Well Productivity in Gas/Condensate Reservoirs

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Well Productivity in

Gas/Condensate Reservoirs
Well productivity in a moderately- 1,000 md-ft. For higher kh values, changed to match average reservoir
rich-gas/condensate reservoir productivity loss is not very severe. pressure and condensate-production
decreased rapidly and then rate. Permeability, porosity, and per-
increased as the reservoir was History Match meability distribution were altered to
depleted. Compositional reservoir Production Data. Production data for achieve the history match.
simulation indicated that, during wells in this field were unusual. Gas-
early production, a condensate ring production rates initially declined Simulation Results
formed around the wellbore when rapidly, stabilized, and then increased After the successful history match of
near-wellbore pressure dropped to for more than 10 years (Fig. 1). The Well A, several reasons for observed
below dewpoint pressure. The high time at which the gas-production rates well behavior became apparent. Gas
condensate saturation in the ring stabilized coincided with the begin- productivity declined when near-well-
severely reduced effective perme- ning of condensate-yield decline. bore flowing pressure dropped below
ability to gas, resulting in reduced Thus, gas productivities appeared to dewpoint pressure. This productivity
gas production. After pressure be related to dewpoint pressure. decline was caused by an increase in
throughout the reservoir declined to condensate saturation around the
below dewpoint pressure, conden- Model. A radial, single-well composi- wellbore. Fig. 2 shows condensate
sate formed throughout the reser- tional model was constructed to saturation vs. time for three grid-
voir and gas flowing into the ring investigate the behavior of Well A. blocks representing near wellbore,
became leaner, decreasing conden- The model consisted of one layer with middle of the reservoir, and far reser-
sation in the ring and causing gas 36 gridblocks in the radial direction. voir. Condensate saturation near the

G a s Te c h n o l o g y
productivity to increase. A 0.5-ft gridblock was used nearest wellbore increased to approximately
the wellbore and gridblock size 70%, which was significantly greater
Introduction increased logarithmically to than maximum condensate saturation
In gas/condensate reservoirs, well pro- Gridblock 10. From Gridblock 10 to predicted by the constant-volume-
ductivity often declines rapidly when Gridblock 36, 100-ft gridblocks were depletion experiment.
near-wellbore pressure drops below used. A nine-component equation-of-
dewpoint pressure. Radial composi- state formula and an imbibition Relative Permeability Effects.
tional-reservoir-simulation models gas/oil relative permeability data set in Relative permeability to condensate
often are used to investigate this pro- the presence of irreducible water were and gas is determined by both con-
ductivity decrease. These models used. History matching was per- densate and gas saturation. Relative
clearly show that the productivity formed to explain well behavior. The permeability to condensate near the
decrease is caused by liquid dropout model was constrained by gas rate, wellbore continuously declines as
around the wellbore. This ring of while reservoir properties were incoming gas becomes leaner.
increased condensate saturation
around the wellbore reduces effective
permeability to gas and results in
rapid well-productivity decline. The
effect of condensate blocking is more
evident in low-permeability reser-
Condensate Yield, bbl/MMscf

voirs. Other authors have reported

Gas-Production Rate, Mscf/D

that the recovery factor of gas/conden-

sate wells is affected by condensate
blocking only if the permeability- Gas CY
thickness product, kh, is less than

This article is a synopsis of paper SPE

59773, “Investigation of Well Produc-
tivity in Gas/Condensate Reservoirs,”
by A.H. El-Banbi, SPE, and W.D.
McCain Jr., SPE, Schlumberger
Holditch-Reservoir Technologies, and
M.E. Semmelbeck, SPE, Battlecat Oil
Time, days
& Gas, originally presented at the 2000
SPE/CERI Gas Technology Symposium, Fig. 1—Gas-production rate and condensate yield (CY) for Well A.
Calgary, 3–5 April.

