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J. agric. Engng Res.

(1996) 63, 45 – 52

Mechanized Feeding of Ensiled Liquid Beet Mash to Dairy Cows

A. Deininger;* J. Beck;* T. Jungbluth;* M. Tu¨ rk;† G. Ho¨ rnig†
* University of Hohenheim, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany
† Institute of Agricultural Engineering Bornim, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany

(Receiy ed 25 October 1994; accepted in rey ised form 1 September 1995)

Beet roots, particularly fodder beets, are high- matter intake.1–3 They have a positive influence on the
yielding feed crops with energy contents equalling milk yield and milk composition.4,5 Despite these
concentrates. However, technical difficulties as- advantages, a drastic decrease in their cultivation area
sociated with cleaning, storing and feeding beets have has taken place in the last 30 yr in Germany (1960:
resulted in a decline in their cultivation and use. A 446 000 ha, 1994: 26 650 ha). This is primarily owing to
new approach for using beets through liquid conserva- technical problems with storage, cleaning and feeding
tion was therefore tested. The beets were mashed in a of these root crops. Traditionally, fodder beets are
beet mill and pumped into a hermetic silo, where the stored in clamps during winter time. The handling of
beet mash fermented to produce a stable silage. The the whole root crops is a hard and time intensive job
beet mash silage can be fed to animals via a mobile that requires manual labour (labours demand of up to
mixer-feeder or by using a fully automatic demand 50 h per ha) and few farmers are willing to do this.
system at responder stations. The latter allows the Also, traditional storage in clamps may give high
monitoring and individual regulation of the amount losses through rising temperatures, increasing the
fed to each animal. A feeding trial investigated the metabolic processes and putrefaction. With this
effects on animal performance of substituting the beet system, beets should be used normally only in the
mash silage for concentrates. Whereas the average winter months rather than throughout the whole year.
daily milk yield was significantly lower in the group The handling of beet roots as a liquid beet mash
fed with beet mash silage, the fat and protein content silage using the system of liquid preservation can solve
of milk did not differ between experimental and many of the problems mentioned above. Previous
control groups. ÷ 1996 Silsoe Research Institute research was concerned with the use of beet mash
silage by pigs.6 These results showed that beet silage
could be a real alternative to the use of cereals in the
feeding of fattening pigs. Derived from these results,
1. Introduction the idea was born of feeding the silage to dairy cows
and to examine both technical questions and the
For many years, beet root played a central role as effects on animal performance. First, however, it was
feed crops for pigs and for cows. Sugar and fodder necessary to test the acceptance by cows of beet
beets have many advantages. They have an enormous silage. The results of a study carried out by
yield potential (up to 113 000 MJ NEL per ha), much Schullerus7 were very encouraging: he reported a
higher than that of cereals (56 000 MJ NEL per ha). good acceptance of beet mash silage both by dairy
(NEL is net energy lactation, the amount of energy cows and fattening bulls, so the prospects appeared to
contained in the food which can be used for milk be promising.
synthesis in the cows metabolism). They are highly
digestible feeds with a high energy content equal to
2. Technique for liquid preservation of beet roots
concentrates (approximately 7?5 MJ NEL per kg dry
matter). Production is hardly affected by periods of 2.1. Processing and storage of the beet roots
drought or cold. Fodder beets are readily accepted by
cows and inclusion in the ration may increase dry An innovative approach for the use of root beets as
Presented at Ag Eng 94, Milan, Italy, 29 August – 1 September feed crops, which overcomes the problems mentioned
1994 above, is liquid preservation. The principle is shown in
0021-8634 / 96 / 010045 1 07 $12.00 / 0 ÷ 1996 Silsoe Research Institute



Fig. 1. Process steps of the liquid presery ation of beet roots together with the necessary mechanization equipment. A , fodder
or sugar beet. Process steps: B , hary esting; C , cleaning and remoy al of stones; D , filling of the mill. Mechanization: E , auger;
F , beet mill; G , rotational piston pump; H , storage bin

