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On a chart, the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red
sector. The red sector indicates a danger area
2. Controls testing of bridge equipment should be carried out one to two hours prior sailing
3. What chart should be used when navigating? Any chart which shows the area which the vessel is
passing through as long as it is connected
4. Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the Chart correction card
5. A list of the latest editions of hydrographic publications with the latest supplement is published .
Daftar edisi terbaru publikasi hidrografi dengan suplemen terbaru diterbitkan
6. The closest point of approach (CPA) of a contact on a relative motion radar may be determined
after the contact has been marked at least twice
7. Of the vessels listed, which must keep out of the way of all the others? A vessel on pilotage duty
8. You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on vessel “A” and are passing through the Straits of
Gibraltar. The vessel’s speed is 18 knots and your vessel is overtaking several other vessels,when the
visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What aspects would you consider when establishing a “safe
speed” for your vessel? Adjust my track to follow Route 1 or 2 illustrated and reduce speed down to
half speed, approximately 8 knots.
9. Which statement concerning GPS is TRUE? It may be suspended without warm
10. You are enroute to assist vessel A. Vessel A is underway at 4.5 knots on course 233°T, and bears
264°T at 68 miles from you. What is the course to steer at 13 knots to intercept vessel A? 256°
11. You would expect to find channels marked with the IALA-A Buoyage System in The Philippiness
12. Is it necessary to construct a passage plan, (or voyage plan), for transiting a canal or river, when
under pilot? A passage plan is required from departure from port to arrival at the pilot station at the
13. What is the main purpose of VTS? Increase safety for ships participating in VTS
14. In a traffic separation scheme, when joining a traffic lane from the side, a vessel shall do so at as
small an angle as possible
15. You are preparing to take a tow from San Diego to Portland, OR. Good seamanship would require
that you have on board, available for reference and use, all of the following EXCEPT the Sailing
Directions (Enroute)
16. The distance covered by a ship on four successive days were 320, 300, 310 and 330 nautical miles
respectively. Find the average daily run speed if each day is 24 hours long 315 naut. Miles
17. Which would you consult for information about the general current circulation in the North
Atlantic Ocean? Pilot chart
18. Your vessel is to leave a crowded anchorage making a 180 degrees turn. The ship has a
righthanded propeller and there is equal space either side of the ship (as illustrated). What would be
the most suitable method to make the turn using as little space as possible? Rudder hard to port, full
astern. After gaining some sternway, ruder hard to starboard and full ahead
19. Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the latitude scale near the
middle of the track line.
20. Your ship received a HYDROLANT advising of a special warning to mariners from the
Department of State for ships in the Persian Gulf. You are 400 miles south of, and bound for the
Persian Gulf. What action should you take? Kapal Anda menerima HYDROLANT yang memberi
nasihat tentang peringatan khusus kepada pelaut dari Departemen Luar Negeri untuk kapal-kapal di
Teluk Persia. Anda 400 mil di selatan, dan menuju Teluk Persia. Tindakan apa yang harus Anda ambil
21. Supplements to Sailing Directions are issued at intervals of approximately *
22. The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is predicted in Tidal Current Tables
23. Which nautical charts are intended for coastwise navigation outside of outlying reefs and
shoals? General charts
24. Is anchoring permitted in a narrow channel? no
25. ECDIS must be able to perform all of the following EXCEPT determine magnetic compass
26. What publication contains information about the port facilities and passage entry to port?
Sailing Directions.
27. Which statement about Radio Navigational Warning Broadcasts is TRUE? Radio navigational
warnings issued by NGA [NIMA] are published in the daily memorandum and the notice to mariners.
28. When making landfall at night, you can determine if a light is a major light or an offshore buoy by
checking the period and characteristics against the light list .
29. What should a passage plan include? The plan should include the entire voyage from berth to
30. When planning a voyage crossing large oceans, which of the following answers would most
suitably cover the most critical aspects to be considered when deciding the courses to steer?The
passage time to the destination; the anticipated bunkers used and the need to arrive within prescribed

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