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Adenylyl Cyclase in the Heart: An Enzymocytochemical

and Immunocytochemical Approach
Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany

KEY WORDS cardiomyocytes; enzymocytochemistry; immunocytochemistry

ABSTRACT This review provides a discussion of the localization of adenylyl cyclase (AC) in
normal mammalian heart tissue employing enzymocytochemistry (detection of the catalytic activity
of AC by a metal precipitation technique) and immunocytochemistry (immunolabeling of the enzyme
protein with antibodies against AC subtypes). By the metal precipitation technique, AC activity was
localized in adult guinea pig cardiomyocytes along the sarcolemma and the T-tubule membranes.
This reaction can be enhanced by hormones and guanylyl imidodiphosphate, fluoride, and forskolin.
With this technique, no precipitates were detected at the sarcoplasmic reticulum. However, under
ischemic conditions, AC activity was also found in the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum of rat
cardiomyocytes. Immunocytochemistry revealed AC in the plasma membrane of rat cardiomyocytes.
Detection of AC in the perinuclear space of cardiomyocytes might reflect initiation of synthesis and
processing of the enzyme protein. Colocalization of AC with cytoskeleton fibers of non-cardiomyocytes
emerging in the cell culture of neonatal rat cardiocytes imply a direct cytoskeletal-AC interaction.
Finally, it can be stated that the immunolabeling pattern of AC in cryosections of adult and new-born
rat hearts reveals a good correspondence with the localization of AC activity in cardiomyocytes
demonstrated by enzymocytochemistry. Microsc. Res. Tech. 40:473–478, 1998. r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

INTRODUCTION ization of AC using biochemical procedures based on

Cellular response to environmental changes is initi- tissue homogenization, extraction, and differential cen-
ated by interactions of various hormones, neurotrans- trifugation. To overcome these difficulties, cytochemical
mitters, and other regulatory molecules with specific techniques, which do not disrupt the normal in situ
membrane-spanning cell surface receptors. Subsequent organization of the cell, are required. This review deals
with the localization of AC in normal mammalian heart
coupling of activated receptors, with corresponding
tissue employing enzymocytochemistry (detection of
signal transducing proteins, triggers a cascade of enzy-
the catalytic activity of AC by a metal precipitation
matic reactions specific for the given regulatory mol- technique) and immunocytochemistry (immunolabel-
ecule and cell type. The largest class of eukaryotic ing of the enzyme protein with AC-subtype-specific
receptors is represented by receptors coupled with antibodies (AB)).
heterotrimeric G-proteins (G-proteins). In this receptor
system, the effector enzyme is adenylyl cyclase (AC), ENZYMOCYTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION
which synthesizes the second messenger cAMP, a ubiq- OF AC IN THE HEART BY METAL
uitous signaling molecule that modifies cell function by PRECIPITATION TECHNIQUE
activating cAMP-depending protein kinase A (for re- AC catalyzes the conversion of ATP into cAMP and
view, see Tang and Gilman, 1992; Iyengar, 1993; Taus- pyrophosphate. Enzymocytochemical localization of AC
sig and Gilman, 1995). is based on precipitation of the pyrophosphate with
Mammalian ACs have molecular weights in the metal ions according to the classic Gomori-Takamatsu
range of 110–120 kDa and are integral transmembrane principle (Gomori, 1939; Takamatsu, 1939). Since ATP
proteins. It has been well established that the signal as a substrate can also be cleaved by other phosphohy-
transduction chain in eukaryotic cells is associated drolases and pyrophosphatases that may be present in
with the cell membranes (for review, see Taussig and cells, an ATP analogue, adenylyl imidodiphosphate
Gilman, 1995; Iismaa et al., 1995). But a cell, such as (AMP-PNP), synthesized by Yount et al. (1971), was
the cardiomyocyte, is a complex polymorphous struc- used. AMP-PNP is not hydrolyzed by ATPases and
ture containing various types of inner and outer mem- other phosphates with one exception (Poeggel et al.,
branes dividing the cytoplasm into several functionally 1984). Howell and Whitfield (1972) introduced
different components. In most cases, it has not been AMP-PNP for the localization of AC in rat islets of
possible to isolate a given membrane structure from
heart muscle uncontaminated by other cell compo-
nents. Moreover, AC is a quite elusive enzyme, ex-
pressed at very low levels, generally 0.01–0.001% of Contract grant sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
membrane protein, and very unstable during purifica- *Correspondence to: Dr. Wolfgang Schulze, Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecu-
lar Medicine, Robert-Roessle-Strasse 10, 13125 Berlin, Germany. E-mail:
tion (Taussig and Gilman, 1995). All of this has ham-
pered thorough documentation of the subcellular local- Received 16 September 1996; accepted in revised form 5 November 1996.