Fig. 1 . The beet crops are harvested normally, using 2.2. Feeding beet mash silage to dairy cattle
fully mechanized harvesting techniques. Then the
harvested beets are washed in special machines. It Beet mash silage can be offered to dairy cattle in
is important to remove as much dirt as possible, different ways: via a feed wagon or by using a fully
because high contents of ash in the beet mash silage automatic system at responder stations. The use of a
lead to a depression of food intake and digestibility. mobile mixer feeder is a convenient and easy way to
It is highly recommended to clean the crops with use beet mash silage. The silage is pumped into the
water, because dry-cleaning, based on treatment with wagon and is intensively mixed with the other com-
mechanical cleaning elements will not meet the ponents of the ration. Unfortunately, this method of
nutritional requirements in most cases. This is feeding does not allow different amounts of silage to
followed by the central process, namely, chopping be given to individual cows, so individual performance
and mashing of the cleaned roots in a beet mill that cannot be taken into account. Thus, the potential of
produces a liquid beet mash with a consistency the high quality feed may not completely be realised.
comparable to apple-pure´ e. The handling of this pure´ e Information on the silage intake of each individual
is much easier than handling the whole crops, because animal is not obtained.
the ensiled mash can be pumped through tubes, and The offer at responder stations overcomes all these
the feeding process is automated. The beet mash restrictions: the amount of feed can be programmed
silage, which should not be in contact with oxygen, is individually for each cow, and the feed consumption
then pumped into a hermetic storage bin. There the can be recorded for the whole herd as individuals. The
beet pure´ e ferments under anaerobic conditions to a method of offering beet mash silage at responder
stable silage with pH lower than 4 in 8 – 10 d. No stations is shown in Fig. 2 . The silage is pumped from
additives are used for the fermentation as it is a self the silo through a pipe to the responder stations,
starting biological process, which changes the car- regulated by automatic valves. Each cow carries an
bohydrates into lactic and acetic acid with little identification chip that is attached to a strap around its
production of alcohol (alcohol content of silage: 0?15 neck. On entering the station, the cow is identified by
to 0?20% d.m.). After the end of fermentation, the an electronic detection system and the animal’s food
beet mash silage can be used as feed for pigs and claim is checked. If there is a right to food, the valve
cattle. at the station opens, the transport pump is switched


Fig. 2. Indiy idual feeding of beet mash silage to dairy cows at different responder stations. Technical equipment: A , storage
bin; B , worm pump; C , pneumatic y aly es; D , responder stations

on for a short time, beet mash silage is pumped Initially, problems were experienced in accurately
through the pipe and a small amount of feed (ap- dispensing the correct amount of feed. The diameter
proximately 1 kg) is dispensed at the station. The of the dosage pipe is crucial for precision: only small
valve then closes and the demand for food is comp- diameters guarantee the output of an exact amount of
leted. At the same time, the food claim of the cow is food. However, the flow properties of the beet mash
reduced and no more will be fed unless or until the silage inhibit transport over long distances in such
cow has further entitlement. small pipes. So the method described in Fig. 2 works




Fig. 3. Indiy idual feeding of beet mash silage to dairy cows at different responder stations some distance from the silo. A , B ,
C , stations 1 , 2 and 3; D transport worm pump (about 100 l min21); E transport pipe (100 mm diameter); F , storage bunker
(filled by ley el control); G , dosage worm pump (about 10 l min 21); H , dosage pipe (40 mm diameter); I , pneumatic y aly es; K ,
feed pipe from storage bin


of beet mash silage ± s(g)

