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Raff Sienes dela Peňa


1. Is the reproduction of some smooth surface of the pattern or design formed by the
ridges and furrows on the inside of the end joint of the fingers and the thumb, through the
medium of the ink or any coloring substance capable of producing visibility.
a. Dermis b. Epidermis
c. fingerprint d. None of these
2. Refers to the scientific application of fingerprints by means of identification, it is the
recording of fingerprint for identification purposes.
a. Fingerprint b. Dactyloscopy
c. Dactylography d. None of these
3. Dactyloscopy came from two greek words_____ and ______meaning, fingers and
a. Dactyl and graphos b. Poly and graphia
c. Dactyl and scopien d. None of these
4. It is the art of personal identification through body measurement.
a. Ridgeology b. Anthropometry
c. Edgeoscopy d. All of the above

5. Referring to the raised strips of the skin of the inside of the end joints of the fingers
and thumbs by which fingerprints are made, sometimes called papillary ridge or
epidermal ridges.
a. Dermis b. Epidermis
c. fingerprint d. Friction ridges

6. It is the study that includes poroscopy, edgeoscopy, and ridge characteristics for the
purpose of the positive identification of fingerprints.
a. Ridgeology b. Anthropometry
c. Edgeoscopy d.Poroscopy
7. In counting ridges in whorl patterns, the count is taken from
a. The left delta to the core in left hand
b. The left delta to the core in right hand
c. The right delta to the core in right hand
d. Either deltas to the core in left hand
8. Who’s the father of Dactyioscopy and professor for Anatomy, Theology and
Physiology at the University of Breslau, Prussia in 18823 that described the different
patterns of the fingers and classified them into nine groups?
a. Johannes Purkenjie b. Alphonse Bertillion
c. Henry Faulds d. Edmund Locard
9. The first conviction based on fingerprints last December 20, 1933 and the leading
judicial decision in Philippine Jurisprudence is People versus:
a. Sapiro b. Alonzo
c. Dela Cruz d. Medina
10. Who was the first Filipino Fingerprint Technician employed at the Philippine
a. Tomas Medina b. Ricardo David
c. Generoso Reyes d. Dominador Santos
11. What refers to an epidermal hairless skin found on the ventral or lower surface of the
hands and feet covered with minute ridges and furrows and without pigment or coloring
a. Furrows b. Ridge c. fiction skin d. Dermal Papillae
12. What branch of science deals with the scientific study of the palm of the hand which
can be a means of identification?
a. Podoscopy b. Poroscopy c. Chiroscopy d. Dactyloscopy
13. What type of loop is characterized in which the downward slope or the slanting ridges
run towards the direction of the thumb?
a. Radial b. Ulnar c. Central Pocket d. Double
14. What do you call the inner layer of the skin containing blood vessels, various glands
and nerves where the dermal papillae can be found?
a. Epidermis b. Dermis c. Corneum d. Mucosum
15. It is an impression made or placed in the fingerprints card taken individually by
rolling the ten fingers of subject, 180 degrees from the tip to the second joint and from
one side of the nail to the other, nail to nail.
a. Plain b. Flat c. Rolled d. Complex
16. What is kind of ridge formation that curves back in the direction from which it
a. Looping b. Eyelet
b. Converging d. Bifurcation
17. A system of classification used in the Philippines called:
a. Vucetich system b.. Galton system
c. Henry system d. Henry- Galton w/ FBI modification
18. The Filipino who top the first comprehensive examination in fingerprint which was
initiated by New York Police Dept. and FBI.
a. Agustin Patricio b. Generoso Reyes
c. Marcelo Bonifacio d. Isabela Bernales
19. One of the cardinal rule in taking fingerprints of the subject is that fingers must be:
a. Oily b. Moisen
c. Health d. Dry
20. What is the tiny elevation or hill like structure found on the epidermis layer of the
skin containing sweat pores?
a. Ridge b. Dermal papillae
c. Friction skin d. Furrows
21. Who was the first American instructress of Dactyloscopy?
a. Clara del Valle b. Bernadette Fuentabella
c. Asa Darby d. Mary Holland
22. China, fingerprint is called:
a. Wung Shu b. Ching Hua
c. Tsek Chai d. Hua Chai
23. Who devised a system of classifying and filling of fingerprint cards and was used in
most Spanish and Latin countries?
a. Juan Vucetich b. Edward Henry
c. Francis Galton d. Marcelo Malphigi
24. Who are considered as the first users of fingerprints as part of their rituals?
a. Chinese b. Romans
c. British d. Americans
25. Considered to be the Father of Poroscopy. Known for his principle in every crime
scene there leaves traces, traces that would lead to the identity of its author.
a. Edmond Locard b. Francis Galton
c. John Herschel d. Marcelo Malpighi
26. Is the outer layer of the epidermis layer which covers the skin?
a. Stratum Sangum b. Stratum Corneum
c. Epidermis d. Stratum Musocum
27. The person who attempt to destroy his fingerprint through surgery. Also known as the
man without fingerprint?
a. Roscoe Pitts b. John Dillenger
c. John Augustus d. Robert James Pitts
28What pattern type has the ridges that enter on one side of the pattern and flow to the
other side with a rise in the center?
a. Plain arch b. Tented arch
c. Loop d. Exceptional arch
29. How many standard fingerprints pattern are there? (types)
a. Two b. Three
c. Eight d. Nine
30. Is the term applied to a person whose fingers are more than the usual number in both
a. Polydactyl b. Deformities
c. Bidactyl d. Polyfinger
31. Before Classifying any given fingerprint card it is necessary to check first the rolled
prints to determine proper placement of the prints using __________as the guide.
a. The record b. The plain impression
c. The hand of the subject d. The ink slab
32. Makes a publication of a report describing the ridges and pores of the hand and feet
which was read before the Royal Society of London.
a. Hintze b. Nehemiah Grew
c. G. Bidloo d. Albinus
33. The art of identification by comparison of fingerprint is called:
a. Dactylography b. Dactyloscopy
c. All of the these d.    Palmistry   