Langerhans and Wagner et al. (1972) in capillaries of coronary flow was standardized to 3 to 6 ml per minute.
epididymal fat cells. The phosphoimidate (imidodiphos- The quantitative analysis of AC in tissue pretreated in
phate) formed by the enzymatic hydrolysis of AMP-PNP the described manner showed that about 80% of the
can be precipitated by lead, cobalt (Rechardt and enzyme activity was still retained (Schulze, 1982).
Härkönen 1977), strontium (Schulze et al., 1977), or Further treatment with the full incubation medium
cerium (Rechardt and Hervonen, 1985; Schulze et al., reduced AC activity to 20% in comparison to untreated
1986). On account of its electron density, the metal heart tissue. However, this basal activity could be
precipitate can be easily detected in the electron micro- stimulated two- or threefold by NaF, forskolin, catechol-
scope. amine, and histamine in the presence of Gpp(NH)p.
Various incubation conditions have been described The activation induced by hormones can be prevented
for the demonstration of AC in situ (Wagner and by specific antagonists. These quantitative data indi-
Bitensky, 1974; Poeggel et al., 1984; Schulze, 1984). cate that the function of the adenylyl cyclase system is
Our basic incubation solution consists of 80 mM tris- still reactive under the cytochemical conditions used in
maleate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 6% sucrose, 10 mM our experiments (Schulze, 1982).
magnesium sulfate, 4 mM aminophylline, 0.5 mM Fundamental to the second messenger theory is the
58-adenylyl imidodiphosphate, and 2 mM lead nitrate. fact that AC, the target for the first messenger, is
For AC stimulation, 10 mM sodium fluoride, 0.01 mM localized in the plasma membrane. This was confirmed
adrenaline, 0.05 mM histamine, in the presence of 0.01 for heart tissue among others using the cytochemical
mM guanylyl imidodiphosphate [Gpp(NH)p], or 0.05 technique (Wollenberger and Schulze, 1976; Slezak and
mM forskolin were added to the basic medium. To Geller, 1979, 1984; Revis, 1979; Fujimoto and Ogawa,
detect the stimulatory effect, the incubation time (nor- 1982). But in experiments with cardiac microsomal
mally 30 minutes at 37°C) was reduced to 10 minutes. fractions, enriched in vesicles from the sarcoplasmic
This reduction in time failed to demonstrate basal reticulum (SR), AC activity was also detected (Sulakhe
activity and showed an increment of AC activity in- and Dhalla, 1973; Katz et al., 1974). However, the
duced by the addition of activators (Schulze, 1984). possibility could not be excluded that such microsomal
fractions were contaminated with fragments of plasma
Tissues incubated in a substrate-free medium and
membranes. Therefore, substantiation of this data with
tissues heated to 80°C prior to incubation were used as
cytochemical methods was obvious. The cytochemical
controls. Further, an adenosine derivate, 2858-dideoxy-
approach enabled us to localize AC in left ventricles of
adenosine, was used as a most potent inhibitor (Londos guinea pig heart along the sarcolemma (Fig. 1a) and the
and Wolff, 1977). At a concentration of 1 mM, 2858- tubular invagination of the sarcolemma, the T-tubules
dideoxyadenosine completely inhibited the enzyme ac- (Figs. 1a,b). Some parts of the intercalated discs, espe-
tivity and prevented its stimulation by fluoride, forsko- cially those parallel to the myofibrils, were likewise
lin, and isoproterenol (Schulze, 1982). covered with lead precipitates. In the guinea pig heart,
For localization of AC activity, it is necessary to we did not see any reaction marker on the SR, neither
precipitate the PNP (one of the reaction products) at or at the junctional SR (Figs. 1c,d arrows) nor at the
near the site of their production. This is possible under subsarcolemmal cisterns. Even activation of the AC by
optimal conditions, including an exact tissue prepara- hormones did not change this precipitation pattern
