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The Indian caste system has been in use for many years.

today the values of the caste system are held strongly. It has
kept a sense of order, and peace among the people. There are
five different levels of the system: Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya,
Shudra, and Harijans. Within each of these categories are the
actual "castes" or jatis within which people are born, marry, and
die. They all have their own place among each other and accept
that it is the way to keep society from disintegrating to chaos.
This system has worked well for Indian people and still has a
major role in modern India.

The term Varna refers to the four broad different classes in

society.The term Jati refers to the different specific classified
sections of the Hindu Society,called Caste.
There are four main castes as-Brahmin,Kshatriya,Vaishya and
Lord Shri. Krishna has mentioned in Bhagvad Gita that the four
Varnas are based on Karmas and Duties.
Varna means “color”.But it does not relate to the race of the
person,but it is the colour of the indivisual’s soul which represents
the unique qualities (Gun),that the four main classes have in
1) Head: Brahmin.
2) Shoulder, Hands: Kshatriya.
3) Stomach: Vaishya.
4) Stomach to toes: Shudra.

The word Brahmin is derived from the word Brahman ie the
supreme self.This caste is traditionally ranked first, among the
four main castes.Vedas are the primary source of knowledge for
brahmins.They are very important part of Hindu society.
A Brahmin is a member of the highest caste and the members of
this caste are highly respected. Priests and scholars are Brahmins
hence,since the Vedic times,the Kings had close relationship with
the Brahmins and consulted them as their advisors.
Priests daily perform a series of rituals throughout their lives and
there are numerous situations in Hindus,like weddings and
funerals,when a priest is required.
A subset of brahmins were involved in the priestly
duties,however,since late vedic ages they have adopted
professions like doctors, engineers,lawyers,ministers,
soldiers,writers, poets etc.
Brahmins constitute less than 5% of the Indian population.The
noted personalities from the Brahmin community are as follows-
Saint Dnaneshwar,Eknath,Surdas,Tulsidas,Kalidas, Ravindranath
Tagore,Swami Prabhupada,Aryabhatta, Shakuntala
Devi,Bankimchandra, R.K.Laxman,Sachin Tendulkar,Sunil
Gavaskar,Prakash Padukone,Saurav Ganguly and many more.
*A person with the qualities of love,faith,purity,deep
knowledge,spiritual instinct,are represented by the white color
and those having this color, have the Brahman calibre.
Duties of a Brahmin

X.75. Teaching, studying, sacrificing for himself, sacrificing for

others, making gifts and receiving them are the six acts
prescribed for a brahmin.

X.76. But among the six acts ordained for him three are his
means of subsistence, sacrificing for others, teaching, and
accepting gifts from pure men.

X.81. But a brahmin, unable to subsist by his peculiar occupations

just mentioned, may live according to the law applicable to
kshatriyas; for the latter is next to him in rank.

X.82. If it be asked, "How shall it be, if he cannot maintain himself

by either of these occupations?" the answer is, he may adopt a
vaisya's mode of life, employing himself in agriculture and rearing

X.83. But a brahmin, or a kshatriya, living by a vaisya's mode of

subsistence, shall carefully avoid the pursuit of agriculture, which
causes injury to many beings and depends on others.

X.85. But he who, through a want of means of subsistence, gives

up the strictness with respect to his duties, may sell, in order to
increase his wealth, the commodities sold by vaisyas, making
however the following exceptions:

X.92. By selling flesh, salt, and lac [resin] a brahmin at once

becomes an outcaste; by selling milk he becomes equal to a
sudra in three days.

X.93. But by willingly selling in this world other forbidden

commodities, a brahmin assumes after seven nights the character
of a vaisya.
III.78. Because men of the three other orders are daily supported by the
householder with gifts of sacred knowledge and food, therefore the order of
householders is the most excellent order.

The word Kshtriya denotes an aristocratic status.In Sanskrit it is
derived from the word “Khatra” ie Power,Rule,Roof,Government
etc..This caste is traditionally ranked second in the four main
castes.A Kshatriya is a ruler or a warrior and in India the
Kshatriyas had power for many centuries.
The Kshatriya caste was formed due to the gradual establishment
of a monopoly on military training and the battle technics ,by a
tribal section.
In ancient vedic time,this position was achieved on the merits of a
person’s aptitude, conduct, and nature. It was observed that the
Kshatriya caste children were highly educated in history and they
concentrated on military education and defense training for many
generations.Kshatriyas were known for defending Indian society
and upholding justice
Prior to the ranking of the caste system,the Kshatriya was the
highest caste.However, Lord Vishnu, punished them for their
tyrannical rule and the Brahmins replaced them on the orders of
Lord Vishnu.
The famous Kshatriya personalities are the Ayodhya prince Ram &
Laxman,Pandavas,Kauravas etc.
*A person with the qualities of energy,action,strong mind,
aggression,power, status and warrior temperament, are
represented by the Red color and those having this color,have the
Kshatriya calibre.

