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Thoracic and Prothoracic Leg

Neuromuscular System of the Praying
Mantid, Sphodromantis lineola
DePaul University, Department of Biological Sciences, Chicago, Illinois 60614

Historically, praying mantids have attracted attention because of their dramatic prey
capture behavior, loosely termed the strike. However, little is known about the neuromuscular
organization that underpins the behavior. Although once thought to be quite stereotyped,
recent data indicate that the strike is quite plastic and can be aimed accurately within a
relatively large three-dimensional space. Hence, successful prey capture requires the
integration of (1) visual information, indicating prey has been recognized; and (2) propriocep-
tive information, indicating head and prothorax (i.e., visual field) position and initial leg
positions. This study was undertaken as part of a larger program examining how such sensory
information is integrated with the appropriate motor systems. Our goals were (1) to describe
the gross thoracic and foreleg neuromuscular system of Sphodromantis lineola and (2) to
identify the soma locations of the motor neurons associated with the largest leg nerve, N4,
which travels the length of each leg. We found that the thoracic and foreleg neuromusculature
of S. lineola are similar but not identical to what is known about just three other species of
mantid, and that motor neuron somata associated with N4 are arranged in stereotypical,
bilaterally symmetrical groups as they are in other orthopteroids, suggesting that this is a
general organizational feature of the insect CNS. J. Comp. Neurol. 409:325–338, 1999.
r 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Indexing terms: insect; orthoptera; ganglia, invertebrate; motor neurons

Historically, the praying mantids have drawn people’s visual stimulus; (2) proprioceptive information, regarding
attention because of their especially large raptorial fore- the relative location of the visual field (i.e., head and
legs and dramatic method of prey capture (Prete and prothorax positions); and (3) proprioceptive information,
Wolfe, 1992). However, despite this long-standing interest regarding initial leg positions.
and the identification of almost 2,000 species, little is Little is yet known about the neuromuscular organiza-
known about their basic biology compared with some other tion that underpins mantid prey capture. The only ger-
orthopteroid insects (but see, Prete et al., 1999). mane data are contained in three studies, one on the
Studies of mantid prey capture have generally focused musculoskeletal system of Stagmomantis carolina (Le-
on the mechanics or kinematics of one or both of the two vereault, 1938), one on the gross thoracic neuroanatomy of
component behaviors: the forward, upward, and/or lateral Tenodera aridifolia sinensis (Liske et al., 1989), and one on
displacement of the body by the meso- and metathoracic the prothoracic leg neuromusculature of Hierodula mem-
legs (the lunge), or the rapid grasping movement of the branacea, which includes a cursory description of the
raptorial forelegs (the strike) (e.g., Copeland, 1975; Cor-
rette, 1990; Prete et al., 1990; Cleal and Prete, 1996; Prete
and Cleal, 1996). Analyses have revealed that these two Grant sponsor: University Research Council, DePaul University; Grant
components are independent and variable, depending on sponsor: Faculty Research and Development, DePaul University; Grant
prey location (Copeland, 1975; Cleal and Prete, 1996; Prete sponsor: Department of Biological Services, DePaul University.
and Cleal, 1996; Prete and Hamilton, 1999). Such plastic- *Correspondence to: Frederick R. Prete, DePaul University, Department
of Biological Sciences, 2325 North Clifton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614.
ity suggests that successful prey capture depends on the E-mail: or
integration of at least three classes of sensory information: Received 26 August 1998; Revised 19 January 1999; Accepted 4 February
(1) visual information, regarding the characteristics of the 1999



