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Look, intuition plays an important role in this. People are intuitive to a greater or lesser
degree. Let me explain it to you. Intuition is a faculty which allows us to have connection
with the Essence or the Divine part. Through intuition you are given a warning, an
interpretation, or something like that. It is through intuition. However, ninety nine (99)
percent of people do not pay attention to that faculty. They are given an intuitive warning,
and instead of listening to it, they reason and with reasoning you damage the
communication immediately. That is why you should always pay careful attention to the
heart in order to receive the information given by the spiritual part to the material part.
Look at the way I act. For example, if I am going along a street, or wherever, I am paying
attention to my heart. If there is a warning, or anything, I capture it, without reasoning. If
for example, I was going to go down the stairs and was given a warning, I wouldn’t go
down, because I could fall or something could happen to me, so I immediately change it. I
don’t start reasoning: “Is this true, or maybe there is a danger.” No! I don’t reason. I act. I
obey the voice of the heart. Then, in order to interpret a book, or something, you are
studying a book…

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