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Island Arc (2009) 18, 144–154

Thematic Article
Stress behavior from fault data sets within a transtensional zone,
South Central Cordillera, Luzon, Philippines: Implications for
mineral occurrences
National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City,
(email:, 2Philex Mining Corporation, 27 Brixton St, Pasig City, 3117 B1 RDM
Jesus St, Pandacan, Manila, Philippines, and 4P.O. Box 1183, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory,
Australia 0860

Abstract The structural signature in the area between the Baguio mineral district and
Ansagan, Tuba, Benguet in the South Central Cordillera, northern Luzon, Philippines, is
dominated by northeast- to ENE-trending faults, contained within a NNW–SSE-trending
transtensional strip. This 50-km-long, 25-km-wide elongated tectonic zone is bounded to
the west by the Pugo Fault and to the east by the Tebbo Fault, both being branches of the
Philippine Fault System. Detailed structural geological (particularly microtectonic) analy-
sis of fracture and mineral vein systems indicates strong conformity with the regional
structural direction. Computed extensional stress axis s3 directions are oriented N150° on
average, sub-parallel to the strike of the bounding faults. The existence of known mineral
deposits and prospects within the tectonic strip implies an intimate relationship between
transtension and mineral occurrence.

Key words: fault analysis, mineral occurrences, Philippine Fault System branches, South
Central Cordillera, stress directions, transtensional strip.


The Philippine Fault operates as a left-lateral fault
by virtue of a shear portioning mechanism brought
A zone of mineralization from the Baguio mining
about by the oblique convergence between the
district southwards lies within the multi-branched
Philippine Sea Plate and the thinned margin of
northern segment of the Philippine Fault System
the Eurasian Plate (Barrier et al. 1991; Aurelio
(PFS) in northern Luzon, Philippines (Fig. 1).
1992). According to this mechanism, first proposed
Luzon, like the entire Philippine Island Arc, is
by Fitch (1972), shear resulting from the oblique
flanked by oppositely verging subduction zones: in
convergence is distributed perpendicularly to
the east by the East Luzon Trough and by the
the west-dipping Philippine Trench–East Luzon
Manila Trench in the west. The area is traversed
Trough subduction system and left-laterally along
by the multi-branched northern segment of the
the Philippine Fault. This tectonic setup generates
sinistral Philippine Fault System which longitudi-
a maximum stress axis oriented generally east–
nally cuts the archipelago from north to south.
west across the entire archipelago. Evidence for
this includes stress orientations determined from
focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes (Barrier
et al. 1991; Aurelio & Punongbayan 2005) as well

Formerly of Philex Mining Corporation. as from strain directions determined from global
Received 10 May 2007; accepted for publication 14 December 2008. positioning satellite (GPS) measurements (Aurelio
© 2009 The Authors doi:10.1111/j.1440-1738.2009.00661.x
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Mineralization in transtensional zones 145

Fig. 1 General tectonic map of the

Philippines, showing the major struc-
tural features such as the subduction
trenches on either side of the archipelago
and the Philippine Fault System. Box
shows approximate location of Figure 2.
䉭, location of some GPS points used in
works cited in the text.

et al. 1998; Aurelio 2000; Kreemer et al. 2000). This EVOLUTION OF PHILIPPINE FAULT IN LUZON
present-day tectonic setting is believed to have
been unchanged for the past 5 my (Aurelio 2000; Prior to 5 Ma, the Philippine Fault in Luzon origi-
Hall 2001), following a shift in movement of the nated as a single fault strand produced by shear
Philippine Sea Plate from a northerly to a north- partitioning, similar to that proposed by Fitch
westerly direction. Evidence to this 5-my-old plate (1972), but within the context of oblique conver-
motion shift has also been observed in Japan gence between the South China Sea and Luzon,
(Angelier & Huchon 1986) and Taiwan (Angelier which developed when the oceanic crust ceased
et al. 1986). spreading sometime in Mid-Miocene times (Pinet
It is important at this stage to mention that the 1990). It then developed into several branches
1–2-my age of mineralization in the Santo. Tomas simulating the formation of a sinistral duplex
II ore body in Padcal, and most likely in the other system through time (Maleterre 1989), with the
mineralized areas in the vicinity (Philex Mining faults to the east developing earliest and those to
Corporation 2006), is within the 5-my-old tectonic the west the latest (Fig. 2).
setting of the Philippines characterized by an Branches of the Philippine Fault System in
east–west dominant stress direction. Luzon include the following from east to west:
© 2009 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
146 M. A. Aurelio et al.

