Ajay Kumar Android

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Ajay K

Android iOS Developer

Professional Summary :

 Having 8+ years of IT experience in software development which includes strong experience in

Design, Development, Testing, and Deployment of Android Applications for Smartphones, Tablets.
 Solid understanding of the full mobile development life cycle with hands-on expertise with a wide
variety of Android device resolutions (screen sizes) and SDK versions.
 Experienced working within fast-paced environments using Agile (Iterative development) and
Scrum development practices.
 Developed Cross-Platform Mobile app using Xamarin Forms with code sharing between all
platforms (Android, IOS and Universal Windows apps)
 In-depth knowledge of Android (Java / Kotlin) and iOS (SWIFT) technologies, Databases and
Software Development Life Cycle
 Experienced with development of provisioning profiles and distribution profiles specifically used
for installing an application to a device and strong understanding of app distribution using App Store.
 Proficient with all XCode IDE's, iPhone SDK and generating provisioning profiles and apple app-
store approval and distribution process.
 Program software using Android Studio, Java, Kotlin and Android frameworks.
 Expertise in using and integrating MapKit, UIKit, UIDynamics, CoreGraphics, QuartzCore, Core
Location, Core Animation, Core Bluetooth, Cloud Kit, Watch Kit, Social Framework, SQLite, Core Data,
XCTest, EventKit, and various other 3rd party frameworks and APIs.
 Thorough understanding of Cocoa design patterns, MVC architecture and other concepts like
Delegation, Protocols, Singleton, Notification, MVVM. Expertise in creating and customizing Views, Table
Views, Tab Bars and Navigation Bars which are some basic functionality in a Multiview Application.
 Designed Interfaces and GUI with services for mobile applications, Asynchronous programming in
Xamarin. Forms and Xamarin. Android.
 Strong working experience in integrating the application with SOAP, RESTful APIs/Web Services
to fetch data from the back-end server and parsing the XML, and JSON Response.
 Good experience with the implementation of protocols line OAuth in Android applications.
 Solid knowledge of implementing frameworks like dependency injection Dagger2, and RxJava.
 Good experience of implementing reactive programming using RxJava to manage asynchronous
tasks and events.
 Worked excessively on core JAVA / Kotlin / SWIFT concepts like polymorphism, inheritance,
serialization, synchronization and exception handling.
 Efficient in using Android third-party libraries like Retrofit, Google GSON, Firebase, Volley,
Picasso, Event bus, Lottie, Butter knife, RxJava, RxAndroid, Active Android, OkHttp, Proguard, Glide,
ZXin, etc.
 Good exposure with Android Application Components like Activities, Services, Broadcast
Receivers, &Content Providers.
 In-depth exposure with Android UI components like Buttons, Text Views, Image Views, List
Views, Recycler Views, Spinners, Layouts, Containers, Transitions, etc.
 Experience in developing applications using Android framework APIs like Location, Camera,
Animations, Maps, SpeechAPI, Android Telephony, Bluetooth and integrating applications with Social
Networking sites such as Face book and Twitter.
 Developing a own Kotlin Android application now - Time Calculator (see Portfolio)
 Studying Android Java/ Kotlin and developing my own Android applications on Kotlin. And I
really like it!
 Familiar with Fragments, Activity workflow, Action Bar Navigation, Menu designs, Custom
Views, etc.
 Extensively worked on push notifications (GCM, FCM), memory leaks using LeakCanary, &
offline data storage.
 Strong experience in implementing Multi-threading concepts to achieve concurrency.
 Excellent debugging skills using ADT tools like ADB, Logcat, Trace View and Hierarchy Viewer.
 Involved in troubleshooting production issues, memory optimization, and performance tuning.
 Familiar with developing test cases besides involving in Integration testing, &Unit testing
 Extensive experience in performing Test Driven Development (TDD) using JUnit and
Automation testing tools such as Espresso, UI Automator, &Appium.
 Experience in building enterprise applications using technologies such as Core Java, HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, jQuery, Servlets, JSP, JSF, Hibernate, Spring and Struts.
 Used JIRA, &Bugzilla as a defect reporting and bug tracking tools, reviewed and analyzed test
results using the result logs and reported defects using the defects module of various tools.

Education :

Bachelor of Technology.

