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I Have Not Seen Them Bigger!

I am in the middle of the night, in the middle of nothing, awake, sitting in a

chair, looking askance at my bed. The sky was filled with storm clouds and
when I look up at it, I feel like I am looking my brain being about to empty
its contents unceremoniously. Before it opens like a grenade, before it
explodes, I’ll empty it voluntarily. This is not the first night in which I
cannot fall asleep at all. And it is not the first night full of intense feelings
caused by a whole series of images, emotions and concerns that prevents
me from sleeping. The story you will read will make you accomplices of
my adventure, and that will surely relieve my soul.
It all started a few days ago. I, James, a novel philologist, I was at the end
of the first academic year that I exercised from the other side, that is, I had
stopped being a student and I was a teacher now. The academic year was
finishing, and I had already set two Summer plans in motion. Firstly, I
would not do sporadic jobs, as I had done in my student days in order to
raise some money for the next year. I was planning a sabbatical holidays, of
fun and rest, in other words, a real holidays. In fact I had planned to get
bored at my whim. I wished I saw the time passing slowly, with no clock,
no rush, no worries. I wanted to enjoy every moment. I wanted to “touch”
the seconds, the minutes, the hours and make them mine despite their
ephemeral condition. On the other hand, I was considering staring my
doctoral thesis, which was contrary to my first plan, but I already told you
that I was in no hurry. Moreover that would prevent laziness got to me
completely and I felt the uneasiness when arriving at the end of August.
Joan Torró
The Justicia

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