Mean discharged amount

1782·1 ± 17·6ab

1788·7 ± 12·3b
1765·8 ± 13·0a
603·3 ± 5·4

607·3 ± 5·9

606·0 ± 6·9

1200·0 ± 11·1
1197·7 ± 7·5

1193·6 ± 7·0
305·7 ± 5·7

312·8 ± 7·1

309·1 ± 7·9

2 4 8 12
Running time of the dosage pump, s

Fig. 4. Accuracy of the dosage of beet mash silage at responder stations , depending on the station and the running time of
the dosage pump. left / middle / right bar: station 1 , 2 and 3 . n 5 10 discharges of food; dosage pump: 297 rey min 21; numbers
giy e mean y alues Ú standard dey iation s ; letters a , b and c indicate significant differences of the mean y alues , probability of
error: 5%

satisfactorily only if the distance between the trans- average, the cows were 99 d in lactation and the
port pump and the stations is very short (,20 m). For average number of lactations was 2?9 for the whole
greater distances, the method is modified as shown in herd. All cows were fed the same amount of fresh
Fig. 3 . Here, the beet mash silage is pumped by means matter of roughage per day, namely, 11 kg grass silage
of a worm or rotational piston pump through pipes of (57?1% d.m.), 15 kg maize silage (37?8% d.m.), 3 kg
greater diameter (100 mm diameter) to a small storage hay (90?5% d.m.) and 1 kg of a mineral mixture
bunker with a content of approximately 150 l located (89?3% d.m.), estimated to be sufficient for the
near the responder stations. Connected to this bunker, production of 10 kg of milk per day. It was impossible,
which is filled by level control, is a smaller dosage however, to measure the feed intake of each cow,
pump that transports the silage to the stations at each because roughage was fed to the groups of cows. The
call for food. The small diameter of the dosage pipe control group was fed concentrates in the form of
enables an exact discharge of the beet mash silage to pellets (87?7% d.m.), containing 20% crude protein
be made. The transport and the dosage worm pump and 7?6 MJ NEL / kg d.m. energy content in quantities
were standard commercial items, as were the respon- related to the actual milk yield. In the experimental
der stations. The latter had to be modified for the use group, concentrates were fully replaced by an amount
of beet mash silage by building in a completely new of sugar beet mash silage (20?4% d.m.), calculated to
electric control and by installing the storage bunker be equivalent in energy content. Additionally, the
and the transport and dosage pipes. cows were fed with soybean-expeller to compensate
Tests were done to establish the accuracy of the for the low protein content of the beet mash silage
amounts of beet mash silage metered. The results of (90% sugar beet mash silage, 10% coarse soya bean
these tests are shown in Fig. 4 . The mean value of the meal, both fresh matter). The chemical analysis of the
dispensed amount of beet mash silage is stored sugar beet mash silage gave the following contents of
individually for each station by the feeding computer nutrients (% of dry-matter): crude ash XA: 8?2%;
and can easily be changed by the user. The small crude protein XP: 5?2%; crude lipid XL: 0%; crude
standard deviations (always less than 20 g) show the fibre XF: 2?9%. According to an in y itro gas produc-
high precision of the dosage. tion of 69?9 mg per 200 mg d.m., the digestibility of
the organic matter was determined to be 85?4%.
Using the formulas of the energetic assessment system
3. Feeding experiments based on the net energy lactation NEL,8 the energy
content of the silage was calculated to be 7?4 MJ NEL
In a feeding trial, a herd of both Holstein – Friesian per kg d.m. from the results of the chemical analysis.
and Simmental cows was divided into a control and an In a pre-period of 1 week the animals were gra-
experimental group, each containing 18 cows. On dually accustomed to their rations, followed by the