Fig. 2 Branches of the Philippine Fault

System according to Pinet (1990). A Box
shows approximate coverage of Figure 3
showing a portion of the South Central Cor-
dillera of northern Luzon. Approximate area
of coverage shown in box of Figure 1.

Digdig Fault, Abra River Fault, Tebbo Fault, Tuba joints (shear, cooling, and hybrid joints), and
Fault, Pugo Fault, and Vigan–Aggao Fault (Fig. 2). faults. Bedding planes in tuff and flow layers were
All of these branches, with the exception of the also occasionally recorded. Measurements were
Tuba Fault and Tebbo Fault, are known to have plotted on a 1:5000 or finer scale topographic map.
generated earthquakes in the past 100 years Standard remote sensing techniques were used for
(Punongbayan 2001). Within this period, the stron- more regional analysis.
gest and most recent event occurred on 16 July Particular attention was given to the determina-
1990 when the Digdig branch ruptured for about tion of sense of movement along fault structures
110 km (Ringenbach et al. 1993). from Riedel shears, conjugate sets, slickensides,
This paper is an attempt to understand the rela- and other fault criteria. Where available, slicken-
tionship between geological structures and the side pitch/rake directions were measured in addi-
spatial and temporal distributions of mineralized tion to fault strike and dip. Other criteria of
areas in the South Central Cordillera of Luzon. faulting used included, among others, brecciated
zones, fault gouge, fracture infills, vein fills, and
displaced markers such as veins/veinlets and other
METHODOLOGY structures. In multi-event outcrops, the chronol-
ogy of events was established wherever possible.
This study specifically focuses on structural geo- Microtectonic analysis was performed using
logical characterization, performed at the outcrop measurements gathered from both surface out-
scale, along streams and hillslope exposures and crops and underground workings. Structural data
in underground mine workings. Among features sets (primarily fault data) were quantitatively
measured are fracture sets, and when identifiable, processed, enabling a reconstruction of the paleo-
© 2009 The Authors
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Mineralization in transtensional zones 147

Fig. 3 Interpretation of a portion of

the South Central Cordillera as a trans-
tensional strip (area marked by trans-
parent shading) defined by a NNW–SSE
striking left-stepping, left-lateral fault
pair represented to the east by the
Tebbo Fault and to the west by the Pugo
Fault. Present-day regional principal
stress axis s1 direction determined
from regional geodynamic studies (e.g.
Aurelio et al. 1998; Aurelio & Punong-
bayan 2005) shown. Digital terrain
model (DTM)of background map by
David (1997). Location of some known
mineral deposits shown (e.g. Antamok
Mines, Thanksgiving Mines, Sto. Tomas
II of Philex Mining Corporation). White
box shows approximate location of
Figure 4.

