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International Journal of Food Microbiology 175 (2014) 6–13

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Anaerobic green fluorescent protein as a marker of Bifidobacterium strains

José M. Landete a, Ángela Peirotén a, Eva Rodríguez a, Abelardo Margolles b,
Margarita Medina a, Juan L. Arqués a,⁎
Dpto. de Tecnología de Alimentos, INIA, Carretera de La Coruña Km 7, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias, CSIC, Paseo Río Linares s/n, 33300 Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Some strains of Bifidobacterium are considered as probiotics and are being added as adjunct culture in food prod-
Received 7 November 2013 ucts due to their potential in maintaining a healthy intestinal microbial balance. However, despite these benefits,
Accepted 11 January 2014 bifidobacteria still remain poorly understood at the genetic level compared with other microorganisms of indus-
Available online 16 January 2014
trial interest. In this work, we have developed a non-invasive green fluorescent based reporter system for real-
time tracking of Bifidobacterium species in vivo. The reporter vector pNZ:Tu-GFPana is based on the pNZ8048
Fluorescent proteins
plasmid harboring a bifidobacterial promoter (elongation factor Tu from Bifidobacterium longum CECT 4551)
Bifidobacterium and a fluorescent protein containing a flavin-mono-nucleotide-based cofactor (evoglow-Pp1) which is fluores-
Plasmid cent under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. pNZ:Tu-GFPana was constructed and found to stably replicate
Anaerobic conditions in B. longum CECT 4551 and in the intestinal strain Bifidobacterium breve INIA P734. The subsequent analysis of
these strains allowed us to assess the functionality of this plasmid.
Our results demonstrate the potential of pNZ:Tu-GFPana as a real-time reporter system for Bifidobacterium in
order to track the behavior of this probiotic species in complex environments like food or intestinal microbiota,
and to estimate their competition and colonization potential.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2004). Colonization of the gut during early infancy is a multifaceted pro-
cess that represents a critical period for the gut development and mat-
Members of the genus Bifidobacterium are high G + C Gram positive uration of the immune system, being Bifidobacterium species as one of
bacteria belonging to the phylum Actinobacteria, and represent common the main bacterial groups in the infant gut (Turroni et al., 2012). In
inhabitants of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) of mammals, birds and the last decades, bifidobacteria have attracted strong interest from the
certain cold-blooded animals (Turroni et al., 2011). The importance of food industry for probiotic applications, and several species are listed
bifidobacteria as constituents of the human microbiota is generally ac- as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) microorganisms (Gaggìa
cepted, and different ecological relationships between bifidobacteria et al., 2010).
and their host can be developed, ranging from opportunistic pathogenic Probiotic bacteria selected for use in foods must survive in sufficient
interactions (e.g. in the case of Bifidobacterium dentium) (Ventura et al., numbers the manufacturing process and storage, as well as the passage
2009a) to a commensal or health-promoting relationship (e.g. in the through the gastro-intestinal tract. In a first step, it is important to be
case of Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium breve species) able to identify the bifidobacteria of interest among several naturally
(Ventura et al., 2009b). Bifidobacteria are difficult to study due to their occurring bacteria during the fermentation process. Furthermore,
growth requirements, oxygen sensitivity and resistance to genetic mod- probiotics have several modes of action and there is increasing interest
ification. Thus, there is only limited information available on the molec- in the understanding of the mechanisms that bacteria use to survive
ular mechanisms responsible for their beneficial effects on human through the gastrointestinal tract, to interact with the resident microbi-
health. In the last years, the whole genome sequences of different ota, and to modulate host health. Therefore, it is also essential to be able
bifidobacteria are currently available, although there is still a lack of to discriminate the probiotic strain from the endogenous microbiota, to
knowledge on the genetic modification of these bacteria, which is es- analyze the interaction of these microorganisms with the gastro-
sential to manage this enormous genetic data (Álvarez-Martín et al., intestinal epithelia and to unravel the mechanisms underlying the pos-
2010). Moreover, host-microbiota interactions and cross-talk between tulated health-beneficial effect. In order to study these mechanisms and
different members of the gut microbiota are far from being completely to track their survival and implantation, the use of appropriate molecu-
understood, although they represent a crucial factor in the development lar tools is indispensable. In this aspect, the fluorescent proteins have
and maintenance of human physiology and immune system (Hart et al., been exploited as a stable marker system with an easily detectable phe-
notype to track bacteria in complex ecosystems.
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +34 91 3572293. Fluorescent reporter proteins are valuable non-invasive molecular
E-mail address: (J.L. Arqués). tools for in vivo real-time imaging of living cells and tissues as well as