Technical Skills :

Programming Languages Java, C, Data Structures, Android, Kotlin, HTML, CSS, Swift, Objective C,
ListViews, Adapters, SQLite, Horizontal scrolling, Notification Manager,
Android App Mobile
Contact Content Provider, DDMS, Location, Map, HTTP Client, JSON based
Web Services, Camera API, Facebook API.
Picasso, Volley, OpenGL, Dagger, Retrofit, Jackson, Cocoa Pods, Cocoa Touch,
MapKit, AVFoundation, REST Kit, UIKit,
Debugging & Testing Tools JUnit, DDMS, Logcat.
Methodologies Agile, SCRUM
Web Service Frameworks REST, SOAP, JSON, and XML.
API's Google Maps, Baidu Maps, Google Places, Cloud Services.
Version Control GitHub, SVN, TFS.
IDE Android Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans, MyEclipse, Oracle Microsoft Visio, XCode.
Databases SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, MS-SQL Server, Realm.
OS Android OS, Linux, UNIX, Windows Family, Ubuntu, Fedora, Macintosh.

Professional Experience :
Client : Amtrak, Washington, DC
Role : Android/iOS Developer Aug 2018 - Till Date

Description : The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, doing business as Amtrak, is a passenger railroad
service that provides medium- and long-distance intercity service in the contiguous United States and to nine
Canadian cities.

Responsibilities :

 Designed and developed a mobile application for Android mobile devices with extensive user interface

 Implemented unique design for portrait and landscape mode.

 Used web views, list views & populated lists to display the lists from database using simple adapters.

 Execute ADB commands to test the app on the Android platform (major release components).

 Executed IOS native app, OS compatible (IOS 8 and 9 versions).

 Developed Web API using NodeJS, ReactJS and React Native and hosted on multiple lead balances API

 Implementing extreme programming by using fast-paced agile methodology, involving in task completion,
user stories, and Iterations.

 Developed Cross-Platform Mobile app using Xamarin Forms with code sharing between all platforms
(Android, IOS and Universal Windows apps).

 Implemented an SQLite database with Xamarin to save necessary information into the device-local

 Implemented the Xamarin Insight crash reports, users, audience and events for monitoring the app across
App store and Google Play.

 Used Python, Html5, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, Angular JS, to develop a website to introduce text
information and image detail.

 Developed communication between the server and the newly merged app. Worked on memory
management using ARC in Swift.

 Developed using the Android Studio IDE. Created and used SQL Queries, Scripts and Stored Procedures
for data validations.

 Performed all unit testing, debugging and post-release support using Xamarin Test Cloud with different
iOS/Android OS versions and devices.

 Integration of different Mobile APIs for payments transaction such as PayPal Integrator V5, AppStore,
Google Play Wallet + stripe.
 Involved in depth at all phases of the project life cycle, such as requirement analysis, design, coding, testing,
and release.

 Implemented custom UIViews, TableViews, TableViewCell, UITabBar, and UINavigationController for

easy navigation of the app.

 Implemented the Hamburger Menu Navigation on the Dashboard screen and created the root navigation
to the dashboard screen for a menu list.

 Working Knowledge on libraries specific to Swift like Alamofire and also implemented bridging header
from objective-c to Swift.

 Invoked RESTful Web services using NSURLSession and Parsed JSON responses using

 Knowledge in Quality Assurance standards, software development methodologies like Agile Scrum.

 Proven ability to work effectively in a team environment and capable of learning new technology and adapt
to a new environment quickly.

 Working knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Project, Access, and Visio), Eclipse
IDE, Android Studio.

 Used multi-threaded development using Reactive-X by implementing RxJava and Retrofit.

 Developed various screens for the front end using React Native and used various predefined components
from NPM (Node Package Manager).

 Communicated with employees, management, and team members to develop the business logic of the

 Implemented unique design for portrait and landscape mode.

 Tested the app across different versions of Android and different android phones to assure quality and

Environment : XCode 6.4, Objective-C, SDK 7.1, using ARC, AV Foundation, a Core Data and Auto Layout,
GitHub for version control, XML, JSON Frameworks, UIKit, Core Location, Android SDK 5.0.2, Kiwi, Eclipse IDE,
React Native, JSON, REST, JavaScript, Web Services, XML, Retrofit, Action-Bar and GIT-HUB.
Client : Cardinal Health, Ohio.
Role : Android iOS Developer May 2017 - Jul 2018

Description : Cardinal Health, Inc. is an American multinational health care services company, and the 14th
highest revenue generating company in the United States. Its headquarters are based in Dublin, Ohio and Dublin,
Ireland (EMEA).

