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Nama : inshirah riski walidah

Class : 2B/D4

Nim : 1841420043

“Core outline “

Topic : Cause and effect of flood

Topic sentence : Increased flood number in the early of this year in Indonesia that causes
by there 5 causes and it has 4 effecet for Indonesia society

A. The Causes of flood

1. Natural factor
1. High rainfall
2. topographical conditions
2. Human factor
1. Illegal logging
2. Carelessly Wasted Trash
3. Small river capacity

B. The effects of flood

1. clean water is scarce
2. Spread of disease
3. Causing economic losses
4. Physical Damage
“Complete outline “

Topic : cause and effect of flood

Topic sentence : Increased flood number in the early of this year in Indonesia that causes by
there 5causes and it has 4 effecet for Indonesia society

A. Introduce :
1. The understanding of flood
2. The definition of cause
3. The definition of effect
4. The relationship of cause and effect
B. The Causes of flood
1. Natural factor
1) High rainfall
2) topographical conditions
2. Human factor
1) Illegal logging
2) Carelessly Wasted Trash
3) Small river capacity

C. The effects of flood

1. clean water is scarce
2. Spread of disease
3. Causing economic loses
4. Physical Damage

Inconclusion many causes of the increased flood number in Indonesia and it resulting many
effects for indonesi society life
The causes and effect of flood in Indonesia

Increased flood number in the early of this year in Indonesia that causes by 5 causes and
it has 4 effects for Indonesia society . This is proven by Indonesia occupies the top 3 countries
that are often flooded where Indonesia is the third-ranked in the world prone to
flooding.Flooding is a condition in which excessive water overflow occurs in an area. Floods are
large volumes of water that can win an area. Flooding can be returned as a water flow that cannot
be accommodated anymore by rivers, and other irrigation channels. Cause is something that
makes it happen. For example, is the cause of the flood is high rainfall. Impact is the effect of an
incident usually the effect is divided into 2 namely positive impacts and negative impacts. for
example is the negative impact of the flood is clean water is scarce. cause and effect have a very
strong relationship, Cause and effect relationships are relationships that state the cause of an
incident and the effects arising from that incident.

To reduce the increase of flood number in Indonesia, we must find out what causes
floods, here are the causes of floods in Indonesia. the cause of the flood itself is divided by
natural factors and human factors. The causes of flood by natural factor there are: the first is high
rainfall If heavy rains have occurred, late in the long run will be very much needed flooding.
High rainfall with water that cannot be absorbed quickly, due to weakness or low evaporation.
Flooding is unavoidable. The second is topographical conditions. Flood disasters are also heavily
influenced by the topographical area or slope. The steeper a slope is, the faster the flow velocity
will increase the destructive force during a flash flood. The causes of flood by human factor
there are: the first is Illegal logging, Illegal logging is one of the most common causes of
flooding. Illegal logging will reduce water catchment areas and can cause disasters such as
floods or landslides. The presence of water catchment areas is very important and can be
avoided. The second is Carelessly Wasted Trash, because of the human’s hands that did not
clean the environment. The habit of littering causes many waterways to clog up. There are still
people who throw trash into the river and then clog upstream down the river, eventually the
inundated puddles of water will overflow. Trash released on the streets can also be the cause,
many are stuck in sewers and sewers. Finally buried where, until the water can not flow
normally. the last is Small river capacity. The capacity of smaller rivers can also be one of the
causes of floods that cannot be avoided. The higher the rainfall, the more volume of air needed is
accommodated by the river. However, because it is not balanced, finally the water burst in the
surrounding area.

From the Causes of Floods resulting in the effect of Flooding for Indonesia society there
are: clean water is scarce, When floods come, the amount of clean water will automatically
decrease. Even though clean water is needed in this condition. the second is the spread of
disease. Dirty water, lack of clean water, and many puddles have certainly caused health
problems. And the next will cause the spread of disease outbreaks. the third is causing economic
loses. this is because the flooding caused a cessation of economic activity. their farmers failed to
harvest because their fields were flooded. The last is Physical Damage. this is because floods
have submerged their homes and even their cities, causing damage like electricity poles so that
electricity cannot be lit.

Inconclusion many causes of the increased flood number in Indonesia and it

resulting many effects for indonesi society life. We can use many ways to prevent there are:
protect the environment, reforest, avoid building houses by the river and routinely clean

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