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Chauhan / Gupta

Homeophatic Principles and Practice of Medicine

Homeophatic Principles and Practice of Medicine
von Chauhan / Gupta
Herausgeber: B. Jain

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1028 Principles and Practice of Medicine

- Ailments with restlessness. dry, stick together; great thirst, restlessness,

- Momentary loss of vision; on turning the head. emaciation; irritable and melancholy.
- Sensation of soreness and heaviness in pelvis. Albuminuria
- Consciousness of a womb. - Albuminuria; acute or chronic; during
- Uterine atony; menses early and profuse. pregnancy, with great weakness, languor,
drowsiness, usually tired.
- Prolapse or malposition of uterus due to atony.
General modality
- Menses; too early, too profuse, from uterine
Aggravation Motion, touch, pressure of clothes. atony in women enfeebled buy loss of blood;
Amelioration Mental diversion, doing something, when patient lose more blood than is made in
holding abdomen. intermenstrual period; breasts swollen, nipples
Clinical painful and tender, flow passive, dark, clotted,
Albuminuria. Amenorrhea. Anaemia. Diabetes. offensive.
Dysmenorrhoea. Impotence. Renal affections. Pelvic inflammatory disease
Leucorrhoea. Lochia prolonged. Menopause. - Sensation of soreness and heaviness in pelvis;
DUB; menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia. Pruritus vulva. a consciousness of a womb, feels it move when
Rheumatism. Sterility. Uterus, affections of. she moves, it is so sore and tender.
- From prolonged haemorrhage. Face; pale,
earthy, sallow.
- Profound melancholy; deep, undefined
depression of mind. Always better when doing
something, when the mind is engaged. Dull, HEPAR SULPHURIS
inactive and gloomy. Restless, wants to be
continually moving about.
- Desire to be let alone; conversation is Historical aspect
unpleasant. Irritable; cannot endure the least - Calcium sulphide of lime was an important
contradiction or receive suggestions in relation allopathic drug during the Hahnemann's time.
to any subject. Faultfinding. It was externally used to treat itching,
Prolapse uterus in debilitated women rheumatism, gout, and tubercular swellings.
- Tired, back achy females, who are anaemic and - Dr. Hahnemann proved and specially used this
worn out with hard work. drug to antidote for side effects of mercury,
- Sensation of weakness, dragging and weight in which was used extensively in the treatment of
the sacrum and pelvis, with great languor and many illnesses. The modern medicine uses
prostration. There is a sensitiveness expressed calcium sulphide for acne and boils.
as a consciousness of a womb. The weakness Miasm
shows itself also in a tendency to prolapse and - A mixed miasmatic preponderance.
other malposition of the womb. Somatic predilection
AS SPECIFIC SYMPTOMATIC REMEDY - Overweight, flabby, pale, and sluggish.
Diabetes Psychic preponderance
- First stage; urine profuse, clear, saccharine; lips - Gloomy, restless and oversensitive to pain.

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Sample_Hepar Sulphurius from Dr.V.K. Chauhan and Dr. Meeta Gupta: Homeopathic Principles and
Practice of Medicine
Materia 1029

Thermal reaction preputialis. Hip-joint disease. Hoarseness.

• Chilly. Jaundice. Laryngitis. Leucorrhoea. Angioneurotic
edema. Hepatitis. Marasmus. Pleurisy.
Pneumonia. Quinsy. Scrofula. Skin, affections of.
• Right lateral. Stye. Suppuration. Urticaria. Whitlow. Whooping-
Organ affinity cough.
• MM of respiratory tract, suppurative,
Aggressive/psychopathic traits/Pyromania
• Inclined to have eruptions and glandular
swellings, unhealthy skin. - Hyperimpulsiveness and irritability; every little
thing that disturbs the patient makes him
Precipitating cause intensely angry and abusive and impulsive.
• A/F Suppression of eruptions. - The impulses will overwhelm him and make
Characteristics him wish to kill his best friend in an instant.
• Hasty; while speech and drinking. Impulses also that are without cause sometimes
crop out in Hepar - impulses to do violence to
• Oversensitive to cold, pain, touch, noise, odours, burn, to destroy.
and draught of air.
• All the discharges are profuse and foul smelling, AS SYMPTOMATIC SPECIFIC REMEDY
like old cheese. Abscess
• Sweats easily and profusely, but dares not - The slightest injury causes suppuration.
uncover, sweats without relief. Indurations where suppuration seems
• Catarrh of respiratory tract. inevitable; it opens the abscess and hastens the
• Glands inflamed; swell and suppurate. cure.
• Splinter like sensation. - Inflammations and suppuration of all the glands
• Middle of the lower lip is cracked. of the body which are sudden and rapid (Silica;
suppuration is slow, and very slow to heal). The
• Desires sour and strong things.
discharges of Hepar are offensive; smelling
• Aversion to fat. (characteristically) of old cheese and very
• Great thirst. sensitive.
General modality Felon
Aggravation: Cold dry air, winter, cold wind, - Felons; with the sharp, suppuration pains and
drafts, part becoming cold. Least uncovering, the relief from heat or hot applications.
touch, noise, exertion, lying on painful part, Acne
- Acne in youth. Suppurate with prickly pain.
Amelioration: Heat, warm wraps to head, moist Easily bleed.
heat, and damp weather.
Chronic otitis media
Clinical - Pain, bloody and offensive discharge and
| Abscess. Asthma. Blepharitis. Boils. Bronchitis. sensitiveness to touch and to cold air.
Bubo. Burns. Carbuncle. Caries. Chilblains.
Constipation. Diaphragmitis. Diarrhoea. Eczema. Hepatitis/liver abscess
Emphysema. Haemoptysis. Headache. Herpes - Stitching in the region of liver worse walking,

Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 –0

Sample_Hepar Sulphurius from Dr.V.K. Chauhan and Dr. Meeta Gupta: Homeopathic Principles and Practice
of Medicine
Chauhan / Gupta
Homeophatic Principles and Practice of
A Textbook for Medical Students and
Homeopathic Practitioners

1238 Seiten, paperback

erschienen 2012

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