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A detailed methodology for the finite element analysis of asymmetric slim

floor beams in fire

Article  in  Steel Construction · August 2012

DOI: 10.1002/stco.201210024


23 622

3 authors:

Chrysanthos Maraveas Tom Swailes

University of Liège 19 PUBLICATIONS   102 CITATIONS   

Yong C Wang
The University of Manchester


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Chrysanthos Maraveas DOI: 10.1002/stco.201210024

Thomas Swailes
Yong Wang*

A detailed methodology for the finite element

analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams in fire
The aim of this paper is to present a detailed methodology for the three-dimensional finite der fire conditions. Many researchers
element analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams under fire conditions. A fully controlled have developed and proposed numer-
solution process is suggested through a detailed step-by-step presentation of the simu- ical models for the simulation of slim
lation parameters incorporated into the model. Work has been carried out so that any floor beams in fire. The best-known
asymmetric slim floor beam can be assessed using the same consistent method, which models available in the literature are
is validated against two reported fire tests. Time–temperature and time–vertical displace- those of Newman [4], Bailey [5], Ma
ment curves are calculated for the appropriate comparisons with experimental results, and Mäkeläinen [6]–[10], Both et al.
which show that the proposed methodology can accurately predict the thermal and [11] and Ellobody [12]. However, there
structural behaviour of such beams. is a lack of data available for the de-
tailed finite element simulation of slim
1 Introduction floor beams with three-dimensional
elements as performed in this study.
The composite slim floor structural The objective of this paper is to pre-
system is a fast, economical and re- sent a detailed methodology for the
duced-weight construction system. A analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams
typical asymmetric slim floor (Fig. 1) under fire conditions using ABAQUS
consists of a steel beam that is almost software [13]. A fully controlled solu-
encased within the depth of the con- Fig. 1. Typical layout of an asymmetric tion process is suggested through a de-
crete floor slab, with its lower flange slim floor beam tailed step-by-step presentation of the
wider than its upper, and a composite simulation parameters incorporated in
concrete slab with profiled steel decks. the model.
There are usually additional reinforc- ships in combination with failure
ing bars in the composite floor. The modes have been observed in the tests 2 Experimental data
behaviour of this structure under fire and reported [1]. The realization of fire
conditions has been investigated ex- tests is a demanding procedure that The reported fire tests [1], [3] on un-
perimentally and numerically by many needs advanced technological equip- protected composite slim floor struc-
researchers worldwide. The Steel Con- ment in order to give reliable results. tures are used for the verification of
struction Institute (SCI) [1], [2] and Therefore, numerical modelling can the suggested simulation. The nomi-
the Warrington Fire Research Centre compensate for the lack of test data nal and measured material and geo-
(WFRC) [3] have carried out fire tests and provide a good insight into the metric properties of the steel sections
on slim floor systems. behaviour of composite structures un- are summarized in Table 1, and the
Unprotected simply supported
composite beams with different geome- Table 1. Geometric and material properties of steel sections [1], [3]
tries and load ratios have been exam-
WFRC 66162 WFRC 67756
ined in particular. The test specimens
are initially loaded and then heated Section dimensions [mm] Nominal Actual Nominal Actual
using the ISO standard fire curve un- Width 180 183 190 198
der static loads. Time–temperature and Top flange
Thickness 18 16.6 20 21.7
time–vertical displacement relation-
Bottom Width 280 280 300 306
flange Thickness 18 18.4 20 20.6
Selected and reviewed by the Scientific
Web thickness 18 19.5 18 17.2
Committee of the 12th Nordic Steel
Construction Conference, 5–7 Septem- Section depth 280 279 304 305.8
ber 2012, Oslo, Norway Material properties Nominal Actual Nominal Actual
* Corresponding author:
Yield strength [MPa] 355 402 355 392

© Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Steel Construction 5 (2012), No. 3 191
Ch. Maraveas/Th. Swailes/Y. Wang · A detailed methodology for the finite element analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams in fire