locations of a few prothoracic motor neurons (Gray and prothoracic leg nerve numbering system of Gray and Mill
Mill, 1985). (1985), and the thoracic nervous system numbering sys-
This study was undertaken as a part of a larger research tem of Liske et al. (1989).
program examining the ways in which visual and proprio-
ceptive information are integrated with the motor systems
that control prey capture behavior. Our specific goals were RESULTS
(1) to describe the gross thoracic and foreleg neuromuscu- The thoracic nervous system of the mantid includes
lar system of Sphodromantis lineola and compare that three discrete ganglia—the prothoracic (P or T1), mesotho-
with what is known about the three other mantid species, racic (Ms or T2), and metathoracic (Mt or T3) ganglion–
and (2) to identify the soma locations of the motor neurons connected by a pair of ventral nerve cords, or connectives.
associated with the largest leg nerve, N4, which travels Five bilaterally symmetrical pairs of nerves emerge from
the entire length of each of the mantid’s legs. the lateral edges of each ganglia (N1–N5, numbered from
anterior to posterior, Figs. 1, 2), and a sixth, bilaterally
symmetrical pair emerges from the ventral surface of each
MATERIALS AND METHODS (N6, Fig. 9). In addition, an unpaired median nerve
Work was done on healthy, laboratory-reared, adult, emerges from the posterior, dorsal surface of each ganglion
female S. lineola selected arbitrarily from an ongoing and lies between the two connectives (PN7, Fig. 1A; MsN7,
colony (for culturing methods, see Prete and Mahaffey, MtN7c, Fig. 2).
1993). Drawings of the gross thoracic neuromusculature The first three abdominal ganglia (A1–3) are fused with
were done by hand based on dissections of 10 specimens the metathoracic ganglion, and give rise to three addi-
killed with an overdose of CO2 and fixed in 95% ethanol. tional pairs of bilaterally symmetrical nerves (MtN8a-c),
Dissections were done in ethanol under a wide-field stereo- which emerge from the posterior lateral region of the
microscope (Nikon) and, when needed, tissue contrast was ganglion (Fig. 2). Fusions of these four ganglia have been
enhanced with methylene blue. Drawings based on the found in all Mantidae studied (Nesbitt, 1941; Gray and
dissections were digitized (SuperVISTA S-12 Scanner, Mill, 1985; Liske et al., 1989). Two posterior dorsal median
UMAX DATA), stored to disc (Power Macintosh 7600), and unpaired nerves that serve the first three segments of the
converted to computer graphics (Canvas 5.0.3, Deneba abdomen (MtN7a, MtN7b, Fig. 2) emerge from the dorsal
Systems, Inc.). midline of the metathoracic ganglion.
Leg motor neurons were identified by backfilling from
the cut ends of live nerves submerged in wells containing
Major nerves and innervation patterns
either cobalt chloride or horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Table 1 summarizes the ganglion of origin and muscles
After set-up, mantids were placed in humid containers innervated by the main thoracic nerves, and Table 2
overnight at approximately 20°C. Cobalt chloride prepara- compares the numbering systems for the prothoracic nerves
tions were partially dissected to expose the thoracic gan- used by Gray and Mill (1985) for H. membranacea, Liske et
glia and placed in saline (159 mM NaCl, 10 mM KCl, 4.5 al. (1989) for T. a. sinensis, and that used here.
mM CaCl2, 0.1 mM NaH2PO, pH 7.2), to which two to three Nerve 1. Nerves 1 (N1) of the pro-, meso-, and
drops of 20% Na4SO3 were added. After 5 minutes, the metathoracic ganglia have similar distribution patterns in
thoracic ganglia and nerves of interest were dissected free each segment. Each nerve has both anterior and posterior
under saline. The tissue was dehydrated in a series of branches some of which fuse with nerves of the same or of a
ethanol baths, cleared in methyl salicylate, and perma- different thoracic ganglion (Fig. 1).
nently mounted between coverslips. HRP preparations Prothoracic ganglion. PN1 sends one branch anteri-
were partially dissected and fixed in 10% phosphate orly (PN1A), which fuses with the ipsilateral connective
buffered formalin (pH 7.4) for at least 2 hours. Thoracic just before the connective enters the head capsule (Fig. 1A,
ganglia and nerves of interest were dissected free and arrow 1). Anterior to that point, a smaller (probably
washed several times in 0.5% Triton X-100 in phosphate recurrent) nerve from the subesophogeal ganglion emerges
buffered saline (pH 7.4). The tissue was reacted with DAB from the connective and innervates the ventral rotator of
(Peroxidase Substrate Kit, Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burl- the head (Rn-SOG). In H. membranacea and T. a. sinensis,
ington, CA), washed several times in phosphate buffered PN1A fuses with a recurrent nerve from the subesophogeal
saline, dehydrated in a series of ethanol baths, cleared in ganglion rather than with the connective (Gray and Mill,
xylene, and permanently mounted between coverslips. 1985; Liske et al., 1989). A posterior branch, PN1B, gives
Filled cells were drawn with a camera lucida and/or rise to PN1B1 and PN1B2, which project anteriorly, and
appropriately magnified confocal images were digitized PN1B3, which projects posteriorly. Nerve PN1B1 gives
(Power Macintosh 7600; software: VideoShop 3.0.2, Avid rise to PN1B1a which fuses with a branch of PN2 (Fig. 1A,
Technology) and stored to disk for subsequent analysis arrow 2). Nerve PN1B1b emerges rostral to PN1B1a (Fig.
(software: Canvas; Adobe Photoshop 3.0.5, Adobe Systems, 1B), travels medially and then posteriorly, and fuses with
Inc.). Composite drawings were based on a slide library of the anterior branch of MsN1B and a lateral branch of PN7
20 preparations. (Fig. 1A, arrow 3). Nerve PN1B1 continues to project
We have done our best to integrate our anatomic data anteriorly and innervates the protractor of the posterior
with that previously published on mantids. To that end, we lateral cervical sclerite, retractor of the anterior lateral
have used numbering schemes that are as consistent as we cervical sclerite, and the lateral dorsal rotator of the head
could make them with those previously used. Unfortu- (Liske et al., 1989). Nerve PN1B2 innervates the muscles
nately, in some cases we have had to choose between of the thoracic spiracle (an opening in the cuticle continu-
absolute consistency and simplicity, and our choices have ous with a trachea; Fig. 1A,B). Branch PN1B3 innervates
not always been ideal. For the most part, we have followed the tergal levator and tergal protractor of the prothorax
the muscle numbering system of Levereault (1938), the (Liske et al., 1989; Fig. 1A,B).

Fig. 1. All figures represent female Sphodromantis lineola. ing scheme based on Liske et al. (1989). P, prothoracic; Ms, mesotho-
A: Prothoracic ganglion and associated nerves (dorsal view); racic; Mt, metathoracis; N, nerve; Rn-SOG, recurrent nerve of the
B,C,D: Enlargements of PN1, PN2, and PN3, respectively (dorsal subesophageal ganglion. Scale bar ⫽ 0.5 mm.
view). Arrows 1–4 indicate plexuses. Thoracic nervous system number-
Fig. 2. Meso- and metathoracic ganglia and associated nerves (dorsal view). Arrows 1–5 indicate
plexuses. Conventions as in Figure 1. Scale bar ⫽ 0.5 mm.

