Tay Connected-Even When Physically Isolated

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From Uncertainty to Certainty

Just over a few months ago, our world looked very different from how it does today. We’re in the
midst of a worldwide corona pandemic, with cities and even entire countries shutting down. Some of
us are in areas that have already been affected by COVID-19. Others are bracing for what may come.
And all of us are watching the headlines and wondering, “What is going to happen next?” The shift
has been so rapid and frightening; it feels as if the ground beneath us has given way. It is
disorienting, as if normal life is just over there but out of reach. 

Don’t waste one more minute of your life complaining or looking for all that’s going wrong.

You can control your every thought, every idea, and feelings for you are a reflection of your mind.

Remember that you deserve to be happy, even when you feel everything would perhaps collapse.

Celebrate from this day your closeness with your family and devote your time to them.

We have won battles in the past, and we shall overcome this as well. For this too, shall pass!

Focus on the things that you can control and have faith in the lord.
Today you have all the time to look up at the stars and breathe a sigh of thanks for the beauty of life.
Get in touch with your creative spirit and ignite your healing powers
When life gives you lemon, make lemonade out of it.
You genuinely want to see change then determine your mindset for your future is in you.
Stay connected—even when physically isolated
We humans are social animals and hardwired for connection. Isolation and loneliness can exacerbate
anxiety and fear and even impact our physical health. That’s why it’s important to stay connected
with your family, friends, colleagues and boss. If you feel yourself start to spin out into negativity or
panic, ground yourself in the present moment by the following relaxation technique:

Bring your attention to your breath and your body. Focus all of your attention on the here and now:
noticing the sights, sounds, and smells around you and what you’re feeling in your body. Continue to
breathe slowly in and out—gently bringing your mind back to your body and breath every time it
drifts—until you feel more calm. Reciting ‘OM’ for several minutes also has a calming effect on your
body. Meditation and yoga make you one with the body.
Wishing you all a ‘positive’ and a ‘safe’ lockdown period!


Shweta Sachdeva
Lead Medical Editor, Adam
Author of- The Converging Point

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