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Process or steps of control involves:

Important of control Process of control

1.Setting standards of performance
assist the management process whenever possible, the standard should be set in mannerthat allow
deal with change or uncertainty them to be compared with actual performance.
deal with complexity 2. measuring actual performance
deal with human limitations -what to measure
-when to measure
help delegations and
-how frequently to measure
3. comparing actual performance with standard
to run smoothly -this steps involves determining if actual performance
minimize costs compare to standard fall within acceptable limits
adapt to environmental change 4. resoponding to deviatons
-if the deviation is acceptable, no correction is necessary
-if the deviation fromperformance is unacceptable, then correction
action is warranted

Types of control
feedforward control
concurrent control
feedback control CONTROL
Process through which managers regulate
organizational activities to make them
consistent with expectations and help them
to achieved predetermined standard of Barriers of Controlling
game playing
-manipulating resources usage
operating delays
Introduction -in terms of mechanical and
1. last of four major management technical issues
functions negative attitude
2. it's critically important because it refer to the employers/employees-
helps to ensure that all of our human nature
Characteristics of Effective Control System planning, organizing and leading over-control
be realted to organizational strategy went successifully as we intended limiting individuals job autonomy
use all step in control process 3. with an effective control in under-control
be composed of objective and subjective measures organization, it can ensure to -granting a lot of autonomy to
be timely in feedback reporting deliver an excellent output to its individuals
be acceptable to a diverse workforce shareholder

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