0168-1605/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

J.M. Landete et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 175 (2014) 6–13 7

in vitro fluorescent labeling (Chudakov et al., 2005). The green fluores- P426 (Rodríguez et al., 2012) and Enterococcus faecium INIA TAB7
cent protein (GFP) has been successfully used to detect many microor- (Rodríguez et al., 2000) strains were routinely cultivated under anaero-
ganisms in real time. However oxygen is essential for the post- bic conditions at 37 °C in MRS broth (Scharlau Chemie SA, Barcelona,
translational folding of the protein into the fluorescent chromophore Spain). Escherichia coli DH5α was grown in LB medium at 37 °C with
(Cubitt et al., 1995), which has hindered the employment of GFP in an- aeration.
aerobic or microaerophilic environments. Luciferases are enzymes that Chloramphenicol (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA) was
need presence of oxygen to emit light, and which have been also added at 8 μg/ml for Lactobacillus, 5 μg/ml for Lactococcus and
employed as a marker for monitoring bacteria (Greer and Szalay, Enterococcus and 4 μg/ml for Bifidobacterium. Ampicillin at 100 μg/ml
2002; Hutchens and Luker, 2007). A luciferase reporter system has was added for E. coli.
been used to trace the colonization potential and persistence of the pro- The plasmids used are listed in Table 1. Plasmid pNZ8048 was ob-
biotic strain B. breve UCC2003 in real time within the mouse GIT (Cronin tained from Dr. Kuipers and described in Kuipers et al. (1998). All
et al., 2008). vectors shown in Table 1 contain the chloramphenicol resistance gene
In the present report, we describe the implementation of a cyan- from pNZ8048, which was used for selection in bifidobacteria. pGlow-
green fluorescent protein that is functional under completely anoxic C-Pp1 plasmid (Evocatal GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany) was used as
conditions, as a marker for Bifidobacterium in both aerobic and anaero- template for anaerobic gfp (evoglow-Pp1) and E. coli DH5α was used
bic conditions. We evaluate the capacity of this tool to monitor as host microorganism for this plasmid.
bifidobacterial fate in complex ecosystems, without the potential prob- Commercial lactic culture YC-X16 — Yo-Flex® (Chr. Hansen,
lems caused by oxygen limitations that could impede the development Hoersholm, Denmark), that contains a mixture of Streptococcus
of fluorescence or luminescence. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, was pre-
pared as specified by the manufacturer and kept at −20 °C.

2. Material and methods

2.2. DNA manipulation and molecular techniques
2.1. Bacterial strains and growth conditions
The general procedures used for DNA manipulation were essentially
The bacterial strains used in this study are listed in Table 1. those described previously by Sambrook et al. (1989). Restriction endo-
Bifidobacteria strains were routinely cultivated under anaerobic condi- nucleases and Taq DNA polymerase came from Biolabs (New England
tions at 37 °C in RCM broth (Difco, BD Diagnostics, Sparks, MD, USA). Biolabs, Hitchin, United Kingdom) and Applied Biosystems (Foster
B. breve INIA P734, isolated from human breast milk, was deposited at City, CA, USA) respectively, and T4 DNA ligase was obtained from
the Spanish Type Culture Collection (CECT; Burjassot, Spain) under ac- Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA, USA). All were used according to the manufac-
cession number CECT 8178. Lactococcus lactis MG1363 used as host mi- turers' instructions. Amplicons were purified using the QIAquick PCR
croorganisms was grown at 30 °C in M17 broth (Scharlau Chemie SA, Purification Kit (Qiagen, Clopper Road, Gaithersburg, MD, USA). When
Barcelona, Spain) supplemented with glucose (5 g/l). Lactobacillus required, purified plasmids and amplicons were sequenced (Secugen
brevis INIA ESI38 (Cogan et al., 1997), Lactobacillus rhamnosus INIA SL, Madrid, Spain).

Table 1
Bacterial strains, plasmids and primers used in this work.