TABLE 1. Ganglion of Origin and Muscles Innervated by the Main

Thoracic Nerves in Sphodromantis lineola1
Ganglion Muscles
PN1 2, 3, 7a–b, 35, 37
PN2 1a–b, 9a–c, 19a–b, 26
PN3 4, 11, 9a, 23b
PN4 23a, 24, 25, 28a–b, 29, 31a–b, 32, 33, 34a–b
PN5 10a–b, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 26
PN6 Target not identified
MsN1 36, 39, 40, 41, 52, 53, 54
MsN2 48, 61, 62a–b, 64
MsN3 60, 66, 71b
MsN4 71a, 72, 73, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82
MsN5 49, 50, 51, 65, 70
MsN6 Target not identified
MtN1 55, 57, 58, 89, 90
MtN2 94, 95a–c, 96
MtN3 93, 98, 101, 103b
MtN4 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114
MtN5 94, 95, 96
MtN6 Target not identified
1Muscles numbered per Levereault (1939). P, prothoracic; Ms, mesothoracic; Mt,

metathoracic; N, nerve.

TABLE 2. Comparison of the Numbering Systems Used for the

Prothoracic Nerves of Sphodromantis lineola, Tenodera aridifolia sinensis
(Liske et al., 1989), and Hierodula membranacea (Gray and Mill, 1985)1
S. lineola T. a. sinensis H. membranacea
PN1 Pro N1 N1 Fig. 3. Right prothoracic leg (ventral view to show details of
PN2 Pro N2 N2 femoral spines). A: Coxa; B: trochanter; C: femur; D: femoral-tibial
PN3 Pro N3 N4 joint; E: tibia; F: tarsus. Adapted from Roy (1999), with permission
PN4 Pro N4 N5A
PN5 Pro N5 N6
from The Johns Hopkins University Press. Scale bar ⫽ 5 mm.
PN6 Pro N6 N3
PN7 Pro N7 Not identified
Not identified N/A N5F8
Not identified N/A N5F9 Prothoracic and prothoracic leg musculature. The
PN4E1 N/A Not identified
PN4E2 N/A Not identified prothoracic leg includes six segments, the coxa, which is
PN4D1a N/A N5D2–7 connected to the thorax, the trochanter, the femur, the
1P, prothoracic; Ms, mesothoracic; Mt, metathoracic; N, nerve; N/A, not applicable; Pro, femoral-tibial joint, the tibia, and the tarsus (Fig. 3A–F,
prothoracic. respectively). The thoracic muscles associated with the leg
and the muscles of the prothoracic-coxal joint in S. lineola
are similar to those in other mantids (Levereault, 1938;
Gray and Mill, 1985; Liske et al., 1989), and, likewise, can
Mesothoracic ganglion. A number of plexuses occur in be classified as promotors, remotors, abductors, adductors,
the posterior prothorax. The fusions include (1) MsN1A anterior rotators, or posterior rotators (Fig. 4).
with the ipsilateral connective (Fig. 1A, arrow 4), (2) Promotors. The tergal coxal promotor (19b on Fig. 4)
MsN1A2 with MsN1B (Fig. 2, arrow 4), (3) MsN1B with and pleural coxal promotor (19a on Fig. 4) move the coxa
the ipsilateral branch of PN7 and recurrent nerve PN1B1b anteriorly. They originate on the anterior lateral portion of
(Fig. 1A, arrow 3), and (4) nerve MsN1A2 with MsN1A1b the tergum and on the anterior surface of the episternum,
(Fig. 2, arrow 2). Nerves MsN1B1 and MsN1B2 innervate respectively, and insert on the anterior edge of the coxal
the sternal levator of the prothorax and the sternal rim. Electrophysiologic recordings done in our laboratory
occlusor, and the dilator of the thoracic spiracles, respec- confirmed that these promoters fire if, and only if, a strike
tively. Branch MsN1C bifurcates and innervates the dorsal occurs (Gonka, Laurie, and Prete, manuscript submitted
oblique muscles that extend from the metathoracic tergum for publication).
to the posterior area of the mesothoracic tergum (Fig. 2; Remotors. The lateral and posterior coxal remotors
Levereault, 1938; Liske et al., 1989). are the primary remotors of the coxa. The former (not
Metathoracic ganglion. Another plexus occurs in the shown) originate on the lateral tergum, posterior to the
posterior mesothorax: nerve MtN1A fuses with the ipsilat- supracoxal inflexion (S on Fig. 4). The posterior coxal
eral connective (Fig. 2, arrow 3), and MtN1A2, MtN1B1, remoter (10b on Fig. 4) originates on the midlateral
and recurrent nerve MsN1A2 fuse with the ipsilateral tergum. As in H. membranacea, these remotors insert on a
branch of MsN7 (Fig. 2, arrow 1). tendon that originates from the posterior-lateral portion of
The main targets of the second branch of MtN1B are the the basal coxal rim.
tergal protractor of the mesothorax, and the dilator and Abductors and adductors. Four adductors and four
occlusor of the second thoracic spiracle (Liske et al., 1989). abductors insert on the trochantin. The latter function as
Nerve MtN1C innervates the retractors of the first abdomi- slow coxa promotors in mantids (Gray and Mill, 1985). The
nal tergum, the dorsal oblique muscles, which extend from anterior coxal abductor (16 on Fig. 4) originates on the
the metathoracic tergum to the anterior lateral region of lateral portion of the tergum, behind the supracoxal
the first abdominal tergum. The tiny branch MtN1C2 infolding and the intermediate coxal abductor (not shown)
fuses with MtN2B1 (Fig. 2, arrow 5). originates posterior to it. The posterior lateral coxal abduc-

