A1 Exercise - Prepositions of Time

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Exercise: Which sentence is the correct translation for the German sentence

written above?

1. Seit sieben Jahren spielt sie Tennis.

a) She has played tennis for seven years. (for= zeitspanne )
b) She has played tennis since seven years. (since = genaues Datum zb. 1998)

2. Er spielt Fußball seit 1996.

a) He has played soccer since 1996.
b) He has played soccer for 1996.

3. Während er fernsah, backte sie einen Kuchen.

a) While he was watching TV she was baking a cake. (parallele Handlung)
b) During he watched TV she baked a cake.

4. Der Zug fährt sieben nach drei.

a) The train leaves seven after three.
b) The train leaves seven past three. (bei Uhrzeiten Past= vergangen /nach)

5. Nach vierzig Jahren Arbeit darf man in Rente gehen.

a) Past fourty years of work one may retire.
b) After fourty years of work one may retire.

6. Vor zehn Jahren gab es noch keine Handys.

a) There were no mobile phones ten years before
b) There were no mobile phones to ten years.
c) There were no mobile phones ten years ago.

7. Bis (spätestens) Dienstag muss der Text fertig sein.

a) The text has to be finished untill Tuesday.
b) The text has to be finished till Tuesday.
c) The text must be finished by Tuesday. (by = einen endgültiges limit)

8. Während der Prüfung konnte ich nicht schlafen.

a) While the exam I couldn't sleep.
b) I couldn’t sleep during the exam. (During = im laufe der ...)

9. Seit meinem 30. Geburtstag rauche ich nicht mehr.

a) I don't smoke anymore for my 30th birthday.
b) I don't smoke anymore since my 30th birthday.

10. Seit 3 Jahren hat er sie nicht mehr gesehen.
a) He has not seen her for 3 years. (Zeitspanne)
b) He has not seen her since 3 years.

11. Vor Weihnachten lernen sie Auto fahren.

a) They learn to drive a car before Christmas.
b) They learn to drive a car ago Christmas. (ago = vergangen)


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