cockroach repellent
third week post-treatment, the inspection re- products in Thailand states there must be a
vealed that 15 houses (40.5%) were positive minimal repellency of 80% against P. ameri-
for a total of 95 cockroaches and the average cana. The seven essential oils tested in this
captured cockroaches declined to 2.6 cock- study therefore qualified against both P.
roaches/house. Finally, 21 houses (56.8%) in americana and B. germanica. However, Cit-
the control site were found positive for cock- rus hystrix was the most effective repellent
roaches with 125 cockroaches collected in the tested providing complete repellency (100%)
last inspection. The average number of cock- against both P. americana and B. germanica,
roaches at this assessment increased to 3.4 and the highest repellency (among all the es-
cockroaches/house. sential oils tested) of about 87.5% against N.

670 Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007


rhombifolia. It was selected for further evalu- greater than 1. This phenomenon appeared
ation in the field at a dosage of 20% Citrus once in the treated site at Wang Itok Village (6
hystrix. days post-treatment). In fact, it occurred be-
In the field, the cockroach repellent for- cause the average number of cockroaches
mulated from Citrus hystrix essential oil (20%) post-treatment at the treated site (T 2) was
showed satisfactory repellency in the treated greater than that of post-treatment in the con-
areas in both Pitsanulok Province and trol site (C2).
Bangkok. In Pitsanulok, the repellent activity It is interesting to note that people at the
reached its peak at nine days post-treatment treated sites mostly accepted this repellent
at both treated sites (66.8 and 65.5% reduc- and some residents acknowledged that mos-
tion). Therefore, we assessed repellent activ- quito-biting activity was reduced at night in
ity with weekly applications in the field evalu- the treated areas along with the cockroach re-
ation carried out in Bangkok. We found that duction. These results indicate the potential
weekly surveys and re-applications of repel- for the use of the Citrus hystrix essential oil as
lent were practical and effective. Although the a cockroach repellent in the future. This is the
repellent could not repel cockroaches com- first study of repellents derived from plant ex-
pletely, it could substantially reduce the num- tracts against cockroaches in Thailand. More
bers of cockroaches as well as the numbers research is needed to develop more effective
of houses infested with cockroaches in the formulations. These may include long-lasting
treated sites compared to the control sites. formulations using micro-encapsulation tech-
The infestation rate and number of cock- niques and combinations with other essential
roaches captured in the treated site in oils for synergistic effects.
Bangkok declined substantially, especially two
Research regarding repellents against
weeks post-treatment. This could be due to
cockroaches is limited at this time, especially
the accumulated residual activity of the repel-
in agents derived from plant extracts. Recently,
lent that was applied weekly. The reduction of
Peterson et al (2002) investigated the repel-
cockroaches and infestation rates in the
lent activity of catnip essential oil (Nepeta
treated sites may have been partially affected
cataria), two purified isomers of nepetalactone
by trap catching; however, this factor is minor
and deet (N,N-diethyl-methylbenzamide)
as seen in the results of the control site.
against male German cockroaches (B.
In this study, we used Mulla’s formula to germanica) in a choice-test arena and found
assess the degree of reduction in cockroach that E,Z-nepetalactone was the most active
number for each treated site following the of the compounds tested, being significantly
treatment with the assumption that the treated more active than equivalent doses of the es-
and control sites were uniform in regard to fac- sential oil, Z,E-nepetalactone, or deet. Other
tors contributing to changes in cockroach studies have evaluated chemicals for repel-
populations (Mulla et al, 1971). In practice, this lent effects against cockroaches. N,N-
formula was powerful for assessing the level diethylphenylacetamide (DEPA), at a dosage
of reduction of cockroaches in this study as it of 0.5 mg/cm 2 showed residual repellency
compares the number at the treated site and against P. americana, B. germanica and S.
the control site both pre- and post-treatment. longipalpa for 4, 3 and 2 weeks, respectively
According to this formula, no reduction oc- (Prakash et al, 1990). Steltenkamp et al (1992)
curs in the cockroach numbers because of demonstrated that alkyl and aryl neoalkana-
treatment if the factor [(C 1/T 1) x (T 2/C 2)] is mides with a total carbon number between 11

Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007 671


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and methyl neotridecanamide were also found Thailand, for carrying out the field surveys.
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672 Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007


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Vol 38 No. 4 July 2007 673

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