corresponding section dimensions are The loads are applied directly to the 3 Finite element modelling
shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The beams upper flange of the steel section and
are simply supported, span 4.5 m and not to the concrete slab above it. The Finite element modelling of the slim
have a total length of 5.0 m, and the applied loads together with the self- floors is performed with eight-node
distance between the furnace walls is weight of the test specimen result in a hexahedral solid elements (Fig. 5)
4.0 m (Fig. 4). The concrete used is load ratio of 0.423, ignoring compos- taking into consideration the inter-
normal weight grade 30 and A142 ite action between steel and concrete. face between the steel section and
mesh reinforcement (∅6/200) is in- The second slim floor tested, refer- surrounding concrete through appro-
corporated in the upper part of the ence number WFRC 67756, is loaded priate thermal and mechanical con-
composite slab. The profiled steel by four hydraulic rams, each applying tact properties, with the reinforcing
decks used are PMF 210 and 225. a point load of 85.0 kN to the con- bars modelled as well for estimating
Four point loads of 84.6 kN are ap- crete surface of the slab above the the structural response. The non-lin-
plied to the first specimen, reference web of the steel section. The rams are ear thermal and mechanical proper-
number WFRC 66162, by hydraulic positioned symmetrically about mid- ties of steel and concrete at elevated
rams positioned along the centre line span of the beam and spaced at temperatures are calculated accord-
of the web of the steel section at points 520 mm. The applied load combined ing to Eurocode recommendations as
corresponding to 1/8, 3/8, 5/8 and with the self-weight of the specimen described below. Due to symmetry,
7/8 of the simply supported span. results in a load ratio of 0.390. only one quarter of the composite
beam is modelled using appropriate
boundary and load conditions in or-
der to be compatible with the experi-
mental procedures. The thermal re-
sponse of the model is calculated via
transient uncoupled heat transfer
analysis and the structural response
via non-linear static analysis per-
formed in two steps. In the first step,
the composite beam is subjected to
static loads at ambient temperature.
In the second step, the composite
beam is heated using the tempera-
tures predicted by the heat transfer
Fig. 2. WFRC 66162, composite section [1]
analysis with the previous static loads
remaining. The temperatures are ap-
plied using the *TEMPERATURE op-
tion available in ABAQUS software

3.1 Thermal response

Three-dimensional heat transfer ele-

ments (DC3D8, 8-node linear bricks)
are used for estimating the thermal
response of the slim floors. The tem-
perature distribution in the compos-
ite beam is predicted based on the
standard fire curve (ISO 834). A con-
Fig. 3. WFRC 67756, composite section [1]

Fig. 4. WFRC 67756, slim floor beam [1]

192 Steel Construction 5 (2012), No. 3

Ch. Maraveas/Th. Swailes/Y. Wang · A detailed methodology for the finite element analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams in fire

concrete slab is modelled with 8-node

linear brick elements (C3D8) because
of numerical instabilities regarding
the inelastic behaviour of concrete.
On the other hand, the steel beam is
modelled with three different element
types in order to examine their influ-
ence; apart from C3D8 elements,
bricks enhanced with incompatible
Fig. 5. Finite element models for WFRC 66162 (left) and 67756 (right) modes (C3D8I) and reduced integra-
tion bricks (C3D8R) are used. The
boundary and loading conditions are
vection coefficient of 25 W/m2K is composite beam. Moreover, the spe- identical to those used in the tests. All
assumed for the exposed surface and cific heat and thermal conductivity of the nodes on the symmetry surfaces
9 W/m2K for the unexposed one. The structural steel and concrete are cal- are prevented from displacing in the
radiation emissivity for the bottom culated according to EC 4-1.2 [14] perpendicular direction. Steel non-
steel flange is taken to be 0.5, that for (Figs. 6 and 7) and their densities are linear behaviour is modelled by the
the composite floor 0.25. The heat taken as 7850 kg/m3 and 2300 kg/m3 von Mises plasticity model (*PLAS-
flow due to radiation is neglected for respectively. TIC option), whereas concrete non-
the upper side. The interface conduc- linear behaviour is modelled using
tivity between concrete and steel is 3.2 Structural response the damaged plasticity model (*CON-
considered as infinite (perfect thermal CRETE DAMAGED PLASTICITY
contact). No heat is transferred nor- Three-dimensional solid elements are option in combination with harden-
mal to the symmetry axes. Heat is used for estimating the structural re- ing and stiffening options) with a dila-
applied to the bottom surface of the sponse of slim floor structures. The tion angle equal to 55° for numerical

Fig. 6. Specific heat and thermal conductivity of steel

Fig. 7. Specific heat and thermal conductivity of concrete

Steel Construction 5 (2012), No. 3 193

Ch. Maraveas/Th. Swailes/Y. Wang · A detailed methodology for the finite element analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams in fire

reasons. The measured yield strength stress–strain relationships of structural *REBAR option, but they do not par-
of steel is used (not 355 MPa as in steel are extended by the strain hard- ticipate in the heat transfer analysis.
Fig. 8, left). The stress–strain–temper- ening option. The thermal expansion The interaction between concrete and
ature curves are based on the EC 4- coefficients are based on EC 4-1.2 [14] steel is modelled with the *CONTACT
1.2 [14] reduction factors (Figs. 8 and relationships as well (Fig. 10). Rein- PAIR option. A friction coefficient μ =
9). For temperatures below 400 °C, the forcing bars are modelled via the 0.50 is considered for the tangential

