Small AC Signal

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Small Signal AC Analysis

The effect of r0
Current Controlled vs Voltage Controlled
Hybrid Equiv Model
Hybrid Equiv Model

Common Emitter Common Base

Hybrid vs Re Model
Common Emitter

Common Base
Hybrid vs Re Model
Given hie = 2.4 kΩ, hfe = 100, h re = 4 x 10 -4 , and hoe = 25 mS, sketch the following:
a. Common-emitter hybrid equivalent model.
b. Common-emitter r e equivalent model.
c. Common-base hybrid equivalent model.
d. Common-base r e equivalent model.

Given β = 120, re = 4.5 Ω, and r o = 40 kΩ, sketch the approximate hybrid equivalent

Given hie = 1 kΩ, h re = 2 x 10 -4 , hfe = 90, and hoe = 20 mS, sketch the re model.
Hybrid vs Re Model
For the network of below
a. Determine Z i and Z o .
b. Calculate A v and A i .
Effect of Rs and RL
Effect of Rs and RL
The gain obtained with a source resistance in place will always be less
than that obtained under loaded or unloaded conditions due to the
drop in applied voltage across the source resistance.

In total, therefore, the highest gain is obtained under no-load

conditions and the lowest gain with a source impedance and load in
place. That is:
Effect of Rs and RL
Effect of Rs and RL

Calculate (a)the AC parameters Zin, Zout, and Av

(b) the AC parameters if a bypass capacitor is placed across RE
Using the parameter values for the fixed-bias configuration below
with an applied load of 4.7 kohms and a source resistance of 0.3 kohms,
determine the following
and compare to the no-load values:
a. A v L .
b. A v s .
c. Z i .
d. Z o
Using the parameter values for the fixed-bias configuration below
with an applied load of 4.7 kohms and a source resistance of 0.3 kohms,
determine the following
and compare to the no-load values:
a. A v L .
b. A v s .
c. Z i .
d. Z o
Use circuit values below
AC Equiv circuit
Multi Stage
Capacitive Coupling
Multi Stage
Capacitive Coupling
For the cascaded system below with two identical stages, determine:
a. The loaded voltage gain of each stage.
b. The total gain of the system, A vNL and A v s .
c. Thee phase relationship between V o and V i
Multi Stage
Capacitive Coupling

For the BJT cascade amplifier below, calculate the voltage gain of each stage and the
overall ac voltage gain for the BJT cascade amplifier circuit .

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