Relevant phenotype or genotype Source or reference

MG1363 L. lactis subsp. cremoris strain, plasmid-free derivative of NCDO712 Gasson (1983)
MG1363 pNZ:Tu MG1363 with pNZ:Tu-plasmid This work
MG1363 Tu-GFPana MG1363 with pNZ:Tu-GFPana plasmid This work
INIA P734 Bifidobacterium breve INIA P734/CECT8178 CECT
INIA P734 Tu-GFPana B. breve INIA P734 with pNZ:Tu-GFPana plasmid This work
CECT4551 Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis CECT
CECT4551Tu-GFPana B. longum subsp. infantis with pNZ:Tu-GFPana plasmid This work
INIA TAB7 Enterococcus faecium INIA TAB7, isolated from cheese Rodríguez et al. (2000)
INIA TAB7 Tu-GFPana E. faecium INIA TAB7 with pNZ:Tu-GFPana plasmid This work
INIA ESI38 Lactobacillus brevis INIA ESI38, isolated from cheese Cogan et al. (1997)
INIA ESI38 Tu-GFPana L. brevis INIA ESI38 with pNZ:Tu-GFPana plasmid This work
INIA P426 L. rhamnosus INIA P426, isolated from breast-fed infants Rodríguez et al. (2012)
INIA P426 Tu-GFPana L. rhamnosus INIA P426 with pNZ:Tu-GFPana plasmid This work
E. coli DH5α Host microorganisms for pGlow-C-Pp1 This work

pNZ8048 Expression vector for Gram-positive bacteria harboring the inducible nisine promoter; Cmr Kuipers et al. (1998)
pNZ:Tu pNZ8048 with promoter of elongation factor Tu from B. longum subsp. infantis CECT4551 This work
pNZ:Tu-GFPana pNZ:Tu with anaerobic gfp This work
pGlow-C-Pp1 Plasmid used as template for anaerobic gfp Evocatal GmbH, Germany
pGFPuv Plasmid used as template for aerobic gfp Clontech Laboratories, Inc. USA

Restriction sites used for cloning are underlined.
Author's personal copy

8 J.M. Landete et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 175 (2014) 6–13

2.3. Cloning of gfp plasmids ligated into the corresponding restriction sites of vector pNZ:Tu. The li-
gation mixture with the resulting plasmid, named pNZ:Tu-GFPana
The pNZ8048 vector was digested with restriction endonucleases BglII (Fig. 1), was subsequently introduced into the L. lactis strain MG1363
and NcoI to remove the nisine promoter (PnisA). The promoter of elonga- by electroporation (Holo and Nes, 1989) and transformants were
tion factor Tu from Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis ATCC15697 checked by restriction mapping and sequencing of the inserted frag-
was amplified by PCR using the oligonucleotides For-prom.bif and Rev- ment. Subsequently, plasmid pNZ:Tu-GFPana was used to transform
prom.bif listed in Table 1 after digestion with BglII and NcoI. The resulting bifidobacteria strains shown in Table 1.
fragment was cloned into pNZ8048 vector previously digested and the
resulting plasmid was named pNZ:Tu, which were used to transform 2.4. Transformation procedures
L. lactis MG1363 by electroporation. Transformants were checked by re-
striction mapping and sequencing of the inserted fragment. The electrotransformation procedure for bifidobacteria strains de-
scribed by Álvarez-Martín et al. (2008) was tested and modified. The
2.3.1. Aerobic gfp optimized transformation procedure was as follows. Bifidobacteria
The gene encoding aerobic gfp from Aequorea victoria was amplified strains were cultivated under anaerobic conditions at 37 °C in RCM
by PCR using DNA of pGFPuv as the template following a standard pro- plates during 48 h. Colonies were inoculated into 10 ml of filtrated
tocol. The forward primer For-GFP (Table 1) introduced an NcoI site RCM and incubated anaerobically at 37 °C during 20 h. Tryptic Soy
around the initiation codon of the gfp gene, and the backward primer Broth (TSB; Biolife, Milano, Italy) with proteose peptone 20 g/l and
Rev-GFP introduced an XbaI site downstream of the stop codon. The bile 0.2% (Oxgall, Sigma) and filtrated RCM with glycine 1% were also
PCR product was digested with the two restriction enzymes and ligated tested. Cells were collected by centrifugation at 4 °C and 2000 g for
into the corresponding restriction sites of vector pNZ:Tu. The ligation 15 min and washed twice with ice cold 0.5 M sucrose in 1 mM citrate
mixture with the resulting plasmid, named pNZ:Tu-GFPuv, was subse- buffer (pH 5.8). Finally, cells were resuspended in 50 μl of ice cold buffer
quently introduced into the L. lactis strain MG1363 by electroporation and kept on ice for 20 min before electroporation. The electroporation
(Holo and Nes, 1989) and transformants were checked by restriction conditions were 25 μF, 200 Ω and 2.0 or 2.5 KV in a 0.2-cm cuvette by
mapping and sequencing of the inserted fragment. using a Gene Pulser and a Pulse Controller apparatus (Bio-Rad, Rich-
mond, CA, USA), and 2 μl of plasmid DNA (0.3 ng/μl) were used. After
2.3.2. Anaerobic gfp electroporation, cells were resuspended in RCM broth (950 μl), incubat-
The gene encoding anaerobic gfp was amplified by PCR using DNA of ed anaerobically at 37 °C for 2.5 h, and then plated on RCM supplement-
pGlow-C-Pp1 as the template following a standard protocol. The for- ed with chloramphenicol (4 μl/ml). The plates were incubated at 37 °C
ward primer For-GFP.bif (Table 1) introduced an NcoI site around the for 2 to 3 days under anaerobic conditions.
initiation codon of the gfp gene, and the backward primer Rev- For each parameter tested at least three independent transformation
GFPanaXbaI introduced an XbaI site downstream of the stop codon. assays were performed. The transformation efficiencies were expressed
The PCR product was digested with the two restriction enzymes and as the number of transformants per microgram of plasmid DNA.