Fig. 4. Prothoracic muscles associated with the prothoracic leg and numbers (bold type) are based on the scheme of Levereault (1938), and
the innervation patterns of PN2. For clarity, the prefix ‘‘PN2’’ has been prothoracic leg nerve numbers are based on the scheme of Gray and
eliminated from the body of this drawing, and in Figures 4–8, lines Mill (1985). Scale bar ⫽ 2 mm.
representing nerves are 1.5⫻ thicker than they appear. Muscle

tor (14 on Fig. 4) lies very close to the intermediate Prothoracic ganglion. The anterior branch PN2B gives
abductor (making them difficult to distinguish), and the rise to PN2B1, PN2B2, and PN2C. The latter gives rise to
posterior medial coxal abductor (17 on Fig. 4) originates on PN2C1 in the rostral prothorax, which innervates the
the medial lateral tergum. Each of these muscles insert on lateral dorsal rotator of the head and carries afferents from
the proximal tip of the basal coxal rim behind the coxal the cervical hairplates. Branch PN2B1 travels anterior-
articulation. A fifth pleural coxal abductor (20 on Fig. 4) laterally and gives rise to PN2B1a-c and PN2B1f. Nerve
inserts posterior to the supracoxal infolding and medial to PN2B1a and b travel dorsally and innervate the pleural
the anterior abductor. coxal promotor (19a on Fig. 4) and tergal coxal promotor
Three muscles primarily responsible for adduction of the (19b on Fig. 4), respectively. Nerve PN2B1c travels anteri-
coxa insert on the tip of the trochantin. The anterior tergal orly and bifurcates into PN2B1d and e, which innervate
coxal adductor (9a on Fig. 4) originates from the median the ventral tergal sensilla and the tergal coxal promotor,
tergum anterior to the supracoxal infolding, the intermedi- respectively. In some cases, PN2B2 arises from the same
ate tergal coxal adductor (9b on Fig. 4) originates on the point as does PN2C, but in the other cases, it arises more
median tergum, and the posterior tergal coxal adductor (9c distally as shown in Figure 4.
on Fig. 4) originates posterior to the intermediate adduc- This variability also occurs in T. a. sinensis (Liske et al.,
tor. The fourth sternal coxal adductor originates on the 1989). Nerve PN2B2 travels anterior-laterally (behind 9a
ventral furcal apophysis and inserts on the anterior basal in Fig. 4), and then posteriorly giving off a number of small
coxal rim (not shown). branches that innervate the anterior tergal coxal adductor
Rotators. The anterior coxal rotator (not shown) origi- (9a on Fig. 4), the medial and lateral tergum, the interme-
nates on the tip of the furcasternite and inserts on the diate tergal coxal adductor (9b on Fig. 4), and the posterior
dorsal coxal rim. The tergal posterior coxal rotator (13 on tergal coxal adductor (9c on Fig. 4). Liske, et al. (1989)
Fig. 4) originates on the mid-lateral tergum posterior to described a ‘‘loop formation’’ in T. a. sinensis in which one
the leg base and inserts on the posterior coxal rim. The branch of PN2 fused both with itself and PN5. This was not
sternal posterior coxal rotator (not shown) originates on seen in S. lineola.
the dorsal region of the furcal apophysis and also inserts Nerve PN2A, travels ventral-laterally into the coxal
on the posterior coxal rim. cavity and gives off several mixed branches. Nerves
Nerve 2. Nerve 2 (N2), second in size only to N4, PN2A1–3, innervate dorsal coxal cuticular sensilla and
emerges ventral-laterally from each thoracic ganglia. It PN2A4–6 innervate the trochanteral flexor (26 on Fig. 5)
has two main branches both of which are mixed nerves. (Fig. 5A,B). Nerve PN2A4a, which fuses with PN2A, has
The first runs anteriorly and dorsal-laterally, and the not been seen in other mantids. Finally, PN2A7 travels to
second runs posteriorly and ventral-laterally and travels the distal coxa and fuses with PN4 (Fig. 5A,B arrows 1).
toward the leg. The branching patterns of N2 are the same Meso- and metathoracic ganglion. The branching pat-
in all three thoracic segments (Figs. 1A,C, 4). terns of MsN2 and MtN2 are similar to those in the prothorax

Fig. 5. Muscles and associated nerves of the left procoxa (dorsal view). A: Prothoracic nerves (PN)2A
and PN3A. B: Nerves PN4 and PN5A. The prefix ‘‘PN’’ has been eliminated from the body of the drawings.
Scale bar ⫽ 2 mm.

(Figs. 1A, 2). We have only tentatively identified the tergal retractor of the epipleurite. These four nerves also
targets of N2 in the meso- and metathorax, but they innervate the promotor of the coxa in T. a. sinensis, but we
appear to be the same as those in T. a. sinensis. The did not see this in S. lineola (Liske et al., 1989). In both
anterior branch, MsN2B, gives rise to MsN2B1–2 and the meso- and metathoracic ganglion, MsN2A travels
MsN2C, which innervate the tergosternal muscle of the toward the coxal cavity and ultimately fuses with N4 in
mesothorax, epipleuritellar productor of the pleurellite, the distal coxa. We saw a fusion between MtN1C2 and
and the tergal abductor of the pleurellite. Nerve MtN2B MtN2B1, which has not been reported in other species
innervates the tergal abductor of the pleurellite and the (Fig. 2, arrow 5).

Fig. 6. Muscles of the left trochanter and associated innervation patterns of prothoracic nerve (PN) 4
(dorsal view). The prefix ‘‘PN4’’ has been eliminated from the body of the drawing. Scale bar ⫽ 1 mm.

