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January 8, 2013

• Possibilities and limitations
• Program layout
• Remarks
• Goal:
- software for simple and quick aerodynamic calculations (no
- users: Grada + clients
• FACT = Flow & Air Comfort Tool
→ air outlet systems

→ (air comfort systems)

• FACT is based on:
→ theoretical considerations (jet theory):
• ASHRAE (2001)
• Goodfellow & Tähti (2001)
• …
→ experimental data
• effective flow area
• throw constant


• Equations exist for calculating the jet centre velocity, the
velocity profile and the trajectory:
→ linear, radial, compact jets
→ horizontal and vertical jets
(cf. isotherm et anisotherm)
→ free and wall jets
• Relations in literature describe:
→ the Coanda effect

→ the separation point, i.e. location of separation from the

→ parallel jets
(merging of jets)

→ jet behaviour in a corner

→ opposite jets
• FACT integrates all these equations and relations
• The difficulty in the transition between different
situations, e.g.
→ free jet ⇒ wall jet
→ jet splitting when colliding at a wall
• The transition introduces uncertainty in the results. Jet
flow calculations are therefore limited to 2 transitions,

wall jet separation

free jet

jet splitting

wall jet
2. Possibilities & limitations
• only rectangular rooms are allowed
• single or multiple diffusers/grilles are possible but should be
positioned in a rectangular pattern (not necessarily square) as
long as flow symmetry is preserved. A side wall can hold
diffusers/grilles only horizontally aligned.
• oppositely positioned jets are allowed but only in vertical walls
• inlet temperature is accounted for:
• trajectory calculations
• centre line velocity for vertical jets only; it can be
neglected for jets showing an angle of 45° or less with the
horizontal plane
• the Coanda effect and jet detachment are accounted for
• coaxial jets are not accounted for
• the uncertainty increases with every wall interaction.
Therefore, calculations are limited to maximally 2 interactions
• sudden changes in trajectory calculations can be observed
when modifying flow rate, inlet temperature or blow angle.
This is attributed to the transition between different types of
equations and parameters, e.g. the replacement of the centre
line velocity for free jets by its equivalent for wall jets.
Smoothing algorithms are applied in FACT but do not (yet)
always resolve the visualisation problem due to the vast
diversity of jet interaction possibilities
3. Program Layout
• The software is structured according to the work flow, i.e. a
tab for every step/phase:
→ input data
→ operational, i.e. velocity results
→ report
• Input
• Input

Select to define
Definition of room, position of
diffusers/grilles, operational
conditions, …

Text help depending on pointer

• Input

Select to define all

Select to define all diffusers/grilles in 2D view
diffusers/grilles on line

Select to define
single diffuser/grille
• Input

• Operational
• Operational

Selection and definition

of cross section

- unit flow rate
- inlet air temperature
- inlet jet angle

Add or delete velocities in

considered cross section:
- 4 predefined velocities
- other velocities can be set
• Create a report
• Create a report
4. Remarks
• room dimensions: 0.8 ↔ 20 m
• range of flow rate:
→ min. @ V0 = 2 m/s
→ max. @ NR40 - NR50
• Q = 101 m³/h
• U0 = 0.491 m/s
• Re = 7700
• SX = 0.22 m

• Q = 151 m³/h
• U0 = 0.737 m/s
• Re = 11555
• SX = 0.20 m

• Q = 202 m³/h
• U0 = 0.9825 m/s
• Re = 15406
• SX = 0.19 m

• Q = 306 m³/h
• U0 = 1.491 m/s
• Re = 23384
• SX = 0.17 m
• Q = 101 m³/h

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• Q = 151 m³/h

• Q = 202 m³/h
• no need for local installation
• all personal settings are locally saved in Windows Registry

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