stress axes (maximum stress s1, intermediate Santo Tomas II ore body of Philex Mining Corpo-
stress s2, minimum stress s3), as well as the ratio ration (PMC) and the mineral prospects in the
F = (s2 - s3)/(s1 - s3) between the principal stress vicinity (Butan, Palonopon, Ansagan), are located
magnitudes (Angelier 1984, 1989). The latter value within a NNW–SSE strip bounded respectively to
is highly dependent on both the geometry of the the east and west by the Tebbo Fault and Pugo
faults and the method used. In order to determine Fault, in the southern section of the Central Cordil-
these stress parameters, two different methods lera (Fig. 3). As the left-lateral Tebbo Fault steps to
were used. An iterative search (R4DT) uses the S2 the left into the left-lateral Pugo Fault, a 25-km-
function of Angelier (1984), minimizing the angle wide tectonic strip trending NNW–SSE is pro-
between shear stress and slip vector. This gener- duced from around San Manuel, Pangasinan in the
ally results in small differences between computed south to north of La Trinidad in Benguet. This strip
(by data processing) and measured (in the field) is characterized by the presence of numerous ENE
angles (~10°), although in some fault populations, to northeast and east–west-trending structures,
permutations (or shifting of the position) of the especially in its eastern half. This arrangement of
main stress axes may also occur. Alternatively, the structures is indicative of a principal stress axis s1
direct inversion method (INVD) minimizes the S4 oriented east–west, consistent with the known pre-
function of Angelier (1984), which depends on both vailing stress direction in the entire archipelago
the slip–shear angle and the shear. In this case, (Aurelio 2000; Kreemer et al. 2000; Aurelio &
permutations on the main stress axes become rare, Punongbayan 2005). Many of the known operating
but angular differences (computed vs measured) mines and mineral prospects in the southern
are generally larger (~15°). The principles, condi- section of the Central Cordillera Range are located
tions of application, and limits of this technique within this tectonic strip. Among these are the
have been described in detail by Angelier (1984, Antamok, Thanksgiving, and Acupan mines
1989, 1990). (Fig. 3).

The Santo Tomas II mine is among the longest
Many of the known mineral deposits and prospects running gold–copper mines in the Philippines.
of the Baguio district and vicinity, including the Mining operations started in 1957 and are on-
© 2009 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
148 M. A. Aurelio et al.

Fig. 4 Generalized geological map of

a portion of the transtensional strip (box
in Fig. 3), highlighting the northeast
to ENE-trending faults (Sta. Fe, Albian,
Wilson, North and South San Expedito
faults, and an unnamed fault) and the
location of several mineralized areas
(hammer symbol). Enclosed boundaries
indicate tenement delineation of Philex
Mining Corporation. Dashed box shows
coverage of Figure 7. Location of cross-
section shown in Figure 9 is indicated.

going. The ore body is a vertical pipe with a diam- malachite vein also appears to fill in a similarly
eter of about 500 m. The pipe resulted from mul- trending fault structure.
tiple young dioritic intrusions (5 Mya or younger),
into an early Tertiary andesitic volcaniclastic suite
of rocks. The geology of this ore body and vicinity
has been described in detail in previous works,
foremost of which are those by Serafica and The Sta. Fe Fault is clearly visible on satellite
Baluda (1977), Balce (1979), Sillitoe and Gappe images and aerial photographs. Its subsurface
(1984), Zanoria et al. (1984), Togashi et al. (1990), manifestations can be investigated from under-
and Yumul et al. (1995). More recently, Imai (2001) ground exposures at several mining levels of the
described the processes that possibly generated Sto. Tomas II ore body of PMC. Based on its
the ore fluids responsible for the formation of a mapped trace underground, the Sta. Fe Fault
porphyry copper–gold deposit. strikes about N060° (Fig. 4), and dips 54°SE.
Among the major structures that appear in Lithological maps of the ore deposit at levels 900,
existing PMC maps are the Sta. Fe Fault, Albian 780, and 600 m above mean sea level (amsl) indi-
Fault, Wilson Fault, and San Expedito Fault, cate a dextrally distorted ore body. An exposure
all trending northeast–southwest. A 5-m-thick of the fault at level 908 m amsl shows horizontal
© 2009 The Authors
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Mineralization in transtensional zones 149

Fig. 5 Outcrop exposing the Albian

Fault near the northeast edge of the Sto.
Tomas II ore body. The structure defines
a 5- to 20-m fault zone striking northeast
and dipping to the southeast variably
between 50° (southeast edge) and 80°
(northwest edge). Inset photo is a
close-up view of the gentler southeast
edge. Map on the lower right shows the
trace of the fault with respect to the ore
body and the approximate location of the
photograph. View looking northeast.

