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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro


December 04, 2018
7:30-8:30 AM

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. define asexual reproduction

b. discuss the various types of asexual reproduction in plants; and
c. justify the importance of asexual reproduction.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Asexual Reproduction in Plants

b. Teaching Strategies: Direct method
c. Reference: Exploring the Realms of Science 7 pp. 136-137
d. Materials: visual aids, video presentation, sample plants, projector and laptop

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routines
a. Prayer
Let us all stand up for a prayer.
Samantha please lead the prayer.
(Students stand and pray)
Lord, we thank you for the wonderful day
that you had given to us. Please guide us in
our today’s endeavour. Amen.
b. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am!
c. Putting the class in order

Class, wiggle your hands to the right

then to the left and pick up the litters on the
floor. Arrange your chairs properly then you
may now take your seats.
(The students will follow.)
d. Checking of Attendance

Class secretary, Bernadette, is there

any absent today?
I’m glad to say that no one is absent
Very good! It seems that all of you
are really interested to learn.

e. Review of Past Lesson

Last time, we discussed about the

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

kingdoms of the different microorganisms

right? Based on our discussion, who can
define what is a microorganism?

Ma'am, microorganisms are very tiny

Yes, very good. Now, in order for us to organisms.
see the microorganisms, what instrument is
Ma’am, the instrument used in order to see
the microorganisms is the microscope.

Right. Now, what are the four kingdoms

of microorganisms?
Ma'am, the four kingdoms of
microorganisms are the kingdom
archaebacteria, kingdom bacteria, kingdom
Excellent answer. Which kingdom does fungi and kingdom protista.
the methanogens, halophiles and thermophiles

Ma'am, they belong to kingdom

Very good. Is the past lesson clear to you? archaebacteria.

Yes Ma’am.

B. Motivation

Now class, I am going to tell you a short

story about my friend Little Johnny. Lend me
your ears and listen well because my friend
needs our help. Is that clear?
Yes ma’am.
Little Johnny has a brother named
Jimmy. Their mother gave them gifts to be
used in their garden. Jimmy was given squash
seeds while Little Johnny was given camote
stem cuttings. What do you think would
Jimmy feel after receiving the squash seeds
considering that he loves gardening so much?
Ma’am he will be happy because he can plant
something on his garden.

Yes right class, Jimmy was very happy

because he can plant the seeds. Why do you
think he will be happy if he was able to plant
something? Ma’am because he will have something to eat
when the plants grows.

Yes, that’s true. But contrary to the happiness

that Jimmy feels, Little Johnny was a bit
confused and sad for receiving only camote
stem cuttings. He thought that what he
received is useless. Now class, if you were
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Little Johnny, would you also feel confused No ma'am because he can also plant the
and sad? camote stem cuttings.

Yes Ma’am.
Yes very good. Will both Jimmy and Little
Johnny be able to plant something?
Ma’am they used different method.
Yes right. But is the method they use the same
or not?
Ma’am, Jimmy use the seeds.
Yes. What is used when Jimmy plant the
squash? Ma’am, Little Johnny use the camote stem
What about for Little Johnny?

Very good answer. There are different ways

on how the plant reproduce and as we go
along our discussion today, you will be able to
know what they are.
C. Lesson Proper

Before we proceed to our discussion, take

a look at the instax here on the board. This
contain a message so three students from the
class will be called to read what’s written here.
Marco, Justine Kim and Ceejhay please stand
up and read.
(The students will read the objectives)
At the end of the lesson, the students
are expected to:

a. define asexual reproduction;

b. enumerate the various types of asexual
reproduction in plants; and
c. justify the importance of asexual

Thank you so much. Now, we are going to

discuss about the asexual reproduction in
plants. Do you have any idea about what is
asexual reproduction class?
Ma'am, asexual reproduction is a process in
which new organism is produced without the
involvement of gametes or sex cells.

Very good. In this process, parent

organism either splits or a part of parent
organism separates to form a new organism.
Now class, given the definition of asexual
reproduction, do you think asexual
reproduction can also be done in animals?
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Yes ma’am. There are animals that undergo

Very good class but compared to plants, asexual reproduction.
asexual reproduction in animals is quite rare so
we are first going to discuss about the asexual
reproduction in plants. Is that clear?
Yes ma'am.