NcoI BsrDI
PfoI HaeII
ZraI BglI
MspA1I BsaHI Cfr10I AleI
Bst1107I AatII BsaHI MslI
AccI BsmBI Eco57MI SgrAI
MspA1I BssSI AlwNI AgeI
Eco57MI ++ SapI FspI BsaWI
BpmI XmnI Cfr10I
Cfr10I NruI ++ Alw44I
EaeI Eco57MI ++ Bme1580I
BglII Bsp1286I
GFPana AvaII
XmnI MspA1I

cm T
3500 AvaII
500 XhoI ++
Eco57MI ++
EarI pNZ.Tu.GFPana
3000 BsmBI

3737 bps ORI
2000 HaeII




Fig. 1. Physical and genetic map of pNZ:Tu-GFPana expressing the anaerobic GFP downstream the promoter of elongation factor Tu from Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis ATCC15697.
Author's personal copy

J.M. Landete et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 175 (2014) 6–13 9

Lactobacillus and Enterococcus strains were transformed according to gfp gene were used as control, 20 000 events were collected for each
Posno et al. (1991). measurement.

2.5. Segregation stability of vectors in bifidobacteria 2.10. Measurement of fluorescence intensity by fluorometer

The stability of the constructions was assayed by growing the Strains harboring the plasmid pNZ:Tu-GFPana were grown in the
bifidobacteria in nonselective media for approximately 50 generations broth above mentioned in anaerobic conditions without agitation. Fluo-
and plating on alternate days onto nonselective agar plates. Antibiotic rescence of cells (0.2 ml from each culture at 0.5 OD) was measured
resistance maintenance was monitored by the transference of the after sedimentation by centrifugation and resuspended in distilled
resulting colonies onto antibiotic-containing agar plates. Finally, plas- water. The fluorescence was measured on Tecan GENios microplate
mids were monitored by plasmid extraction from antibiotic-resistant reader (Salzburg, Austria) by excitation at 410 nm with a slit of 2.5,
and -susceptible colonies as described above. and detection of emission at 500 nm with a slit of 10. As a background,
the same strains harboring pNZ8048 plasmids were used, and their
values of fluorescence were subtracted from those obtained from cell
2.6. Growth and probiotic features of anaerobic gfp bifidobacteria
harboring plasmids with the anaerobic gfp gene. Experiments were per-
formed in duplicate.
The control strains and their transformants were grown and moni-
2.11. Detection of anaerobic GFP-marked bacteria against a background of
tored over 48 h in RCM broth at 37 °C under anaerobic conditions in
food and human fecal microbiota
order to check the effect of the plasmid harboring anaerobic gfp on the
growth of B. longum CECT 4551 and B. breve INIA P734. Their resistance
Two experiments were carried out in order to test whether the an-
to consecutive exposition to gastric and intestinal conditions was per-
aerobic gfp marker could be used to detect GFP-marked bifidobacteria
formed as described by Lebeer et al. (2007). Quantification of biofilm
following addition to a fermented food or to a complex fecal microbiota.
formation in plastic microtitre-plates was assessed according to the
Yogurt was made in sterile screw-capped flasks containing 50 ml of
method of Stepanovic et al. (2000) with some modifications. Briefly,
UHT semi-skimmed milk with 1.6% fat (Pascual, Aranda de Duero,
wells of a sterile 96-well flat-bottomed polystyrene microplate were
Spain) supplemented with 5% skim milk powder. Commercial YC-X16
filled with 180 μl of TBS with proteose peptone 20 g/l, and inoculated
lactic culture was added as specified by the manufacturer. Flask was in-
with 20 μl a bacterial culture. The negative control wells contained
dividually inoculated with B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana and B. breve
broth only. The plates were incubated anaerobically for 48 h at 37 °C.
INIA P734-GFPana strains at approximately 8 log cfu/ml. A flask without
The content of the plate was then poured off and the wells washed
Bifidobacterium-GFPana served as control. Milk was then incubated at