slickenlines, providing convincing evidence for a LOCAL STRUCTURES IN THE BUTAN SMALL-SCALE
dextral slip. MINING AREA
This structural setup suggests that at some
stage after mineralization, the Sta. Fe Fault has As in the Santo Tomas II area, ENE-trending
been activated since it appears to at least partly major structures prevail in the small-scale mining
displace the northeastern end of the ore body. area of Butan. These structures are particularly
However, copper–gold assays do not completely represented by the Wilson Fault and the two
disappear across the faulted truncation of the ore branches of the San Expedito Fault. Several active
body at depth; thus, the fault may have already underground mine workings for vein-type gold
been active at the time mineralization was taking occurrences are located in an area limited to the
place (perhaps the last stages). north and south by the Wilson Fault and San
Expedito Fault, respectively (Fig. 6a). In this area,
smaller-scale northeast-trending structures have
been mapped and are associated with mineralized
The Albian Fault, on the other hand, has been well veins and veinlets.
established as the main structure responsible for Fracture sets gathered from several small-scale
the ground preparation of the Santo Tomas II ore mining tunnels confirm the predominance of
body (Philex Mining Corporation 2006). While it is ENE-trending veins and veinlets (Fig. 6b). Tensor
believed to split into three branches at the ore plots of these fracture sets indicate a dominant
body, the fault manifests as a deeply incised creek extensional stress direction oriented NNW–
located northeast of the ore body. Here the fault SSE (Fig. 7). This direction is perpendicular to
strikes about N035° and is defined by a steeply the strike of the major ENE-trending structures
dipping (80°) north edge and a moderately dipping (Wilson Fault and San Expedito Fault), as well as
south edge (50°). Both fault dips are inclined to the the vein systems in the Butan area.
southeast (Fig. 5). This NNW–SSE extensional direction appears
The southeast dip and ENE strike of the Albian to have favored the formation of open fractures
Fault makes it geometrically similar to the Sta. (normal faults) which were later filled with gold-
Fe Fault, located only a few hundreds of meters bearing mineralizing fluids. At a more regional
to the north. This strongly suggests that these scale, this same extension was responsible for
two faults belong to the same category as the the formation of the nearby major ENE-trending
regional northeast-trending structures in the structures, namely the Wilson Fault and San Expe-
South Central Cordillera tectonic strip. dito Fault.
© 2009 The Authors
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150 M. A. Aurelio et al.

Fig. 6 (a) Outcrops of the Wilson

(left) and North San Expedito (right)
faults defining the northern and southern
boundaries of the Butan small-scale
mining community. Both faults strike
northeast but dip steeply opposite each
other. (b) Fault data set gathered inside
a small-scale gold mining tunnel (Nay-
en–RBT) and corresponding stress
tensor solution (above right) and map of
tunnel (below right). On the map, note
the northeast–southwest orientation of
the tunnel and of observed fractures and
b veins, following the general structural

The northern branch of the San Expedito Fault ments is exposed parallel to an ENE-trending
dips steeply (~70°) to the southeast while the creek named Ververde from the greenish color of
southern branch, located about a few tens of the vein (Fig. 8). While the malachite vein indicates
meters to the south, dips in the opposite direction copper mineralization, tunnels excavated through
at about 80°NW (Fig. 6a). From here southwards, the vein by small scale miners have reportedly
the ENE-trending structures start dipping to the yielded significant amounts of gold ore.
northwest. The presence of a thick and persistent vein in the
Ansagan area strongly suggests the presence of a
major structure. Following the attitude of the vein,
ANSAGAN MALACHITE VEIN: A which is observed to strike about N040° and dip
NORTHWEST-DIPPING, ENE-STRIKING 55°NW, this structure, not recognized in previous
STRUCTURE FILL maps and herein referred to as the Ververde Fault
(Fig. 8), also strikes ENE–WSW and dips moder-
In the Ansagan prospect, a malachite vein with ately to the northwest. This dip is similar to that of
thickness reaching more than 5 m in some seg- the southern San Expedito Fault, but less steep.
© 2009 The Authors
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Mineralization in transtensional zones 151

