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Some believe that students who fear their teachers excel academically.

  Others believe
students work better when they have a friendly relationship with their teacher.  Discuss these
views and provide your opinion.

Education styles vary from one place to another.  Among some circles, it is felt that students
who hold a modest level of trepidation for their teachers excel in their studies to a greater
degree than students who consider their teacher a friend.  Both sides of this argument will be
analyzed before a conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, many contend that better academic results are attained by teachers who
instill a degree of fear in their students.  High school instructors in Shanghai, for example, have
an extremely rigid teaching style that involves disciplining students for every mistake they
make, no matter how small.  Although this system may seem callous, it gets results, as
Shanghai’s high school students placed top in the world last year for an international
standardized aptitude test.  As this shows, students who are afraid of their teachers excel in
their studies.

On the other hand, many people contest the above and argue that students who share friendly
relationships with teachers work better.  For instance, the American education system typically
allows students to experience a much more intimate relationship with their teachers and many
argue this helps implant young people with inspiration.  As the US is the most innovative
country in the world today, there may be some merit to this argument.  Thus, it is
understandable why many feel students learn to work better under this educational

Following this debate, it is felt that a teacher should be approachable, yet a person who induces
a healthy sense of fear and respect in their students.  It is hoped this balance will be present in
the teachers of the future.

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