three times with 300 μl of sterile PBS. The microplates were stained
40–43 °C to reach a pH value of 4.55–4.60 (approx. 5 h).
with 200 μl per well of crystal violet for 30 min. After being washed
Fecal samples used in this study were collected from a healthy breast-
and dried, the dye bound to the adherent cells was resuspended with
fed infant younger than 6 months. Samples (1 g) were homogenized in
200 μl of 33% (v/v) glacial acetic acid per well. The optical density
9 ml of sterile peptone (0.1%) water with a Stomacher 400 (Seward Lab-
(OD) of each well was measured at 570 nm in a Multiskan Spectrum mi-
oratory, London, United Kingdom) and individually inoculated with
croplate reader (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Vantaa, Finland). All assays
B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana and B. breve INIA P734-GFPana at approxi-
were performed in duplicate.
mately 9 log cfu/ml. Homogenized feces with no addition of GFPana-
marked bifidobacteria served as control. In both cases, decimal dilutions
2.7. Direct detection of fluorescent colonies
were cultured in RCM plates and incubated during 48 h at 37 °C in anaer-
obic conditions. Colonies were checked for fluorescence under the
Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus and Enterococcus contain-
ChemiDoc MP apparatus. The presence of pNZ:Tu-GFPana in fluorescent
ing the plasmid pNZ:Tu-GFPana were grown in broth supplemented
colonies was checked by means of PCR with the primers For-pNZ8048
with chloramphenicol. All the strains were propagated overnight, ex-
and Rev-Prom.bif. Non-fluorescent colonies were subjected to cell mor-
cept bifidobacteria which was incubated for 48 h. Then, serial dilutions
phology examination. All assays were carried out in duplicate.
were cultured in RCM, GM17 or MRS agar plates with and without
chloramphenicol. Strains with pNZ8048 plasmid were used as control.
3. Results
After incubation at 37 °C during 24–48 h in anaerobic conditions, fluo-
rescent bacteria colonies were checked for fluorescence under the
3.1. Construction of gfp plasmids
ChemiDoc MP imaging system (Bio-Rad Laboratories S.A., Alcobendas,
Madrid, Spain) with a blue epi illumination and emission filter of 530/
An aerobic gfp gene (gfpuv) and an anaerobic gfp gene (evoglow-
28 nm.
Pp1) were cloned downstream from the constitutive promoter of elon-
gation factor Tu from B. longum CECT 4551, using the pNZ8048 plasmid
2.8. Epifluorescent microscopic detection of cells after deleted PnisA promoter.
Expression of aerobic and anaerobic GFP was detected by a fluores-
For imaging bacteria expressing anaerobic GFP, fluorescence in cence imager and by fluorescence microscopy. For the anaerobic gfp,
suspended cells from liquid cultures was observed by applying 5 μl of the resulting transformant, L. lactis MG1363 containing pNZ:Tu-GFPana
culture on a microscope slide followed by examination using a fluores- was brightly fluorescent (Fig. 2) and harbored the expected plasmid. A
cent microscope Leica DM LB light microscope (Leica, Bensheim, plasmid stability test revealed that pNZ:Tu-GFPana was stable for at
Germany) equipped with 450–490 band-pass excitation filter and 515 least 50 generations of growth under nonselective pressure. L. lactis
long-pass suppression filter. MG1363-GFPana and its parent strain were shown to have similar
growth rates (data not shown).
2.9. Flow cytometry L. lactis cells carrying pNZ:Tu with aerobic gfp from A. victoria
showed fluorescence in aerobic conditions. However, fluorescence
Cells harboring anaerobic GFP were washed in PBS containing 0.1% was not observed when it was grown in anaerobic conditions. For
BSA and 0.01% NaN3 and analyzed in a FACScalibur cytometer (Becton these reason, bifidobacteria strains were only transformed with plasmid
Dickinson, Oxford, UK). Strains harboring pNZ8048 plasmid without contained anaerobic gfp.
Author's personal copy