In T. a. sinensis, N2 exits all three thoracic ganglia from Prothoracic ganglion. Just after entering the coxa,
points corresponding to 10 and 2 o’clock (Liske et al., PN4 gives rise to PN4A1, which innervates sensilla in the
1989). However, in S. lineola, MtN2 exits the ganglion proximal ventral cuticle. Branches PN4A2 and 3 innervate
from positions corresponding to 9 and 3 o’clock. the coxal trochanteral extensor (23a on Fig. 5), which
Nerve 3. Nerve 3 (N3) is small compared with other originates on the ventral coxa and inserts on the distal
laterally branching primary thoracic nerves. It emerges extensor apodeme. Nerve PN4A3b1 innervates the poste-
ventral-laterally, bifurcates almost immediately, and both rior accessory trochanteral extensor (not shown), a small
branches travel toward the coxa (Figs. 1A,D, 5). muscle that originates on the distal ventral coxa and
Prothoracic ganglion. Anterior branch PN3B turns inserts on the base of the main trochanteral extensor
dorsally and innervates the anterior sternal rotator and apodeme. Nerve PN4A3c1 innervates the anterior coxal
the lateral rotator of the head (not shown). Posterior trochanteral extensor (24 on Fig. 5), which has the same
branch PN3A enters the coxa. Nerve PN3A1 innervates origin and insertion as the posterior accessory trochan-
the proximal regions of the thoracic trochanteral extensors teral extensor.
(23b on Fig. 5), and PN3A2a and b innervate the distal As PN4 travels toward the trochanter, it gives rise to
thoracic trochanteral extensor and anterior tergal coxal PN4B and C (Fig. 6). Nerves PN4B1 and 2 innervate the
adductor (9a on Fig. 4), respectively. According to Liske et anterior trochanter cuticular sensilla, and the femoral-
al. (1989), the second branch of PN3A also innervates the tibial chordotonal organs, respectively. Nerve PN4C1 trav-
sternal adductor of the coxa in T. a. sinensis, but we did not els toward the posterior trochanter and coxal-trochanter
see it do so in S. lineola. joint. It gives off a number of as yet unidentified small
Meso- and metathoracic ganglion. The branching pat- branches which appear to innervate cuticular sensilla.
tern of N3 is similar in all thoracic segments. Again, the Nerve PN4C2 travels through the trochanter and termi-
meso- and metathoracic targets appear to be the same as nates proximal to the femur. It innervates the femoral
in T. a. sinensis (Liske et al., 1989). Branches MsN3A and reductor (28a, 28b on Fig. 6) which originates on the
B innervate the sternal productor of the pleurellite, the anterior ventral trochanter and inserts on the anterior
anterior rotator of the coxa, and the thoracic trochanteral basal rim of the femur. This muscle is identified as a
extensor. Similarly, MtN3A and B innervate the sternal femoral remoter in S. carolina (Levereault, 1939), but is
productor of the pleurellite, the anterior rotator of the considered to be a reductor in H. membranacea and S.
coxa, the thoracic trochanteral extensors, and the adduc- lineola. Finally, PN4C3 innervates the trochanteral tibial
tor of the coxa. flexor (31 on Fig. 6), a muscle not described in S. carolina.
Nerve 4. Nerve 4 (N4) is the largest nerve emanating It originates on the anterior wall of the trochanter and
from the thoracic ganglia, and it is the major nerve of the inserts on the flexor apodeme of the tibia.
leg. It emerges dorsal-laterally and posteriorly and runs Nerve PN4B extends into the femur (Fig. 7). Branch
ventral-laterally. Before entering the coxa, it gives rise to a PN4B3 innervates sensilla on the proximal femur, perhaps
number of small branches the targets of which are not those associated with the movable femoral spines (e.g.,
known. As noted, in the distal coxa N4 fuses with the Prete, 1990). Nerve PN4C also extends into the femur and
terminal branch of N2 in each thoracic segment (Figs. 1A, fuses with PN4B just distal to PN4B3 (Fig. 7, arrow 1).
2, 5B). After the fusion, the nerve is called PN4D (Gray and Mill,

Fig. 7. Muscles of the left profemur and associated innervation patterns of prothoracic nerves (PN) 4B
and C (dorsal view). The prefix ‘‘PN4’’ has been eliminated from the body of the drawing. Scale bar ⫽
2 mm.