Duties of a Kshatriya

VII.1. I will declare the duties of kings, and show how a king
should conduct himself, . . . and how he can obtain highest

VII.2. A kshatriya who has received according to the rule the

sacrament prescribed by the Veda, must duly protect this whole

VII.3. For, when these creatures, being without a king, through

fear dispersed in all directions, the Lord created a king for the
protection of this whole creation.

VII.14. For the king's sake the Lord formerly created his own son,
Punishment, the protector of all creatures, an incarnation of the
law, formed of Brahman's glory.

VII.18. Punishment alone governs all created beings, punishment

alone protects them, punishment watches over them while they
sleep; the wise declare punishment to be identical with the law.
VII.19. If punishment is properly inflicted after due consideration,
it makes all people happy; but inflicted without consideration, it
destroys everything.

VII.20. If the king did not, without tiring, inflict punishment on

those worthy to be punished, the stronger would roast the
weaker, like fish on a spit.

VII.35. The king has been created to be the protector of the castes
and orders, who, all according to their rank, discharge their
several duties.

VII.87. A king who, while he protects his people, is defied by foes,

be they equal in strength, or stronger, or weaker, must not shrink
from battle, remembering the duty of kshatriyas.

VII.88. Not to turn back in battle, to protect the people, to honour

the brahmins, is the best means for a king to secure happiness.

VII.89. Those kings who, seeking to slay each other in battle, fight
with the utmost exertion and do not turn back, go to heaven.

The Vaishya are on the third rank of four main castes in Indian
society.The word �Vaishya� is derived from a word which means
�to live,� and the caste was originally focused on farming,
agriculture, and trading.
The Vaishyas participated in charity and alms giving.
Traditionally, they are the merchant class,like-halwai,oil
depot,pot-makers,grocers, shoe makers, meat shops.There are
also clerks, helpers in various shops.
Apart from the trading profession,Vaishyas have played a great
role in Indian affairs.They provided the temples, hospitals, and
other public facilities to people. In the 20th century, many
Vaishyas were behind the development of Indian industry.They
expanded India and shaped the Indian economy.
The prominent personalities in this caste are-Mahatma
Gandhi,Lala Lajpat Rai,Lala Shriram,Walchand
Hirachand,G.D.Bira,Dhirubhai Ambani etc.
*A person with the qualities of trading, business and commercial
temperament are represented by Yellow colour and those having
this color, have the Vaishya calibre.
Duties of a Vaisya

IX.326. After a vaisya has received the sacraments and has taken
a wife, he shall be always attentive to the business whereby he
may subsist and to that of tending cattle.

IX.327. For when the Lord of creatures created cattle, he made

them over to the vaisya; to the Brahmins and the the king he
entrusted all created beings.

IX.328. A vaisya must never conceive this wish, "I will not keep
cattle"; and if a vaisya is willing to keep them, they must never be
kept by men of other castes.

IX.329. A vaisya must know the respective value of gems, or

pearls, of coral, of metals, of cloth made of thread, of perfumes,
and of condiments.

IX.332. He must be acquainted with the proper wages of servants

with the various languages of men, with the manner of keeping
goods, and the rule of purchase and sale.

IX.333. Let him exert himself to the utmost in order to increase

his property in a righteous manner, and let him zealously give
food to all created beings.

The shudras are the lowest and largest caste.As per the Sanskrit
defination,Shudra can be any person,regardless of his Varna.As
per the Purush-Sukta of Rig-Ved,the Shudras are originated from
the feet of the Lord.
Traditionally, shudras were the labourers,farmers,
craftmen,servents,cobblers,blacksmiths,cooks etc.In the 20th
century,many organizations have worked for abolishing the caste
system and bring equality in India.
Shudras were instructed to use different public facilities which led
to a great deal of resentment among the Shudra.The sub-caste of
Shudras is untouchable Dalits.
*A person with the qualities of putting hard labour are
represented by the Black colour
Duties of a Sudra

IX.334. [T]o serve brahmins who are learned in the Vedas,

householders, and famous for virtue, is the highest duty of a
sudra, which leads to beatitude.

IX.335. A sudra who is pure, the servant of his betters, gentle in

his speech, and free from pride, and always seeks a refuge with
brahmins, attains a higher caste.

IX.413. But a sudra . . . may [be compelled] to do servile work; for

he was created by the Self-existent [Lord] to be the slave of a

IX.414. A sudra, though emancipated by his master, is not

released from servitude; since that is innate in him, who can set
him free from it?

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