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Incident Report

I’m writing this letter to report an incident done last December 2019. The reports were the
computer the one that used to view the X-ray film and CT scan film at Emergency room are not
function anymore.

Last time I used it when I was night duty last December 14, 2019; it was already no internet but
still functioning. On December 16, 2019, when I came back from off duty the computer used for
viewing x-ray and CT scan are turned off. Somebody says it was dead and need to fix.

I don’t know who really responsible with this, because any from ER post might the one who
accidentally do this. Just like the Detecto weighing scale, it was already slightly leaning
backward. And some of the BP apparatus are not functioning well.

I’m not saying this just because I’m not part of this incident, I know everyone in the ER unit or
who came in the ER unit are responsible. We should not blame anyone just because it was no
longer functioning. Maybe it was already too much working that is why it’s not working

Report Completed by:

Rodney B. Subaran, RN
ER Staff Nurse

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