1985). Branch, PN4C4, emerges just after the fusion and membranacea, in which branches of PN4E innervate
travels anteriorly. In H. membranacea, it gives rise to a muscles at the proximal (but not the distal) region of the
number of small sensory nerves at its distal end (Gray and tibia (Gray and Mill, 1985). Nerve PN4F is a mixed nerve
Mill, 1985). However, we were only able to identify one with only one fine branch, PN4F1, that innervates the
consistently, PN4C4a. In addition, PN4C4 yields a number proximal tibial pretarsal flexor (34b on Fig. 8), which
of small branches (e.g., PN4C4b, PN4C4b1, PN4C4c) that originates on the proximal, dorsal tibia apodeme and
innervate the distal tibial extensor (29 on Fig. 7) which inserts on the ventral joint (Fig. 8A). Once in the tibia,
originates on the posterior femur and inserts on the flexor PN4E travels toward the tarsus giving off a number of fine
apodeme. A more proximal branch, PN4C5, travels ven- branches (not shown) the targets of which have not been
trally through the tibial extensor and innervates the determined. In the distal tibia, it gives rise to PN4E1 and
femoral pretarsal flexor (not shown), which originates on PN4E2 which, with PN4E, innervate dorsal and anterior
the proximal, ventral femur. tibia cuticular sensilla (Fig. 8B).
As noted, the fusion of PN4B and PN4C gives rise to Nerve PN4F sends a number of small mixed nerves
PN4D which, in turn, gives rise to a number of mixed throughout the tibia. It also gives rise to PN4F2 in the
nerves that travel throughout the femur. The largest, proximal tibia which innervates anterior tibia sensilla
PN4D1, runs along the ventral femur through the parallel (Fig. 8B). Nerve PN4F3 innervates the distal tibial pretar-
and pennate tibial flexors. The parallel flexor (31b on Fig.
sal flexor (34a on Fig. 8), which originates on the distal
7) originates on the proximal ventral femur and inserts on
anterior tibia and inserts on the apodeme of the unguitrac-
the distal ventral flexor apodeme. The pennate flexor (31a
tor plate.
on Fig. 7) originates from the ventral femur and inserts on
that portion of the apodeme not occupied by the parallel Nerve PN4F gives rise to several small nerves: PN4F5a
fibers (Fig. 7). and b, PN4F6a and b, and PN4F7a and b (Fig. 8B).
Nerve PN4D1a1 gives rise to seven thin branches (PN4D Branches labeled ‘‘a’’ innervate the tarsal extensor (32 on
2–7 of Gray and Mill, 1985) that innervate cuticular Fig. 8), which originates on the dorsal distal tibia and
sensilla and, in H. membranacea, the pennate tibial flexor inserts on the dorsal, basal tarsal rim. Branches labeled ’b’
muscle (31a on Fig. 7). Nerves PN4D1a2 and PN4D1a3 innervate the tarsal flexor (33 on Fig. 8), which originates
innervate the distal regions of the parallel and pennate in the ventral anterior tibia and inserts on the ventral,
femoral tibial flexors, respectively. More proximately, basal tarsal rim. These patterns vary slightly from those in
PN4D1b innervates the parallel femoral tibial flexor. H. membranacea (Gray and Mill, 1985): We found that
Before entering the femoral-tibial joint, PN4D1a gives rise PN4E1 and PN4E2 innervate the tarsal extensor and
to PN4D1a4, which innervates cuticular sensilla (Fig. 8A). flexor muscles which they do not in H. membranacea, and
At the mid-point of the femoral-tibial joint, PN4D1a two nerves that were found in H. membranacea, PN5F8
bifurcates into PN4E and PN4F both of which travel into and PN5F9, were not found in S. lineola. Finally, PN4F4
the tibia (Fig. 8A). This differs from H. membranacea in extends into the tarsus which has no muscles. Hence, it is
which PN4E and PN4F arise in the distal femur (Gray and assumed the nerve is strictly sensory (Gray and Mill,
Mill, 1985). 1985).
Nerve PN4E is a sensory nerve that travels unbranched Meso- and metathoracic ganglion. The branching pat-
through the femoral-tibial joint. Again, this differs from H. terns N4 and muscle targets within the leg are the same in

Fig. 8. A,B: Muscles and innervation patterns of prothoracic nerves (PN) 4D1a and PN4E and F in the
left profemoral-tibial joint and protibia, respectively (dorsal view). The prefix ‘‘PN4’’ has been eliminated
from the body of the drawings. Scale bars ⫽ 2 mm.

each thoracic segment. Table 1 indicates the specific giving off a number of smaller branches; the posterior
muscles innervated by MsN4 and MtN4. branch, N6B, travels toward the furcasternite. Extensive
Nerve 5. Nerve 5 (N5) emerges ventral-laterally and work on this nerve has been done by the Yager lab. All of
posteriorly from the thoracic ganglia. Branch N5A is a the peripheral branches of N6 carry information from
mixed nerve that travels into the coxa, and N5B gives rise cuticular mechanoreceptors. The posterior branch inner-
to nerves that innervate the coxal, tergo-pleural, and vates hairs of the basisternum, preepisternum, and, espe-
pleural-sternal muscles (Figs. 1A, 2, 5B). cially, the membranous cuticle at the junction of the body
Prothoracic ganglion. Nerve branches PN5A1–3 inner- segments (for leg position proprioception) (Yager, personal
vate the sternal posterior rotator of the coxa (not shown), communication). In the metathorax there is little membra-
cuticular sensilla in the thoracic-coxal joint, and the nous cuticle because of the modifications associated with
trochanteral flexor (26 on Fig. 5), respectively (Fig 5B). the ear and, there, the posterior branch carries auditory
More distally, a number of fine unnamed branches also information (Yager and Hoy, 1987; Yager and Scaffidi,
innervate the trochanteral flexor. The terminal portion of 1993; Yager, 1996; Yager, personal communication). Al-
the main nerve (PN5A4 of Gray and Mill, 1985) gives rise though N6 is probably just sensory (Liske et al., 1989;
to several branches that innervate the anterior accessory Yager, personal communication), we tentatively identified
trochanteral extensor (24 on Fig. 5). Liske et al. (1989) two very small branches of N6B (not shown) that appear to
described a fusion between a branch of the anterior portion innervate an unidentified ventral thoracic muscle.
of PN5A and PN2 in T. a. sinensis, but we did not see this in Nerve 7.
S. lineola. Branch PN5B runs dorsal-posteriorly from the Pro- and mesothoracic ganglion. Nerve N7 (N7) origi-
ganglion (Fig. 1A), bifurcates, and then gives rise to a nates dorsally from the posterior end of the first two
number of nerves that innervate the coxal remotors, thoracic ganglia (Figs. 1A, 2). After leaving the ganglion, it
rotators, abductors, and the tergopleurellar muscles as gives rise to two branches each of which fuse with ipsilat-
they do in H. membranacea (Gray and Mill, 1985). eral branches of N1 from the same and the next posterior
Meso- and metathoracic ganglia. Nerve 5 has similar ganglion (Fig. 1A, arrow 3; Fig. 2, arrow, 1). Nerve PN7
distribution patterns in the meso- and metathorax but we was not identified in H. membranacea (Gray and Mill,
have not unequivocally identified its targets. They appear, 1985).
however, to be the same as those in T. a. sinensis: MsN5A Metathoracic ganglion. In mantids, abdominal gan-
and B innervate the flexor of the wing, tergopleural glia 1–3 are fused with the metathoracic ganglion. Unfortu-
muscles, remoter of the coxa, and depressor of the wing; nately, all nerves emanating from this compound ganglion
MtN5A and B innervate the epipleuritellar productor of have been named metathoracic nerves and, for the sake of
the pleurellite, tergal abductors, and the promotor of the clarity, we have retained this nomenclature. Three median
coxa (Liske et al., 1989). unpaired nerves are associated with the metathoracic
Nerve 6. ganglion (Fig. 2). Nerve MtN7c is similar to PN7 and
Pro-, meso-, and metathoracic ganglia. Nerve 6 (N6) is MsN7 in that it emerges mid-dorsally from the posterior
a short nerve originating midlaterally on the ventral ganglion between the two ventral connectives but it projects
surface of the thoracic ganglia (Fig. 9). The anterior posteriorly into the anterior fourth abdominal ganglion.
branch, N6A, travels ventrally toward the basisternite Nerves MtN7a and b give rise to a pair of lateral branches

