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Introduction to Matrices
System of Linear Equations

Row reduction and Echelon Form of a Matrix

Vector Equations
Matrix Equations

Solution Set of Linear Equations

Linearly Dependent and Linearly Independent Sets
Linear Transformations

The Matrix of Linear Transformations

Matrix Algebra
Inverse of a Matrix

Characterization of Invertible Matrices

Partitioning of a Matrix
Matrix Factorization

Iterative Solution of Linear Systems

Introduction to Determinants
Properties of Determinants

Cramer"s rule, Volume and Linear Transformations

Vector Spaces
Null Spaces, Column Spaces and Linear Transformations

Bases for a vector Space

Coordinate systems
Dimension of a Vector Space

The Rank Theorem and Invertible Matrix Theorem

Change of Bases of a Vector Space
Applications of vector spaces to Difference Equations

Eigenvalues of a Matrix
Characteristic Equation of a Matrix
Diagonalization of a Matrix
Eigen Vectors of linear Transformation
Complex Eigenvalues and Vectors
Discrete Dynamical Systems

Applications to Differential Equations

Iterative Estimates for Eigenvalues
Inner Product and orthogonal vectors

Orthogonal Sets
Orthogonal Projections
Null Spaces, Column Spaces and Linear Transformations

Gram-Schmidt Process for finding orthogonal Bases of a Vector Space

Inner Product Spaces
Applications of Inner Product Spaces

Revision (system of Linear Equations).

Revision of the Course and Vector Spaces

Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang

Linear Algebra, David C Lay, Pearson Addison Wesley, 1999, ISBN: 0201660369

Mathematical methods by Dr. S M Yusuf

Vector Analysis by Dr. S M Yusuf

Advance Engineering mathematics by Erwin Krysig

Introduction: Linear Models in Economics and Engineering, Systems of Linear Equations, Row Reduction
and Echelon Forms, Vector Equations, The Matrix Equation, Solution Sets of Linear Systems, Applications
of Linear Systems, Linear Independence, Introduction to Linear Transformations, The Matrix of a Linear
Transformation, Linear Models in Business, Science, and Engineering.
Matrix Algebra: Matrix Operations, The Inverse of a Matrix, Characterizations of Invertible Matrices,
Partitioned Matrices, Matrix Factorizations, Applications to Computer Graphics, Dimension and Rank.

Determinants: Introduction to Determinants, Properties of Determinants, Cramer's Rule, Volume, and

Linear Transformations.

Vector Spaces: Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Null Spaces, Column Spaces, and Linear Transformations,
Linearly Independent Sets; Bases, Coordinate Systems, The Dimension of a Vector Space, Rank, Change
of Basis.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues, The Characteristic Equation,

Diagonalization, Eigenvectors and Linear Transformations, Complex Eigenvalues, Discrete Dynamical

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