A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Hominin Lower Molars: Evolutionary Implications and Overview of Postcanine Dental Variation

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Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50

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A geometric morphometric analysis of hominin lower molars:

Evolutionary implications and overview of postcanine dental variation
Aida Go mez-Robles a, *, Jose
 María Bermúdez de Castro b, María Martino
 n-Torres b,
Leyre Prado-Simon c, Juan Luis Arsuaga d
Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University, 800 22nd St. NW, Washington, DC 20052, USA
b n sobre la Evolucio
Centro Nacional de Investigacio n Humana, Paseo de la Sierra de Atapuerca S/N, 09002 Burgos, Spain
Stomatology Department, Dentistry Faculty, University of Granada, Spain
Centro Mixto UCM-ISCIII de Evolucion y Comportamiento Humanos, Avd. Monforte de Lemos 5, Pabello n 14, 28029 Madrid, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Lower molars have been extensively studied in the context of hominin evolution using classic and
Received 3 March 2014 geometric morphometric analyses, 2D and 3D approaches, evaluations of the external (outer enamel
Accepted 17 February 2015 surface) and internal anatomy (dentine, pulp chamber, and radicular canals), and studies of the crown
Available online 1 April 2015
and root variation. In this study, we present a 2D geometric morphometric analysis of the crown anatomy
of lower first, second, and third molars of a broad sample of hominins, including Pliocene and Lower,
Middle, and Upper Pleistocene species coming from Africa, Asia, and Europe. We show that shape
variability increases from first to second and third molars. While first molars tend to retain a relatively
European Middle Pleistocene
Generalized Procrustes analysis
stable 5-cusped conformation throughout the hominin fossil record, second and third molars show
Dental anthropology marked distal reductions in later Homo species. This trend to distal reduction is similar to that observed
Homo antecesor in previous studies of premolars and upper second and third molars, and points to a correlated reduction
Sima de los Huesos of distal areas across the whole postcanine dentition. Results on lower molar variation, as well as on
Homo heidelbergensis other postcanine teeth, show certain trends in European Pleistocene populations from the Atapuerca
Neanderthals sites. Middle Pleistocene hominins from Sima de los Huesos show Neanderthal affinities and strong
dental reduction, especially in the most distal molars. The degree of dental reduction in this population is
stronger than that observed in classic Neanderthals. Homo antecessor hominins from Gran Dolina-TD6
have primitive lower teeth that contrast with their more derived upper teeth. The evolutionary impli-
cations of these dental affinities are discussed in light of recent paleogenetic studies.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction generally accepted utility of dental traits in the classification of

specimens and species, as well as in describing possible evolu-
The central role of dental anthropology in the broader frame- tionary scenarios (Suwa et al., 1994, 1996; Bailey, 2002a, 2004;
work of paleoanthropology is demonstrated by the profusion of Bailey and Lynch, 2005; Guatelli-Steinberg and Irish, 2005; Kaifu
articles aiming to address taxonomic and phylogenetic questions et al., 2005; Moggi-Cecchi et al., 2006; Martino n-Torres et al.,
via dental morphometry. Dental evolution is subject to several in- 2007a, b; Moggi-Cecchi and Boccone, 2007; Bailey et al., 2009;
fluences, ranging from developmental constraints related to the  mez-Robles et al., 2013). Among studies
Benazzi et al., 2011b; Go
serially homologous nature of the dentition to functional con- evaluating dental variation, analyses of lower molar morphology
straints related to occlusion (Go  mez-Robles and Polly, 2012). are especially common in the literature, and they range from classic
Nevertheless, a significant phylogenetic signal remains in dental morphometric analyses (e.g., Wood and Abbott, 1983; Wood et al.,
morphology (Caumul and Polly, 2005), and this is the basis of the 1983; Bermúdez de Castro and Nicola s, 1995) to quantitative
studies of form and shape variation (Benazzi et al., 2011a), some-
times based on 3D reconstructions (Skinner et al., 2008). More
recently, some microCT-based studies have focused on the root
morphology of mandibular molars (Kupczik and Hublin, 2010;
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: aidagomez2@yahoo.es (A. Go Emonet et al., 2012).

0047-2484/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go 35

Given the relevance of dental morphology in understanding Nevertheless, a systematic evaluation of hominin lower molars in
hominin evolution, we initiated in 2006 a systematic evaluation of the context of our 2D geometric morphometric series of analyses is
postcanine dental variation in crown morphology (Martino n-Torres still lacking (Martinon-Torres et al., 2006; Go mez-Robles et al.,
et al., 2006). Our evaluations have included a comprehensive rep- 2007, 2008, 2011b). Therefore, the main objective of this study is
resentation of the hominin fossil record, but they have paid special to complete the geometric morphometric analysis of the post-
attention European Pleistocene groups. Our series of papers has canine dentition in order to investigate a more comprehensive
provided evidence that several dental traits typify Middle and scenario of hominin dental evolution during the Plio-Pleistocene.
Upper Pleistocene European groups. These features include a As in previous cases, our analysis is focused on the evaluation of
change towards symmetry and distal reduction in upper premolars the European fossil record and the relationship of European fossils
(Gomez-Robles et al., 2011b); a very characteristic skewed with modern humans, although Asian and African specimens are
morphology in upper first molars that can be traced back to the late also included to place European variation into a broader context. As
Lower Pleistocene (Go  mez-Robles et al., 2007, 2011a; see also the final article in our series of papers, we discuss the implications
Bailey, 2004); a strong reduction of distal cusps in upper second of dental variation across the whole poscanine dentition, with
and, especially, third molars (Go mez-Robles et al., 2012); an special emphasis on the evolutionary relationships of the Lower
acquisition of nearly symmetric shape and a strong reduction of the and Middle Pleistocene fossil samples from the Atapuerca sites of
talonid in lower first premolars (Go  mez-Robles et al., 2008); and a Gran Dolina-TD6 and Sima de los Huesos.
general maintenance of an asymmetric conformation in lower
second premolars (Martino n-Torres et al., 2006). Dental traits Material and methods
related primarily to dental reduction are shared in general terms by
Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis (also referred to as Material
modern humans and Neanderthals throughout the text, respec-
tively), although the specific features of these reductions differ in A sample of 132 lower first molars (M1), 126 lower second
both species. These features are the ones that allow for the differ- molars (M2), and 108 lower third molars (M3) was analyzed
entiation of these two species (and sometimes of their ancestral (Tables 1e3). The study of fossil teeth by means of 2D geometric
populations) in spite of the general reduction that drives dental morphometrics based on image analysis ensured the availability of
evolution in both cases.
Dental morphology shows a wide range of variation within Table 1
List of lower first molars included in this study.a
species, and its analysis across the closely related species that
constitute the hominin clade does not allow for the identification of Species n Specimens
unmistakably delineated species-specific morphologies. However, A. afarensis n¼6 AL128-23, AL145-35, AL266-1, AL288, AL333-
several trends can be identified and linked to particular population 1a, LH2
dynamics either via random factors such as genetic drift (Weaver A. africanus n ¼ 4 MLD2, STS24, STW498, Taung
P. robustus n ¼ 4 SK23, SKW5, SKX4446, TM1517
et al., 2007), or specific direct or indirect selective pressures
P. boisei n ¼ 2 KNM-ER3230, KNM-ER15930
(Grine, 1986; Bermúdez de Castro, 1989; Macho and Moggi-Cecchi, H. habilis s. l. n ¼ 6 KNM-ER1802, KNM-ER5431, OH7, OH13, OH16,
1992; Bermúdez de Castro and Nicola s, 1995; Bermúdez de Castro STW151b
et al., 2003b; Irish and Guatelli-Steinberg, 2003; Lozano et al., H. ergaster n¼3 KNM-ER820, OH22, KNM-WT15000
2008). Regardless of the origin of morphological diversification, it is Dmanisi n¼2 D211, D2735
H. erectus n ¼ 11 Zhoukoudian: B3.9, 36, 137
evident in most studies of dental morphology that the ranges of Sangiran: S1b, S6, S7-20, S7-42, S7-43, S7-61,
variation of different species overlap, although they can be distin- S7-62, S7-76
guished in their mean values/morphologies. This causes taxonomic H. antecessor n¼3 Atapuerca-TD6: ATD6-5, ATD6-93, ATD6-96
classification based on dental morphology to be a probabilistic task European n ¼ 22 Arago: A13, A40, A89
H. heidelbergensis Atapuerca-SH: AT-2 (Ind 2), AT-101 (Ind 3), AT-
that will give rise to the allocation of specimens to species with
1759 (Ind 6), AT-141 (Ind 10), AT-286 (Ind 11),
certain probability (Bailey et al., 2009). AT-300 (Ind 12), AT-2276 (Ind 14), AT-2779 (Ind
Our previous studies of upper and lower premolars, as well as 16), AT-829 (Ind 18), AT-576 (Ind 19), AT-4318
upper molars, have revealed not only particular morphological pat- (Ind 20), AT-607 (Ind 23), AT-1458 (Ind 24), AT-
terns typical of European groups (Homo antecessor from Gran Dolina- 3934 (Ind 25), AT-561 (Ind 26), AT-792 (Ind 27),
AT-950 (Ind 31)
TD6, European Homo heidelbergensis, and H. neanderthalensis) but Montmaurin
also a markedly derived character state of the Middle Pleistocene Pontnewydd 11
population from Atapuerca-Sima de los Huesos (SH) compared with H. neanderthalensis n ¼ 22 Arcy-sur-Cure (Grotte de l'Hye ne): 3
other European Middle Pleistocene groups and classic Neanderthals Arcy-sur-Cure (Grotte du Renne): 35
mez-Robles et al., 2012; Martino n-Torres et al., 2012, 2013). The Ehringsdorf
Hortus: H1262 (Ind II), H988 (Ind V), H IV
derived state of hominins from the SH collection is especially Krapina: B, C, D, E, G, J, 79 (Ind L), 84 (Ind N), 81
apparent in the most proximal premolars and the most distal molars. (Ind P), 80, 105
These morphological peculiarities are especially puzzling in light of Le Moustier 1
the recent DNA analysis of one SH hominin (Meyer et al., 2014), Malarnaud
Petit-Puymoyen (two specimens)
which has revealed a higher genetic mitochondrial affinity with Saint Cesaire
Denisovans (Reich et al., 2010; Meyer et al., 2012) than with Nean- Fossil H. sapiens n ¼ 10 Qafzeh: 4, H4
derthals. In terms of dental morphology, the scarce morphological Abri Pataud
information on Denisovans shows that they are morphologically Isturitz: 106
Les Rois (three specimens including Les Rois A)
different from both Neanderthals and modern humans, with metric
Saint Germain-La Rivie re: B3, B4, B5
and shape features similar to those observed in Homo habilis and Recent H. sapiens n ¼ 37 Heidenheim (AMNH): 15 individuals
Homo erectus (Reich et al., 2010). La Torrecilla (LPA-UGR): 22 individuals
We have previously evaluated lower second molar morphology a
Ind: individual; AMNH: American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA);
in the context of methodological approaches useful to deal with LPA-UGR: Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, University of Granada (Granada,
evolutionary novelties and losses (Go  mez-Robles et al., 2011c). Spain).
36 mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go