Fig. 9. A–C: Nerve 6 of the pro- (T1), meso- (T2), and metathoracic (T3) ganglion, respectively (ventral
view). Conventions as in Figure 1. Scale bar ⫽ 0.5 mm.

Fig. 10. A: Photograph of horseradish peroxidase–stained sensory Similarly organized afferents were seen in all three thoracic ganglia
afferents projecting from the left mesothoracic leg into the mesotho- (see Fig. 11). B: Camera lucida drawing of the afferents pictured in A.
racic ganglion through nerves MsN2A and MsN4 (dorsal view). Conventions as in Figure 1. Scale bar ⫽ 0.5 mm.

that supply the first abdominal segment. Branches MtN7b1 motor group) in each of the three thoracic ganglia similar
and 2 fuse with the ipsilateral MtN8c (described below) to that in the metathoracic ganglion of the grasshopper
posterior to the fourth abdominal ganglion (not shown). In (Siegler and Pousman, 1990a,b). The somata are in close
contrast, Mt7b1 and Mt7b2 fuse with the ipsilateral proximity to one another in the ventral cortex and their
MtN8b in T. a. sinensis (Liske et al., 1989). primary neurites enter the neuropil (more dorsally) in a
Nerve 8. discrete bundle that has a characteristic shape and loca-
Metathoracic ganglion. Fusion of the first three ab- tion in each ganglion. Each group of neurons and its
dominal ganglia with the metathoracic ganglion results in primary neurite bundle were unambiguously identifiable
three additional pairs of lateral nerves, MtN8a-c (Fig. 2). across individuals.
These supply the first three abdominal segments. In T. a. Backfills of both N2A and N4 also revealed the sensory
sinensis, all three nerves emerge from the metathoracic afferents traveling through these nerves from the legs
ganglion (Liske et al., 1989). However, in S. lineola, MtN8c (Fig. 10A,B). Arrangements of the afferent terminal
emerges from the ventral connectives posterior to the branches were similar in each ganglion and consistent
ganglion. across individuals. The location and extent of the area
covered by the afferent terminals within each ganglia
Location of N4 motor neuron somata and leg suggest that they intermingle with, and synapse on the
sensory afferents neurites of the N4 motor groups, providing a point for
Backfills of N4 consistently revealed a single, stereotypi- sensory-motor integration. Dashed lines in Figure 11A,C,G
cal, bilaterally symmetrical cluster of neurons (the N4 outline the N2A-N4 afferent terminals in each ganglia,

Fig. 11. Camera lucida drawings of N4 motor group cells in members of the N4 group in T2; F: Camera lucida drawing of the
the thoracic ganglia (dorsal views). A,B: Prothoracic ganglion (T1). medial-most members of the N4 group stained with horseradish
C–F: Mesothoracic ganglion (T2). G,H: Metathoracic ganglion (T3). peroxidase; dashed lines in A, C, and G: The area covered by the leg
Arrows 1 (A–E, G–H): The approximate points at which the primary sensory afferent terminals in each ganglion (see Fig. 10). Scale bar ⫽
neurite bundles enter the neuropil. Arrows 2 (D, E): The medial-most 0.5 mm in G,H (applies to A–H).

