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UPM-CALC/SEM2/2019-20/CEL2106/THT/WEEK 2



This is an individual weekly activity for you to carry out. This activity should be completed
before the next class.

1. Look up for career objective in a resume. Analyse the following aspects:

 purpose of writing career objective in a resume
A resume objective (or a career objective) is a heading statement of your
resume, in which you describe your professional goals in the job you’re
applying for. A resume objective is usually 2–3 sentences long and should be
placed at the top of your resume. 

 criteria of a good career objective

1. Keep it short
2. Be honest
3. Make your career objective specific to each role
4. Spelling and grammar check

2. Read on the use of Action Verbs in resume writing and answer the following

 when to use action verbs in a resume?

Resume action words , also called resume power words, are words you
should use in your resume to describe your professional skills, tasks, and
achievements at work in a short and powerful way.

 how to use action verbs in a resume?

Often when we compose first drafts in writing, we resort to weak verbs or
simple verbs. For example: “show”, “look”, “think”, “do”. While these are very
clear verbs, they may come across as flat or underwhelming, especially when
used in a resume to describe your credentials and achievements. Replace
weak verbs with action verbs that add punch to your writing and to be as
persuasive as possible. Potential employers will appreciate a resume that is
concise and showcases your skills in a clear and strong way.

 what is the function of action verbs in a resume?

The basic function of an action verb is to express the action that a subject
performs. An action verb specifically states or demonstrates the subject's
action in a sentence. An action verb conveys information, emotion, and a
sense of purpose that extends beyond the literal meaning of a sentence.

UPM-CALC/SEM2/2019-20/CEL2106/THT/WEEK 2


 what are the suitable tenses in using action verbs?

Action verb: eat
Present tense: I eat when I am hungry.
Past tense: She ate dinner last night at six.
Future tense: We will eat lunch tomorrow at noon.

3. Bring this THT to class in Week 3.

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