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Azaan and Salat

Fill in the blanks

1. Azaan is that proclamation which is made to call

Muslims for obligatory Salat.
2. The ‘Muazzin’ calls out the Azaan five times a day.
3. Azaan-e-Fajr has an additional phrase in it.
4. When Muslims migrated to Madina, Prophet (SAW)
established the first Islamic state there and constructed
5. Abdullah bin Zaid saw the whole wording of Azaan in his
6. Salat is the second of the five pillars in the Islamic faith.
7. Nafal is a voluntary prayer and is not obligatory.
8. Abulution is a kind of Spiritual purification.
9. One must perform ablution to be able to offer Salat,
either obligatory or voluntary (Nafil)
10.Three witr are offed in salat-ul-Isha,.
Congregational prayer
Fill in the blanks
1. The congregational prayer is led by an Imam.
2. Qiblah the direction of Ka’bah in Makkah Mukrruma .
3. Performing the obligatory prayers in congregation is
4. The prayer in congregation is superior to the prayer
performed individually by twenty-seven degrees.
5. The least number required for the congregational
prayer is two: the Imam and another one with him.

Answer the questions

1. Who is considered the most worthy person to lead the

2. Why congregational prayer is important for Muslim
Ummah ?
3. How many people are required for a congregational
prayer ?
The Eid Prayer

Fill in the blanks.

1. Eid prayers is known as Salat al-Eid in Arabic.
2. There are two Eid prayers that Muslims have to offer
each year.
3. In Eid prayers ,only two rakats are offered which are
4. After the Eid prayer, khutba is delivered by the Imam.
5. While leaving for Eidgah ,men recite Takbeerat-ul-Eid.

Answer the questions:

1. Write the name of the two Eids that Muslims

celebrate each year and when.
2. What do you understand by the term “wajb”?
3. What is the customary act, after offering Salat-ul-Eid?

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