Class, there are various types of asexual

reproduction in plants. The first one is binary
fission. Now, please watch the video
presentation for you to have an idea about
what is binary fission. Is it clear?
(The students will watch the video
Now class, what microorganism are you
able to see on the video?
Ma'am, the microorganism on the video is
Yes, very good. At first there are how
many amoeba/s?
There is only one amoeba Ma’am.
Yes very good answer. But what happens to
the amoeba?
The amoeba is divided Ma’am.
Yes, excellent. The amoeba is divided and
after it was divided, how many amoeba/s are
already there?
There are two amoebas Ma’am.
Correct. Are the two amoebas- the first
amoeba and the second amoeba produced are
of the same size?
Yes ma’am, they are identical and have the
same size.
That’s right. So based from those
observation from the video, how can you
define a binary fission?
Ma’am, it is a process in which cells split
producing two cells of the same size.
Excellent answer. Another example of
organism that undergo binary fission is the
Now class, let us move on to the second
type of asexual reproduction in plants which is
budding. Now, take a look at these leaves.
Do you know what leaves are these?
Ma'am, those are kataka taka leaves.
Very good. Now, take a closer look at
these leaves and pass it to your classmate next
to you. Now class, what can you say about the
kataka taka leaves?
Ma’am, the kataka taka leaves have smaller
leaves attached on it.
That’s right. So those smaller leaves are
outgrows of buds or protrusion on the parent
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

plant. In that kataka taka plant, which is the

parent plant?
Ma’am, the larger leaf is the parent plant.
Yes, that’s correct. So which ones are
outgrows or protrusion?
Ma’am the smaller leaves are outgrows.
So now, given the observations that we had
after examining the kataka taka leaves, what
can you say about budding?
Ma'am budding is the process in which the
plant have buds that outgrow.
Yes, right. The outgrow will detach itself
later to become a new organism.
So, class will those leaves be able to grow
into a new plant? Yes or no?
Yes, ma’am it will grow into a new plant.
Very good answer. Now, the third type of
asexual reproduction in plant is the vegetative
propagation. Now, please take a look at these
samples and pass them to your classmate next
to you. Is it clear?
Yes ma'am.
(The students will follow)
So, what is the example of plant that uses
vegetative propagation?
Ma’am, the example is camote tops or
camote stem cuttings.
Yes, very good. In this example, what part
of the plant is used?
Ma’am the stem is used.
Yes right. Class, stem is an example of what?
Ma’am it is an organ of plant.
Very good. So now, how can you define a
vegetative propagation?
Ma'am it is the production of new plants
from stem or other organs.
Right. Vegetative propagation refers to
production of new individual from plant
organs like stems, roots, and leaves; cut and
planted on soil.
Who can give other examples of plant under
vegetative propagation?
Ma’am the alugbati is another example.

Yes. Very good.

Class, The next type of asexual
reproduction in plant is grafting. Now please
take a look at this picture.
(The students will follow)
What can you see on the picture?
Ma’am it shows the steps involved in
Yes, right. What is done in grafting class? grafting

Ma’am, the shoot of one plant is inserted into

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Yes, very good. The shoot that is inserted the stem of other plant.
is called scion while the plant in which the
scion is inserted is called the stock.
Do you think class why is it needed to insert
a shoot of one plant to the stem of another?
For example in this grafted 03 rambutan with a
shoot or scion from rongring rambutan?

Ma’am in order for the rambutan to have a

better quality.
Yes, excellent. The two plants to be grafted
should be closely related with each other. The
scion and stock’s genetic identity is retained
and they can share hormones. So with that, can
a better variety of rambutan be produced?

The next type of asexual reproduction in Yes ma’am.

plants is the tubers. Now take a closer look at
these samples and pass it on your classmate
next to you. Is it clear?

What can you say about the given sample Yes ma’am.
Ma’am, they are plants that grow
Excellent answer. Tubers grow underground.
underground. So what can be seen on the
Ma’am there small plants that grow.
Very good. There are buds or the eye. Do
you think class will those small plants be able
to grow as a new plant?