tion and a well-balanced incubation medium. The pres- (Fig. 1b). As opposed to the guinea pig heart, we found
ervation of both enzymatic activity and ultrastructure that in rat heart, especially after long-lasting ischemia,
requires a compromise which has been established for a positive reaction in the junctional SR. In contrast to
the heart tissue by quantitative analysis (Schulze, the AC activity in the junctional SR, the enzyme
1982) and electron microscopical examination (Schulze, activity in the sarcolemma was completely abolished
1984). The best way to preserve the enzyme activity is after total ischemia (Schulze and Will-Shahab, 1984).
to use fresh tissue. However, Cutler (1975, 1980) sug- AC activity in all parts of the SR in the rat heart has
gested that the prefixation of the tissue provided a been described by Revis (1979) and Fujimoto and
definite degree of protection for the enzymes against Ogawa (1982), whereas Slezak and Geller (1984) de-
the inhibitory effect of lead. Besides preserving the tected AC localization in addition to the sarcolemma
ultrastructure, the prefixation should enhance the mem- also in the junctional SR but not in the longitudinal
brane permeability for substrates and effectors of the parts. The reason for the variability in the localization
incubation medium. Therefore, except Revis (1979), of AC in the heart of these two species (rat and guinea
who localized AC in an unfixed section of heart tissue, pig) is not clear. It might be supposed that the different
all investigators concurred that aldehyde fixation offers pretreatment of tissue specimens by various laborato-
the best way for localization of AC in well-preserved ries results in a different penetration of the incubation
tissue. Some authors (Slezak and Geller, 1979; Fuji- medium components. But it is also possible that various
moto and Ogawa, 1982) recommended a mixture of isozymes located in the heart respond differently to the
glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde supplemented with prefixation and incubation conditions. Quantitative
dimethyl sulphoxide. experiments with specific antibodies against the vari-
In our experiments, we routinely use perfusion with ous isozymes should help to answer this question.
cacodylate-buffered 2% glutaraldehyde (Serva). The
protocol for prefixation used in our experiments was: IMMUNOCYTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION
perfusion with cold (4°C) Tyrode’s solution containing OF AC IN THE HEART AND CULTURED
25 iu/ml heparin for 1 to 3 minutes, with 2% glutaralde- CARDIOMYOCYTES
hyde in 0.1 M cacodylate (pH 7.4) for 5 minutes, and AC is currently shown to comprise a family of at least
thereafter with 0.25 M sucrose for 20 minutes. The eight isotypes with different tissue distribution and
Fig. 1. Enzymocytochemical localization of AC in the left ventricle Strong precipitation located on the T-Tubuli membranes. Neither
of guinea pig heart. Epon-embedding. Ultrathin sections. (a) Longitu- junctional (arrow) nor longitudinal parts of the SR reveal any lead
dinal section of left ventricle of guinea pig heart after incubation in the precipitate. Bar 5 0.5 µm. (c) Guinea pig left ventricle section. The
basic AC detection medium. Fine lead precipitates cover the sarco- basal AC activity marked by the lead precipitation is restricted to the
lemma and the deep invagination of the sarcolemma. No other cell plasma membrane and its vesicles. At the SR (asterisk) no precipitate
structures reveal any reaction. Bar 5 0.5 µm. (b) Intracellular part of is visible. Bar 5 0.5 µm. (d) A higher magnification reveals the
a longitudinal section from guinea pig left ventricle. The tissue was reaction product along the sarcolemma and not at the SR. Junctional
incubated in the basic incubation medium supplemented with hista- SR is marked with arrows, longitudinal with asterisks. Bar 5 0.25 µm.
mine and Gpp(NH)p. The incubation time was reduced to 10 minutes.