these relatively large samples. The analysis of crown morphology in Table 3

these dental samples was based on occlusal photographs captured List of lower third molars included in this study.a

with a Nikon D80 or with a Nikon D1H digital camera fitted with an Species n Specimens
AF Micro Nikkor 105 mm, f/2.8D lens. The occlusal surface of molars A. afarensis n¼7 AL188-1, AL266-1, AL288, AL333w-57, AL333-60,
was placed as parallel to the lens as possible in order to minimize AL400-1a, LH4
the error due to the orientation of molars in 2D projections A. africanus n ¼ 8 MLD4, MLD18, MLD19, STS52, STW3, STW14,
(Gharaibeh, 2005), which has been calculated to be approximately STW384, STW498
P. robustus n ¼ 3 SK23, SKW5, TM1517
3% of the distance between individual landmarks and the centroid
P. boisei n ¼ 4 KNM-ER729, KNM-ER3230, KNM-ER15930, Peninj:
of the landmark configuration in lower premolars (Go mez-Robles 1
et al., 2008). This value is similar to the 1e4.5% error rate re- H. habilis s. l. n ¼ 3 OH4, OH13, OH16
ported by Bailey et al. (2004) in measuring cusp base areas in upper H. ergaster n ¼ 2 KNM-BK67, KNM-ER992
Dmanisi n ¼ 1 D211
first molars, with comparable values in intra- and inter-observer
H. erectus n ¼ 5 Zhoukoudian: A2, G1.6, 52, 131
evaluations. Error rates in placing landmarks are lower in molars Sangiran: S1b
than in premolars because their flatter occlusal surfaces make their H. antecessor n ¼ 2 Atapuerca-TD6: ATD6-96, ATD6-113
correct orientation less problematic (Go  mez-Robles, 2010). Taxo- European n ¼ 23 Arago: A13, A89
nomic assignments followed the same guidelines laid out in pre- H. heidelbergensis Atapuerca-SH: AT-1 (Ind 1), AT-811 (Ind 4), AT-13
(Ind 7), AT-4147 (Ind 12), AT-222 (Ind 16), AT-2277
vious articles of this series and are shown in Tables 1e3.
(Ind 18), AT-607 (Ind 23), AT-2385 (Ind 24), AT-
3943 (Ind 25), AT-30 (Ind 26), AT-143, AT-599, AT-
942, AT-1468, AT-1473, AT-1945, AT-2273, AT-
2777, AT-3182
Dental morphology was studied by means of a set of landmarks Pontnewydd: 2, 21
located at cusp tips and groove intersections, and a set of equidis- H. neanderthalensis n ¼ 14 Arcy-sur-Cure (Grotte de l'Hye ne): 5
tant sliding semilandmarks located at the molar periphery (Fig. 1). Breuil: 3
Guattari: 2, 3
The employed landmarks were: 1) mesial or anterior fovea, or most
Hortus: H13 (Ind VI), H695 (IndV)
mesial extreme of the central groove; 2) intersection between the Krapina: 106 (Ind E), H, 7 (Ind L), 9
central groove and the mesiobuccal groove; 3) intersection be- Petit-Puymoyen
tween the central groove and the lingual groove; 4) intersection Saint Cesaire
Shanidar: 2
Vindija: 206
Table 2 Fossil H. sapiens n ¼ 6 Qafzeh: H4
List of lower second molars included in this study.a Abri Pataud
Isturitz: 107
Species n Specimens Les Rois (three specimens)
Recent H. sapiens n ¼ 30 Heidenheim (AMNH): 10 individuals
A. afarensis n¼9 AL128-23, AL145-35, AL188-1, AL207-13, AL266-1,
La Torrecilla (LPA-UGR): 14 individuals
AL288, AL333-1b, AL333W-60, AL400-1a
CENIEH: 6 individuals
A. africanus n ¼ 4 MLD2, STS52, STW14, STW498
P. robustus n ¼ 4 SK23, SKW5, SKX4446, TM1517 Ind: individual; AMNH: American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA);
P. boisei n ¼ 3 L427-7, KNM-ER15930, KNM-ER3230 LPA-UGR: Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, University of Granada (Granada,
H. habilis s. l. n ¼ 5 KNM-ER1802, KNM-ER5431, OH7, OH13, OH16 Spain); CENIEH: National Research Centre for Human Evolution (Burgos, Spain).
H. ergaster n ¼ 3 KNM-ER992, OH22, KNM-WT15000
Dmanisi n ¼ 2 D211, D2735
H. erectus n ¼ 11 Zhoukoudian: A2, F1.5, G1.6, K1.96, 43, 44, 45 between the central groove and the distobuccal groove, also cor-
Sangiran: S1b, S5, S7-64, S7-65 responding to the most anterior point of the fifth cusp or hypo-
H. antecessor n¼3 Atapuerca-TD6: ATD6-5, ATD6-96, ATD6-113
conulid; 5) tip of the mesiobuccal cusp or protoconid; 6) tip of the
European n ¼ 24 Arago: A10, A13, A69, A89
H. heidelbergensis Atapuerca-SH: AT-1 (Ind 1), AT-3179 (Ind 2), AT- mesiolingual cusp or metaconid; 7) tip of the distobuccal cusp or
271 (Ind 3), AT-169 (Ind 10), AT-557 (Ind 11), AT- hypoconid; and 8) tip of the distolingual cusp or entoconid.
300 (Ind 12), AT-284 (Ind 14), AT-2193 (Ind 15), AT- The evaluation of first molars included the eight landmarks,
2763 (Ind 16), AT-941 (Ind 18), AT-946 (Ind 20), AT- whereas the evaluation of second molars did not include landmark
607 (Ind 23), AT-2396 (Ind 24), AT-3889 (Ind 25),
4 and the analysis of third molars excluded landmarks 1 and 4 due
AT-1756 (Ind 26), AT-3176 (Ind 27), AT-792 (Ind 28)
Montmaurin to the difficulty of identifying them in the most recent hominin
Pontnewydd: 8, 15 species because of their strongly reduced morphology. The location
H. neanderthalensis n ¼ 18 Arcy-sur-Cure (Grotte de l'Hye ne): 4 of landmarks, especially those located on cusp tips, was assessed by
Arcy-sur-Cure (Grotte du Renne): 5, 21
comparing photographs with the original molars or casts. Heavily
Hortus: H IV, H930 (Ind V) worn molars were not included in our analyses, although a certain
Krapina: 6 (Ind A), C, D, 10 (Ind E), G, J, 1 (Ind L), 86, degree of wear was accepted (up to wear stage 3e4; Molnar, 1971;
107 Supplementary Online Material [SOM] Fig. 1). Apart from these
Le Moustier 1 landmarks, we digitized 39 sliding semilandmarks in counter-
clockwise direction. The first semilandmark was located at the
Saint Ce
Fossil H. sapiens n¼8 Qafzeh: H4, 11 point of the mesial margin directly opposite to the mesial fovea, or
Abri Pataud at the point of the mesial margin intersected by the hypothetical
Grimaldi prolongation of the central groove. Landmarks and semilandmarks
Les Rois (three specimens)
were digitized using TpsDig2 (Rohlf, 2005). The 39 semilandmarks
Saint Germain-La Rivie re: 3
Recent H. sapiens n ¼ 32 Heidenheim (AMNH): 13 individuals
were slid in order to minimize the Procrustes distance between
La Torrecilla (LPA-UGR): 19 individuals each individual and the target represented by the consensus
a morphology of the sample (Pe rez et al., 2006). We used this crite-
Ind: individual; AMNH: American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA);
LPA-UGR: Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, University of Granada (Granada, rion to slide semilandmarks instead of other possible criteria (Gunz
Spain). et al., 2005) because previous studies of hominin lower molars have
mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go 37