Very good. Now class, the last type of Yes ma’am.

asexual reproduction in plants is the tissue
culture. Now take a look at this tissue culture
and pass it to your classmate afterwards.

That example is a tissue cultured banana The students will follow.

whose variety is Lakatan. Since it is still small,
it is called meriplants. Class what container is
used in tissue culture?

Very good. Have you ever seen a banana plant Ma’am the container use is glass jar.
which is planted in a glass jar before?

So class, how do you think will the plants be Not yet Ma'am.
able to survive on that container?

Yes correct. Aside from that what do you Ma’am there’s water present.
think are inside the container to make the plant
grow and survive?

Yes very good. So in order for the tissue Ma’am there are also nutrients.
cultured plants to survive, it has growing
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

medium. In this case of TCB Lakatan, the

growing medium has agar, fresh buko juice,
and nutrients such as potassium and zinc. Is
that clear?

D. Generalization Yes Ma’am.

Now class, what is asexual reproduction

Ma’am, asexual reproduction is a process in

Very good. Now what are the types of which new organism is produced without the
asexual reproduction in plants? involvement of gametes or sex cells.

Ma’am, the binary fission, budding,

Now based on our discussion, should vegetative propagation, grafting, tubers, and
Little Johnny be worried for receiving kamote tissue culture.
tops? Will he be able to plant it or not?

Ma'am, Little Johnny should not be worried

because he can also plant the kamote tops
Very good. Kamote tops is an example of through asexual reproduction.
what type of asexual reproduction?

Excellent answer. So again, when we say It is under the vegetative propagation ma'am.
binary fission it refers to the splitting of cells
into two cells. The budding is a process
whereby a bud or protrusion outgrows from
the parent organism and detaches itself later to
become a new organism. Vegetative
propagation refers to production of new
individual from plant organs like stems, roots,
and leaves; cut and planted on soil. Grafting is
a process whereby the shoot of one plant is
inserted to the stem of another plant. Tissue
culture is done in plants with actively dividing

Do you have any question?

None ma'am.
E. Valuing
Now class, is the asexual reproduction
important? Why?

Ma’am it is important because this method

does not require the investment required to
Very good. What else? produce a flower, attract pollinators, or find a
means of seed dispersal.

Excellent. What else? Ma’am, it is important because we can grow

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

plants faster.

Ma’am, it is important because there is only a

Very good. In plant organisms, asexual need of one parent plant.
reproduction eliminates the need for seeds.
It becomes possible to propagate large crops of
these needed items even if they do not grow
from seeds or possess them. Plants that are
grown through the asexual reproduction
process also tend to bear their fruit earlier in
the growing season than those which require
pollination or sexual reproduction. Is it clear?

IV. Evaluation
Now class, class get ¼ sheet of paper
and keep all your notes.

Direction: Match Column A with Column

B. Write only the letter of your answer on
your paper.
Column A
1. It refers to production of new individual 1.B
from plant organs like stems, roots, and
leaves; cut and planted on soil.
2. It is a process whereby a bud or 2. A
protrusion outgrows from the parent
organism and detaches itself later to
become a new organism.
3. Example for vegetative propagation. 3. J
4. Example for binary fission. 4. C
5. It is a process whereby the shoot of one 5. I
plant is inserted to the stem of another
plant. 6. H
6. It is done in plants with actively
dividing cells. 7. D
7. They grow underground as in sweet
potatoes. 8. F
8. It is the splitting of cells into two
genetically related cells. 9. G
9. Example for budding 10. E
10. It is a process in which new organism
is produced without the involvement of
gametes or sex cells.
Column B
a. budding
b. vegetative propagation
c. paramecium
d. tubers
e. asexual reproduction
f. binary fission
g. kataka taka
h. tissue culture
i. grafting
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

j. kamote tops

V. Assignment
Class, get your notebook and copy your

In 1/2 sheet of paper, answer the


1. What are the asexual methods of animal

2. What are the advantages of asexual
reproduction in animals. (The students will follow )

Are you done class? Yes ma’am.

Let's call it a day. Good bye class! Goodbye Ma’am!

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


STS - Bio Sci

Approved by:


Principal- Laboratory High School

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