activation characteristics. Whereas they are all acti- peroxidase label, slightly counterstained with Ehrlich
vated by the GTP-bound form of as (or aolf), there are haemalaun, and mounted with aqueous mounting me-
differences in their susceptibility to stimulation, inhibi- dium (Dianova). For fluorescence microscopy, bound
tion, or are unaffected by other regulatory factors, such primary AB were visualized with goat-anti-rabbit AB
as Ca21 (either directly, or in the form of the Ca21- labeled with DTAF (Dianova). Nuclei were counter-
binding protein, calmodulin), various isozymes of pro- stained with propidium iodide. In control preparations,
tein kinase C (PKC), βg subunits, and a-subunits of substitution of primary antibodies for rabbit IgG (whole
other isoforms of G-proteins, Gz and Go. Gq proteins are molecule) diluted in PBST to a final concentration of 2
in AC regulation indirectly via the release of µg/ml as well as incubation in media devoid of primary
Ca ions, which subsequently bind to and activate antibodies revealed no specific immunostaining.
calmodulin (CaM) or PKC (Iismaa et al., 1995). Isotypes DTAF and peroxidase labeling both yielded the same
V and VI and a widespread isotype IV have been pattern of immunostaining (Fig. 2). AC IV was revealed
identified in heart tissue biochemically (Quarmby and in the perinuclear space and sarcolemma of cardiomyo-
Hartzell, 1995; Iismaa et al., 1995). Yu et al. (1995), cytes of adult and new-born rats (Figs. 2a–c), as well as
applying reverse transcription polymerase chain reac- in intercalated discs in the heart tissue of adult animals
tion and in situ hybridization with high specific activity (Fig. 2a). Positive immunolabeling of AC IV was also
cDNA probes to isolated embryonic chick ventricular detected in the plasma membrane of cardiomyocytes
cardiocytes, showed that type V AC mRNA appeared to from neonatal and adult animals (Figs. 2e,f) and in the
be localized primarily, if not exclusively, in myocytes. perinuclear space of neonatal cardiomyocytes (Fig. 2e).
However, the signal for AC VI mRNA was stronger in In non-cardiomyocytes emerging in the cell culture of
non-myocytes than in myocytes. In situ hybridization is neonatal cardiomyocytes, positive immunolabeling of
useful to judge the expression of definite mRNA in AC IV was also visible in the perinuclear zone and
given cell types but this sophisticated approach does apparently bound to cytoskeleton fibres (Fig. 2d).
not provide any information on the subcellular location In cultured adult rat cardiomyocytes (Fig. 2f), the
of the enzyme protein. Immunocytochemistry permit- pattern of immunolabeling and immunostaining inten-
ted labeling with specific antibodies (AB) adenylyl sity was nearly equal for AC IV and AC V/VI. In the
cyclase (Menco et al., 1992) and the product of its epicardia of adult rats, AC V/VI was immunolabeled
hydrolytic activity, cAMP (Steiner et al., 1976; De Vente stronger than AC IV, whereas endotheliocytes posi-
et al., 1993). However, limited availability of high- tively immunoreacted only with AB to AC IV. Cardio-
affinity, isoform-specific AB, until recently, accounted myocytes in cryostat sections of the hearts from adult
for the scarcity of reports on immunocytochemical and new-born rats, as well as cardiomyocytes, demon-
localization of AC. strated a similar pattern of immunolabeling of AC IV
Currently, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., USA, has and AC V/VI. Immunostaining for AC V/VI in cardiomyo-
started the production of specific rabbit polyclonal AB cytes in cryosections of the heart of adult and new-born
directed against different epitopes of the enzyme mol- rats was less intense than for AC IV, which cannot,
ecule for differential immunocytochemical localization however, reflect the real ratio of expression of respec-
of AC subtypes, including AC IV and AC V/VI. These AB tive antigens in cardiomyocytes. This may just reflect
react with respective isotypes of AC of mouse and rat only differences in the affinity of the AB applied.