Allometric change was evaluated both intraspecifically (static

allometry) in H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, and H. sapiens,
and interspecifically (evolutionary allometry). For the latter,
phylogenetic non-independence of data was accounted for by
regressing independent contrasts of shape on independent con-
trasts of size (Klingenberg and Marug an-Lobo n, 2013). Independent
contrasts are calculated as weighted differences between pairs of
sister species or nodes, and they were based on two different
phylogenetic trees to explore the effect that the uncertainty in
defining phylogenetic relationships has on these estimates. The
first phylogenetic tree included Paranthropus as a monophyletic
group and used a model of late divergence between Neanderthals
and modern humans, whereas the second phylogenetic tree
considered Paranthropus as paraphyletic and used a model of early
divergence between Neanderthals and modern humans (SOM
Fig. 2). Both trees also differed in the geometry of the relation-
ships between H. ergaster, H. erectus, and the Dmanisi hominins
(which were included as a separate species to increase the number
of data points). Many other modifications of these phylogenetic
trees are possible, but we restricted our analyses to these two
because the aim of this study is not to do an exhaustive comparison
of the effect of phylogenetic uncertainty in the estimation of allo-
metric effects. Analyses were carried out with TpsRelw (Rohlf,
1998) and MorphoJ (Klingenberg, 2011).
Figure 1. Landmarks and semilandmarks used in the lower first molar analysis.
Landmark 1 has not been included in the lower second molar analysis. Landmarks 1
and 4 have not been included in the lower third molar analysis. B: buccal; L: lingual; Results
M: mesial; D: distal.
General morphological trends

demonstrated a better performance of this approach in a similar M1 The first principal component (PC) corresponding to the
context (Go mez-Robles et al., 2011c). morphological analysis of lower first molars reflects the reduction
After performing a generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA) in or- of the fifth cusp, which is accompanied by a reduction of the
der to remove all non-shape variation corresponding to position, mesiodistal diameter giving rise to a more squared morphology, as
size, and orientation (Rohlf and Slice, 1990), several analyses were well as a change from the typical Dryopithecus pattern (also called
carried out to assess the main morphological trends observed in the Y5 pattern) to a cruciform groove pattern (Fig. 2: top chart). The
hominin clade. A first exploratory step was carried out using a second component shows mainly the distinction between
relative warps analysis (Bookstein, 1991), which in this case is mesiodistally elongated molars (positive values) versus
equivalent to a principal components analyses (PCA) of Procrustes- buccolingually broad molars (negative values). The main
superimposed landmark coordinates. The PCAs were carried out on morphological change across the second PC affects the general
complete samples and also on reduced samples including only proportion of the molars (rectangular shape versus approximately
Homo species and grouping Dmanisi hominins, Homo ergaster, and squared shape in positive and negative values, respectively), but
H. erectus under H. erectus s. l. The purpose of repeating analyses on this PC does not correspond with strong changes either in cusp
reduced samples was to ascertain if important morphological fea- proportions or in the groove pattern.
tures distinguishing Homo species might be masked by including The most notable observation in the distribution of individuals
Australopithecus and Paranthropus species. A canonical variates in the PC space corresponding to PC1 and PC2 is the presence of two
analysis (CVA), together with a comparison of species mean shapes outliers (two H. sapiens molars with only four cusps). This 4-cusp
based on permutation tests, was employed in order to evaluate the conformation is part of the normal variability of H. sapiens, even
performance of lower molar morphology in taxonomic classifica- though this pattern is a minority in the studied sample. Apart from
tion and the general morphological distinctiveness of the three this, the PCA graph shows a complete overlapping of different
most recent (and best represented) hominin species: species, including Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and Homo species
H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, and H. sapiens. The CVAs (Fig. 2: top chart).
used the first ten principal components obtained in a PCA of these Lower first molars show a very homogeneous distribution of
species (based in turn on GPAs including only these three species). variance such that no eigenvalue is clearly predominant versus the
This number of principal components was chosen to ensure that other ones. Actually, PC1 and PC2 account only for 32.78% of total
the number of variables was below the number of individuals per morphological variance. Therefore, PC3 and PC4 have also been
group in all cases. Percentages of correct classification were cross- evaluated, and their combination does reveal certain interspecific
validated by excluding each specimen from the analysis and later organization (Fig. 2: bottom chart). The most important feature of
testing the group to which they are assigned. Technical details of the PCA graph showing PC3 against PC4 is the separation of
these analyses are explained in previous articles in this series H. neanderthalensis and H. heidelbergensis from other hominins due
(Gomez-Robles et al., 2007, 2008, 2011b, 2012). to their exclusive positive values (with only one exception corre-
The relative contribution of allometric change to shape variation sponding to the Le Moustier 1 molar) on PC3. Positive scores on PC3
was evaluated by means of a multivariate regression of shape var- are associated with a general mesiodistally elongated shape, a well-
iables on size. Size was measured as the logarithm of the centroid developed fifth cusp associated with a cruciform groove pattern,
size, defined as the squared root of the sum of the squared distances and a mesial displacement of the anterior fovea caused by the
between a set of landmarks and their centroid or gravity center. almost universal appearance in Neanderthal and pre-Neanderthal
38 mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
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Figure 2. Principal components analysis (relative warps analysis) of lower first molar morphology in the complete hominin sample. Top: PC1 versus PC2. Bottom: PC3 versus PC4.
Orientation of TPS-grids is the same as in Figure 1. Relevant specimens discussed in the text are indicated.

