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PREPARED BY : Heta J Desai

Unit 4: Presentation Package

a. Creating and Editing slides
b. Creating and Editing objects in the slide
c. Custom Animation Effect and Slide Transition Effect
d. Creating and running slide show
e. Design templates

Presentation package is used to prepare the presentation. It allows user

friendly environment to the user for preparing presentation.

MS PowerPoint
MS PowerPoint is the one of the Presentation Package which is prepared by Microsoft
Company. PowerPoint can be used to produce presentations, slides and handouts. Its
templates allow users to prepare decorative slides without being design master. MS
PowerPoint 2007 has different look as compare to MS PowerPoint 2003.

Extension of PowerPoint:

File extension What it’s used for

.pptx Presentation
.pptm Presentation with Macro enable

.potx Presentation with Template

.potm Presentation with template and Macro enable
.ppsx Presentation Slide Show

FOR FYBBA A,B,C,D 09 September 2017

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PREPARED BY : Heta J Desai

.ppsm Presentation Slide Show and Macro enable

Creating a new Presentation:

- Select the MS office button which is available to the left top of the ribbon.
- It displays one menu, select the NEW option and press CREATE button.
- Numbers of Templates are also available to the left side; user can select
any of the templates to apply specific type.

Opening Existing Presentation:

- Select the MS office button.
- Select the OPEN option.
- Select the exact path of the file and press OPEN button.

Saving Presentation:
- Select the MS office button.
- Select the SAVE option.
- Select the path where you want to save the file.
- Give the File name and press SAVE button.
If you want to make the copy of the opened file then select SAVE AS option in
place of SAVE option.

Views available in PowerPoint:

Different views are available in Presentation Views group of View Tab.

► Normal View
In this view, you can edit one slide at a time. With the current slide, you can add text,
draw graphics, add clip art, and can change the layout. This is the default view. It allows
you to see and work with several aspects of the presentation simultaneously, including
the slide, the outline/slide sorter section, and the task pane.
► Slide Sorter View
This view shows thumbnail of your slides. Under each slide, it shows the
slide number, transition between slides, body text animation and display
time. All of these attributes can be modified from this view.
► Note Page View
This view shows your slide in the upper half of the window and your notes in the
bottom half in a new window. The notes you enter for each slide can be used as
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PREPARED BY : Heta J Desai

notes during your presentation since they do not appear when the slide
show is running.
► Slide Show View
This view runs your presentation from the first slide. With this view, you can
see the slide transitions and timing. To get out of the Slide Show view and
back to one of the edit views, press the ESC key.
► Slide Master
Slide Master is used to create slide master slide in the top of the
presentation. User can also change the layout of the slide master.
► Handout Master
Handout master displays the slides on the page properly and allow user to
take the printout of the same pages. It also allows setting the numbers of
slides which user wants to display on the page.
► Notes Master:
Notes master allows the user to write the notes about the selected slide. It displays
the layout of slide and below it, it displays the notes about the slide on the same page
which can help the user at the time of preparation of the presentation.

Inserting New Slide:

- Click on Home Tab.
- From the Slides Group, select the New Slide option’s Down arrow. It displays
numbers of layouts.
- Select the layout which you want to apply.

Slide Transition Effect:

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PREPARED BY : Heta J Desai

Slide transition effect is used to specify how to move from present slide to the next
slide. By default, the next slide is displayed by a single mouse click. But if you want
to specify the different transition then this option is used.

Apply the following steps:

- Select the Transition to this slides Group from the Animations Tab.
- Select any of the transition from the mentioned list or select no transition to move
directly to the next slide.
- Select the Automatically after Check box and specify the time in second to display
the next slide automatically after mentioned time without the click of the mouse.
- To apply the sound, select the Transition sound list box and apply the sound.
- To maintain the speed of the transition, select the Transition Speed list box and
select the speed.
- To apply the transition to all slides, select Apply to all option.

Custom Animation Effect:

Custom Animation effect is used to give animation to individual objects of each
slide. By default, all the objects display at once of the same slide, but if you want to
apply different animation to each object then this option is used. Apply the following
- Select Animations Tab.
- Select the Custom Animation option
from Animation Group.
- It displays custom Animation Panel to the
right side of the window which contains
many options
- Click on Add Effect button and select the effect.
- Click on Start drop down list to specify
when you want to display this object.
- Click on Direction dropdown list to
change the direction of the effect.
- Click on Speed dropdown list to
change the speed of the animation.
- Click on Remove button to remove the
existing effect.
- User can change the order of the objects which
are going to be displayed using Re-order option.

Note: User has to give the animation orderwise then and only then the PowerPoint
displays the proper animated objects based on user’s given order.
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PREPARED BY : Heta J Desai

Running Slide Show:

Using Mouse:
- Select the View Tab.
- Select Slide Show option from Presentation Views
Group. Using Keyboard:
- Press F5 Key to run the Presentation.

Design Templates:

Design Templates are used to give background to the slides. In PowerPoint

numbers of predefined themes are available which are used to give background.

Apply the following steps:

- Select Design Tab.
- In Themes group:
o There are numbers of themes available. Select any one of them.
o PowerPoint automatically applies the selected theme to the existing slides.
o From the colours option, user can change the theme colour.
o From the Fonts option, user can change the font style.
o From the effects option, user can give different effects to the slide.
- In Background group:
o User can change the background style in applied theme.
o User can also hide the background graphics using Check mark of
the Hide Background Graphics option.

In MS PowerPoint 2007, there is a difference between Design Templates and
Templates. Templates are the predefined structures which can be opened at the
time of creating New File where as the Design Templates are used when user
wants to change the background of the existing slides.

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