origin by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry AC immunolabeling not only on the plasma mem-
and are not cross-reactive with other AC isotypes. We brane of cardiocytes but also in the perinuclear space is
applied AB from this source to immunocytochemical consistent with earlier published enzymocytochemical
localization of AC IV and V/VI in the heart of adult and data on the localization of AC activity in the perinuclear
new-born Wistar rats and in cultured adult and neona- space, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi complex of
tal cardiocytes. macrophages (Dini and Del Rosso, 1983) and thymo-
Heart cryostat sections were fixed in a cold mixture of cytes (Buchwalow et al., 1981). Colocalization of AC IV
methanol/acetone (1/1). Cell monolayers of adult and with cytoskeleton fibers of non-cardiomyocytes (Fig. 2d)
neonatal cardiomyocytes (Wallukat and Wollenberger, testifies to a direct cytoskeletal-AC interaction, which
1993) were fixed in methanol at room temperature after was implied earlier from cell fractionation data
a short rinse in PBS. Thereafter, cryosections and cell (Rasenick et al., 1981; Wolff and Cook, 1985). Finally, it
monolayers were treated for 10 minutes with methanol must be noted that the immunolabeling pattern of AC
containing 0.6% H2O2 to quench endogenous peroxi- in cryosections of adult and new-born rat hearts reveals
dase, rinsed briefly in distilled water (1–2 minutes), a good correspondence with enzymocytochemical dem-
washed in three changes of PBS with 0.5% Tween 20 onstration of AC activity in cardiomyocytes. More de-
(PBST) for 10 minutes, preincubated in 10% normal tailed confirmation is awaited from electron micro-
goat serum in PBST for 30 minutes, reacted with a scopic immunocytochemical studies which are now in
rabbit primary polyclonal AB that recognizes AC IV or progress.
AC V/VI (2 µg/ml PBST) for 2 hours at room tempera-
ture or overnight at 4°C, and washed in three changes
of PBST for 10 minutes. Detection of bound primary AB ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
was performed employing an avidin-biotin-peroxidase The authors are grateful to Marianne Vannauer and
staining kit (Vectastain ‘‘Elite’’ ABC-kit, Camon Labor- Ingeborg Ley for exellent technical assistance. We are
Service GmbH). For conventional bright-field micros- indebted to Dr. Rosemarie Morwinski and Dr. Gerd
copy, heart sections and cell monolayers were incubated Wallukat for providing us with cultivated neonatal and
with a diaminobenzidine-H2O2 mixture to visualize the adult cardiocytes.
Fig. 2. Immunocytochemical localization of AC with rabbit poly- cell culture of neonatal rat cardiocytes and in cultured adult rat
clonal antibodies in Wistar rat cardiocytes. Positive immunolabeling cardiomyocytes (f). Secondary antibodies were goat-anti-rabbit IgG
of AC IV in sarcolemma (arrowheads), nuclear envelope (arrows), labeled with horseradish peroxidase (visualization with diaminobenzi-
intercalated disc (black asterisk), and cytoskeleton (white asterisk) in dine-H202 procedure—a, e, f) or with DTAF (b, c, d). Nuclei counter-
acetone-methanol fixed cryostat sections of adult (a, b) and neonatal stained with hematoxylin (a, e, f) or propidium iodide (c, d).
(c) hearts, in a non-cardiomyocyte (d) and cardiomyocytes (e) in the

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