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Week 3 of 48

VEST Value Focus: Concern for the Environment

Scriptural Basis: “Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the
cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.” (Genesis


Man being created in God’s image has received a mandate to subdue the earth and all that it
contains, and to govern the world with justice and holiness. Hence, we should develop a sense
of urgency in the way we treat our environment. Let us learn to respect creation because every
person has the right to a safe and healthy environment.

Every person’s mission of stewardship demands that he be more conscious of his actions when
he relates with the environment. The Social Doctrine of the Church reminds us that the goods
of the earth were created by God to be used wisely by all. They must be shared equitably, in
accordance with justice and charity.

Treat Mother Nature as your own mother: she feeds us and sustains our life, treats us kindly
and lovingly by providing for us faithfully, not expecting anything in return other than respect
and love. As “her children” we have utterly despoiled her and given her less than the respect
that she deserves. As a “parent”, she also has a way of disciplining her children lest they abuse.
Thus, we have floods and other calamities.

Action Plan

Some examples of how you can cultivate and encourage the value of Concern for the
Environment in your sphere of influence:

A. Teachers

 “Clean-as-you-go” program/behavior in the classroom/ cafeteria and on venues within

the school campus. This attitude may be further developed in the home and outside
 Field trips to site that highlight the beauty/destruction of the environment
 Programs that cause student awareness and concern for the environment and the way it
is being treated by the society
 Inspiring students to support pro-environment initiatives and legislation
 Making students understand the process of recycling and allowing them to apply this
process in school in their homes
 Fervently integrate the value of caring for the environment in one’s lessons and

B. Barangay Officials

 Have a more efficient “Clean and Green” program in the Barangay.

 Motivate community members to develop the value of concern for the environment
while at the same time making the value a source of livelihood (e.g., recycling ventures,
planting of crops and fruit trees on households and community properties, sale of
seedlings and plants that are grown within the community to schools and other
institutions that have tree planting or “greening” projects)
 Develop a deeper consciousness for the environment within the community as well as
design a more efficient garbage collection system.
 Teach and motivate community members to protect rivers and water ways along the
community by teaching them alternative waste disposal system and encouraging them to
use the rivers instead for livelihood and other meaningful purposes.

C. Students

 Develop a more conscious and consistent habit of keeping your surroundings clean as
well as using environmental resources such as water and electricity wisely and prudently.
 Have a deeper understanding of the dire state of the environment and in your own
capacity contribute to the work of preserving it.


I am a steward of creation. I understand that my very existence and that of generations after me
are threatened by the destruction of the environment. I pledge to be a more discerning
individual by using all environmental resources properly and prudently. I shall develop a
conscious effort to preserve and protect the environment from further degradation. I shall treat
the environment as though it were my own masterpiece, giving it great care and priding myself
of its wonders and beauty. I shall ever be thankful for the grace of God and the dedication of
people in their work to ensure that my family and I have clean air to breathe, clean water to
drink, clean oceans to launch adventures, and above all, a life that’s healthy and a future worthy
to be shared to the next generations.


Heavenly Father, grant me the grace to exercise my authority over the earth and all creations by
being a responsible steward and manager of natural resources. Teach me to be wise in
consuming all you have given me through the environment, from land and water, from above
and beneath, for your glory. Amen.

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