34. Among the following, which has the greatest value in scientific
          a.    Dental examination
          b.    Fingerprinting
          c.    Photography
          d.    Pictures Parle         
35. Types of fingerprint patters, except:
         a.    Arches
         b.    Ordinary
         c.    Loop
         d.    Whorl 
36. The term use to refer to a single recurving ridge enclosing one or
      more rods or bars of a fingerprint.
          a.    None of these
          b.    Envelope
          c.    Furrows
          d.    Bifurcation  
37. These are depressions or canals between the ridges of a
      fingerprint which maybe compared with the low area in a tire
          a.    None of these
          b.    Envelope
          c.    Furrows
          d.    Bifurcation   
38. In Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he used fingerprints to prevent
      fraudulent collection of wages account and for identification of
      other documents. He was known as the Father of Chiroscopy.
          a.    William Herschel
          b.    Francis Galton
          c.    Gilbert Thompson
          d.    Alphonse Bertillon  
39. The notorious gangster and a police character, who attempted to
      erase his fingerprints by burning them with acid but as time went
      by the ridges were again restored to their “natural” feature. 
          a.    John Fielding
          b.    Johanes Curie
          c.    John Dellinger
          d.    Billy the Kid    
40. What is the science of palm print identification?
          a.    Chiroscopy
          b.    Poroscopy
          c.    Podoscopy
          d.    Astrology 
41. A single ridge which splits into two ridges forming a “Y” shape
      formation or structure is commonly known as
          a.    Diverging ridges
          b.    Bifurcation
          c.    Loop
          d.    Delta  
42. In fingerprinting, it refers to the process of counting the
     intervening ridges that touch or cross an imaginary line drawn
     between the core and the delta.
          a.    Ridge counting
          b.    Ridge tracing
          c.    Delta tracing
          d.    All of these   
43. The forking or dividing of one line to two or more branches.
          a.    Ridge
          b.    Island
          c.    Delta
          d.    Bifurcation              
44. The point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the center  of
    the divergence of the type lines.
          a.    Divergence
          b.    Island
          c.    Delta
          d.    Bifurcation          
45. The process of recording fingerprint through the use of fingerprint
          a.    Pathology
          a.    Fingerprinting
          c.    Dactyloscopy
          d.    Printing press     
46. Two lines that run parallel or nearly parallel, diverge and surround      the pattern
          a.    Ridges
          b.    Delta
          c.    Type line
          d.    Bifurcation                                       
47. .A part of the whorl or loop in which appear the cores, deltas and 
          a.    type line
          b.    bifurcation
          c.    pattern area
          d.    furrow   
48. Which among the following is not considered as a basic fingerprint     pattern? 
          a.    Arch
          b.    Accidental
          c.    Loop
          d.    Whorl    
49. It is the lower or the inner layer of the skin that must not be destructed for it could
possibly create a permanent injury that may result to the lost of the ridges. What is that
canal like structure found between the ridges?
a. Dermis b. Epidermis
c. furrows d. Delta
50. It is the very center point of the pattern area and one of the very important focal
points of a certain pattern especially for loops. What is the point that is also known as
outer terminus?
a. core b. ridge end
c. delta d. short ridge
51. What type of pattern in which it could be found on the lower box of the fingerprint
card having a delta and core with a recurving ridge flowing towards the no. 6 finger?
a. Ulnar loop b. Radial loop
c. Loop d. arches
52. Patterns posses all the characteristics needed on the investigation that may be bring a
light on a certain case. What kind of sweat gland that can be found underneath these
a. Sebaceous gland b. Eccrine gland
c. Apocrine gland d. Apocrine gland
53. What is that pattern in which it could be found on the upper box of the fingerprint
card with its recurving ridges tending to flow towards the no. 5 finger?
a. \ b. / c. W d. X
54. Fingerprint number 2 refers to:
a. Left delta              b. Left index  c. Right index             d. Right middle
55. A very short island, of basically equal length and width.
a. Converging ridge b. Ridge hook c. ridge bridge d. None of these
56. A point where ridge terminate or end.
a. Ridge Bridge b. Ridge Ending  c. Dot d. None of these
57. It is found in the public mammary and anal areas.
a. Sebaceous glands b. Eccrine gland
c. Apocrine glands  d. Ridges
58. Where is not belong to the group.
a. Sebaceous glands b. Eccrine glands
c. apocrine glands d. None of these
59. Are tiny elevation get hill like structures?
a. Ridges  b. Furrows c. Epidermis d. Dermis

