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Today, Pakistan is a nation united in mourning after facing one of the most brutal

terrorist attacks in its recent history. On Tuesday, a group of Taliban gunmen stormed a
high school in Peshawar, initiating a killing spree that claimed at least 141 lives. Nearly
all of the victims were students of varying ages — in addition to 132 students, nine
teachers and staff members were among the victims. The attackers took no hostages and
instead sought to kill indiscriminately, according to most eyewitness reports. Following
a nearly nine-hour siege, Pakistani police officials were able to subdue all seven
attackers, but tragedy had already unfurled.

Unsurprisingly, the attacks drew almost instant national and global condemnation.
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif traveled to Peshawar almost immediately, and
called for an emergency meeting between all political parties in the city for Wednesday.
Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff Raheel Sharif, the man in charge of the military campaign
against Islamic militants in the country’s tribal areas, also traveled to Peshawar.
Tellingly, the two men did not travel together. Peshawar authorities declared three days
of mourning in the wake of the attack. Across Pakistan, hundreds gathered for
vigils from Karachi to Quetta to Islamabad. The Pakistani foreign ministry issued a
statement reiterating the government’s commitment to fighting the Taliban, noting that
“these terrorists are enemies of Pakistan, enemies of Islam and enemies of humanity.”

The attack temporarily put a halt to Pakistan’s domestic political turbulence. Imran
Khan, the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf party, called his supporters to refrain
from attending a planned nationwide protest following the Peshawar attack. Khan’s
planned protest was aimed at pressuring the Pakistani government to investigate
allegations that Nawaz Sharif and the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) party won the
2013 general elections by illegitimate means.

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The Taliban’s campaign against both educators and students received some prominence
over a year ago, when Malala Yousafzai, the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize Laureate,
was attacked by gunmen for daring to go to school. Yousafzai, who received her Nobel
Peace Prize just last week, noted that she was “heartbroken by this senseless and
coldblooded act of terror.” “Innocent children in their school have no place in horror
such as this,” Yousafzai remarked in a statement. “I, along with millions of others
around the world, mourn these children, my brothers and sisters — but we will never be

Global reactions have been similarly emotional. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
called on all of India’s schools to observe two minutes of silence on Wednesday “as a
mark of solidarity.” British Prime Minister David Cameron called the attack “deeply
shocking,” noting that it was “horrifying that children are being killed simply for going
to school.” “A house of learning turned into a house of unspeakable horror,” said U.S.
Secretary of State John Kerry. The Chinese foreign ministry issued a statement: “We are
deeply shocked and saddened by the incident, and most strongly condemn on the
terrorist attack.”

The Taliban and other related Islamic militant groups have long targeted government-
run schools in Pakistan. Hundreds of smaller scale attacks have taken place in schools in
the country’s volatile Kybher Pakhtunkhwa region. Additionally, the Taliban and other
groups have targeted school buses. For the Taliban, these schools represent un-Islamic
government authority. In the specific case of the Peshawar attack, another important
factor was at play. The school in question lies on the edge of a military residential area
and served Pakistani military families. One ostensible objective the attackers may have
had was to shake Pakistani servicemen’s faith in the government’s ability to protect their

Although Pakistan tragically faces smaller scale terrorist attacks by the Taliban on a
somewhat regular basis, this Peshawar offensive will strike deep at the nation’s core and
intensify national unity in the ongoing struggle against the Taliban. The Pakistani
military launched an offensive this summer known as Operation Zarb-e-Azb, with the
backing of the United States, to root out and eliminate militants seeking refuge in the
country’s mountainous North Waziristan region. The attack in Peshawar will challenge
perceptions that the Pakistani military’s campaign is breaking the Taliban’s resolve in
any way. While the attack may have risen out of desperation, it signals that the Taliban
remain an enduring and persistent threat to Pakistani security.

What remains an outstanding problem for Pakistan is indeed the government’s inability
to guarantee acceptable levels of civilian security. The Peshawar attack saw a death toll
rivaling that of a 2007 Karachi suicide bombing that killed 150. This should be a stark
reminder that while the Pakistani military attempts to address the country’s terrorism
problem at the source with initiatives such as Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the country’s police
and security forces must take serious steps to curb future attacks of this nature. While
this will prove challenging for a nation of 180 million, allowing atrocities of this nature
to repeat themselves can only lead to national disintegration and sorrow about
Pakistan’s long-term prospects as a country.

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