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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 139-1998 @) ASHRAE STANDARD Method of Testing for Rating Desiccant Dehumidifiers Utilizing Heat for the Regeneration Process ‘Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on January 21, 1998; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on January 22, 1996; andy the American National Sandards insttute on September 20,1988. ASHRAE Standards are schedhied fo be updated on a five-year cyt; the date following the standard numbers the year of ASHRAE Board of Directors approval. The latest copies may be purchased from ASHRAE Customer ‘Service, 1791 Tlie Circe, NE Alana, GA 90329-2306. E-mal: orders @ashrae.org. Fax: 404-321-5478. Tole ‘phone: 404-696-8400 (worldwide) or toll ree 1-800-527-4723 (lor orders in US and Canada). (© Copyright 1998 ASHRAE, Inc. ISSN 1041-2938 |When adenda, interpretations, or errata to this slandard have been approved, they canbe downloaded tree of ‘charge trom the ASHRAE Web ste at htpiwmwashrae.or, ansiy American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 wwwashrae.org ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 139 Cognizant TC: TC 3.5, Desiccant and Sorption Technology ‘Standards Project Committee Liaison: Rodney H. Lewis Walter @. Evers", Chair Robert E. Roberts" Stephen ©. Brickley’, Vice Chair Anthony J. Ross! oben B. Deremer* Ronald B. Slosberg” William C. Gritiths® ‘George E. Wels I" jeorge E. Wells John J. McGuiness* Bevin E. Bi Kirk. Mescher= ovine Biton Clarence T. Moss ‘Thomas J. Clamens, Secretary Davor Novosel* Henry ¥. Mark ‘Abmad A. Pesaran* Leroy A. Pryor * Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication "ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE 1997-1998, ‘Wilam E. Murphy, Chair Adhur E. Melvor Michael R. Biderbeck, Vice Chair ‘Amanda K. Meltz George F.Carscallen Davor Novosel Waller S. Clements Elizabeth A. Parke Gordon F. Clyde Joseph A. Pietsch Piotr A. Domanski James A. Ranfone Richard A. Evans Gaylon Richardson ‘Thomas A. Gilbertson Ganesan Sundaresan Mark C. Hegberg ‘Thomas E. Watson Martha J. Hewett Bruce A. Wileox Frederick H. Kohloss David Amold, BOD ExO Nance C. Loworn Donald G. Collver, CO Jim L. Heldenbrand, Manager of Standards ‘SPECIAL NOTE ‘This American National Standard (ANS) s anatonal voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices ofthe American ‘Society of Heating, Retigrating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Consensus cefinedby the American Natonal Standards Irsute (ANS), of which ASHFAE's a member ana which has approved this slandard.a an ANS, 25 substantal agreement reacrod by directly and materially afoced interest categories. Ths signies the concurrence a more than a simp majony, but not necessary ‘unanimity. Consensus requires that all ewe and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward that resolstion” ‘Compliance wih this standard is voluntary unt ang unless a legal jussicton makes compliance mandatory through legslaon. [ASHRAE obtains consensus through partipaton ots national and intematonal members, associated societies, and pubic ASHAAE Standards are prepared by a Project Commitee appointed special forthe purpose of witing he Standard. The Project Committee Chair and Vice-Chair mustbe members of ASHRAE: whe ther commitie members may or may rot be ASHAAE ‘members all must be technically qualified inthe subject area ofthe Stardarc. Ever efforts mace to balance the concerned mlarests ‘on all Project Committees, ‘The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE shouldbe contacto for: ‘a inlerpretaton ofthe contens ofthis Standard, »: participation inthe next review ofthe Stand, offering constructive cis for improving the Standarg, permission to reprint portions ofthe Standard DISCLAIMER [ASHRAE uses its best offorts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines forthe benefit of te public In ight of avaabe information and accopted industry practices. Howover, ASHRAE coos not guarantee, cay, or assure tne safely oF pertomanoe of any Products, components, or systems esi, insted, or operated in accordance with ASHRAE's Standards or Gudolnes or that ‘any tests conducted under ts Standards or Guelines wil be nonnazardaus or fee fom risk. ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDS. ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are estabshed to assist industry and the pubic by offering uniform mete of testing for rating purposes, by suggesting sale practices in designing and instling equipmer, by providing proper deintions (ol this equipment, and by provicing etre information that may serveto gud the Industry. The creation ot ASHRAE Standards and Guidlines is determined by the need for them, and conformance to them ls completely voluntary, In relring to this Standard or Gudetne and in mavking of equipment and in acvering, no claim shal be mace, ether stated or impked, thatthe product nas been approved by ASHRAE. CONTENTS ANSV/ASHRAE Standard 139-1998, Method of Testing for Rating Desiccant Dehumidifiers Utilizing Heat for the Regeneration Process ‘SECTION PAGE Foreword 1 Purpose... 2 Scope... 3 Definitions... 4 Classification of Units 5 Requirements... 6 Inctruments.. svn 7 Test Preparation—Equipment installation 8 Method of Test. 9 Data and Calculations. References... foreword Is not part of this standard but is provided for information purposes only.) FOREWORD This standard was prepared under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi- tioning Engineers. It may be used, in whole or in part, by an ‘association or government agency with due credit to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi- tioning Engineers. Adherence is strictly on a voluntary basis ‘and merely in the interest of obraining uniform standards throughout the industry. This is a new standard, initiated by TC 3.5, Desiceant and Sorption Technology. Your comments toward improving the standard would be appreciated and should be addressed to the Manager of Standards, ASHRAE. 1, PURPOSE ‘The purpose of this standard is to provide test methods for determining the moisture removal capacity of heat-regener- ated desiccant dehumidifiers as well as the coincident thermal energy performance so that comparative evaluations of capac- ity and performance can be made irrespective of the type or make of the device. 2. SCOPE 2.1 This standard applies to desiccant-based dehumidifiers ‘operating at atmospheric pressure. The dehumidifier may uti- lize solid or liquid desiccants that are regenerated utilizing heat energy. 2.2. Normally, equipment within this standard would consist of one or more desiccant contact stations through which the air to be dehumidified is moved, a means to expose the moi ture-laden desiccant to source of heat energy for regenera- tion, anda heating device. 23 Ancillary devices are normally utilized to move airto be [ ) Fan #2 Desiccant Bed We foe || dat sanuey _tesreira Process Stream TECTED vesting "EREEEZA contra cen Nozze SQ) valve Bulb. Temperature t sbulb or bew-point Temperature fate I0 Chessuring station Figure 7b Test loop for dry dual fined bed systems. ANSUASHRAE STANDARD 139-1956 Regeneration ae Out 5 Lg oH Fogo pu rater vein co Oe) Regenerati aating and cooling colts could be J Process Str 25) nsostae Pump 1 iB: Faure Op IBEUNE cnin rs | FMR babe Se bon Sloe teparatre | Ther an [measuring Sat Figure 7e Test loop for liquid dehumidification systems. MRC = Sem, x 0.0012 x (G}~ 6) where MRC = moisture moval capacity, kgf, Sony = Som, rocess iar te dehumiined), G; = tui ratio atthe proces inet, 6G, = bmi aoa the proces ute (ane = Sef x (60 mivh x 0.075? x (G,~G,)/ 7000 grainsfb (ARC = Sef, %0.0006828 x (G;~6,)) where MRC = misc removal apa, Ih Sef = Set, process ar (aie to be dui, Gj; = humidity ato a the process aint, G, = tui ration athe process air outlet, Noe: 1 No = 7000 grains, 9.2.2 Regeneration Energy. The regeneration energy shall be defined as the regeneration heat input tothe regener- ation heater measured at the power terminals or fuel supply at the heating device. The regeneration energy shall be stated in watt (Btw). 