APRIL 2000
Condensate Saturation, fraction
Cell 1

Condensate Saturation, fraction

Cell 20

Cell 36

Time, days Distance from wellbore, ft

Fig. 2—Condensate saturation vs. time. Fig. 3—Condensate-saturation profile vs. time.

Condensate in the far reservoir (Cell laboratory pressure/volume/tempera- saturation, reduced gas effective per-
36) does not move because its satura- ture (PVT) studies. Condensate satu- meability to less than 0.1. When pres-
tion does not become sufficiently high ration decreases to zero a short dis- sure in the rest of the reservoir fell
to build any relative permeability. tance from the wellbore and is zero below the dewpoint, condensate
After the initial near-wellbore perme- throughout most of the reservoir dropped out throughout the reser-
ability decline, relative permeability to where pressures are above dewpoint voir. After this occurred, gas flowing
gas increases with time. This increase pressure. The diameter of the into the wellbore was leaner and had
in near-wellbore gas productivity is increased-condensate-saturation ring less condensate to drop out near the
G a s Te c h n o l o g y

caused by a decrease in near-wellbore grows with time, but, as long as pres- wellbore. This allowed the conden-
condensate saturation. sure in most of the reservoir is above sate saturation in the ring to decline
the dewpoint, maximum condensate to approximately 55%. Although this
Compositional Changes. Simulation concentration near the wellbore change does not appear to be dramat-
results show that composition of both remains at approximately 70%. After ic, it resulted in a 25% gas saturation,
condensate and gas in the reservoir 6 years’ production, the condensate which increased gas relative perme-
changes with decreasing reservoir ring expands to approximately 300 ft ability to approximately 0.2, increas-
pressure. The compositional changes into the reservoir. ing gas productivity. Leaner-gas
around the wellbore are more dramat- Between the sixth and seventh years production reduces both hydrostatic
ic than those in the reservoir. The sur- of production, pressure throughout and frictional pressure-drop compo-
face tension reflects the closeness of the reservoir drops below dewpoint nents in the tubulars, which also
condensate and gas compositions. pressure. Condensate saturation in improves productivity.
Around the wellbore (Cell 1), higher the reservoir increases to the level pre-
surface tension reflects considerable dicted by laboratory PVT results, Conclusions
difference between condensate and causing leaner gas to flow into the 1. Compositional simulation
gas compositions. In the far reservoir near-wellbore area. Because the leaner showed that the severe gas-produc-
(Cell 36), surface tension is much gas contains less condensate, near- tivity decline early in the life of these
lower than in the near-wellbore area. wellbore condensate saturation gas/condensate wells was caused by a
Compositional changes affect both decreases, allowing partial recovery of condensate-ring buildup near the
gas and condensate viscosity. gas production. wellbore resulting from near-well-
Condensate viscosity increases while During the next 7 years, condensate bore pressure dropping below dew-
gas viscosity decreases as reservoir saturation throughout the reservoir point pressure.
pressure decreases, resulting in increases as pressure decreases and 2. Because condensate builds up in
increased gas mobility. condensate saturation near the well- the reservoir when reservoir pressure
bore decreases. This results in an drops below dewpoint pressure, gas
Condensate-Ring Development. increase in gas saturation near the flowing into the near-wellbore
Fig. 3 illustrates condensate buildup wellbore, which increases gas produc- becomes leaner and gas productiv-
around the wellbore and shows how tivity. At year 20, some revaporization ity increases. JPT
condensate-saturation profiles change occurs and condensate saturation in
with time. When near-wellbore pres- the reservoir decreases slightly.
sure drops below the dewpoint, con- Please read the full-length paper for
densate saturation increases to Saturation. In this example, conden- additional detail, illustrations, and ref-
approximately 70% near the wellbore. sate saturation near the wellbore erences. The paper from which the
This condensate saturation is signifi- increased to approximately 68%, synopsis has been taken has not been
cantly greater than predicted in static which, with a 20% irreducible water peer reviewed.

APRIL 2000

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