Fig. 7 Summary of tensor solutions

derived from gathered fault data sets
from underground workings (tunnel) in
the Butan small-scale mining commu-
nity, plotted over the geological map of
the area. Stress axes are shown as a five-
pointed star for s1, four-pointed star for
s2, and three-pointed star for s3. Note
the dominance of northeast to ENE-
trending faults suggestive of a NNW–
SSE extensional (s3) stress direction
(with diverging black arrows). Location
of area covered and geological legend
are shown in Figure 4. Fault inversion
method by Angelier (1984, 1989, 1990).
See Table 1 for tabulation of this tensor
summary and explanation of tensor

Fig. 8 Attitude of the Ansagan mala-

chite vein filling in a northeast-striking,
northwest-dipping (N040°, 55°NW)
fault structure. Vein section pointed by
white arrow is about 5.0 m thick at this
segment. Inset shows the trace of the
structure (white dashed line, herein
referred to as Ververde Fault) plotted on
a Google Earth map of the area, re-
produced with permission. Small circle
indicates approximate location of photo-
graphed segment of the vein. See also
Figures 4 and 7 for location of Ansagan

DISCUSSION: IMPLICATIONS OF MEASURED 1. The Padcal–Ansagan mineral strip in the South

STRESS DIRECTIONS TO TECTONIC REGIMES Central Cordilleran range of northern Luzon,
AND MINERAL OCCURRENCE DISTRIBUTION Philippines lies along a transtensional relay
zone bounded by a left-stepping branch pair of
Results of this study have important implications the Philippine Fault System. This pair, repre-
for tectonic regimes and their likely association sented by the Tebbo Fault and Pugo Fault,
with the distribution of copper–gold mineralization bounds the eastern and western limits, respec-
in the South Central Cordillera. tively, of this transtensional strip (Fig. 3). This
© 2009 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
152 M. A. Aurelio et al.

Fig. 9 Interpretative block diagram of the NNW–SSE trending transtensional strip established by draping the geological map shown in Figure 4 over a
digital terrain model (DTM) of the area, using Google Earth (cutaway) and its image data providers: Digital Globe, Europa Technologies, NASA and
TerraMetrics. Image reproduced with permission. Left-hand side wall of the block diagram corresponds to a schematic (not-to-scale) cross-section
(location shown on Fig. 4) showing the main northeast-trending structures that affect the transtensional strip. Southeast-dipping faults include from north
to south: Sta. Fe, Albian, Wilson, and North San Expedito faults. Northwest-dipping faults include South San Expedito fault, an unmapped structure
(Ververde vein), and an unnamed fault. Also shown are the location and relation with the fault structures of the Santo Tomas II copper–gold ore body, Butan
gold small-scale mining community, and Ansagan vein prospect.