lower molars of a very well-defined mid-trigonid crest (Bailey, shows mainly negative values for PC1 and PC3 that are indicative of
2002a; Martino n-Torres, 2006; Bailey et al., 2011; Martino  n- their general primitive morphology in lower first molars.
Torres et al., 2012; Martínez de Pinillos et al., 2014). Austral- Homo antecessor shows morphologies close to the consensus of the
opithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo molars tend to plot in the sample.
negative halves of the graphs for both PC1 and PC3, without a clear These patterns of variation are slightly different from the ones
pattern of distribution along PC2 and PC4 (Fig. 2). Homo erectus also yielded by PCAs including only species of the genus Homo, a result
mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go 39

that is also driven by the exclusion from this reduced sample of the M2 The first PC corresponding to the shape analysis of lower
H. sapiens outliers (Fig. 3). However, analyses of the complete and second molars reveals not only the reduction of the fifth cusp
reduced samples are similar in not separating species in the com- observed in the most recent hominin species but also a general
bination of the first and second PCs, but in the combination of PC3 reduction of the distal half of the molars associated with the
and PC4. When excluding Australopithecus and Paranthropus spe- appearance of an X-pattern (Fig. 4: top chart). On the contrary,
cies as well as the H. sapiens outliers, PC1 and PC2 are interchanged negative scores on PC1 correspond to mesiodistally long molars
such that the reduction of the hypoconulid is recovered by PC2. with five well-developed cusps and the primitive Dryopithecus

Figure 3. Principal components analysis (relative warps analysis) of lower first molar morphology in the reduced hominin sample (excluding Australopithecus and Paranthropus
species, and H. sapiens outliers). Top: PC1 versus PC2. Bottom: PC3 versus PC4. Orientation of TPS-grids is the same as in Figure 1.
40 mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go

pattern. Negative scores on PC2 correspond to buccolingually humans and European groups (mainly SH hominins), whereas
broad molars with peripherally located cusp apices and a earlier species occupy the whole morphospace along PC2. The three
cruciform pattern, whereas positive scores on this PC correspond molars belonging to H. antecessor plot close to one another at the
to more elongated molars along the mesioedistal axis with negative extreme of PC1, thus highlighting the well developed 5-
more centrally located cusp apices and a mesially located cusped morphology typical in lower molars of the oldest Euro-
anterior fovea. pean populations, similar to those observed in earlier species of the
The first PC shows a gradual separation of earlier molars genus Homo and even in some Australopithecus and Paranthropus
belonging to Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo versus specimens. The three H. ergaster molars have intermediate scores
recent molars belonging to later Homo species (Fig. 4: top chart). for PC2, but are distributed along the complete morphospace for
The second PC shows primarily the separation between modern PC1, with the only exception of the region of the plot corresponding

Figure 4. Principal components analyses (relative warps analyses) of lower second molar morphology (top) and lower third molar morphology (bottom) in the complete hominin
samples. Only the first two principal components are represented. Orientation of TPS-grids is the same as in Figure 1. Relevant specimens discussed in the text are indicated.
mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go 41

to strongly reduced molars. Both lower second molars from the Percentages of correct assignment are highest in the three cases
Dmanisi site plot at the negative half of the graph for PC1, but they for H. sapiens and lowest for H. neanderthalensis, with intermediate
differ along PC2. values for H. heidelbergensis. This reflects in part the morphological
For lower second molars, morphological variations recovered by distinction of Neanderthal and SH molars due to the very anterior
PC1 and PC2 in the analysis of the complete and reduced samples position of the mesial fovea, as well as the more peripheral position
are very similar (Fig. 5: top). The distribution of the different spe- of cusp apices in H. sapiens (versus the more central position
cies in the morphospace is also largely comparable in both analyses, observed in Neanderthals and, especially, in SH hominins).
with European groups and H. sapiens separated along PC2, and Homo neanderthalensis and H. heidelbergensis molars are barely
H. antecessor plotting at the negative extreme of PC1. differentiated in the position of the mesial fovea, but their main
differences are the mesiodistally more elongated shape and the
M3 Similar morphological patterns are observed in the analysis of
more central placement of cusp tips observed in H. heidelbergensis.
lower third molars. The first PC shows the variation from unre-
The observed relatively high percentages of correct classifica-
duced molars with five well-defined cusps to strongly reduced
tion are indicative of significant differences in mean shape between
molars without a hypoconulid (c5) and with a small hypoconid
the three species in the three molar positions. Procrustes distances
and entoconid, which are sometimes obscured by the presence of
between H. heidelbergensis and H. sapiens are greater than the
accessory cusps (Fig. 4: bottom chart). The second PC also reflects
distances between Neanderthals and H. heidelbergensis and be-
the contrast between approximately squared molars with
tween Neanderthals and modern humans for the three molars
peripherally located cusp tips versus mesiodistally elongated
(Table 5). Neanderthals and modern humans are expected to show
molars with centrally compressed cusp apices. The exclusion in
the greatest shape differences because the phylogenetic distance
these molars of the landmark corresponding to the mesial
between both species (the amount of time during which they have
foveaddue to the difficulty in identify it in strongly reduced
evolved independently) is longer that the phylogenetic distance
molarsddoes not allow for an evaluation of its position.
between either of them and H. heidelbergensis, regardless of the
However, an a posteriori evaluation demonstrates that many
phylogenetic position of the latter. Therefore, this result highlights
molars plotting on the positive half of the graph for PC2 show a
the morphological uniqueness of the H. heidelbergensis sample,
mid-trigonid crest (and an associated mesial displacement of the
mostly represented by Sima de los Huesos hominins, which is
anterior fossa).
especially evident in third molars.
In the PCA graph corresponding to M3 morphology, the most
negative scores correspond to P. boisei molars, which are generally
the most expanded ones (both in size and in cusp number). The
positive half of the graph for PC1, however, includes not only molars
Allometric variation shows different patterns when evaluated at
belonging to the most recent species but also some belonging to
inter- and intraspecific levels (Table 6). Interspecifically, the three
Australopithecus afarensis, Australopithecus africanus, H. habilis, H.
molars show highly significant allometric variation when evaluated
erectus, H. ergaster, and H. antecessor (Fig. 4: bottom chart).
without considering phylogenetic relationships. These analyses
Homo ergaster and Dmanisi molars plot close to the center of the
show that allometric variation is stronger in second and third
graph, whereas both H. antecessor third molars differ in their
molars than in first molars. These results are more comparable to
morphology: ATD6-113 has a well-defined 5-cusped conformation
the ones presented in the other papers in this series (Go
that makes it plot at the upper left quadrant (close to some
et al., 2007, 2012), and they show that allometric variation is
H. habilis molars). However, ATD6-96 has a strongly reduced
generally smaller in lower molars than in upper molars. However,
morphology that makes it plot at the lower right quadrant, in the
upper and lower first molars show low allometric variation, with
area mainly occupied by H. sapiens (although some Neanderthal,
similar values in both cases. Phylogenetically corrected analyses
Australopithecus, and H. erectus molars are also present in this area).
yield different results when using different phylogenetic trees, this
Removing Australopithecus and Paranthropus molars has a
being the main limitation of this approach in the context of hom-
noticeable effect in the PCA of the selected M3 sample (Fig. 5:
inin evolution. Lower first molars may or may not show significant
bottom chart). Although PC1 still recovers distal reduction, the
evolutionary allometry depending on the employed phylogenetic
negative extreme values do not show the broadly expanded talonid
tree, whereas second molars show significant allometry in both
area typical of Paranthropus third molars (especially of P. boisei). The
cases and third molars do not show significant allometry in either
second PC, however, shows a very similar distinction between
case (Table 6). It is important to note, however, that these results
mesiodistally short or elongated molars, which is useful to distin-
are susceptible to change if a different topology of evolutionary
guish H. sapiens from H. neanderthalensis and H. heidelbergensis
relationships across species (including different datings for species
and nodes) were proved to be more accurate. It has to be noted as
well that these results are strongly influenced by evolutionary re-
Discriminant ability of lower molar shape lationships among H. habilis, H. ergaster, Dmanisi hominins, and
H. erectus, which are far from resolved (e.g., Lordkipanidze et al.,
The assignment tests based on canonical variates analyses of the 2013).
three most recent groups (H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, Other authors have addressed this problem by restricting allo-
and H. sapiens) reveal that the lower first molar has the highest metric analyses to closely related species, i.e., Neanderthals and
discriminant ability from the three lower molars. Discriminant modern humans (Bailey et al., 2014). Similarly, we also evaluated
ability decreases towards the second and third molars, as intra- intraspecific allometric variation to avoid the potential confound-
specific ranges of variation increase. The CVA graphs show how the ing effect of interspecific differences and phylogenetic uncertainty.
ranges of distribution of the three species are generally well Intraspecific allometric change is significant or marginally signifi-
defined in lower first molars, whereas they are blurred in second cant for the three molars in H. heidelbergensis, an effect that is
and third molars (Fig. 6). As the range of variation of the three partially influenced by the inclusion in these samples of larger and
species converge towards distal teeth, Neanderthals lose their morphologically less reduced molars from Arago, together with
morphological identity and their percentage of correct assignment smaller and reduced molars from SH. Similarly, allometric effects
drops to approximately 60% in second and third molars (Table 4). are significant for H. sapiens lower first molars, and they are also
42 mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
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Figure 5. Principal components analyses (relative warps analyses) of lower second molar morphology (top) and lower third molar morphology (bottom) in the reduced samples
(excluding Australopithecus and Paranthropus). Only the first two principal components are represented. Orientation of TPS-grids is the same as in Figure 1.

