Some People Believe Advertising Causes More Harm Than Good To Society. Others Refute This. Discuss Both Views and Share Your Opinion

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Some people believe advertising causes more harm than good to society.  Others refute this.

Discuss both views and share your opinion.

One of the main stimulants of consumerism within a country is advertising.  As such, advertising
can be seen as a necessary practice within any healthy economy.  But often people counter this
by saying that too much exposure to commercial promotions can cause societal problems. 
Both sides of this argument will be analyzed before a conclusion is reached.

On the one hand, advertising stimulates healthy spending, which can grow economies and
create jobs.  Take Coca-Cola, for example.  Coca-Cola is a company that spends massive
amounts on marketing every year.  Because of this, it has become a brand that is recognized in
the most remote corners of the earth.  This level of recognition allows even the smallest of
vendors anywhere in the world to create wealth through providing an attractive product with a
powerful brand to potential customers.  Thus, it is understandable why many people believe
the benefits of advertising outweigh the drawbacks.

On the other hand, it is purported by many that advertising has negative ramifications on
societies.  For example, at Christmas time, American children are often the target of very
elaborate marketing schemes hatched by large companies looking for holiday sales.  As these
sorts of campaigns can induce children to become overly concerned with commercial matters,
many people worry this may interrupt their development as moral people.  When seen in this
light, it is clear why many people feel there are more drawbacks than benefits to advertising.

Following this look at both sides of the above debate, it is felt that advertising is much more
positive than negative in nature.  It is thus expected that the role of marketing within modern
economies will not change much into the foreseeable future.

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