transtensional relay concept contrasts with the ment (Fig. 9). Microtectonic evidence, sugges-
prevailing interpretation that these faults are tive of an average extensional stress axis s3
conjugates of the Philippine Fault. direction of N150° (Fig. 7 and Table 1), strongly
2. The northeast to ENE-trending faults include supports this tectonic regime.
from north to south, the Sta. Fe, Albian, Wilson,
San Expedito, and Ververde faults, and an
unnamed structure further south (Fig. 4). As FUTURE WORK
parts of a transtensional relay, these faults
behave essentially as normal faults, with min- This study attempts to present a structural model
imal dextral movement. The Sta. Fe, Albian, based essentially on data from the surface and
Wilson, and North San Expedito faults respec- shallow subsurface (underground workings).
tively dip progressively more steeply to the There is a need to strengthen arguments from
southeast, while the Ververde and South San deeper sources of information, more specifically
Expedito faults dip increasingly steeply to the using geophysical methods and deep drilling.
northwest (Fig. 9). There is at present a favorable environment to
3. The Ververde Fault in Ansagan, generally conduct such undertakings, following recent gov-
striking N040° and dipping about 55°NW, has ernment initiatives in executive policy direction
been filled with a 2 to 5-m-thick malachite vein and judicial resolutions favorable to the Philippine
exposed along Ververde Creek. This structure minerals industry.
trends parallel to the Sta. Fe Fault, but dips in
the opposite direction at approximately the
same inclination. This may suggest that the Sta. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Fe and Ververde faults, respectively, form the
northern and southern faults of the stretched M. Aurelio wishes to thank Philex Mining Corpo-
strip (Fig. 9). ration (PMC) for permission to publish this paper.
4. Smaller scale fracture systems formed in Discussions with the Padcal exploration group
between major faults and often filled with min- of PMC (R. Baluda, N. Oliveros, F. Cuyos, and
eralized veins and veinlets, as in the case of the V. Maglambayan) were valuable. Constructive
Butan small-scale mining area located between comments of K. Hisada and A. Ishiwatari greatly
the Wilson and San Expedito faults, follow the improved the manuscript and are sincerely appre-
same directions and senses of fault displace- ciated. This is UP-NIGS contribution no. 2008-07.
© 2009 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Table 1 Summary of tensor parameters (s1, s2, s3) computed from structural measurements over 17 sites

Location Inversion method§ Tensor parameters

Site code† General Best fit between s1 s2 s3
location‡ INVD and R4DT Direction Inclination Direction Inclination Direction Direction¶ Inclination
azimuth (°)†† (°) azimuth (°) (°) azimuth (°) N+° (°)
SWB SW Breccia R4DT 240 7 103 81 331 151 6
BMT Pokis R4DT 311 86 62 1 152 152 4
BBT Pokis R4DT 197 77 79 6 347 167 12
RBT Pokis R4DT 287 84 65 5 176 176 2
RBT Butan INVD 214 87 75 2 345 165 2
CCT Butan INVD 168 71 76 1 346 166 19
RBT2 Butan INVD 65 75 183 7 275 95 13
COT Tapaya INVD 113 79 228 5 319 139 10
EGT Tapaya INVD 288 69 32 5 124 124 20
AMT Tapaya INVD 270 79 49 8 140 140 7
COT2 Tapaya INVD 248 74 339 0 69 69 16
GBT Tapsan R4DT 186 76 89 1 359 179 14
RAT Tapsan R4DT 109 82 230 4 321 141 7
GBT2 Tapsan R4DT 118 73 223 5 314 134 17
LMT1 Ansagan INVD 228 77 53 13 323 143 1
OLAT-MMT Ansagan R4DT 297 75 45 5 136 136 14
LAT Ansagan R4DT 125 85 231 1 321 141 5
Average direction of s3 converted into the notation used in the text (i.e. N + °) 150.2667

Fault inversion method developed by Angelier (1984, 1989, 1990) was used.

Site code uses same notation used in the tensor plots in Figure 7.

General location is where structural measurements were gathered in the place names used in Figure 7.
Inversion method was selected according to the best-fitting solution (salient points on the INVD and R4DT method are explained in the text).

Direction of the s3 stress axis expressed in the format used in the text (N + ° measured clockwise from 0 to 180°). The average direction, shown at the bottom of the column, corresponds to
the average extensional stress axis (s3) direction. Sites RBT2 and COT2 are not included in the computation for the average direction since fault sets in these sites belong to a different generation
of structures (see text for more discussion).
Columns 4 and 5, 6 and 7, and 8 and 10 define the directional parameters (direction + inclination) of the stress axes shown on the tensor plots on Figure 7, respectively, as s1 (five-pointed star),
s2 (four-pointed star), and s3 (three-pointed star).
Mineralization in transtensional zones

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154 M. A. Aurelio et al.

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