influenced by the inclusion in this sample of fossil and recent shortening of the mesiodistal diameter caused by the reduction of
H. sapiens, the former being larger and less reduced. The most talonid cusps, especially of the hypoconulid. This reduction is
important morphological change associated with size variation in associated in second and third molars with the frequent observa-
the three molars at both inter- and intraspecific levels is a tion of þ and X groove patterns.
mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go 43



Some particular morphological traits, such as certain additional

cusps, crests, or foveas (Irish, 1998; Bailey, 2002b; Guatelli-
Steinberg and Irish, 2005), and general size (Wood and Abbott,
1983; Suwa et al., 1994; Bermúdez de Castro and Nicol as, 1995)
can help to distinguish lower first molars of different species.
However, general morphology (measured as general proportions of
molars, number of main cusps, relative area of these cusps, and
organization of main grooves) shows relatively low variation
throughout the hominin fossil record in these molars (Fig. 7).
Several studies trying to evaluate morphological differences in
lower molars of robust and gracile australopiths have observed
certain trends, but not a clear separation of groups (Wood et al.,
1983; Wood and Abbott, 1983; Suwa et al., 1994, 1996; Skinner
et al., 2008). The similarity of lower first molars of Neanderthals
and modern humans has been previously highlighted, with only
some exceptions, the most important being the very frequently
observed mid-trigonid crest in Neanderthals (Bailey, 2002a, b). This
trait is also expressed with a very high frequency in the SH popu-
lation (Martino n-Torres, 2006; Martino  n-Torres et al., 2007b, 2012).
Quantitative analyses of the cervical and crown outline of Nean-
derthal and modern human first molars have also demonstrated
that lower first molars yield a less clear separation of both groups as
compared with upper first molars (Benazzi et al., 2011a). It has been
suggested, however, that certain crown outline features can be
useful to differentiate Neanderthal and modern human M1s once
size information is regressed out, including a reduction of the
buccodistal outline and a straighter lingual side in modern humans
(Benazzi et al., 2011a).
This relative stability in lower first molar morphology is also
reflected in the homogeneous distribution of variance across
principal components (Go  mez-Robles and Polly, 2012). Actually, no
separation of species or genera is observed in the combination of
the two principal components that account for the highest per-
centage of variance. Different species overlap along PC1 and PC2,
where individual distribution does not correspond to a taxonomic
differentiation. The third principal component, however, does show
interspecific separation. This component mainly reflects the sepa-
ration of H. heidelbergensis and H. neanderthalensis molars due to
the appearance of þ and X groove patterns. Non Y5-patterns appear
to be more common in the SH population (44.4%; Martino  n-Torres
et al., 2012) than in Neanderthals (3% in Bailey, 2002b; and 17.9% in
Martino  n-Torres et al., 2012) or in modern humans (0e20% in Scott
and Turner, 1997; 0e12.5% in Bailey, 2002b; and 22.7e27.6% in
Martino  n-Torres et al., 2012). The second trait that causes a sepa-
ration between Neanderthal and H. heidelbergensis molars and the
other species is the relative displacement of the mesial fovea to-
wards the mesial margin of the molars due to the frequent presence
of the mid-trigonid crest (Bailey, 2002a, b; Martino n-Torres, 2006;
Martino  n-Torres et al., 2007b, 2012; Bailey et al., 2011; Martínez de
Pinillos et al., 2014). This crest is observed not only in almost all the
Neanderthals and H. heidelbergensis, but also in some molars from
Sangiran (H. erectus), Dmanisi, and Gran Dolina-TD6 (H. antecessor;
Martino  n-Torres et al., 2007a). In some of these cases, however, the
mid-trigonid crest is interrupted by the central groove, the course
of which is attenuated at the point of intersection with the crest.
Arago molars show the traits observed in SH molars to a lesser

Figure 6. Canonical variates analysis of lower first, second, and third molars (repre-
sented from top to bottom). TPS-grids represent the deformation from the mean shape
of the sample to the mean shape of H. heidelbergensis (bottom on each plot), of TPS-grids is the same as in Figure 1. Fossil and recent H. sapiens are represented with
H. neanderthalensis (top on each plot), and H. sapiens (right on each plot). Orientation different symbols on the plot, but they have been grouped together in canonical var-
iates analyses.
44 mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go

Table 4
Percentage of correct classifications based on canonical variates analyses.

M1 M2 M3

Original Cross-validated Original Cross-validated Original Cross-validated

H. heidelbergensis 95.5% 81.8% 83.3% 75.0% 79.2% 70.8%

H. neanderthalensis 86.4% 77.3% 83.3% 61.1% 71.4% 64.3%
H. sapiens 93.6% 89.4% 95.1% 95.1% 86.1% 77.8%
Total 92.3% 84.6% 89.2% 81.9% 81.1% 73.0%

