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Week 2 of 48

VEST Value Focus: Concern

Scriptural Basis: “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such
concern.” (Proverbs 29:7)


Concern is a feeling of anxiety about, or interest in, someone else. Showing concern indicates
that you care about someone to have that person on your mind and to act on and in his behalf.

The prophet Samuel showed concern for the Israelites when they demanded a king. They were
envious of their neighbors who had earthly kings and they rejected theocracy or being ruled by
GOD. Samuel knew that a human king would not be in their best interests and he had warned
them of the consequences they could expect, if God appointed a king for them. Yet the people
persisted eventually GOD talked to Samuel to go ahead with the anointing of a king, but
Samuel’s genuine concern for the good of his nation stands as a model for the rest of us.

The next time you are tempted to think, I’ve done all I can and no one has listened to me,
recall Samuel’s example and continue to show concern for others, your country, your
community, your family, and your neighborhood. We need to show their concern in almost
everything to what is happening to them because it has direct bearing on them and it will affect

When we show concern through involvement and action, the problem of apathy and passivity
is addressed. Samuel’s genuine concern for the good of his nation stands as a model for the rest
of us to follow.

We can show our deep desire and concern regarding the evil of graft and corruption in our
country and our desire to see God’s righteousness implemented, no matter what area of
government we are involved in. Our concern for efficiency, integrity, honesty, and hard work
should be of primary importance.

Action Plan

True concern is actively doing what must be done to address concerns that bring down our
integrity and honor in our respective domains, or demonstrate our involvement on issues that
affect not only our but other people’s lives. Hence, think about current social issues that
demand our active participation. They may not necessarily be so grave that would require street
demonstration or hunger strike, but may be as simple as jaywalking, bullying, vandalism, or

If you know someone committing graft and corruption, write him an anonymous letter
containing your grievance. If his malfeasance or misfeasance continues and you prefer to
maintain anonymity, write an anonymous letter to the Civil Service Commission or the Office
of the Ombudsman. As much as possible, include supporting documents or reports
substantiating your claim against the person involved. This act of concern will definitely bear its
fruit in its season.

I am a person of genuine concern. I shall behave in such a way that I remain as a blessing to
the people around me. I shall have the wisdom to handle erring people and how to bring them
to the rule of law while winning them at the same time. I shall not be lenient in transacting with
anyone, and shall by all means uphold righteousness by reminding them of what is just, right,
and Godly.


Heavenly Father, make me an agent of change by showing concern wherever I dwell. Give me
boldness and courage to stand for what is right by actively dealing with issues that affect our
lives, whether directly or indirectly. Grant me wisdom to accurately deal with people, erring or
not, so that we may all live in a society filled with righteousness and Godliness. Amen.

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