Responsibilities :
 Designed, developed test cases and tests scripts as per Requirement documents and Prepared
RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix).
 Responsible to qualify release compatible for IOS, Android, Mobile web, web.
 Participate in daily stand up meetings to report about the scope of work, testing progresses,
outstanding issues, blocking points and so on.
 Involved in releases for Orange operator and involved in the enhancement & porting of a J2ME
layer on Samsung mobile’s proprietary platform.
 Performed different types of functional and non-functional testing such as exploratory, GUI,
usability, smoke, regression, browser compatibility, platform compatibility, boundary and
security testing on different mobile devices with different OS versions.
 Involved in IOS app build (XCode) and deploy to test locally and multiple registered devices.
 Execute ADB commands to test the app on the Android platform (major release components).
 Executed IOS native app, OS compatible (IOS 8 and 9 versions).
 Involved in designing and creating complex and dynamic UI pages on Xamarin. PCL like iOS,
Android and Windows tablet using C#.
 Created custom renderers like list views with button, Bindable picker, print manager, Date picker
and renderer for showing PDF as a web view.
 Invoked Restful Web services using NSURLSession and Parsed JSON responses using
 Implemented NSOperationQueue and NSURLConnection to integrate, synchronize with
enterprise backend and database.
 Performed UI, Regression, Functional and Back end testing for the applications.
 Web Accessibility testing by using JAWS screen reader.
 Devops tools like Jenkins Android Emulator plugin will automatically download not only the
Android SDK but also any system image required for the particular device configuration you want
to run your tests against.
 Android and iOS applications development (Ionic Framework, Apache Cordova/PhoneGap).
 Developed a phone app using Apache Cordova using our SDK to send secure commands.
 Whenever you specify a new device configuration for your Jenkins builds, you will similarly see
the system image files for the configuration being downloaded and the plugin will automatically
configure and initialize the Android emulator
 Involved in Implementation and fixing of bugs related to Framework for the J2ME Midlets. It
consists of Supporting Classes.
 Performed external testing using test flight extensively.
 Identified and solved for any bugs reported in the testing stage of the project.
 Developed test plans and performed peer reviews of deliverable documents and test cases.
 Preparing RCA after every testing cycle for process improvement.
 Unity is a flexible and powerful development platform for creating multiplatform 3D and 2D
games and interactive experiences.
 Tested and deployed Apache Cordova API to a production server (JavaScript, jQuery, Node, NPM,
Ant, Gulp, Grunt, Sass, make, Android SDK, XCode, homebrew, SSH, Git).

Environment : XCode 6.4,UIKit, Core Location, JavaScript, jQuery, Apache Cordova, Node, NPM, Eclipse IDE,
JSON, Jenkins, REST Web Services, XML, Retrofit, Action-Bar and GIT-HUB.

Client : Ebix Inc, Atlanta, Georgia.

Role : Android iOS Developer. Jan 2016 - Apr 2017

Description : Ebix, Inc. provides on-demand software and e-commerce solutions to the insurance industry. The
company operates data exchanges, which connects multiple entities within the insurance markets and enables the
participant to carry and process data from one end to another in the areas of life insurance, annuities, employee
health benefits, risk management, workers compensation, and property and casualty (P&C) insurance.

Responsibilities :

 Worked extensively with Objective-C, XCode, and Storyboard for the application at hand.

 Performed Unit test and fixed bugs in Agile Environment.

 Used custom search bar controller to search for items and used custom predicates to filter the results
according to user preferences (scopes).

 Used Photoshop for image editing purposes.

 Used Z barcode for search products using barcode and QR Codes.

 Created Custom UI Views, custom Table Views, and custom Table View Cell for the user interface.

 Implemented custom UI Tab Bar Controller, UI Navigation Controller for easy navigation of the app.

 Used UIKit, Map Kit and Core location to enhance user to find nearest store locations.

 Created custom annotations and annotation views.

 Web services used to connect to the database were NSURL, NSURL Connection, and Grand Central
 Dispatch Back end response was JSON based and parsing was done using NSJSON Serialization
 Worked with QA teams for testing and bug fixing.
 Responsible for Service Integration Development and Testing.
 Still, provide support for when the application needs to be updated regarding a new iOS release or if the
client wants a change in design.

Environment : Objective C, Cocoa Touch, Storyboard, NSJSONSerialization, Zbarcode, SQLite and Core Data,
GCD, Map Kit, and CoreLocation.

Client : Tyler Technologies Inc., Dallas, Texas.

Role : Android Developer Mar 2014 - Dec 2015

Description : Tyler Technologies, Inc. provides integrated information management solutions and services for the
public sector with a focus on local governments in the United States and internationally.