60. The upper or the outer layer of the skin.

a. Epidermis  b. Dermis c. Ulnar d. Radial

61. Chiroscopy is the science of fingerprint of palm print identification while this other science deals with
footwear identification.
a. Footprint c. Cheiloscopy
b. Poroscopy d. podoscopy
62. These are narrow and often fragmented ridges that may appear in between normal friction ridges.
c. Dissociated ridge c. incipient friction ridge
d. Island friction d. fragmentary ridge

63. Points often missed in rolling impression.

a. Bifurcation b. Delta
c. Dot d. Core
64. Fingerprint pattern in which two or different type of pattern are represented.
a. Accidental loop b. Double loop
c. Central pocket loop d. whorl
65. The easiest means of discovering latent fingerprint is to view the area:
a. Obliquely b. Directly
c. About half an inch distance d. About one inch distance
66. Impressions which are taken simultaneously on the fingerprint card referred to as.
a. Rolled impressions b. Fragmentary impressions
c. Plain impressions d. Visible impressions                                        
67. Who is the first person convicted in Fingerprint?
    a . Medina   b. Harry Jackson
    c. Rojas   d. Juan Vucetich
68. If the Fingerprint is reliable and credible in term of personal identification. What is present?
  a. Principle of Infallibility  b. Principle of Permanency
c. Principle of Individuality d. None of these
69. Study of ridge edge, reproduction of some smooth surface of the hand form by ridge.
a. Podoscopy    b. Edeoscopy
c. Cheiloscopy d. none of these
70. There was a rule set in selecting a delta.What is the first priority in identifying a delta?
    a. Convergence  b. Short Ridge
c. Bifurcation   d. Dot
71. In ridge tracing for whorl pattern,if the type line is cut, what particular line to be follow?
a. The inner line b. The outer line
c. all of the above d. none of the above
72. Knowledge of fingerprint’s unique nature doesn’t appear to have surfaced the
European countries until a lecture given by a British doctor who was a fellow of the royal
society. Who is that person that published the treatise entitled “De
a. Nehemia Grew b. Johannes Purkinje
c. Francis Galton d. Marcelo Malphigi
73. . The illegitimate mother of the two murdered children whom she was accused
because of the latent prints that has been found on the scene of the crime. Who is that
person that person, in which without his participation the case will not be solve?
a. Francisca Rojas b. Francis Galton
c. Juan Vucetich d. Edward Henry
74. The person who estimated according to his theory that there was one to four chance
of any two adult persons having the same height.
a. Qeutelet b. Quetelet c. Qeutelete d. Queteleit
75. There are number of criminals who tried to deface their fingerprint just to evade in
their crimes. Some burn it with the use of acid hoping their prints will be erased. Who is
that person first convicted with fingerprint edvidence?
a. Dellinger b. Rojas c. Scarface d. Pitt
76. Which of the following is not true about fingerprint?
a. method of identification b. can be found on the terminal part of the hand
c. can be forged d. carried from birth to grave
77. These kind of ridge characteristic is sometimes being misinterpreted as a bifurcation
because of its close resemblance to it. This ridge is known as:
a. trifurcation b. enclosure d. converging ridge
78. On the inside part of a pattern, there are so many ridges present that would help the
investigators in identifying a certain pattern especially in dealing with a loop patterns.
One of these characteristic is sometimes known as the railway tie.
a. ridge hook b. ridge ending c. appendage d. bridge
79. It is the principles that are no two fingerprints that exactly alike.
a. Principle of permanency b. Principle of Individuality
c. Principle of Infallibility d. none of the above
80. It is the principles that are no two fingerprints that exactly alike.
a. Principle of permanency b. Principle of Individuality
c. Principle of Infallibility d. none of the above
81. A British scientist who devoted his work to the study of fingerprint and established
his system of fingerprint classification in England:
a. Gilbert Thompson b. Sir Edward Richard Henry
c. Sir Francis Galton d. Samuel Clemens
82. A pattern in which the ridges flow from one side to another without re – curving,
usually forming a slight upward curve in the center having resemblance of an arch is:
a. Plain loop b. Tented arch
c. Plain arch d. Palin whorl
83. The skeletal finger covered muscles and fiction skin that is made up of these bones
is :
a. Phalange b. Terminal phalange
c. Finger d. Fiction skin
84. The that friction ridges once fully developed, it arrangement will remain the same
through the life:
a. Unique b. Permanency
c. Infallibility d. Individuality
85. It is a point on ridge formation usually located at the center or heart of the pattern and
was also considered as the proximate center of the fingerprint.
a. Delta b. Core
c. Pattern area d. None of these
86. Who was considered as the “Father of Fingerprinting”.
a. Gilbert Thompson b. Sir Francis Galton
c. Sir Edward Richard Henry d. Samuel Clemens
87. Counting the number of ridges intervening between the delta and the core is called
ridge count. What is done by locating or identifying the ridge trace and examining its
a. Ridge count b. Whorl tracing
c. Pattern area d. None of these
88. Rojas case was the first conviction that utilized fingerprint evidence ever recorded. In
reciprocal, what was considered to be the first Police department that relied only on
fingerprint evidence to convict a murder case?
a. Hoogly town b. Scotland Yard
c. Argentina Police d. None of these
89. A classification that can be obtained by counting the ridge count of the first loop
appearing on the fingerprint card starting from the right thumb down to the last fingers of
the left hand.
a. Final b. Key
c. Major division d. None of these