Table 5 morphological distinction (5-cusped molars in early Homo versus

Mean shape comparisons between H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, and 4-cusped molars in later Homo) that may or may not be reflected in
H. sapiens.a
the morphospace depending on the set of landmarks employed
H. heidelbergensis- H. heidelbergensis- H. neanderthalensis- (Go mez-Robles et al., 2011c). When landmarks demarcating the
H. neanderthalensis H. sapiens H. sapiens fifth cusp are not explicitly included, 5- versus 4-cusped molars
M1 PD ¼ 0.021 PD ¼ 0.029 PD ¼ 0.026 show a gradient across the morphospace, but not a clear disconti-
P <0.001 P <0.001 P <0.001 nuity (Go mez-Robles et al., 2011c). Following Wood and colleagues
M2 PD ¼ 0.022 PD ¼ 0.038 PD ¼ 0.034
(Wood et al., 1983; Wood and Abbott, 1983), lower molar shape in
P ¼ 0.009 P <0.001 P <0.001
M3 PD ¼ 0.033 PD ¼ 0.047 PD ¼ 0.028 robust taxa is characterized by a combination of a relative reduction
P ¼ 0.004 P <0.001 P ¼ 0.003 of the trigonid area and a relative enlargement of the talonid area.
PD: Procrustes distance between the mean shape of listed species. P: p-value
This trend is especially evident when comparing early hominin
based on 10,000 random permutations (testing the null hypothesis of equal mean molars with late hominin molars. Later species show a very marked
shapes in the compared species). reduction of the talonid cusps, which can contribute a significant
lower proportion to the total area of the molar than the trigonid
degree, as demonstrated by their marginal location within the None of the Neanderthal second molars in our sample shows a
range of variation of H. heidelbergensis (Fig. 2). 4-cusped configuration, although two molars from SH and one
from Pontnewydd have only four cusps (compared with 72.5% of
M2 H. sapiens). While this may be the result of a sampling bias, it un-
derscores the strong trend to reduction of SH dentitions, which
The results of the classic works by Wood and colleagues reveal seems to be even stronger that that observed in Neanderthals
that shape and size variation of lower second molars corresponding (Bermúdez de Castro and Nicol mez-Robles et al., 2012).
as, 1995; Go
to Plio-Pleistocene African species show a continuous distribution, Extremely reduced lower second molars with only four cusps and
the extremes of which correspond to P. boisei, and H. habilis and non-Y patterns have also been described in H. erectus specimens
H. ergaster (Wood et al., 1983; Wood and Abbott, 1983). This from Sangiran dated to the Lower Pleistocene or to the early Middle
gradient is also observed in our results, although this variation is Pleistocene (Zanolli, 2013). Three second molars from Arago are
masked due to the inclusion of Asian and European later groups. located far from most SH molars in the PCA plot, and they delim-
Actually, the inclusion of later Homo species reveals a clear itate the area of distribution of H. heidelbergensis in the

Table 6
Inter- and intraspecific allometric analysis.a

Interspecific without phylogeny Independent contrasts (tree 1) Independent contrasts (tree 2) H. heidelbergensis H. neanderthalensis H. sapiens

M1 4.28% 13.26% 18.37% 7.79% 6.54% 7.30%

P <0.001 P ¼ 0.153 P ¼ 0.024 P ¼ 0.076 P ¼ 0.153 P ¼ 0.001
M2 7.08% 21.30% 29.76% 10.63% 6.17% 3.28%
P <0.001 P ¼ 0.001 P ¼ 0.008 P ¼ 0.014 P ¼ 0.390 P ¼ 0.194
M3 9.74% 7.97% 10.31% 9.10% 13.07% 2.79%
P <0.001 P ¼ 0.433 P ¼ 0.267 P ¼ 0.024 P ¼ 0.105 P ¼ 0.455
Percentage of shape variance explained by allometric effects. P: p-value based on 10,000 random permutations.

Figure 7. Morphological diversity of lower first molars. H. habilis (A: STW 151), H. heidelbergensis (B: AT-3934), H. neanderthalensis (C: Petit Puymoyen), and H. sapiens (D: Saint
re B3). Orientation of molars is the same as in Figure 1. Scale bars are 5 mm.
Germain-La Rivie
mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go 45

morphospace (Fig. 4: top chart). As in most mandibular teeth, identified. However, the taxonomic utility of these differences is
H. antecessor has a primitive conformation in lower second molars, limited. One of the most evident observations related to the lower
characterized by the large size of the distal half and by the gener- third molar analysis is the strong structural reduction of the SH
alized presence of additional cusps (Bermúdez de Castro et al., hominins. The Procrustes distance between the mean shape of
1999b, 2008; Fig. 8). Middle Pleistocene European molars (H. heidelbergensis) and
Both molars from Dmanisi show very different morphologies. H. sapiens is considerably higher than the distance observed be-
D211 has a general rounded shape and a Y5 pattern. The hypo- tween Neanderthals and modern humans. Lower third molars from
conulid (c5) begins at the central fossa, before the point of inter- Arago plot at a marginal area of the distribution range of
section between the central groove and the lingual groove, a H. heidelbergensis, and they have been described as intermediate in
morphology that is not observed in australopiths. This groove morphology between Lower Pleistocene European groups and the
configuration is also typical of some H. erectus and it is similar to SH molars (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 2003a). In spite of the
that observed in some H. habilis, such as OH16. The lower second primitive morphologies observed in the lower dentition of
molar of D2735, however, has a rectangular and mesiodistally H. antecessor (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 1999b; Go mez-Robles
elongated shape. The evaluation of mesiodistal and buccolingual et al., 2008; Go  mez-Robles, 2010), the hemi-mandible ATD6-96
diameters (Martino  n-Torres et al., 2008; Macaluso, 2010) reveals (Carbonell et al., 2005) shows one of the most reduced third molars
that these different shapes are the result of the shorter mesiodistal observed in the complete sample (including recent H. sapiens). This
and larger buccolingual diameters of D211. Although not molar has a nearly circular shape, and cusps are reduced to small
completely clear due to the presence of additional cusps that enamel ridges (Fig. 9B). This molar is located within the range of
obscure the identification of the main ones, D2735 seems to have a distribution of H. sapiens in the PCA plot, close to other earlier
cruciform groove pattern (Martino  n-Torres et al., 2008). The exis- molars that also show a certain degree of reduction (Fig. 4: bottom
tence of secondary cusps (c6 and c7) that distort the location of the chart). The other third molar belonging to H. antecessor, which is
main ones, then altering the groove pattern, is also observed in located in the mandibular fragment ATD6-113 (Bermúdez de Castro
Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and H. habilis (Wood and Abbott, et al., 2008), has a much more primitive aspect with five well-
1983; Wood et al., 1983; Tobias, 1991). The derived aspect of defined cusps arranged in a Y-pattern, in spite of the complex
OH22, which plots at the area of the morphospace only occupied by array of secondary grooves (Fig. 9A). The third molar of the Plio-
recent species, is also apparent in Wood et al. (1983). In their Pleistocene mandible D211 is strongly reduced in size, but it still
principal components analyses (based either on relative cusp areas preserves the five main cusps plus two accessory cusps (c6 and c7;
or on the morphology of the groove pattern), OH22 appears as an Margvelashvili, 2006; Martino n-Torres et al., 2008), thus demon-
outlier and plots far from other African molars, including H. ergaster strating that size reduction in this case is not associated with
KNM-ER992. reduction in cusp number. As for australopiths and early Homo, it
has been shown elsewhere that there is considerable overlap in
M3 their ranges of variation and that complex morphologies with
accessory cusps are observed in these groups (Wood et al., 1983).
Lower third molars show a different pattern of reduction than
that observed in upper third molars (Go  mez-Robles et al., 2012). Serial variation and EvoDevo
Reduction in upper molars is very consistent in H. heidelbergensis,
H. neanderthalensis, and H. sapiens: when only one cusp is reduced First molars are less variable than second and, especially, third
or lost, this is usually the hypocone; if a second cusp is reduced, that molars. The morphological stability of first molars can be the result
reduction affects the metacone; mesial cusps (protocone and par- of a canalization process reducing morphological variation or of
acone) are more stable (Kondo and Yamada, 2003; Takahashi et al., stabilizing selection operating in first molars due to their central
2007). Cusp reduction in lower third molars is less consistent and developmental and functional role (Go mez-Robles and Polly, 2012).
shows a weaker relationship with size reduction than that observed The strongest morphological change observed in lower molars is
in upper third molars (Williams and Corruccini, 2007; Go mez- the reduction of distal cusps, which have been suggested to
Robles et al., 2012). Actually, H. sapiens lower third molars do not constitute a developmental module partially independent of that
show significant intraspecific allometric variation, whereas in up- formed by mesial cusps of the three molars (Hlusko et al., 2004).
per third molars both the Neanderthal and modern human lineages Distal reduction in third molars is first observed in early repre-
show significant and similar intraspecific allometric trajectories sentatives of the genus Homo, although, in these groups, strongly
(Gomez-Robles et al., 2012). reduced molars appear only occasionally. The proportion of
In spite of this unordered pattern of cusp reduction and the high reduced versus non-reduced molars seems to be reversed in recent
intraspecific variation, significant differences in mean shapes of Homo species, with a majority of individuals losing one or more
H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis, and H. sapiens have been cusps, although a certain proportion retain the primitive 5-cusped

ne 4), and

Figure 8. Morphological diversity of lower second molars. H. antecessor (A: ATD6-113), H. heidelbergensis (B: AT-1), H. neanderthalensis (C: Arcy-sur-Cure: Grotte de l'Hye
recent H. sapiens (D: LT102). Orientation of molars is the same as in Figure 1. Scale bars are 5 mm.
46 mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go