Fig. 8. Stress–strain–temperature curves for structural steel (left) and reinforcing bars (right)

Fig. 9. Stress–strain–temperature curves for concrete in compression (left) and tension (right)

Fig. 10. Thermal expansion coefficient of steel (left) and concrete (right)

194 Steel Construction 5 (2012), No. 3

Ch. Maraveas/Th. Swailes/Y. Wang · A detailed methodology for the finite element analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams in fire

behaviour of the interfaces using the concrete casing around it, as shown tained from the fire tests and the nu-
isotropic Coulomb friction model in Fig. 11. The heat transfer analysis merical analyses are shown in Fig. 15.
(*FRICTION option). Finally, geomet- results are presented in Figs. 12 and Beam deflection was measured dur-
ric non-linearities are considered dur- 13 for each tested beam. The accu- ing the test with a displacement trans-
ing the analysis. racy of the thermal modelling is satis- ducer located at the top point of the
factory and can be used to predict the mid-span of each specimen. Three dif-
4 Numerical results temperature distribution throughout ferent hexahedral finite element types
4.1 Thermal response a composite slim floor beam heated were used for modelling the steel
with the standard fire curve. The small beam (C3D8, C3D8R and C3D8I). The
Thermocouples were used to record differences in concrete temperatures added internal degrees of freedom
the temperature of the steel section, can be attributed to the water evapo- due to the incompatible modes mean
decking, concrete infill and furnace ration at 100 °C. that C3D8I elements are computa-
atmosphere during the fire test. The tionally more expensive than the reg-
time–temperature curves are calculated 4.2 Structural response ular elements, but they seem to pro-
and compared with the experimental duce better results in this case. Hence,
ones at the middle cross-section of the The deformed shapes and tempera- the sensitivity analyses that follow are
beam (position G), where there are ture contours of the finite element carried out using C3D8I finite ele-
thermocouples attached to the steel models are presented in Fig. 14, and ments for the asymmetric steel beam
section and others embedded in the time–vertical displacement curves ob- modelling.

Fig. 11. Thermocouple arrangement at position G for WFRC 66162 (left) and 67756 (right) [1]

Fig. 12. Time–temperature curves at position G for WFRC 66162

Steel Construction 5 (2012), No. 3 195

Ch. Maraveas/Th. Swailes/Y. Wang · A detailed methodology for the finite element analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams in fire

Fig. 13. Time–temperature curves at position G for WFRC 67756

is the friction coefficient between steel

and concrete. A sensitivity analysis is
carried out considering zero (μ = 0.0)
and higher (μ = 2.0) composite action
for the beams examined, apart from
the μ = 0.5 value already used. The re-
sults are presented in Fig. 17. There is
a significant effect on the numerical
results because the friction coefficient
affects the stiffness and strength of
the slim floor beams.
Fig. 14. Deformed shape and temperature contours after fire exposure for WFRC
66162 (left) and 67756 (right) (C3D8I elements for steel) 6 Conclusions

5 Sensitivity analyses curve of ASCE [16]. There are also The behaviour of unprotected asym-
5.1 Thermal expansion coefficient numerical analyses ignoring the ther- metric slim floor beams exposed to
of steel mal expansion of steel in order to standard fire has been investigated
show its importance. The results are and a detailed methodology for the
One factor that plays an important presented in Fig. 16 and remain al- analysis of these structures using three-
role in the structural response of this most the same for the different curves dimensional finite elements proposed.
type of structure is the thermal expan- recommended by the codes. The main conclusions are:
sion coefficient of steel. Therefore, a 1. Their fire resistance is not given by
sensitivity analysis of this factor is 5.2 Friction coefficient the Eurocodes and as a result arith-
carried out using the constant value metical models are necessary for
a = 14E-06 that EC 3-1.2 [15] recom- Another factor that affects the struc- predicting their behaviour under fire
mends and the temperature-dependent tural response of slim floor structures conditions. The suggested method-

Fig. 15. Time–vertical displacement curves for WFRC 66162 (left) and 67756 (right)

196 Steel Construction 5 (2012), No. 3

Ch. Maraveas/Th. Swailes/Y. Wang · A detailed methodology for the finite element analysis of asymmetric slim floor beams in fire

Fig. 16. Time–vertical displacement curves for WFRC 66162 (left) and 67756 (right) (a varies)

Fig. 17. Time–vertical displacement curves for WFRC 66162 (left) and 67756 (right) (μ varies)

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198 Steel Construction 5 (2012), No. 3

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