Responsibilities :

 Worked on the development and debugging of Meeting application that involves the use of calendar API to
fetch the calendar events, meetings, and webinars.
 Implemented the functionality of Meeting Status logic to give meeting alerts based on the various meeting
categories (Overlap, Conflicting and back to back meetings) and implement custom fonts and color and
layout rebranding according to the material design specifications.
 Implemented MixPanel Analytics to analyze different user actions in the application based on different
events and properties and created user profiles to store properties for a specific user.
 Used ButterKnife Library for view injections and Dagger 2 for dependency Injections
 Used Android SDK and Eclipse IDE for development.
 Participated in the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for proper analysis, development,
testing, deployment, and enhancement of the code.
 Involved in requirement gathering and designing of the application.
 Responsible for consuming the web services of a REST API using Retrofit, getting JSON response and
parsing them to get the required information.
 Integrated location-based services using Google Maps API to display locations of the nearest stores.
 Implemented unique design for portrait and landscape mode.
 Implemented SQLite databases to monitor shipments.
 Implemented customized web view component to load an SWF file and HTML data.
 Handled XML data using efficient parsing techniques such as DOM parser.
 Worked closely with the web application development team to ensure proper integration between the
mobile application and web application.
 Used Android content providers for implementing features like sending E-mails, SMS, etc., from the app
and designed suitable GUI for these applications.
 Used services, Asynchronous tasks, and Alert Notification API to implement event reminder feature into
the mobile app.
 Involved in developer testing by porting the app to multiple devices with various screen sizes.
 Enhanced search functionality by adding autofill and search history features.
 Test and error logging on different versions and devices of Android. Debugging them in the very first
phase of development.
 Worked on making the app crash proof and implemented an error reporting system for future
development support.
 Experience in XML parsing on the client side using JSON implemented a DOM-based implementation of
feed parser.

Environment : Android Studio 2.3, SQLite, Android Auto, Android OEM, Activity, AppCompact, Zebra Scanner
Library, Google API's, Web view, GPS service, JSON, NDK, Log cat, Eclipse ADT, SmartSVN, Postman, Site
Catalyst, JUnit, Espresso.

Client : DELTA Technologies & Management Services, Hyderabad, India.

Role : Java Developer Dec 2012 - Feb 2014

Description : Delta Technology's vision is to be an organization of value Delta Technology's vision is to be an

organization of value, respect and transparency for its people to continuously innovate, improve and deliver
efficient and effective business solutions, respect and transparency for its people to continuously innovate,
improve and deliver efficient and effective business solutions.

Responsibilities :

 Used an agile methodology for developing the application.

 Deployed the application on the JBoss server using ANT tool using struts architecture with the JSP client
 Configured Struts Dyna Action Forms, Message Resources, Action Message, Action Errors,
Validation .xml, and validator-rules.xml
 Extensive use of Struts Framework for Controller components and view components.
 Involved in writing the exception and validation classes using Struts validation rules.
 Used OR mapping tool Hibernate for the interaction with the database.
 Developed various java objects (POJO) as part of persistence classes for OR mapping.
 Developed tabs with rollover effect using JavaScript plus other effects
 Developed web services using SOAP and WSDL with Axis for Integrating.
 Developed, implemented, and maintained an asynchronous, AJAX based rich client for improved customer
experience using XML data and XSLT templates.
 Involved in writing the parsers for parsing and building the XML documents using SAX and DOM Parsers.
 Developed SQL stored procedures and prepared statements for updating and accessing data from the
 Used Clear case Version Control for Project Configuration Management.

Environment : Java 1.5, J2EE, JSP, Servlet, Struts 2.0, Agile-Scrum Methodology, JDBC, Eclipse, Oracle 11g,

JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Tomcat v7, RESTful Web Service, Angular.js.

Client : Innova InfoTech, Bangalore, India.

Role : Java Developer Jan 2011 - Nov 2012

Description : SYSINNOVA InfoTech is an offshore software service and IT consulting company based in
Bangalore, India. As a committed outsourcing partner and an IT vendor, our goal is to ensure cost-effective,
technical excellence and on-time deliveries.

Responsibilities :

 Used agile methodology and effectively took part in Scrum gatherings to deliver quality deliverables
within time (extensively used Scrum Do for Project Management).
 Participated in business process analysis and requirement gathering for the new customization.
 Created Use cases, Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams using Rational Rose.
 Designed and developed User Interface, application modules using JSP, spring, Servlets, HTML, CSS, and
 Integrated Tiles 3 framework with Spring MVC to simplify the development of User Interface.
 Defined Object Relational Mapping for Hibernate and performed spring integration with Hibernate for
data access.
 Generated a complete maven project structure and added dependencies, plugins to pom.xml.
 Monitored the error logs using Log4J and fixed the problems.
 Developed logic and code for the registration and validation
 Learned and implemented Java design patterns like Front Controller, Service Locator, Business
Delegate, and Data Access Object, Factory Pattern, Session Fade, etc.

Environment : Java 1.4, J2EE, JSP, UML, Rational Rose, CVS, Log4J, Unix, Win XP, Eclipse, SoapUI, Scrum Do,
, AJAX,XML,JSON Twitter Bootstrap, AngularJS.

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