Figure 9. Morphological diversity of lower third molars. H. antecessor (A: ATD6-113; B: ATD6-96), H. heidelbergensis (C: AT-2385), and recent H. sapiens (D: CENIEH 32). Orientation
of molars is the same as in Figure 1. Scale bars are 5 mm.

conformation. This reflects an increasing trend towards reduction Sima de los Huesos fossils Although some teeth from SH have
that was initiated in the Lower Pleistocene. This trend is especially transitional morphologies between Lower Pleistocene populations
evident in the later developing cusps (distal), thus pointing to a and Neanderthals (i.e., first molars and second premolars), some
direct link between developmental dynamics and evolutionary dental classes in the SH hominins show more derived morphol-
change (Jernvall, 2000). ogies than in Neanderthals. This is especially evident in distal molar
Although with species-specific particularities, both Neanderthal morphologies, where the proportion of individuals showing
and modern human lineages show a strong trend towards distal reduction of one or more cusps is not only higher than that found in
reduction in their premolars and distal molars (Go mez-Robles and Neanderthals but is also higher than the frequencies of reduction
Polly, 2012). One possible explanation for this is inheritance from found in many modern human populations (Scott and Turner, 1997;
an also distally reduced common ancestor (Go  mez-Robles et al., Bailey, 2002b; Martino  n-Torres, 2006; Martinon-Torres et al., 2012).
2013). It can also be hypothesized, however, that distal reduction Moreover, Bermúdez de Castro and Nicola s (1995, 1996) have noted
has evolved in parallel in both lineages. If this were the case, either the extreme reduction in size of the postcanine dentition in the SH
shared adaptive pressures or developmental constraints would be hominins, a feature that is likely related to a reduction in the
causing the same morphological variation in both lineages. It has morphological complexity of these teeth (Williams and
been suggested that restrictions related to space in the jaw and/or Corruccini, 2007). Apart from these high frequencies of reduction
developmental timing can be involved in the structural reduction of of the distal molars, the SH hominins seem to show more derived
the distal cusps of later developing teeth (premolars and distal morphologies in upper and lower first premolars (Go mez-Robles
molars; Bermúdez de Castro, 1989; Go  mez-Robles et al., 2012; et al., 2008, 2011b). This observation highlights again the greater
Go mez-Robles and Polly, 2012). Space restrictions could play a variability corresponding to the elements most distant from the
role in reduction in modern humans, but it is unlikely to be oper- first molars (Go  mez-Robles and Polly, 2012)
ating in the reduction observed in the Neanderthal lineage. Time The derived morphology of the SH hominins has made some
restrictions can be the result of a postdisplacement event causing a authors (Endicott et al., 2010; Stringer, 2012) question the
delay in the onset of dental development and giving rise to a revised chronology of ca. 600 kyr (thousands of years ago)
paedomorphic molar that does not completely develop its potential (Bischoff et al., 2007), and favor a more conservative chronology
(Bermúdez de Castro, 1989; Jernvall, 2000). This heterochronic of ca. 350 kyr (Bischoff et al., 2003). Recent new data have
phenomenon could be related to the appearance of a modern life yielded a minimum age estimate for the SH hominins of ca. 430
history pattern (Bermúdez de Castro, 1989; Go mez-Robles et al., ka (Arnold et al., 2014; Arsuaga et al., 2014). This discrepancy in
2012), a trait that is thought to have appeared approximately SH chronology, however, does not shed light on the strong dental
1 Ma (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 1999a, 2010). If a modern pattern reduction of the SH hominins in comparison with Neanderthals.
of dental development already existed in the late Lower Pleistocene If a progressive and gradual change towards more derived mor-
and it is related to dental structural reduction, there would be a phologies (from a presumed less reduced ancestral condition) is
common ancestry to this reduction, even if it has further developed expected along the Neanderthal lineage, it is difficult to explain
following slightly different trajectories in the phylogenetic that the morphology of the SH teeth is even more derived than
branches leading to Neanderthals and modern humans. The that of Neanderthals in aspects related to dental reduction. This
morphological trend observed in our series of papers (general distal holds even in light of the recently published higher DNA affinity
reduction in both lineages, but with fine-scale particularities of the SH hominins with Denisovans than with Neanderthals
differentiating both groups) is fully consistent with this hypothesis. (Meyer et al., 2014). First, previous DNA analyses have demon-
strated that affinities based on mitochondrial DNA do not
Overview of postcanine dental variation necessarily match affinities observed through the high-coverage
analysis of the nuclear genome. Mitochondrial DNA analysis first
As this is the last article in our series of papers analysing variation revealed Denisovans to be the sister group of the
in postcanine teeth, the final part of this discussion is devoted to H. neanderthalensis-H. sapiens clade (Reich et al., 2010), whereas
summarizing the most relevant phylogenetic implications of these nuclear DNA has shown Denisovans to be the sister group of
morphological trends across the whole postcanine dentition. The Neanderthals but not of modern humans (Meyer et al., 2012).
most important interpretations of these morphological patterns in Second, even if future DNA analyses of the SH hominins
the context of the interaction between evolution, development, and demonstrated that they are indeed closer to Denisovans than to
function have been discussed elsewhere (Go  mez-Robles and Polly, Neanderthals, this would still imply that the SH hominins have a
2012). Here we focus on the most critical phylogenetic inferences, closer phylogenetic relationship with Neanderthals than with
some of which have been outlined in the context of ancestral state modern humans since, as mentioned above, Denisovans and
reconstruction (Go  mez-Robles et al., 2013), paying special attention Neanderthals form a clade to the exclusion of modern humans
to the European Pleistocene populations coming from Sima de los (Meyer et al., 2012). In terms of dental morphology, Denisovan
Huesos and Gran Dolina-TD6 sites. upper third molar size and shape are not only quite different
mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
A. Go 47