10 J.M. Landete et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 175 (2014) 6–13

Fig. 2. Detection of anaerobic GFP in L. lactis MG1363 by a fluorescence imager. Bacteria on the right side of the figure have the anaerobic GFP expression plasmid. Bacteria on the left side of
the figure have the control plasmid pNZ8048. The filters used were A) Colorimetric: standard filter, white epi illumination B) Alexa: Filter: 530:28, Blue epi illumination.

3.2. Bifidobacteria transformation with pNZ:Tu-GFPana fluorescence microscopy and by flow cytometry. The resulting
transformants, B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana and B. breve INIA
To prepare electrocompetent bacteria, Bifidobacterium strains were P734-GFPana were brightly fluorescent and harbored the expected
grown in the presence of different cell wall-altering compounds with plasmid pNZ:Tu-GFPana.
the aim of improving transformation efficiencies. When the cells were Bacterial colonies of B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana and B. breve INIA
cultivated in filtrated RCM and electroporated with 2.5 kV, B. breve P734-GFPana remained fluorescent after 10 days at refrigeration temper-
INIA P734 showed a high transformation efficiency of approximately ature under anaerobic conditions. It was also possible to detect fluores-
106 cfu/μg plasmid, whereas 102 cfu/μg plasmid was observed for cent cells as late as 300 h after inoculation by fluorescence microscopy,
B. longum CECT 4551. However, the presence of glycine lysed the cells suggesting that anaerobic gfp may indeed be a good marker gene to use
and drastically reduced transformation efficiencies (N101 cfu/μg plas- for bifidobacteria growing under anaerobic conditions.
mid) were observed for both strains. No transformants were observed Flow cytometry experiments were conducted to determine if the an-
when the cells were incubated in TSB with proteose-peptone and bile. aerobic GFP-marked bifidobacteria strains could be detected by this
Transformation of B. longum CECT 4551 and B. breve INIA P734 with technology, cells carrying pNZ8048 were used as control. The presence
pNZ:Tu-GFPana generated strains B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana and of the pNZ:Tu-GFPana leads to an increase in overall green fluorescence
B. breve INIA P734-GFPana, respectively. Serial subcultures of these in B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana and B. breve INIA P734-GFPana com-
two strains showed stability of pNZ:Tu-GFPana in the bifidobacterial pared with that in controls without the plasmid (Fig. 3). However, we
host for at least 50 generations under non-selective conditions. must consider that UV (emission 405 nm) of flow cytometer is far
The putative effect of the constructions in B. longum CECT 4551 and from the optimal of the anaerobic GFP used. The B. longum CECT 4551-
B. breve INIA P734 was examined. Growth and ability to form biofilm GFPana histogram showed an initial high peak that represents cells
in vitro of the transformed strains were not affected when compared with low/medium fluorescence intensity and a second lower peak for
to their parent strains (data not shown). The exposition to gastric and those with high fluorescence intensity. Light scattering analysis re-
intestinal conditions resulted in reductions in the cell counts of both vealed that a possible explanation for the later peak is the existence of
strains higher than 2 log units, with no significant differences cell doublets (data not shown).
(P b 0.01) in viability between the transformed bifidobacteria and
the parent strain (data not shown). 3.4. Lactic acid bacteria transformation with pNZ:Tu-GFPana

The application of pNZ:Tu-GFPana as a marker system for non-

3.3. Detection of anaerobic GFP-marked bifidobacteria bifidobacteria strains was studied. E. faecium INIA TAB7-GFPana showed
similar fluorescence to those found in L. lactis MG1363-GFPana when
The anaerobic GFP fluorescent colonies were visualized by a fluo- ChemiDoc MP imager and fluorescence microscopy were used. Howev-
rescence imaging system, whereas fluorescent cells were detected by er, when L. brevis INIA ESI38 and L. rhamnosus INIA P426 were
Author's personal copy

J.M. Landete et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 175 (2014) 6–13 11

Fig. 4. Comparison of fluorescence intensity between the different strains containing pNZ:

In homogenized feces not inoculated with Bifidobacterium-GFPana,

the counts in RCM plates reached the values of 9.3 log cfu/ml (N80%
were initially identified as bifidobacteria). In samples that were inocu-
lated with the B. breve INIA P734-GFPana, the fluorescence imager
showed that approximately the 25% of the colonies were fluorescent
Fig. 3. Fluorescent protein expression of B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana (A) and B. breve INIA (Fig. 5B), reaching counts of 8.7 log cfu/ml. GFP-positive colonies were
P734-GFPana (B) by flow cytometry. The open histogram represents the controls with the
confirmed by PCR using specific primers and conditions. Similar results
plasmid pNZ8048.
were observed with B. longum CECT 4551-GFPana.

transformed with pNZ:Tu-GFPana fluorescence was weak or absent

4. Discussion
(data not shown). A slight increase in fluorescence was observed with
L. lactis and E. faecium carrying pNZ:Tu-GFPana when flow cytometry
There is a need to identify and to monitor the bifidobacteria of inter-
was used, whereas no Lactobacillus carrying pNZ:Tu-GFPana was detect-
est among several naturally occurring bacteria during food fermenta-
ed by this method.
tion process or in the gastrointestinal tract when administered in vivo
for probiotic studies. Fluorescent marker genes have some advantages
3.5. Fluorescence quantification since their intrinsic property of fluorescing does not require added sub-
strates or cofactors. A major drawback of common GFP-like reporter
Experiments were conducted to quantify the difference in fluores- proteins is that they require oxygen for chromophore formation
cence intensity between the different species harboring pNZ:Tu- (Tsien, 1998), and therefore it cannot be applied in strict anaerobic con-
GFPana. The highest fluorescence intensity was observed with ditions. Recently, Cronin et al. (2008) constructed a luciferase reporter
B. longum CECT 4551 and B. breve INIA P734 carrying pNZ:Tu-GFPana. system for B. breve UCC2003 which was used to investigate the persis-
L. lactis MG1363 and E. faecium INIA TAB7 harboring pNZ:Tu-GFPana tence of the strain in the GIT of mice. However, luciferases only emit
also showed fluorescence, although the fluorescence intensity was ap- light in the presence of oxygen, and the level of luminescence should
proximately four times lower than that of bifidobacteria strains. be correlated to the number of cells under a given set of experimental
L. brevis INIA ESI38 and L. rhamnosus INIA P426 containing pNZ:Tu- conditions to verify that there is enough oxygen for the reaction to
GFPana did not show fluorescence in the fluorometric reader (Fig. 4). occur. The flavin-mono-nucleotide-based fluorescent protein used in
In addition, the fluorescence of strains harbor anaerobic gfp increased this paper overcomes these restrictions. Here we have described the
linearly with the cell mass, indicating that the fluorescence is correlated construction of a plasmid carrying an anaerobic gfp gene downstream
with the cell growth (data not shown). the constitutive promoter Tu of B. longum CECT 4551 as a real-time re-
porter to monitor the fate of bifidobacteria in complex environments.
3.6. Detection of anaerobic GFP-marked bifidobacteria against a This anaerobic GFP can be used as fluorescent reporter in both aerobic
background of food and human fecal microbiota and anaerobic biological systems (Drepper et al., 2007; Ernst and
Tielker, 2009), demonstrating its functionality in the anaerobic strains
The use of anaerobic gfp as a marker for detecting a specific B. longum CECT 4551 and B. breve INIA P734 in this paper.
bifidobacteria in food or fecal ecosystems was evaluated. B. longum Efficient transformation protocols remain a major obstacle to apply
CECT 4551 and B. breve INIA P734 carrying pNZ:Tu-GFPana were easily genetic manipulation in bifidobacterial research. To date, several proto-
detected by direct green fluorescent cell counting methods by plating cols for transformation of bifidobacteria based on electroporation for
and subsequent visualization by a fluorescence imaging system DNA transfer are available, but their transformation efficiencies are gen-
(Fig. 5). Fluorescent colonies were still detected on RCM plate after 10 erally very low (Argnani et al., 1996; Guglielmetti et al., 2007; Rossi
days at refrigeration temperatures. No green fluorescent cells were ob- et al., 1997; Sun et al., 2012). However, transformation efficiencies of
served in controls (without addition of marked cells). approximately 107 cfu/μg plasmid DNA have been reported for
In control yogurt, colonies from RCM plates were identified as cocci B. breve UCC2003 (Pokusaeva et al., 2010, 2011; Ruiz et al., 2012). In
or bacilli by contrast microscopy. However, L. delbrueckii formed large this work we optimized the procedure proposed by Álvarez-Martín
colonies, while S. thermophilus formed very small colonies. In the yogurt et al. (2008). The use of a transformation buffer containing citrate, an
manufactured with commercial lactic culture plus GFPana-marked optimized voltage, and an extended incubation at 4 °C prior to electro-
Bifidobacterium, fluorescent bifidobacteria were clearly distinguishable poration resulted in further improvements. With this procedure, our
from neighboring colonies from the commercial lactic culture (Fig. 5A). strain B. breve INIA P734 showed high transformation efficiencies (ap-
Bifidobacterium levels decreased to approximately 7 log units at the proximately 106 cfu/μg plasmid DNA). The use of cell wall-altering
end of yogurt manufacture. Non-fluorescent colonies were identified as treatments to prepare competent bacteria has been reported for other
bacteria from the starter culture by contrast microscopy. Gram-positive organisms (Holo and Nes, 1989; Monk et al., 2008;
Author's personal copy

