Affidavit of Hardship

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When I bought my home in November 2005 I was in a much better financial

situation. I had my own business for a year and a half and it was holding its own.
Instead of continuing to break even or with a small profit, the business started
losing money. My mother added me to her Discover card to help with the business
expenses. In the next eight months, the business continued to decline after I had
put over $16,000.00 on the Discover for wages, rent for the business, etc. The
business finally folded in the July of 2006. For the first two years, my mother paid
the Discover bill. I now pay this bill as well. We recently changed it to Bank of
America to 0% interest so I can lower the balance. It had 24% interest rate. The
lean on my home is a result of a$5,000.00 personal loan with Wells Fargo that I
took out for the business.

During the time I bought my home, I was working with a child every afternoon and
most weekends doing in-home care. This $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 per month was in
addition to my salary as a teacher. I started working for Community Support
Network doing foster care for this child with severe autism. During this time I was
making $2,000.00 per month, which was tax free. In Feb., the family decided they
wanted their child back home. Losing this child not only devistated me emotional,
but financially as well. I started working with another client with autism and have
received different amounts of hourly salaries. Due to the reduction of mental health
services my salary has been reduced from $14.00 per hour to $8.00 - $11.00 per
hour. Most of my hours are paid at the $8.00 per hour rate. I usually make an
additional $500.00 per month. This has changed to about $1,000.00 per month
because of the death of his other worker. When another full-time worker is hired, I
will go back to receiving about $500.00 per month again.

Although my grandson and his mother had always lived with me, I gained full
custody of my seven-year-old grandson in 2006; his mother no longer lives with
us. I have not and do not receive any child support from his mother, father, or the
State of NC. He does receive Medicaid to help with his medical expenses. My
grandson is currently diagnosed with severe ADHD and is being evaluated for
bipolar disorder. Due to the abandonment by both parents, he has been receiving
counseling for the past six years.

When I bought my home in 2005 I did not have a car payment. In July of 2007, my
computer system and air conditioning became disabled in my vehicle. I was told by
the mechanic it would cost a great deal more to repair than what the car was worth.
I purchased a used van. This van now has 132,000 miles and I have to make repairs
almost every month. Last year I had to put in a new transmission, air conditioner,
and an alternator. I recently had to put $300.00 dollars into repairs. I still owe over
$7,000.00 on this vehicle.

In June of this year I began having health problems. I have been to the emergency
room twice for difficulty breathing, severe cough, and extremely high blood
pressure. I have seen a pulmonologist, an ENT, and a gastro-intestinal specialist. I
have had many specialized testing and owe--------- to local medical facilities. I am
currently undergoing testing for heart diagnosis and will be having surgery on my
stomach. I have had dental surgery twice in the last 2 years that was in excess of
$2,000.00 each that was not covered by dental insurance. My oldest daughter was
diagnosed with cervical cancer in Dec. 2010. I am helping with transportation to
and from Duke University which is 70 miles one way from my home; she does not
have a vehicle.

My youngest daughter has four children. I have had to help her with providing
clothes and school supplies for her children. She is currently on my checking
account and uses it when she needs something. I am currently taking her off of my
account due to some things she purchased without my knowledge. I have my
daughter, her husband, and oldest daughters on my phone bill; as well as my
grandson I have custody of and my mother. My daughter and her family are on my
phone bill because she is in school full time and her husband just recently returned
to work. He works 3rd shift and her 15 year old twin daughters keep the 6 and 2
year old children while she is in school. The cell phones are her home phone. She
graduates in May and then I will no longer have her, her husband and daughters on
my phone bill. This should reduce my phone bill by $150.00.

My primary salary is just 10 months per year. The share account # 60485200 is the
$538.00 per month (deduction is shown on my check stub and deposit on bank
statement) that is taken out of my paycheck to ensure I have a salary during the
two months I don¶t get paid in the summer. I cannot access this fund; it is dispersed
by the bank in July and August. The other share account #60568523 is a ³savings
account´ the bank started when I got my salary advance loan. They take the loan
out of my check each month and deposit $25.00 into a savings account. If I access
this account then I will not be able to take the salary loan and will be $500.00 short
on my salary. I would not be permitted to utilize the salary advance for a six month
period. The account # 584264 is a savings account I must keep $25.00 in to enable
me to have my checking account; I can access $5.00. At the time of this affidavit, I
have $66.00 in my checking account.

The other expense I am trying to reduce is my classroom spending. I teach children

with autism. Each child has very special and has unique needs. As shown by all of
my last five of taxes, I spend between $5,000-$6,000 per year on classroom needs
and supplies- this is only the receipts I keep. I don¶t count the cooking or snack
supplies I buy on a weekly basis. In the last 3 years I have not received a cost of
living or any raise to my salary. With my second job, I usually drive at least 100
miles per weekend, sometimes as much as 500 miles per weekend taking my client
to events. I do not get reimbursed for mileage or the expenses that I incurred for
taking him to events by the company I work for during this time. On limited
occasions his parents will reimburse me for his meals. Sometimes I spend more on
the weekend than what I earn.

Please feel free to contact me with any other questions or concerns you may have
about my application.

I appreciate your time and attention in this matter.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda H. Creamer

Loan # 0030294607-V54

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