from those observed in Neanderthals and modern humans (Reich de Castro et al., 1999b). This can be the result of the stronger
et al., 2010) but also very different from those of the Sima de los integration and more static pattern of evolution undergone by
Huesos hominins (Personal observation). the mandibular dentition versus the weaker integration of the
The derived condition of the SH hominins can be observed not maxillary dentition, which is associated with a less static
only in general conformations but also in discrete dental traits evolutionary pattern (Go  mez-Robles and Polly, 2012). In addi-
(Martino  n-Torres et al., 2012). A possible explanation for this is that tion, although it has been claimed that the mandibles from Gran
phylogenetic signal (Klingenberg and Gidaszewski, 2010) is relaxed Dolina-TD6 lack all the apomorphies characteristic of Neander-
in the evolution of the most distal and mesial elements of the ar- thals (Rosas and Bermúdez de Castro, 1999; Carbonell et al.,
cade, and/or that dental morphology of the SH hominins shows 2005; Bermúdez de Castro et al., 2008), the ATD6-96 mandible
extreme morphologies within the probably higher range of varia- (the only H. antecessor mandible that preserves the complete
tion of Middle Pleistocene groups, perhaps associated with other ramus) displays a well-developed medial pterygoid tubercle on
biological particularities of this population. However, it is impor- the inner surface of the ramus (Carbonell et al., 2005). This trait
tant to note that many other skeletal features in the SH hominins do has been proposed to be an apomorphy of the Neanderthal
not show such derived character states as dental morphology lineage (Rak et al., 1994; Weaver, 2009), although a recent study
(Arsuaga et al., 2014). For example, cranial (including temporal) and has shown that it can be observed at low frequencies in taxa
facial morphology (Arsuaga et al., 1997; Martínez and Arsuaga et al., other than Neanderthals (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 2015).
1997), as well as some postcranial features (Carretero et al., 1997; Additionally, humeral morphology in H. antecessor has recently
Go mez-Olivencia et al., 2007; Lorenzo, 2007; Go  mez-Olivencia, been demonstrated to show a Neanderthal derived morphology
2009), show intermediate or primitive conditions with respect to (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 2012).
later Neanderthals. This mosaic pattern of evolution would corre- Part of this apparent disagreement can be explained by the fact
spond to a scenario where Neanderthal dental features would have that some characters supporting the existence of a H. antecessor-H.
arisen early on in Neanderthal evolution together with other traits neanderthalensis-H. sapiens clade are based on highly fragmentary
related to masticatory functions (Arsuaga et al., 2014), giving rise to evidence (e.g., morphology of the temporal squama and cranial
a period during which dental morphology changed only slightly or capacity). Moreover, the high cranial capacity of H. antecessor has
even faded in its Neanderthal apomorphies. Not surprisingly, been supported for some time by the alleged attribution of the
incipient Neanderthal dental features seem to be one of the first Ceprano calvaria (with an adult cranial capacity of approximately
acquisitions of Lower Pleistocene European populations (see 1185 cc) to H. antecessor (Manzi et al., 2001). This evidence,
below). The clear derived state of the SH dentitions, as well as the however, was weakened by more recent dating of the Ceprano
incipiently derived morphology of Gran Dolina-TD6 hominins to- fossil to ca. 0.45 Ma (millions of years ago) (Muttoni et al., 2009).
wards Neanderthal conformations (Go  mez-Robles et al., 2013), Regarding midfacial topology, classic concerns have focused on the
reveals that dental traits can be leading the Neanderthalization juvenile status of the ATD6-69 maxilla (e.g., Rightmire, 2001). All
process in populations that remain undifferentiated (TD6) or not in all, the meaning of facial morphology of H. antecessor remains
fully differentiated (SH) in other traits. This model is plausible if controversial. While some studies point to clear similarities with
considering the correlation of dental evolution in different dental H. sapiens (Lacruz et al., 2013), others suggest that those similar-
classes, which would be evolving as a strongly integrated unit ities are part of a generalized pattern of facial architecture shared
(Gomez-Robles and Polly, 2012). with Middle Pleistocene populations (Vialet, 2005, 2009; Freidline
Gran Dolina-TD6 hominins Gran Dolina-TD6 fossils were proposed et al., 2013), or they question the phylogenetic utility of the canine
to belong to the last common ancestral species of Neanderthals and fossa, claiming that the depressed infraorbital morphology is an
modern humans (H. antecessor) according to certain allometric secondary result of small size (Maddux and Franciscus,
synapomorphic traits shared by the three species (Bermúdez de 2009).
Castro et al., 1997): a high convex anterior border of the temporal These observations emphasize that, while it is possible to match
squama, a gracile mandibular corpus without alveolar individual derived characters from the Gran Dolina-TD6 hominins
prominence at the M1 level, a cranial capacity above 1000 cc, a with later fossil species, it is not easy to know which of these
modern midfacial topography, and a nearly vertical and anteriorly characters have the most phylogenetic valence. It is important to
positioned incisive canal (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 2004). stress that genetic coalescence, population separation, and
Further detailed monographic studies of cranial and postcranial phenotypic differentiation of two taxa represent chronologically
remains of H. antecessor either supported the position of distinct events (Hublin, 2009). Different characters may coalesce in
H. antecessor as the last common ancestor of H. neanderthalensis the ancestral species in different ways, giving rise to different
and H. sapiens (Arsuaga et al., 1999; Rosas and Bermúdez de scenarios depending on the studied trait. Some characters (those
Castro, 1999) or were unable to rule it out (Carretero et al., 1999; with a strong phylogenetic signal) will mirror the topology of the
Lorenzo et al., 1999). Later studies showed similar conclusions real phylogeny, whereas others will follow atypical coalescence
(Carbonell et al., 2005; Bermúdez de Castro et al., 2008; García- patterns. If some traits diversify before separation of the lineages,
Gonz alez et al., 2009; Go mez-Olivencia et al., 2010), although the ancestral species will show phenotypic polymorphisms, leading
some questions have been raised about the evolutionary to the identification of apomorphic traits of one of the lineages in
continuity or discontinuity of Gran Dolina and Sima de los the incipiently diversifying populations of the ancestral species.
Huesos populations (Bermúdez de Castro et al., 2003a). This scenario would be facilitated by geographic fragmentation of
Nevertheless, the study of dental morphology has revealed the ancestral species in different (and perhaps isolated) areas
the existence of certain similarities between H. antecessor and (Dennell et al., 2011).
H. neanderthalensis (and European H. heidelbergensis), but not Focusing on dental morphology, the suite of traits that has
between H. antecessor and H. sapiens (Martino  n-Torres, 2006, been the subject of detailed analysis in this series of papers, the
2006; Martino  n-Torres et al., 2007a, 2007b; Go  mez-Robles phylogenetic position of H. antecessor can be interpreted in
et al., 2007, 2011a, b; Go mez-Robles, 2010). These studies show different ways. First, it can be proposed that H. antecessor re-
a higher resemblance in upper dentition morphology between mains are located at the very beginning of the Neanderthal
H. antecessor and Neanderthals, although the morphology of lineage. However, this hypothesis is in deep disagreement with
lower teeth tends to keep a rather primitive pattern (Bermúdez divergence times suggested by the majority of molecular studies
48 mez-Robles et al. / Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015) 34e50
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(e.g., Krings et al., 1997, 1999; Ovchinnikov et al., 2000; Ho et al., Appendix A. Supplementary data
2005; Green et al., 2010). The second possibility is that
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cally absorbed during the Middle Pleistocene by other pop- dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.02.013.
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Acknowledgments Pleistocene hominids from Atapuerca-TD6 (Spain). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 96,
We are grateful to members of the Atapuerca research team and Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Rosas, A., Nicola s, M.E., 1999b. Dental remains from
Atapuerca-TD6 (Gran Dolina site, Burgos, Spain). J. Hum. Evol. 37, 523e566.
to researchers in the institutions where we have studied dental Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Martino  n-Torres, M., Sarmiento, S., Lozano, M., 2003a.
fossils: O. Kullmer, B. Denkel, and F. Schrenk (Senckenberg Insti- Gran Dolina-TD6 versus Sima de los Huesos dental samples from Atapuerca:
tute); D. Lordkipanidze, A. Vekua, and G. Kiladze (Georgian National evidence of discontinuity in the European Pleistocene population? J. Archaeol.
Sci. 30, 1421e1428.
Museum); H. de Lumley, M.A. de Lumley, and A. Vialet (Institut de Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Martino  n-Torres, M., Sarmiento, S., Lozano, M.,
ontologie Humaine); P. Mennecier (Muse
Pale e de l'Homme); I. Arsuaga, J.L., Carbonell, E., 2003b. Rates of anterior tooth wear in Middle
Tattersall, G. Sawyer, and G. García (American Museum of Natural Pleistocene hominins from Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain).
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 100, 11992e11996.
History); L. Jellema and Y. Haile-Selassie (Cleveland Museum of Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Martino n-Torres, M., Carbonell, E., Sarmiento, S., Rosas, A.,
Natural History); and M. Botella (Laboratory of Physical Anthro- Van der Made, J., Lozano, M., 2004. The Atapuerca sites and their contribution to
pology, University of Granada). We are also grateful to the Associate the knowledge of human evolution in Europe. Evol. Anthropol. 13, 25e41.
Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Pe rez-Gonza lez, A., Martino  n-Torres, M., Go mez-
Editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful and
Robles, A., Rosell, J., Prado, L., Sarmiento, S., Carbonell, E., 2008. A new early
constructive comments. This work was partially supported by Pleistocene hominin mandible from Atapuerca-TD6, Spain. J. Hum. Evol. 55,
funding by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project 729e735.
Bermúdez de Castro, J.M., Martino n-Torres, M., Prado, L., Go mez-Robles, A., Rosell, J.,
CGL2009-12703-C03-01-02-03). Fieldwork at Atapuerca is sup-
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ported by the Consejería de Cultura y Turismo (Junta de Castilla y from European Lower Pleistocene shows the earliest evidence of a modern
n) and the Fundacio
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