Origin of Language: The Natural Sound Source (Bow-Wow Theory)

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Among diverse characteristics one of the main traits which sperate

human beings from other animals is their ability to speak. Language is
not just a mere utterance but much more. It is the spinal cord of our
communication with each other, our transfer of ideas, sharing
thoughts. In short without language we would not have been much
different from animals. All our modernization, technological
development, our reach beyond galaxies is directly or indirectly
dependent on our language. The question here is how and when such
an important factor came into being? It is philosophical question and
answer to whom is nowhere to be found. Most intense debate on the
topic was during 18th century and afterwards this topic was banned as it
was causing further complication. It is clear that origin of speech is
1000s of year ahead of written form of language so research for origin
is for spoken. Although in order to trace the path help from written
languages is undeniable. Many theories are put forward in this regard
but none of them can be on the level same as big bang theory of
universe or life cycle of a star, as these theories may satisfy one aspect
but no other. Scholars have rejected these theories for not having firm
prove and, they have lots of flaws. These theories are also given funny
nicknames accordingly. Some example of words form which these
theories suggest you can see in movie “Croods”.
 The natural sound source (bow-wow theory): our ancestors lives
in caves and forest so they had very close observation of nature so
according to this theory early human being observation of nature and
later imitation of what they heard was initiation of language. For an
example they heard the sound of bees which is buzzing or the splash
sound of water or cuckoo calling out coo-coo. In present time there are
some words in almost every language which can be used as evidence
for the theory.
 one of the objections raised against it was that there are very few
onomatopoeic sounds in every language.
 if language was originated from natural sound that in every language
there are different sounds and expressions for same natural sound.
Dogs all over the world bark in the same manner but different
languages use different expressions like wang wang in China, ham ham
in Albania, au au in Brazil.
 In this case there will be no evidence for origin of abstract words like
happy, sad, love, hate.
 Absence of explanation of grammar in language.
 Sound symbolism ( ding dong theory): according to this theory
there some connection between word sound and its meaning as sharp
objects tend to have high front vowels in names producing high pitch
sound whereas round or low objects have round back vowels. If you
draw two objects one pointed and sharp and other round and flat and
ask the audience to identify their names, they will easily do it. From the
word you hear you can have the slights of the idea about what it
means. In other words all the words or names associated with either an
object or some kind of action or related to any phenomenon , they are
based on some association, or some theologians thinks that early words
of human being were more like symbols or icon depicting the exact
image of its meaning like English word boom for explosion.
 It is quite same as one mentioned previously that in every language
there are very limited word formed based on this theory then what
about other word.
 Grammatical points are missing again.
Spontaneous exclamations (Pooh-Pooh theory): According to it
first language was formed as result of sudden and involuntary sounds
due to some surprise, shock, pain, dislike, pain like “ouch!”, “oh”,
“aaahhhh!” etc. this initiation led to expression of more complex
 We face same problem of limited words that are related to this
 Also, these kinds of words are language specific like in English we use
“ouch” but in Chinese “aiye” and “oi” in Russian.
 Social interaction source (yo-he-ho theory): according to this
theory language origin rhythmical grunts, groans and chants made by
people while hard work. Like groans produce while moving a heavy tree
or still rock. It claims that earliest language was chants of groups during
muscular work or during hunting which later develop into warlike
phrases for motivation and fighting spirit. One which synchronize with
it is that our speech and right-hand movement both are under control
of our left hemisphere, so it hints that Labor and speech both
developed at the same time. Another important point is that in this
theory language development is study in perspectives of social context.
Defects present in it are: -
 Theory shows language development as an expressive form whereas
we are aware of the fact that primary function of language is
 Apes also live in groups and use grunts but have not yet develop
 Although the rhythmic feature of language is explained very well but
origin of different words is not very clear.
 Romantic source ( la-la theory): this theory was suggested by
Danish linguist Otto Jespersen. According to it only factor which is
involved in language formation is romantic side of human being. So, the
sounds or words associated with love and play were developed then
further language was formed. According to Mr. Jespersen our initial
word were long and musical not short grunts. It is a lovely theory
different from others but of course it is unacceptable as it lacks many
 if a language is formed from sounds associated with love and play then
what about rational word and term in language
 like theories mentioned before it also fails in explaining grammatical
 Gesture source (ta-ta theory): this theory was suggested by Sir
Richard Paget in 1930. According to this theory language was evolved
when tongue and mouth gestures were used to mimic the hand
gestures. As from the name when we want to say goodbye and wave
hands, we often say ta-ta, here ta-ta is mouth tongue gesture of our
hands. Short comings of this theory are same as others.
 In every language there are limited such words
 Different language uses different mouth gestures for hand gestures.
 Divine source: it is based on religion. According to it language was
given by divine sources to human beings. People have done many
efforts to find that divine language. According to it if a child is allowed
to grow without sounds, he/she will speak words of divine language.
Few experiments were also conducted in this regard. Egyptian pharaoh
tried it with two infants. Both were kept in isolation with mute
shepherds and after two years they utter a Phrygian word bekos
meaning bread. King James forth of Scotland also performed similar
experiment on children which were reported to speak Hebrew words
Different religions suggest different sources like according to Hinduism
language came from Sarasvati, wife of Brahma. According to bible and
Quran language was taught by Allah Almighty or God to Adam (a.s).

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