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For Submission Task to the Google Classroom

Edited by:

M. Fauzi Arrasyid

Number id:



Dr. Marwa, M.A.


Essay Writing

English Literature

Faculty of Humanities

University of Lancang Kuning

Opinion Issue Opinion

Parents give the best education to Parents teaching to their kids Not all the parents’ education c

their kids the best thing from the


● The kids will get the ● The kids will think

parents’ instructions about parent’s instru

the good and bad things. sometimes disserves the

Parents nurture and nature will

Parents nurture and nature will obstacle to the teaching process

help to make the character of their


The approach of parents that

The approach of parents will help tenuous and too restrictive will

the relationship between the the teaching process.

parents and the kids.

Brainstorming ideas

● The bold table is the writer’s choice topic

● For the information, this opinion essay is not create based on the writer's experience.

It is base on the true story of the writer’s itself and some stories that support the topic.
Are Parents the Best Teacher?

There was an old phrase all roads are lead to Rome, which means that there are many

ways to reach one goal. For the kid character establishment, there are many ways to establish

it. Especially, parenting teaching can be one of the answers. Parents have to shape the kids'

character, which can be the best teacher for the kids if they do it appropriately. Besides,

parents can be their inspiration and motivation for their future provision, like how to be a

mature personality. Ironically, some kids outside there are labeling their parents as not the

best teacher. The reason is the kids are not comforting of their parental teaching. Probably

because of the different needs and affection on both sides. The consequences lead to escape

from the kids to get education from others, such as relatives and influencers. These kids will

learn from their parents' siblings, teachers, influencers, friends, and everything that they can

be their inspiration.

All parents around the world wanted to make their kids better. They do this by educating

and giving instructions to them with affection and attention. It also depends on the parents

who teach their kids. These instructions that have given to kids will give two effects. There

are right and wrong things. The right thing is the kids will understand the things that they

should do and otherwise. That means the kids will be wise about doing something based on

what they need. However, the mistake is this education also will not always be a solution for

kids who have arbitrary parents. Despite the parents who want their kids better, they wanted

it based on their needs, not for the kids. That is why the way to educate the kids can be

disserving for them. For example, there was a 1story about a teacher who had a sister. Her

sister had two daughters, and she wanted one of them had to be male. This daughter that

pretended the male did it until she mature. But, Some of her family members and neighbors

Writer’s senior high school teacher true story (civil education course)
disagreed about her mother. Her daughter will loose her feminist quality. Finally, her mother

realized, and she wanted to change her like the girl before. This story gives meaning. The

parents who do arbitrary to the kids without looking at their child's feelings and shape their

character will be disserving the kids from mental and physical. It is also can be a contention

of both sides, and some kids just admit what their parents give, even the worst.

. Human characteristic is also shaped based on nature and nurture. Mother nature refers

to the effect of birth, and raising nurture is the effect of surroundings. Both of them promote

parenting teaching, such as the establishment of character for kids. Nature and nurture can

happen for all humans but in various ways, and it is including the parents and kids. Besides, it

has differences in behavior between each other. If the parenting teaching process has the right

nature and nurture, the process will produce good kids. Somehow, it will betray the result if

one or two of them has something wrong. The kids did not assume the parents who have bad

behavior or do not pay attention to this situation, and it can occur a fatal impact. Such as the

kids will have a weak mind, or they can be aggressive to other people. There is a story that

involves nature and nurture. In the East of Eden by John Steinbeck, Cyrus Trask had two sons

named Adam Trask and Charles Trask. Adam Trask was a soft boy that inherited from his

deceased mother, and Charles Trask was a rough boy that inherited from his father. Cyrus Trask

educated his two sons, but he loved Adam more than Charles, but Charles loved his father

more, envied his brother, and harmed him. From this part, nature or nurture behavior needs a

lot of attention. With their attention, at least these kids' behavior will strong. Reality, these

irresponsible parents ignore nature and nurture that involve the kids' behavior. Whereas, this is

the key to the parenting teaching process.

Sometimes, kids need attention and freedom for their choices. At least the parents let

the kids grow independently and fulfil their needs. The kids assume that some of the parents

are afraid excessively that the kids will get harm if they are going free outside, and they are
very less of attention and affection to the kids due to them go for a living. Whereas, these

parents will make the kids lead to the inability to independent, and they will give less affection

to their parents. The worst thing is, the kids will be introverted if their freedom restricted

because of their parents. Besides, the kids will give less affection if the parents do not give it

to them because of their bustle. They may afraid or work for a living, but they have to spare

the time and condition for their kids.

These parents who are the worst teacher, they should know about their kids, and realize

their condition. Because they need a figure or teacher that establish their character, help them

to be a mature person, and grow independently. However, there is a challenge in parenting

teaching process that make them do not like that. Even though being a parent is not easy at all.

It needs a lot of preparation and a good decision-maker. Just like making a beverage, the kid is

like water. The parents are like the maker. To make the best beverage, it needs a lot of good

quality ingredients and the right dosage. If they make it without attention, it will be terrible and

not representable.

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