Blogger 1

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1.What are the most effective digital tools to help a brand increase its digital sales?

Without any doubt, the internet has become an indispensable marketing tool, bearing the
power of shaping a consumer’s decision journey when evaluating, considering and selecting a
brand. In order for any brand to increase its digital sales, a high command of digital tools is
imperiously necessary. From my perspective, the most effective tools are those that will
allow a brand to constantly interact with a large amount of potential customers, where social
media sites play a key role. Such a utensil is Facebook Power Editor, the social network’s
own tool for both creating and running advertising campaigns. Another one is represented by
Twitter, a major network with fantastic features that encompass targeting and segmentation

2. Do you believe that social media sites are effective in increasing loyalty?
With social media sites serving as a treasured tool for brand marketing, it is my firm belief
that these networks also become effective in increasing brand loyalty. This stems from the
fact that social media allows brands to engage with users and thus build a community of
brand loyalist, that will eventually do some of the promoting activity themselves.
Consequently, through social media, the audience will ultimately assist the brand with
building brand loyalty through user generated content that promotes that brand; moreover, as
a positive experience is created for the customers, it is social media that will make this
positive impact last for a long period of time due to the persistence of its content, thus
increasing the brand loyalty.
3. Is branded content more efficient than non-branded content to gain new followers? To gain
new customers? Why?
Considering the fact that today’s digital world is saturated with content, it is imperative for
brands to both create the right content and distribute it via the right channels. Whereas
branded content clearly involves the company, while being an integrated marketing campaign
component, one should not overlook the positive impact and the suggestive power of non-
branded content. Indeed, branded content is designed to specifically engage social sharing
about the brand, but the non-branded content, while more subtle than branded content, is
distributed more widely than the former one. Since it doesn’t concern the company directly,
non-branded content suits a wider audience, thus it will possibly attract more followers that
the branded material. However, the non-branded content should only support the marketing
campaign, not be its focus, and only a thoroughly developed combination of the two can
increase the number of digital customers.
4. Why should new brands invest in bloggers?
First and foremost, blogs create awareness. One of the many reasons for new brands to invest
in bloggers comes from the fact that such a blog will help drive traffic to that brand’s website,
as it represents an additional opportunity for showing up in search engines and implicitly
drive traffic to the official website in organic search. Moreover, blogging also allows for new
brands to be discovered via social media, since through blog posts, new content is created
that allows people to share it on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest and
consequently expose that business to new unknown or untargeted audiences.
5. What do brands approach you for?
The main reason behind any brand approaching a blogger is their desire for exposure. In
consequence, there are several methods through which exposure can be granted via blogging.
One particular approach is the giveaway methods that not only get the customers excited
about the brand but they also increase the customers’ engagement with that brand as well as
grow the number of social media followers or newsletter subscribers. Product reviews are
also a powerful method for convincing potential customers to buy, since bloggers are
genuinely known for representing a trustworthy source. Another method would be the guest
posting, as in an industry expert making an appearance on the blog by discussing the
particular brand or trend.

6. Do you believe that blogs can increase the sales of a brand? If yes, how?
To be honest, since blogs serve as a great source for boosting brand recognition, while
providing a vast amount of information to potential customers interested in online purchasing
an item, I do believe they represent a fantastic authority for increasing the sales of a brand.
As mentioned above, one key example would be the blog giveaways that require the
participants to do something on their end, while tying that action back to the brand’s goals.
Time-based discounts promoted through the blog can also be an effective way to attract
customers, since by placing an expiration on the discount leverages scarcity, seen as a
powerful psychological sales trigger.
7. Can you help a brand engage customers? Explain.
One of the many reasons that lead to bloggers aid brands in their quest to engage customers,
stems from the fact that bloggers are real people that use their real voices to share authentic
opinions. Others will follow the opinions displayed on my blog because they relate to my
stories, my experiences and my style, therefore they will eventually trust my
recommendations and reviews. By means of sharing real-life stories about products and
services, as opposed to the glossy ads, banners and videos, I am granted the power of truly
engaging customers with a particular brand.
8. To what extent do you see yourself as a fashion influencer?
While I don’t consider myself a fashion influencer, in comparison to big names such as
Chiara Ferragni from The Blonde Salad, I do believe that my blog is able to add value and
expertise, as I evaluate, compare and introduce products to the wider audience. Undoubtingly,
the influencing power of blogger is derived from their engagement with the consumers, as
they are not the top models displayed in marketing campaigns but rather the girl/boy-next-
door typology anyone can relate to. It is therefore the very similarity between the readers and
the blogger that will impact their final purchase decision.
9. How do you differentiate yourself from other bloggers? What are the key differentiators in
your opinion?
As far as I am concerned, differentiating oneself in the current digital chaos is only possible
through authenticity, therefore I remain closely devoted to my own opinions and tastes, to
sheer elegance and truth. Bearing in mind that <a photo is worth a thousand words>, I would
always feature the products in different blog images, and for me, this is a key differentiator,
as it allows the reader to view the product in a real surrounding and social context. Secondly,
I would always link the product to a personal experience, such as a trip, an event or an
emotional state of heart, as this will allow the readers to associate their own experiences with
mine, therefore any post will also emotionally impact their purchase behaviour. Nevertheless,
I would always provide a shopping list at the end of each post, highlighting the products, their
prices and place of purchase, thus triggering the interest of potential customers and easing
their shopping experience. Additionally, I would emphasize as other key differentiators the
following: promoting related articles for the product (such as FaQ or how-to’s articles/posts),
using calls-to-action to get the readers involved (such as contests and give-aways), using
links to product pages wherever possible and crafting product comparisons for more contents
10. What is your intention with regards to the brands you showcase?
It is utterly important to stress out that brands are not paying bloggers to say good things
about them, since sponsored posts are always disclosed. However, brands do approach
bloggers to share their genuine experience and tell their stories authentically. Ergo, my
intention is to provide the readers and the potential customers with an original and
trustworthy depiction of the brand.

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