experimental period, which lasted 4 weeks. Then there energy supply, concentrates can be totally replaced by
was a change over of the groups, the cows in the beet mash silage.
control group now being fed with beet silage and vice
versa. After acclimatization to the new conditions, the
second experimental period of 3 weeks followed. The
4.2 . Behay iour at the stations
following parameters were recorded during the ex-
perimental phase: the milk yield was registered daily,
the milk composition was analysed once per week. The behaviour of the cows at the responder stations
Additionally all station visits were registered, includ- was of special interest. Fig. 6 shows the average intake
ing time and duration of the visit, food claim and the rate of the programmed amount of food, which is
amount of food dispensed during the visit. defined as ratio of dispensed and programmed food.
In order to obtain this intake rate the amount of food
dispensed to the cow during the whole day is divided
by the amount of food programmed for each cow per
4. Results day in the feeding computer. The high rate between
80% and 90% shows, that the cows readily consumed
4.1. Animal performance both beet mash silage and concentrates.
The number of station visits ranged from 20 to 35
visits per cow per day with only between 9 and 15
Fig. 5 shows the fat-corrected and protein-corrected visits (35% and 45% of all station visits) leading to the
milk yields (FPCM) during the whole experimental discharge of food, because often the cows had no
phase. Table 1 lists all important performance para- entitlement for food. The mean amount of food
meters. The average daily milk yield was significantly received per visit was 0?43 kg of concentrates or
lower in the group fed with beet mash silage 1?82 kg of sugar beet mash silage. The difference can
(20?8 l d21). Regarding the parameters of milk com- be explained by the different dry-matter content of the
position, the differences between experimental and concentrates and beet mash silage.
control groups were only small and not statistically The gaps in the record of Fig. 6 were caused both
significant. Therefore it is doubtful, if, concerning by technical problems with the data collection and by


Milk yield (1 d–1)




23/2 2/3 9/3 16/3 23/3 30/3 6/4 13/4 20/4 27/4 4/5 11/5


Pre-period Period I Change Period II Post-

of groups period

Experimental phase
Fig. 5. Ay erage milk yield per cow per day during the experimental phase , corrected to 4% fat and 3?2% protein (FPCM) ,
running ay erage oy er 5 days. (— test group , fed with sugar beet mash silage , - - control group , fed with concentrates , each
group contained 18 dairy cows)

Table 1
Results of the feeding trial with dairy cows fed with beet mash silage or concentrates. Period 1: 23 / 2 – 30 / 3 / 1994 ,
period 2: 13 / 4 – 12 / 5 / 1994

Period 1 Period 2 Total

————————————— ————————————— —————————————
Sugar beet Sugar beet Sugar beet
Concentrates mash silage Concentrates mash silage Concentrates mash silage

Milk yield, l 21?9*** 20?5*** 20?0 19?6 21?1** 20?2**

Ú7?5 Ú7?4 Ú6?8 Ú6?7 Ú7?3 Ú7?1

Milk-fat (%) 4?17 4?11 4?21 4?11 4?19 4?11

Ú0?63 Ú0?58 Ú0?72 Ú0?66 Ú0?67 Ú0?66

Milk-protein (%) 3?46 3?44 3?55 3?58 3?50 3?50

Ú0?35 Ú0?33 Ú0?29 Ú0?34 Ú0?33 Ú0?34

Milk-lactose (%) 4?82 4?76 4?77 4?77 4?80 4?76

Ú0?19 Ú0?18 Ú0?16 Ú0?18 Ú0?18 Ú0?18

Cell count 144?4 131?9 136?9 140?6 141?0 135?7

(31000) Ú181?0 Ú151?4 Ú138?2 Ú148?0 Ú162?5 Ú149?5

*** Differences between the mean values of the groups are statistically significant, probability of error ,0?1%.
** Differences between the mean values of the groups are statistically significant, probability of error ,1%.

difficulties in accustoming the cows to the new food owing to difficulties with cleaning, storage and feed-
during the change of groups. ing. An innovative approach to using beets through
liquid conservation was developed and tested. Feeding
trials, based on adapted responder stations, showed
5. Conclusions
that beet mash silage could be substituted for con-
Despite many favourable feed qualities, the popula- centrates. Whereas milk yield was significantly de-
rity of beet roots declined over the last three decades creased, milk composition was not affected sig-

Intake rate of the programmed ration %





23/2 2/3 9/3 16/3 23/3 30/3 6/4 13/4 20/4 27/4 4/5

Pre-period Period I Change of groups Period II

Experimental phase
Fig. 6. Ay erage rate of intake of the programmed ration per cow and day during the experimental phase (running ay erage
oy er 3 days). (— test group , fed with sugar beet mash silage , - - control group , fed with concentrates , each group contained 18
dairy cows)

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