92.3 Regeneration Specific Heat Input (RSHI). The specific beat input shall be defined as the rato ofthe egener- ation energy to the moisture removal capacity. The specific ‘heat input shall be stated in terms of thermal energy input per kilogram (pound) of moisture removal and expressed as Kikg (Bub) and shall be calculated as follows: RSHI = watt x3.6/MRC (df) (RSHI = Btwhi/MRC (Buwb)) 9.24 Mass Balance. A calculation shall be performed to {determine the rato ofthe mass of moisture removed from the process air with respect to the mass of moisture rejected tothe regeneration air atthe test conditions. The mass ratio caleu- lated for a specific test condition must be > 95 and < 1.05 in order to consider the data valid. 924.1 Dry desiccant units. ‘Mass Ratio = MRC/MRR where MRC = (Semgg X 0.10012 X (Gyi~ Gpe)) ARC = Scfngg X 0.006428 X (Gy ~ Gy) MRR = (Sem % 0.0012 (Gy ~ Gy) (MRR = Sef X 0.000428 X (Gy ~ Gy) where Sentip, = Semb atthe process outlet Gy; = humidity ratio a the process air inlet humidity ratio atthe process air outlet ‘= Scfi atthe process air outlet Scmb atthe regeneration outlet ‘humidity rato atthe regeneration air inlet ‘humidity ratio athe regeneration air outlet Scfrty, = Scfim at regeneration outlet ANSUASHRAE STANDARD 159.1998 92.42 Liquid system with a single conditioner and regenerator simultaneously tested together. Mass Ratio = MRCIMRR (Seni, 0.0012 x (Gos ~ Geo) fn, x 0.0006428 X (Ges ~ Gee) em, x 0.012 x (Gry Ge) MR (MRC: ‘MRR CARR = Sef, % 0.000628 x (Grp ~ Gy) where ‘MRC = moisture removed from the air in the conditioner unit kesh (Ibvh) ‘MRR = moisture added to the air in the regenerator unit, gh (by Semh, = Semh through the conditioner unit Somh, = Scmh through the regenerator unit Scfm, = Sefm through the conditioner unit Scfm, = Scfm through the regenerator unit Gj = humidity ratio at conditioner inlet Gey = humility ratio at conditioner outlet Gj = humidity ratio at regenerator inlet Gr = humidity ratio at regenerator outlet 9243 Liquid system with a single conditioner tested. “Mass Ratio = MRCIMRT MRC = Sem, x 0.012% (Gyi~ Gp) (MRC = Sefm, x 0.0006428 x (Gj ~ Geo) MRT = DT (XXX) where MRC = moisture removed from the process air in the ‘conditioner unit, kh (Ibvh) ANSUASHRAE STANDARD 159.1998 ‘MRT = moisture caried from the conditioner tothe regenerator unit by the desiccant transfer, kg/h (bvh) DT = desiccantsolutiontransferred fromthe regeneratorto the conditioner, kg/h (byt) , desiccant concentration in generator, Kggesicae! olan (jesicandPsttin) X_ = desiccant concentration in conditioner, KEgescand! ‘Késotution TPdesiccane/MPsotution) 9244 Liquid system with a single regenerator tested. ‘Mass Ratio = MRRIMWA ‘MRR Sem, x 0.0012 x (Grp ~ Gr) (MRR = Scfi, x 0.006428 x GG) MWA = (TWS ~ TWE) x (T7160) where MWA = mass of water added to desiccant, kg/h (tvh) TWS = weight of water tank at beginning of tes, kg (Ib) TWE = weight of water tank at end of test, kg (1b) TT = duration of test, minutes REFERENCES 1. ASHRAE Standard 41.1-86 (RA 91), Standard Method for Temperature Measurement 2. ASHRAE Standard 41.3-1989, Standard Method for Pres sure Measurement. 3 ASHRAE Standard 41.6-1994, Standard Method for Mea- surement of Moist Air Propenies. 4. ASHRAE Standard 41,2-1987 (RA 92), Standard Method {for Laboratory Air Flow Measurement 5. ASHRAE Standard 51-1985 / AMCA Standard 210-85, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Rating 6. Airflow Measurement inthe Laboratory" by D. D. Wile, Refiigerating Engineering, une 1947, 0 TABLE 1-SI ‘Test Data to Be Recorded for Dry Desiccant Systems DRY DESICCANT EQUIPMENT Description |. Model Number 2. Serial Number 3. Process Alsflow Inlet, 3a, Process Airflow Outlet 4, Process Air Inlet Temperate DB ‘5. Process Air Inlet Temperature WB 6, Process Air Inlet Humidity Ratio 17, Process Air Inlet Absolute Humidity 8, Process Air Inlet Dew Point 9, Process Air Outlet Temperate DB 10, Process Air Outlet Temperature WB 11, Process Ait Outlet Humidity Ratio 12, Process Ait Outlet Absolute Humidity 13, Process Air Outlet Dew Point 14, Process Air Pressure Drop 15, Regeneration Aiflow Inlet 15aRegeneration Airflow Outlet 16, Regeneration Air Inlet Temperature DB 17, Regeneration Air Inlet Temperature WB 18, Regeneration Air Inlet