90. Subsecondary classification: RIGHT HAND: 1 =\; ridge count: 26, 2 = R; ridge
count: 12, 3 = W; ridge traced: O, 4 = \; ridge count: 17, 5 = \; ridge traced: 12; LEFT
HAND: 6 = W; ridge traced: I, 7 = W; ridge traced: M, 8 = /; ridge count: 18, 9 = W;
ridge count: I, 10 = /; ridge count 15.
91. Which of the following is a type of secondary classification?
a. By small letters
b. By Slant to the left
c. By slant to the right
d. none of these
92. The active substance found on Super Glue, Mighty Bond and similar products utilized
in gas method of developing latent impression is
a. Victoria Blue
b. Ninhydrin
c. Tetramethyl Benzidine (TMB)
d. Cyanoacrylate
e. All of these
93. The process of writing the symbols of the corresponding patterns on the space
provided in the fingerprint card is called:
a. Blocking
b. Pairing
c. Fingers system
d. Spacing
94. In taking fingerprints _________ are rolled away from the body of the subject.
a. All fingers
b. All fingers except the thumbs
c. Both thumbs
d. Both little fingers
95. The following are the requirements of a pattern before it can be considered as a loop,
except –
a. None of these
b. It must have a core
c. It must have a delta
d. It must have a recurving ridge that passes between the core and the delta
e. It must a have a ridge count of a minimum of at least one (1)

96. The sum total of all numerical values of whorls in a set of fingers plus the fraction of
one (1) is what kind of classification?
a. Minor
b. Primary
c. Secondary
d. Multiple
97. Placed in the extreme left of the classification line.
a. Primary classification b. Key classification
c. Major division d. None of the above
98. It constitutes approximately 65% of all fingerprints.
a. Loops b. Whorls
c. Arches d. Accidentals
99. When one digit of the fingerprint is missing, classification of said missing digit will
be ____.
a. meeting whorl
b. pattern of the corresponding digit of the other hand
c. pattern of the next digit immediately at its side
d. amputated finger
100. Who was the one who said “Let no one despise the ridges on account of their
smallness, for they are in some respect, the most important of all anthropological data”?
a. Francis Galton
b. Ridge Cook
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. John Howard

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