suggesting the point at which the N4 motor group neurite crickets), and Phasmatodea (stick insects), on the other
bundles invade the neuropil (Fig. 11A–E,G,H, arrow 1). hand (e.g., Hennig, 1981; Baccetti, 1987; but also see
Prothoracic ganglion. The PN4 motor group con- Boudreaux, 1979; Vickery and Kevan, 1985; Kristensen,
tains approximately 20 cell bodies, although there may be 1995). Although the relationship between the rock crawl-
more. Siegler and Pousman (1990b) reported approxi- ers and earwigs, and the termites, cockroaches, and man-
mately 24 somata in what appears to be the comparable tids remain unclear, the latter three constitute a seem-
group in the grasshopper metathoracic ganglia. Figure ingly well-founded group, the Blattopteroidea (order
11A,B are drawings of representative backfills depicting Dictyoptera) (Hennig, 1981; Balderson, 1991; Rentz, 1991).
the somata locations of approximately half of the cells in Although the taxonomic relationships within the Blattop-
the group. As did Siegler and Pousman (1990a,b), we teroidea is still controversial, molecular techniques sug-
identified these cells as members of the same group based gest that mantids and roaches are sister groups (Kambham-
on the characteristic shape and location of their primary pati, 1995) that shared a common ancestor some 30 million
neurite bundle. The primary neurites of the group travel years ago (Gillot, 1980; Balderson, 1991); the precise
dorsal-medially and, after entering the neuropil, bend status of termites is still unresolved (but see Thorne and
posterior-laterally and exit the ganglion through anterior Carpenter, 1992; Kristensen, 1995).
PN4 (Fig. 11B arrow 3). Neuroanatomic data collected on the orthopteroid or-
The sizes of the somata in the PN4 motor group vary ders, including that presented here, demonstrate that a
considerably and, as in the grasshopper, the locations of number of fundamental organizational characteristics have
the largest cells were more consistent than were those of been conserved across the taxa. For instance, in grasshop-
the smaller (Siegler and Pousman, 1990a,b). Although we pers, crickets, cockroaches, and mantids each of the three
have not as yet identified the specific targets of individual thoracic ganglia give rise to five lateral nerves divisible
cells, based on the anatomy of PN4, they must innervate into two groups. The anterior group (N1 and N2) inner-
the muscles identified in Table 1. vates the tergal promotors, anterior rotators, the pleural
Mesothoracic ganglion. The characteristics of the abductors, the tergosternal muscles, the basalar/subalar
MsN4 motor group are virtually the same as those of the sclerites, and the axillary muscles in the meso- and
PN4 group. Again, we identified approximately 20 cell metathorax. The posterior group (N3–N5) innervates the
bodies of varying sizes, the positions of the largest cells tergal remotors, the sternal remotors or posterior rotators,
were most consistent, and all primary neurites gathered the sternal adductors, and the ventral longitudinal muscles
into a distinctively shaped and consistently positioned (Nesbitt, 1941; Gray and Mill, 1985; Liske et al., 1989).
bundle that projected through anterior N4 (Fig. 11C–E The single exception to this organization is that in locusts
depict representative backfills). However, each MsN4 mo- the posterior group innervates the sternal adductors (Gray
tor group contains one cell consistently positioned more and Mill, 1985).
posterior-medially than the rest (Fig. 11D,E, arrow 2). A number of plexuses posterior to the pro- and mesotho-
Figure 11F shows a pair of these cells backfilled with HRP racic ganglia appear in grasshoppers, katydids, crickets,
in a single mantid. Note that their neurites branch within cockroaches, walking sticks, termites, and mantids. Fur-
the area occupied by the N2A-N4 sensory afferent termi- ther, the recurrent nerves that interconnect each of the
nals. thoracic ganglia are present in most orthopteroids, as are
Metathoracic ganglion. Data collected on the meta- unpaired median nerves that emerge from the dorsal
thoracic ganglion were consistent with those on the rostral surface of each thoracic ganglion. When it occurs, the
two except that for an unknown reason, we found it more unpaired median nerve fuses with N1 of the adjacent
difficult to backfill into this ganglion even within the same posterior ganglion and innervates the spiracle muscles
animal. Hence, we were not able to identify consistently as (Nesbitt, 1941).
many somata in the MtN4 motor group as we were in the The pro- and mesothoracic ganglia of S. lineola are
pro- and mesothoracic groups (only approximately 15). virtually the same size as they are in grasshoppers,
However, we assume that the number will turn out to be crickets, cockroaches, and termites (Nesbitt, 1941). In
comparable to the other two groups and, in all other
contrast, both the absolute and relative size of the metatho-
respects, the MtN4 group appeared to be similar to the
racic ganglion differs throughout the orthopteroid orders,
PN4 and MsN4 groups (Fig. 11G,H).
depending on the number of abdominal ganglia that have
fused with it. For example, in Diapheromera femorata
(walking stick), Blaberus cranifer (cockroach), and Termop-
DISCUSSION sis angusticollis (termite), only one abdominal ganglion is
Nesbitt (1941) originally divided the orthopteroid orders fused; in Gryllus assimilis (cricket) two abdominal ganglia
into two groups based largely on the differences in their are fused (Nesbitt, 1941); and in T. a. sinensis, H. membra-
somatogastic nervous systems. One group included the nacea, M. religiosa, S. lineola (mantids), and Schistocerca
Blattidae (roaches), Mantidae (mantids), and Isoptera americana (grasshopper), three abdominal ganglia are
(termites), and the other included the Phasmatidae (walk- fused (Gray and Mill, 1985; Kerry and Mill, 1986; Liske et
ing sticks), Grylloblattidae (crickets), and Saltatoria (grass- al, 1989; Siegler and Pousman, 1990a,b). Finally, in man-
hoppers). Generally, this division is still acknowledged tids, PN1–5 innervate the basal and intrinsic muscles of
although not without some controversy. More recently, the prothoracic leg in a pattern similar to that seen in
these two presumably monophyletic groups—the Blattop- cockroaches and grasshoppers (Nijenhuis and Dresden,
teriformia and the Orthopteroidea, respectively—have 1955a,b; Ewer, 1957; Pipa and Cook, 1959; Campbell,
come to include, respectively, the Notoptera (rock crawl- 1961; Gray and Mill, 1985).
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(cockroaches), and Mantodea (mantids), on the one hand, ally (Burrows, 1996), interesting organizational common-
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