12 J.M. Landete et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 175 (2014) 6–13

Fig. 5. Detection of expression of anaerobic GFP by Chemidoc. Fluorescent B. breve INIA P734-GFPana are discriminated from their non-fluorescent counterparts against a background of
yogurt (A) or human fecal (B) microbiota.

Powell et al., 1988). Here, the pre-treatment of bifidobacteria with bile E. faecium TAB7, although lower fluorescence levels than in bifidobacteria
salts or glycine did not improve transformation efficiencies. were detected by all the methods mentioned above. However, this tool can-
The use of GFP as a molecular marker for differentiation and identi- not be used as general reporter for lactic acid bacteria since Lactobacillus
fication of starter cultures or other desired bacteria among the microbi- containing pNZ:Tu-GFPana did not show fluorescence. Then, new con-
ota of the fermented foods has been proven previously in cheese structions must be developed to report anaerobic GFP in lactic acid bac-
(Fernandez de Palencia et al., 2000, 2004) or fermented meat products teria. Work is in progress in this direction.
(Gory et al., 2001; Phumkhachorn et al., 2007). Moreover, GFP According to our results, pNZ:Tu-GFPana could be used as a reliable
marked-strains were also used to detect lactic acid bacteria within a vehicle for other bifidobacteria reporters under a variety of growth con-
background of fecal bacteria (Scott et al., 1998, 2000). However, al- ditions. Moreover, this plasmid provides an easy way for introducing
though some of these studies have reported that cells grown anaerobi- the promoter and GFP fusion protein of interest into bifidobacteria.
cally were able to become fluorescent after the exposure to air, the In conclusion, pNZ:Tu-GFPana provides a stable real-time and non-
visualization in situ of the GFP labeled strains in highly anaerobic re- invasive reporter system for bifidobacteria that does not disturb any im-
gions of the gut would not be possible as oxygen is required for GFP to portant physiological properties of the parent strain, and in which fluo-
fluoresce. The reporter vector pNZ:Tu-GFPana obtained here provides rescent signal was strong enough to be detected by several techniques.
a simple method to differentiate the added bifidobacteria strain against Our work is the first to report a reliable method to track fluorescently la-
a natural large complex background of bacteria from food or fecal origin, beled bifidobacteria in food or fecal environments under both aerobic
allowing the in situ detection of individual cells or colonies and their and anaerobic conditions, and provides a powerful tool for survival
spatial distribution even in completely anoxic environments. studies under in vivo conditions.
Fluorescent bifidobacteria colonies were easily discriminated and
enumerated from their non-fluorescent counterparts by a fluorescence
imager (Fig. 5). The anaerobic GFP expression in B. longum CECT 4551
and B. breve INIA P734 cells carrying pNZ:Tu-GFPana were also con-
This work was supported by projects RTA2010-00116-00-00 and
firmed by epifluorescence microscopy and by flow cytometry (Fig. 3).
RM2010-00008-00-00. J.M. Landete has a postdoctoral contract with
Several methods have been used to identify GFP-marked bacteria, and
the research program “Ramón y Cajal” (MINECO, Spain). The authors
one of the advantages of flow cytometry over other methods is that
thank the valuable help of Concepción Revilla from INIA (Spain), and
the information obtained does not reflect a mean of the entire cell pop-
of V. Monedero and M. Zuñiga from IATA-CSIC (Spain).
ulation but rather a discrimination of individual cells in a population.
The results obtained using the fluorescence imaging system and the
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