Humidity Ratio 19, Regeneration Air Inlet Absolute Humidity 20, Regeneration Air Inlet Dew Point 21. Regeneration Air Heated to Temperature 22. Regeneration Ait Outlet Temperaute DB 23, Regeneration Ait Outlet Temperature WB 24, Regeneration Air Outlet Humidity Ratio 25. Regeneration Air Oulet Absolute Humidity 26, Regeneration Air Outlet Dew Point 27. Regenerator Heat Source 28, Regenerator Heat Quality (If steam) 298, Regenerator Heat Input: Electric 29. Regenerator Heat Input: Gas 29¢. Regenerator Heat Input: Steam 20d, Regenerator Heat input: Hot Water 30, Regenerator Air Pressure Drop 31, Ambient Barometric Pressure 32, Desiocant typeidentity 33. Rotofcontactor speed 34, Test Duration Units ekg “c “c ‘900 c Pa Semh Ssemh ‘Steam, Gas, Electric, Hot Water, te. Dat Value Amps Volts Phase Hi ___1pIN__TpouT_Ls ANSUASHRAE STANDARD 139-1998 TABLE 1-IP ‘Test Data to Be Recorcied for Dry Desiccant Systems DRY DESICCANT EQUIPMENT Description 1. Model Number 2. Serial Number 3, Process Aieflow Inlet 4a, Process Airflow Outlet 4, Process Air Inlet Temperature DB 5, Process Air Inet Temperature WB 6, Process Air Inlet Humidity Ratio 7. Process Air Inlet Absolute Humidity 8, Process Air Inlet Dew Point, 9, Process Air Oulet Temperature DB 10. Process Air Outlet Temperature WB. 1. Process Air Outlet Humiity Ratio 12, Process Air Outlet Absolute Humidity 13, Process Aie Outlet Dew Point 14, Process Air Pressure Drop 15, Regeneration Air Flow Inlet 15a. Regeneration Air Flow Outlet 16, Regeneration Air Flow Outlet DB 17, Regeneration Ar Inlet Temperate WB 18, Regeneration Air inlet Humidity Ratio 19, Regeneration Ar Inlet Absolute Humidity 20, Regeneration Air Inlet Dew Point 21. Regeneration Ait Heated to Temperature 22. Regeneration Ai Outlet Temperature DB 23, Regeneration Air Outlet Temperature WB 24, Regeneration Air Outlet Humidity Ratio 25, Regeneration Air Outlet Absolute Humidity 26, Regeneration Air Outlet Dew Point 27. Regenerator HeatSource 28, Regenerator Heat Quality (If steam) 282, Regenerator Heat Input: Electric 29h. Regenerator Heat Input: Gas 29e. Regenerator Heat Input: Steam 284, Regenerator Heat Input: Hot Water 30, Regenerator Air Pressure Drop 31. Ambient Barometric Pressure 32. Desiocanttypeidentity 33, Rote! Contactor speed 134 Test Duration ANSVASHRAE STANDARD 139-1998 Units ‘chin ‘Actin grins °F nwa Act Act - - ‘rainslb e e °F rains oF Pig Buh Buh Brwh WG. in Ha, Dat ‘Steam, Gas, Elecc, Hor Water, 6 Amps Volts Phase Hz ——TIN__TpouT__ Gem ‘Test Data to Be Recorded for Liquid Desiccant Systems LIQUID DESICCANT EQUIPMENT Description |. Model Number 2. Serial Number 3. Process Airflow Inlet 3a, Process Aiflow Outlet 4, Process Ar Inlet Temperature DB 5, Process Air Inlet Temperature WB 6, Process Air Inlet Humidity Ratio 17. Process Air Inlet Absolste Humidity 8, Process Air Inlet Dew Point 9, Process Air Oulet Temperature DB 10. Process Air Outlet Temperature WB 11, Process Air Outlet Humidity Ratio 12, Process Air Outlet Absolute Humidity 13, Process Air Outlet Dew Point 14. Conditioner Coolant Type 15, Coolant Operating Temperature 16, Heat Rejected to Coolant 17, Conditioner Air Pressure Drop 18, Regenerator Airflow Inlet 18a, Regenerator Airflow Outlet 19, Regenerator Air Inlet Temperature DB 20. Regenerator Air Inlet Temperature WB 21. Regenerator Air Inlet Humidity Ratio 22. Regenerator Aie Inlet Absolule Humidity 23, Regenerator Air Inlet Dew Point 24, Regenerator Air Outlet Temperature DB 25, Regenerator Air Outlet Temperature WB 26, Regenerator Air Oullet Humidity Ratio 27. Regeneraior Air Oulet Absolute Humidity 28, Regenerator Air Outlet Dew Point 29, Regenerator Heat Source 30. Regenerator Heat Quality (If steam) 3a. Regenerator Heat Input: Electric 31, Regenerator Heat Input: Gas 3le. Regenerator Heat Input: Steam 231d. Regenerator Heat Input: Hot Water 32. Regenerator Air Pressure Drop 33. Ambien Barometric Pressure 34, Desiceanttypeidentity 35. Desiccant concentration in conditioner 36, Desiocant concentration in regenerator 37. Desioeant transfer to conditioner 38, Weight of regenerator tank at stat 38, Weight of regenerator tank at end 40, Test duration ‘Acmh kp kg keh kg Date Value hilled Water, Giyeol, DX, Ammonia, ee ‘Steam, Gas, Electric, Hot Water, et Amps Vols Phase Hz ANSUASHRAE STANDARD 139-1998 TABLE 2-1P Test Data to Be Recorded for Liquid Desiccant Systems LIQUID DESICCANT EQUIPMENT Description 1. Model Number 2. Serial Number 3. Process Airflow Inlet 3a, Process Aiflow Outlet 4, Process Air Inlet Temperature DB 5, Process Ai Inlet Temperature WB 6. Process Air Inlet Humidity Ratio 7. Process Air Inlet Absolute Humidity 8, Process Air Inlet Dew Point 9, Process Air Outlet Temperate DB 10, Process Air Outlet Temperature WB 1 Process Air Outlet Humidity Ratio 12, Process Air Outlet Absolute Humidity 13, Process Air Outlet Dew Point 14, Conditioner Coolant Type 15. Coolant Operating Temperature 16, Hea Rejected to Coolant 17, Conditioner Ais Pressure Drop 18, Regenerator Airflow Inlet, 18a. Regeneration Airflow Outlet 19, Regenerator Airflow Outlet DB, 20, Regenerator Air Inlet Temperature WB 21. Regenerator Air Inlet Humidity Ratio 22. Regenerator Air Inlet Absolute Humidity 23, Regenerator Air Inlet Dew Point 24, Regenerator Ait Oullet Temperature DB 25. Regenerator Ait Outlet Temperature WB 26, Regenerator Air Outlet Humidity Ratio 27. Regenerator Air Outlet Absolute Humidity 28, Regenerator Air Outlet Dew Point 29, Regenerator HeatSource 30, Regenerator Heat Quality (if steam) la, Regenerator Heat Input: Electric 3b, Regenerator Heat Input: Gas ‘ie. Regenerator Heat Input: Steam 31d. Regenerator Heat Input Hot Water 32, Regenerator Ai Pressure Drop 33, Ambient Barometric Pressure 34, Desiceant ypefidentty 35, Desiceant concentration in conditioner 136, Desiceant concentration in regenerator 37. Desicean transfer o conditioner 238, Weight of regenerator tank at start, 39, Weight of regenerator tank a end 40, Test uration ANSUASHRAE STANDARD 139-1998 ‘Acfin F . ‘000 ‘rains r 000 ernst Buh nwa, ‘Actin ‘Actin °F °F 000 rains °F * - rains °F “Fig Dae Value ‘Chilled Water, Glycol, DX, Ammonis, et. ‘Steam, Gus, Elect, Hot Water, 6 Amps Vols Phase Hz ‘TpIN__TpOUT___ GPM POLICY STATEMENT DEFINING ASHRAE’S CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ITS ACTIVITIES [ASHRAE is concemed withthe impact ofits members’ activities on both the indoor and outdoor environment ASHRAE’s members wil strive to minimize any possible deleterious effect on the indoor and outdoor environment of the systems and components in their responsibilty while maximizing the beneficial effects these systems provide, ‘consistent with accepted standards and the practical state of the art. ASHRAE's short-range goal is to ensure that the systems and components within Its scope do not impact the indoor and outdoor environment to a greater extent than specified by the standards and guidelines as established by itself and other responsible bodies. ‘As an ongoing goal, ASHRAE wil, through its Standards Committee and extensive technical committee structure, continue to generate up-to-date standards and guidelines where appropriate and adopt, recommend, and ‘promote those new and revised standards developed by other responsible organizations, Through its Handbook, appropriate chapters will contain up-to-date standards and design considerations as the ‘material is systematically revised. ASHRAE will take the lead with respect to dissemination of environmental information ofits primary interest and Will eek out and disseminate information from other responsible organizations that is pertinent, as guides to updating standards and guidelines. ‘The effects of the design and selection of equipment and systems will be considered within the scope of the system's intended use and expected misuse. The disposal of hazardous materia, it any, will also be considered, "ASHRAE's primary concem for environmental impact willbe atthe site where equipment within ASHRAE's scope ‘operates. However, energy source selection and the possible environmental impact due to the energy source and tenergy transportation will be considered where possible. recommendations concaming energy source selection should be made by its members.

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